#' Cluster Single Cell
#' This will perform clustering on your single cell data.
#' @param input the input ex_sc
#' @param lem the LEM within ReducedDims()
#' @param dims either "2d" or "Comp"
#' @param method can either be "spectral" or "density" which is on 2d
#' @param embedding if method is 2D, an embedding must be provided
#' @param k the number of clusters. Required for spectral but optional for density.
#' @param name name of the colData cluster column
#' @param s the number of standard deviations from the curve to select cluster centers
#' @export
#' @details
#' This will perform clustering on either the high dimensional PCA / ICA components if dimension = Comp,
#' or the 2d tsne result if method = density. Typically spectral clustering works much better on higher dimensional data,
#' which density based clustering works better on 2d data.
#' @examples
#' ex_sc_example <- cluster_sc(input = ex_sc_example, dimension = "Comp", method = "spectral", k = 6)
cluster_cells <- function(input,
embedding = NULL,
xy = NULL,
k = NULL,
name = "Cluster",
cluster_stats = F) {
if(!(dims %in% c("2d", "Comp"))){
stop("dims must be either '2d' or 'Comp'")
if(!(method %in% c("spectral", "density"))){
stop("method must be either 'spectral' or 'density'")
### Prepare cluster input
if(dims == "Comp") {
if(!(lem %in% reducedDimNames(input))){
stop(paste0("LEM not found, LEMs available are ", paste0(reducedDimNames(input), collapse = ", ")))
dim_dat <- reducedDim(input, lem)
tocluster <- sampleFactors(dim_dat)
if(dims == "2d"){
if(is.null(embedding) && is.null(xy)){
stop("Provide an LEM and associated embedding for 2d clustering, or columns of colData()")
if(!(xy[1] %in% names(colData(input))) || !(xy[2] %in% names(colData(input)))){
stop("Columns not found in colData()")
tocluster <- colData(input)[,xy]
} else {
tocluster <- embedding(input, lem, embedding)
if(method == "spectral"){
stop("Please provide k argument")
spec <- kknn::specClust(tocluster, centers = k, method = 'random-walk')
sc_clusters <- spec$cluster
if(method == "density"){
dist_tSNE = dist(tocluster)
clust_tSNE = densityClust::densityClust(dist_tSNE, gaussian = T) # calculate density
comb = as.data.frame(clust_tSNE$rho*clust_tSNE$delta) # combine rho and delta values
colnames(comb) = "gamma"
comb = comb[order(comb$gamma, decreasing = T), ,drop=F]
comb$index = seq(nrow(comb))
if (is.null(k)) {
# chose the max k from gamma distribution
fit = mgcv::gam(formula = gamma ~ s(index, bs="cs"), data = log10(comb[floor(0.01*nrow(comb)):nrow(comb),]+1))
test = log10(comb[,"index", drop=F])
p = predict(fit, test, type = "link", se.fit = T)
comb$pred = (10^predict(fit, test))-1
comb$residual = comb$gamma-comb$pred
comb$predsd = comb$pred+(s*sd(comb$residual))
print(ggplot(comb, aes(index, gamma)) +
geom_point(size = 0.5) +
theme_bw() +
scale_x_log10() +
scale_y_log10() +
geom_line(data=comb, aes(index, pred), colour="red") +
geom_line(data=comb, aes(index, predsd), colour="blue"))
cellcut = rownames(comb[comb$gamma>comb$predsd,])
} else {
cellcut = rownames(comb)[1:k]
if(length(cellcut) == 0){
stop("Density based cluters cannot be found with given parameters")
cellidx = which(names(clust_tSNE$rho)%in%cellcut)
sc_clusters = densityClust::findClusters(clust_tSNE, peaks = cellidx)
sc_clusters <- sc_clusters$clusters
colData(input)[name] <- paste0("Cluster_", sc_clusters)
# This section is for prediction.strength() from fpc
# It outputs the correct CBI format, however issues trying to get them to work together...
# if(CBI){
# cbi_res <- vector(mode = "list", length = 5)
# names(cbi_res) <- c("result", "nc", "clusterlist", "partition", "clustermethod")
# cbi_res$clustermethod <- method
# cbi_res$result <- tocluster
# cbi_res$nc <- k
# cbi_res$partition <- sc_clusters
# clusterlist <- vector(mode = "list", length = k)
# clusters_cbi <- sort(unique(sc_clusters))
# for (i in 1:length(clusters_cbi)) {
# int_cluster <- clusters_cbi[i]
# log_vec <- sc_clusters == int_cluster
# names(log_vec) <- rownames(tocluster)
# clusterlist[[i]] <- log_vec
# }
# cbi_res$clusterlist <- clusterlist
# return(cbi_res)
# }
cstat <- fpc::cluster.stats(dist(tocluster), sc_clusters)
cstat <- tibble(cstat$avg.silwidth,
colnames(cstat) <- gsub("cstat", "", colnames(cstat))
colnames(cstat) <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", colnames(cstat))
# Terrible pesky argument grabbing. I do not know why this cannot be simpler...
# tmp is a weird format, simple conversions do not work
tmp <- mget(names(formals()),sys.frame(sys.nframe()))
dat <- c()
for (i in 1:length(tmp)) {
args <- names(tmp)[i]
val <- as.vector(unlist(tmp[args]))
if(is.null(val)){val <- NA}
dat <- c(dat, args, val)
dat <- (unlist(dat[3:length(dat)]))
dat <- matrix(dat, ncol = length(dat)/2)
colnames(dat) <- dat[1,]
dat <- data.frame(dat)
dat <-dat[2,,drop = F]
cstat <- tibble(cbind(data.frame(cstat), dat))
int_metadata(input)$cluster_metrics <- cstat
} else {
int_metadata(input)$cluster_metrics <- rbind(int_metadata(input)$cluster_metrics,cstat)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.