#' scDD
#' Find genes with differential distributions (DD) across two conditions
#' @details Find genes with differential distributions (DD) across two
#' conditions. Models each log-transformed gene as a Dirichlet
#' Process Mixture of normals and uses a permutation test to determine
#' whether condition membership is independent of sample clustering.
#' The FDR adjusted (Benjamini-Hochberg) permutation p-value is returned
#' along with the classification of each significant gene
#' (with p-value less than 0.05 (or 0.025 if also testing for a difference
#' in the proportion of zeroes)) into one of four categories
#' (DE, DP, DM, DB). For genes that do not show significant influence,
#' of condition on clustering, an optional test of whether the
#' proportion of zeroes (dropout rate) is different across conditions is
#' performed (DZ).
#' @param SCdat An object of class \code{SingleCellExperiment} that contains
#' normalized single-cell expression and metadata. The \code{assays}
#' slot contains a named list of matrices, where the normalized counts are
#' housed in the one named \code{normcounts}. This matrix should have one
#' row for each gene and one sample for each column.
#' The \code{colData} slot should contain a data.frame with one row per
#' sample and columns that contain metadata for each sample. This data.frame
#' should contain a variable that represents biological condition, which is
#' in the form of numeric values (either 1 or 2) that indicates which
#' condition each sample belongs to (in the same order as the columns of
#' \code{normcounts}). Optional additional metadata about each cell can also
#' be contained in this data.frame, and additional information about the
#' experiment can be contained in the \code{metadata} slot as a list.
#' @param prior_param A list of prior parameter values to be used when modeling
#' each gene as a mixture of DP normals. Default
#' values are given that specify a vague prior distribution on the
#' cluster-specific means and variances.
#' @param permutations The number of permutations to be used in calculating
#' empirical p-values. If set to zero (default),
#' the full Bayes Factor permutation test will not be performed. Instead,
#' a fast procedure to identify the genes with significantly different
#' expression distributions will be performed using the nonparametric
#' Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which tests the null hypothesis that
#' the samples are generated from the same continuous distribution.
#' This test will yield
#' slightly lower power than the full permutation testing framework
#' (this effect is more pronounced at smaller sample
#' sizes, and is more pronounced in the DB category), but is orders of
#' magnitude faster. This option
#' is recommended when compute resources are limited. The remaining
#' steps of the scDD framework will remain unchanged
#' (namely, categorizing the significant DD genes into patterns that
#' represent the major distributional changes,
#' as well as the ability to visualize the results with violin plots
#' using the \code{sideViolin} function).
#' @param testZeroes Logical indicating whether or not to test for a
#' difference in the proportion of zeroes. This will only be done for genes
#' that have at least one zero value (genes where all cells have a nonzero value
#' will have a `zero.pvalue` of NA).
#' @param level numeric value between 0 and 1 that specifies the alpha level
#' for significance of a differential gene test (default value 0.05). This is
#' used to decide whether to classify a gene into one of the differential
#' patterns. If `testZeroes` is FALSE and the adjusted p-value for a given gene
#' is below `level`, then the gene is categorized. Alternatively, if `testZeroes`
#' is TRUE, then the adjusted p-value must be below `level/2` in order to be
#' considered significant and categorized. This is done to control for multiple
#' testing since `testZeroes=TRUE` means that each gene is tested for a
#' difference in nonzeroes and zeroes separately.
#' @param adjust.perms Logical indicating whether or not to adjust the
#' permutation tests for the sample
#' detection rate (proportion of nonzero values). If true, the
#' residuals of a linear model adjusted for
#' detection rate are permuted, and new fitted values are
#' obtained using these residuals.
#' @param param a \code{MulticoreParam} or \code{SnowParam} object of
#' the \code{BiocParallel}
#' package that defines a parallel backend. The default option is
#' \code{BiocParallel::bpparam()} which will automatically creates a cluster
#' appropriate for
#' the operating system. Alternatively, the user can specify the number
#' of cores they wish to use by first creating the corresponding
#' \code{MulticoreParam} (for Linux-like OS) or \code{SnowParam} (for Windows)
#' object, and then passing it into the \code{scDD}
#' function. This could be done to specify a parallel backend on a Linux-like
#' OS with, say 12
#' cores by setting \code{param=BiocParallel::MulticoreParam(workers=12)}
#' @param parallelBy For the permutation test (if invoked), the manner in
#' which to parallelize. The default option
#' is \code{"Genes"} which will spawn processes that divide up the genes
#' across all cores defined in \code{param} cores, and then loop through the
#' permutations.
#' The alternate option is \code{"Permutations"} which
#' loop through each gene and spawn processes that divide up the permutations
#' across all cores defined in \code{param}.
#' The default option is recommended when analyzing more genes than the number
#' of permutations.
#' @param condition A character object that contains the name of the column in
#' \code{colData} that represents
#' the biological group or condition of interest (e.g. treatment versus
#' control). Note that this variable should only contain two
#' possible values since \code{scDD} can currently only handle two-group
#' comparisons. The default option assumes that there
#' is a column named "condition" that contains this variable.
#' @param min.size a positive integer that specifies the minimum size of a
#' cluster (number of cells) for it to be used
#' during the classification step. Any clusters containing fewer than
#' \code{min.size} cells will be considered an outlier
#' cluster and ignored in the classfication algorithm. The default value
#' is three.
#' @param min.nonzero a positive integer that specifies the minimum number of
#' nonzero cells in each condition required for the test of differential
#' distributions. If a gene has fewer nonzero cells per condition, it will
#' still be tested for DZ (if \code{testZeroes} is TRUE). Default value is
#' NULL (no minimum value is enforced).
#' @param categorize a logical indicating whether to determine which
#' categories (DE, DP, DM, DB) each gene belongs to (default = TRUE). This
#' can only be set to FALSE if `permutations` is set to zero, since the full
#' model fitting will automatically be carried out if permutations are run.
#' @return A \code{SingleCellExperiment} object that contains the data and
#' sample information from the input object, but where the results objects
#' are now added to the \code{metadata} slot. The metadata slot is now a
#' list with four items: the first (main results object) is a data.frame
#' with the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `gene`: gene name (matches rownames of SCdat)
#' \item `DDcategory`: name of the DD (DE, DP, DM, DB, DZ) pattern (or NS = not significant)
#' \item `Clusters.combined`: the number of clusters identified overall
#' \item `Clusters.C1`: the number of clusters identified in condition 1 alone
#' \item `Clusters.C2`: the number of clusters identified in condition 2 alone
#' \item `nonzero.pvalue`: permutation (or KS) p-value for testing difference
#' in nonzero expression values
#' \item `nonzero.pvalue.adj`: Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted version of the
#' `nonzero.pvalue`column
#' \item `zero.pvalue`: p-value for test of difference in dropout rate
#' (only if `testZeroes` is TRUE)
#' \item `zero.pvalue`: Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted version of the previous column
#' (only if `testZeroes` is TRUE)
#' \item `combined.pvalue`: Fisher's combined p-value for a difference in nonzero or zero values
#' (only if `testZeroes` is TRUE).
#' \item `combined.pvalue.adj`: Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted version of the previous column
#' (only if `testZeroes` is TRUE)
#' }
#' The remaining three elements are matrices (first for condition
#' 1 and 2 combined,
#' then condition 1 alone, then condition 2 alone) that contains the cluster
#' memberships for each sample (cluster 1,2,3,...) in columns and
#' genes in rows. Zeroes, which are not involved in the clustering, are
#' labeled as zero. See the \code{results} function for a convenient
#' way to extract these results objects.
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom BiocParallel register
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata
#' @import SingleCellExperiment
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @references Korthauer KD, Chu LF, Newton MA, Li Y, Thomson J, Stewart R,
#' Kendziorski C. A statistical approach for identifying differential
#' distributions
#' in single-cell RNA-seq experiments. Genome Biology. 2016 Oct 25;17(1):222.
#' \url{https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-
#' 1077-y}
#' @examples
#' # load toy simulated example SingleCellExperiment object to find DD genes
#' data(scDatExSim)
#' # check that this object is a member of the SingleCellExperiment class
#' # and that it contains 200 samples and 30 genes
#' class(scDatExSim)
#' show(scDatExSim)
#' # set arguments to pass to scDD function
#' # we will perform 100 permutations on each of the 30 genes
#' prior_param=list(alpha=0.01, mu0=0, s0=0.01, a0=0.01, b0=0.01)
#' nperms <- 100
#' # call the scDD function to perform permutations, classify DD genes,
#' # and return results
#' # we won't perform the test for a difference in the proportion of zeroes
#' # since none exists in this simulated toy example data
#' # this step will take significantly longer with more genes and/or
#' # more permutations
#' scDatExSim <- scDD(scDatExSim, prior_param=prior_param, permutations=nperms,
#' testZeroes=FALSE)
scDD <- function(SCdat,
prior_param=list(alpha=0.10, mu0=0, s0=0.01, a0=0.01, b0=0.01),
testZeroes=TRUE, adjust.perms=FALSE,
parallelBy=c("Genes", "Permutations"),
condition="condition", min.size=3,
level=0.05, categorize = TRUE){
# check whether SCdat is a member of the SingleCellExperiment class
if(!("SingleCellExperiment" %in% class(SCdat))){
stop("Please provide a valid 'SingleCellExperiment' object.")
if (is.null(assayNames(SCdat)) || !("normcounts" %in% assayNames(SCdat))) {
stop("Please make sure the 'SingleCellExperiment' object includes ",
"an assays slot named 'normcounts' that contains normalized ",
"counts on the original scale")
if (!categorize && permutations != 0){
stop("Categorization will be carried out if permuations are run.")
parallelBy <- match.arg(parallelBy)
# unpack prior param objects
alpha = prior_param$alpha
m0 = prior_param$mu0
s0 = prior_param$s0
a0 = prior_param$a0
b0 = prior_param$b0
# check that condition inputs are valid
if (length(unique(colData(SCdat)[[condition]])) != 2 |
length(colData(SCdat)[[condition]]) != ncol(normcounts(SCdat))){
stop("Error: Please specify valid condition labels.")
# reference category/condition - the first listed one
ref <- unique(colData(SCdat)[[condition]])[1]
# check for genes with negative expression values
if (sum(normcounts(SCdat) < 0) > 0){
stop(paste0("Error: Negative values for Normalized Expression counts ",
"detected. Please ensure all counts are non-negative"))
# check for genes that are all (or almost all) zeroes
if (is.null(min.nonzero)){
min.nonzero <- min.size
tofit <- which(
(rowSums(normcounts(SCdat)[,colData(SCdat)[[condition]]==ref,drop=FALSE]>0) >=
max(min.size,2,min.nonzero)) &
(rowSums(normcounts(SCdat)[,colData(SCdat)[[condition]]!=ref,drop=FALSE]>0) >=
if (length(tofit) < nrow(normcounts(SCdat))){
message(paste0("Notice: ", nrow(normcounts(SCdat))-length(tofit),
" genes have less than ", min.nonzero,
" nonzero cells per condition. ",
" Only testing for DZ for these genes."))
message(paste0("Notice: ", nrow(normcounts(SCdat))-length(tofit),
" genes have less than ", min.nonzero,
" nonzero cells per condition. ",
" Skipping these genes."))
# check for genes for which all nonzero values are identical within at least
# one of the conditions. These will cause problems in model fitting
skipConstant <- which(
colData(SCdat)[[condition]]==ref, drop=FALSE], 1,
function(x) length(unique(x[x>0])) == 1) |
colData(SCdat)[[condition]]!=ref, drop=FALSE], 1,
function(x) length(unique(x[x>0])) == 1) )
if (length(skipConstant) > 0){
message(paste0("Notice: ", length(skipConstant),
" Genes have constant nonzero values. ",
" Only testing for DZ for these genes."))
message(paste0("Notice: ", length(skipConstant),
" Genes have constant nonzero values. ",
" Skipping these genes."))
tofit <- tofit[-skipConstant]
message(paste0("Setting up parallel back-end using ",
param$workers, " cores" ))
BiocParallel::register(BPPARAM = param)
oa <- c1 <- c2 <- vector("list", nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]))
bf <- den <- comps.all <-
comps.c1 <- comps.c2 <- rep(NA, nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]))
# cluster each gene in SCdat
if (categorize)
message("Clustering observed expression data for each gene")
if (permutations == 0){
# function to fit one gene
genefit <- function(y){
cond0 <- colData(SCdat)[[condition]][y>0]
y <- log(y[y>0])
oa <- mclustRestricted(y, restrict=TRUE, min.size=min.size)
c1 <- mclustRestricted(y[cond0==ref], restrict=TRUE, min.size=min.size)
c2 <- mclustRestricted(y[cond0!=ref], restrict=TRUE, min.size=min.size)
if (categorize){
out <- bplapply(1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]), function(x)
oa <- lapply(out, function(x) x[["oa"]])
c1 <- lapply(out, function(x) x[["c1"]])
c2 <- lapply(out, function(x) x[["c2"]])
rm(out); gc()
comps.all <- unlist(lapply(oa, function(x) luOutlier(x$class, min.size)))
comps.c1 <- unlist(lapply(c1, function(x) luOutlier(x$class, min.size)))
comps.c2 <- unlist(lapply(c2, function(x) luOutlier(x$class, min.size)))
message("Notice: Number of permutations is set to zero; using
Kolmogorov-Smirnov to test for differences in distributions
instead of the Bayes Factor permutation test")
res_ks <- testKS(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE],
colData(SCdat)[[condition]], inclZero=FALSE)
if (testZeroes){
sig <- which(res_ks$p < level/2)
sig <- which(res_ks$p < level)
pvals <- res_ks$p.unadj
# function to fit one gene
genefit <- function(y){
cond0 <- colData(SCdat)[[condition]][y>0]
y <- log(y[y>0])
oa <- mclustRestricted(y, restrict=TRUE, min.size=min.size)
c1 <- mclustRestricted(y[cond0==ref], restrict=TRUE, min.size=min.size)
c2 <- mclustRestricted(y[cond0!=ref], restrict=TRUE, min.size=min.size)
bf <- jointPosterior(y[cond0==ref], c1, alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0) +
jointPosterior(y[cond0!=ref], c2, alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0)
den <- jointPosterior(y, oa, alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0)
out <- bplapply(1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]), function(x)
oa <- lapply(out, function(x) x[["oa"]])
c1 <- lapply(out, function(x) x[["c1"]])
c2 <- lapply(out, function(x) x[["c2"]])
bf <- unlist(lapply(out, function(x) x[["bf"]]))
den<- unlist(lapply(out, function(x) x[["den"]]))
rm(out); gc()
comps.all <- unlist(lapply(oa, function(x) luOutlier(x$class, min.size)))
comps.c1 <- unlist(lapply(c1, function(x) luOutlier(x$class, min.size)))
comps.c2 <- unlist(lapply(c2, function(x) luOutlier(x$class, min.size)))
# obtain Bayes Factor score numerators for each permutation
message("Performing permutations to evaluate independence of clustering
and condition for each gene")
message(paste0("Parallelizing by ", parallelBy))
bf.perm <- vector("list", nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]))
names(bf.perm) <- rownames(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE])
C <- apply(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE], 2,
function(x) sum(x>0)/length(x))
t1 <- proc.time()
for (g in 1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE])){
bf.perm[[g]] <- permMclustCov(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit[g],],
permutations, C,
log.transf=TRUE, restrict=TRUE,
alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0, ref)
if (g%%1000 == 0){
t2 <- proc.time()
message(paste0(g, " genes completed at ", date(), ", took ",
round((t2-t1)[3]/60, 2), " minutes"))
t1 <- t2
t1 <- proc.time()
for (g in 1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE])){
bf.perm[[g]] <- permMclust(normcounts(SCdat[tofit[g],]),
remove.zeroes=TRUE, log.transf=TRUE,
alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0, ref)
if (g%%1000 == 0){
t2 <- proc.time()
message(paste0(g, " genes completed at ", date(), ", took ",
round((t2-t1)[3]/60, 2), " minutes"))
t1 <- t2
}else if(parallelBy=="Genes"){
C <- apply(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE], 2, function(x) sum(x>0)/length(x))
bf.perm <- bplapply(1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]), function(x)
permMclustGene(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit[x],], adjust.perms,
permutations, colData(SCdat)[[condition]],
remove.zeroes=TRUE, log.transf=TRUE, restrict=TRUE,
alpha, m0, s0, a0, b0, C, ref))
}else{stop("Please specify either 'Permutations' or 'Genes' to
parallelize by using the parallelizeBy argument")}
if (adjust.perms){
pvals <- sapply(1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]), function(x)
sum( bf.perm[[x]] > bf[x] - den[x] ) )/(permutations)
pvals <- sapply(1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]), function(x)
sum( bf.perm[[x]] > bf[x]) ) / (permutations)
if (testZeroes){
sig <- which(p.adjust(pvals, method="BH") < level/2)
sig <- which(p.adjust(pvals, method="BH") < level)
cats.all <- pvals.all <- rep(NA, nrow(normcounts(SCdat)))
pvals.all[tofit] <- pvals
if (categorize){
message("Classifying significant genes into patterns")
dd.cats <- classifyDD(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE], colData(SCdat)[[condition]],
sig, oa, c1, c2, alpha=alpha,
m0=m0, s0=s0, a0=a0, b0=b0,
log.nonzero=TRUE, ref=ref, min.size=min.size)
cats <- rep("NS", nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE]))
cats[sig] <- dd.cats
extraDP <- feDP(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE], colData(SCdat)[[condition]],
sig, oa, c1, c2, log.nonzero=TRUE,
testZeroes=testZeroes, adjust.perms=adjust.perms,
cats[-sig] <- names(extraDP)
# classify additional genes with evidence of DD in
# the form of a mean shift found by 'extraDP'
NCs <- which(p.adjust(pvals, method="BH") > level/2 & cats == "NC")
NCs <- which(p.adjust(pvals, method="BH") > level & cats == "NC")
NC.cats <- classifyDD(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE], colData(SCdat)[[condition]],
NCs, oa, c1, c2, alpha=alpha,
m0=m0, s0=s0, a0=a0, b0=b0, log.nonzero=TRUE,
ref=ref, min.size=min.size)
cats[NCs] <- NC.cats
cats.all[tofit] <- cats
# zero test
pvals.z <- rep(NA, nrow(normcounts(SCdat)))
if (testZeroes){
pvals.z <- testZeroes(normcounts(SCdat), colData(SCdat)[[condition]])
cats.all[p.adjust(pvals.z, method="BH") < level/2 &
!(cats.all %in% c("DE", "DP", "DM", "DB"))] <- "DZ"
if (categorize)
cats.all[p.adjust(pvals.z, method="BH") >= level/2 &
!(cats.all %in% c("DE", "DP", "DM", "DB"))] <- "NS"
# build MAP objects
if (categorize){
MAP1 <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(normcounts(SCdat)),
MAP2 <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(normcounts(SCdat)),
MAP <- matrix(1, nrow=nrow(normcounts(SCdat)),
rownames(MAP1) <- rownames(MAP2) <- rownames(MAP) <- rownames(SCdat)
colnames(MAP1) <- colnames(SCdat[,colData(SCdat)[[condition]]==ref])
colnames(MAP2) <- colnames(SCdat[,colData(SCdat)[[condition]]!=ref])
colnames(MAP) <- colnames(SCdat)
MAP1[normcounts(SCdat[, colData(SCdat)[[condition]]==ref])==0] <- 0
MAP2[normcounts(SCdat[, colData(SCdat)[[condition]]!=ref])==0] <- 0
MAP[normcounts(SCdat)==0] <- 0
for (g in 1:nrow(normcounts(SCdat)[tofit,,drop=FALSE])){
colData(SCdat)[[condition]]==ref])!=0] <- c1[[g]]$class
colData(SCdat)[[condition]]!=ref])!=0] <- c2[[g]]$class
MAP[tofit[g],][normcounts(SCdat[tofit[g], ])!=0] <- oa[[g]]$class
MAP1 <- MAP2 <- MAP <- "Categorize set to FALSE; no clustering provided."
comps.all.ALL <- comps.c1.ALL <- comps.c2.ALL <- rep(NA,
comps.all.ALL[tofit] <- comps.all
comps.c1.ALL[tofit] <- comps.c1
comps.c2.ALL[tofit] <- comps.c2
Genes = data.frame(gene=rownames(SCdat),
nonzero.pvalue.adj=p.adjust(pvals.all, method="BH"))
# only give dropout-related p-values if testZeroes = TRUE
fishersCombinedPval = function(x){
if(sum(is.na(x)) == 0){
pchisq(-2 * sum(log(x)), df=2*length(x),lower=FALSE)
}else if(sum(is.na(x)) == 1){
# compute combined p-value
pvals.comb <- apply(cbind(pvals.all, pvals.z), 1, function(x)
Genes <- cbind(Genes,
zero.pvalue.adj=p.adjust(pvals.z, method="BH"),
combined.pvalue.adj=p.adjust(pvals.comb, method="BH"))
rownames(Genes) <- rownames(SCdat)
# place these results objects in the appropriately named assays()
# slots of the SingleCellExperiment object
metadata(SCdat)[["Genes"]] <- Genes
metadata(SCdat)[["Zhat.combined"]] <- MAP
metadata(SCdat)[["Zhat.c1"]] <- MAP1
metadata(SCdat)[["Zhat.c2"]] <- MAP2
# return...
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