#' Simulate Differentially Methylated Regions
#' Add simulated DMRs to observed control data. Control data will be split
#' into two (artificial) populations.
#' @param bs a BSseq object containing only control samples (from the same
#' population) for which simulated DMRs will be added after dividing the
#' population into two artificial groups.
#' @param num.dmrs an integer specifying how many DMRs to add.
#' @param delta.max0 a proportion value indicating the mode value for the
#' difference in proportion of methylated CpGs in the simulated DMRs (the
#' actual value will be drawn from a scaled Beta distribution centered at
#' this value). Default value is 0.3.
#' @return A named list object with 5 elements: (1)
#' \code{gr.dmrs} is a \code{GRanges} object with \code{num.dmrs}
#' ranges that represent the random DMRs added. (2) \code{dmr.mncov} is a
#' numeric vector that contains the mean coverage in each simulated DMR. (3)
#' \code{dmr.L} is a numeric vector that contains the number of CpGs in each
#' simulated DMR. (4) \code{bs} is the BSseq object that contains the
#' simulated DMRs. (5) \code{deltas} is a numeric vector that contains the
#' effect size used for each DMR.
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Add simulated DMRs to a BSseq dataset
#' # This is just for illustrative purposes - ideally you would
#' # add DMRs to a set of samples from the same condition (in our
#' # example data, we have data from two different cell types)
#' # In this case, we shuffle the samples by cell type to create
#' # a null comparison.
#' data(BS.chr21)
#' BS.chr21.sim <- simDMRs(bs=BS.chr21[1:10000,c(1,3,2,4)],
#' num.dmrs=50)
#' # show the simulated DMRs GRanges object
#' show(BS.chr21.sim$gr.dmrs)
#' # show the updated BSseq object that includes the simulated DMRs
#' show(BS.chr21.sim$bs)
#' # examine effect sizes of the DMRs
#' head(BS.chr21.sim$delta)
simDMRs <- function(bs, num.dmrs = 3000, delta.max0 = 0.3) {
# check that all loci have coverage in every sample
zero.cov <- which(rowSums(as.matrix(getCoverage(bs,
type="Cov")) == 0) > 0)
if (length(zero.cov) > 0){
stop("Zero coverage found for at least one sample in ", length(zero.cov),
" loci. Please filter for loci with coverage at least one in ",
"all samples before passing to 'simDMRs'")
sampleSize <- floor(nrow(pData(bs))/2)
# code to simulate DMRs if some number of simulated dmrs was specified
message("Simulating DMRs for ", sampleSize, " vs ", ncol(bs) - sampleSize,
" comparison")
triwt <- function(x, amp = 1, base = 0, width = 1, center = 0,
deg = 3, dir = 1) {
y <- dir * (((width/2)^deg - abs(x - center)^deg)/
(width/2)^deg)^deg * amp + base
y[abs(x - center) > ceiling(width/2)] <- base[abs(x - center) >
meth.mat <- as.matrix(getCoverage(bs, type = "M"))
unmeth.mat <- as.matrix(getCoverage(bs, type = "Cov")) - meth.mat
chr <- as.character(seqnames(bs))
pos <- start(bs)
cluster <- bumphunter::clusterMaker(chr, pos, maxGap = 500)
Indexes <- split(seq(along = cluster), cluster)
lns <- lengths(Indexes)
Indexes <- Indexes[lns >= 5 & lns <= 500]
# sample regions with intermediate methylation values preferentially
prop.mat <- rowMeans(meth.mat/(meth.mat + unmeth.mat))
prop.mat <- unlist(lapply(Indexes, function(x) median(prop.mat[x])))
dmrs.ind <- sample(seq_len(length(Indexes)), num.dmrs, replace = FALSE,
prob = pmax(1 - sqrt(2) *
abs(0.5 - prop.mat)^0.5, 0))
dmrs.ind <- Indexes[dmrs.ind]
fnc <- function(index) {
gr.dmr <- GRanges(seqnames = unique(as.character(seqnames(bs)[index])),
IRanges(start = min(start(bs)[index]),
end = max(start(bs)[index])))
## GRanges Object for the Simulated DMRs
gr.dmrs <- suppressWarnings(Reduce("c", lapply(dmrs.ind, fnc)))
## Generating the Methylated and Unmethylated Read Counts
## for the CpG sites in the
## DMRs and outside
# set up null signal (smooth function of position) mcols(bs)$diff <- 0
Diff <- Diff2 <- rep(0, length(bs))
dmr.mncov <- dmr.L <- deltas <- rep(NA, num.dmrs)
for (u in seq_len(num.dmrs)) {
# coin flip for up or down
up <- 1 - 2 * (rbinom(1, 1, 0.5) == 1)
# let effect size change randomly
delta.max <- delta.max0 + (rbeta(1, 2, 2) - 0.5)/3
deltas[u] <- delta.max
# grab loci in the dmr
dmr.L[u] <- length(dmrs.ind[[u]])
prop.mat <- meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ]/(meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ] +
# change direction if baseline mean is near boundary
if (up == 1) {
if (mean(prop.mat) > 1 - delta.max) {
up <- -1
} else if (up == -1) {
if (mean(prop.mat) < delta.max) {
up <- 1
# simulated mean as a smooth parabola added or subtracted
# from baseline mean
last <- max(pos[dmrs.ind[[u]]])
first <- min(pos[dmrs.ind[[u]]])
width <- last - first
# widen out so that first and last CpGs don't have a
# difference of zero
last <- last + 0.2 * width
first <- first - 0.2 * width
width <- last - first
mid <- round((last - first)/2 + first)
# Diff.hit is the methylation percentage difference for each position in
# spiked in DMR; restricted to between -1 and 1 (negative indicates that
# difference is in the negative direction.
Diff.hit <- round(triwt(pos[dmrs.ind[[u]]], amp = delta.max,
base = Diff[dmrs.ind[[u]]],
width = width, center = mid, deg = 4, dir = up), 4)
# calculate the mean coverage in the DMR over all the samples and save
# result in a vector dmr.mncov for exploring the characteristics of the
# detected / missed DMRs in simulation results.
mn.cov <- by(t(meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ] + unmeth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ]),
factor(paste0("Condition", c(rep(1, sampleSize),
rep(2, ncol(bs) - sampleSize)))),
mn.cov <- rowMeans(cbind(mn.cov[[1]], mn.cov[[2]]))
dmr.mncov[u] <- mean(mn.cov)
# Conditional on the coverage for each site and sample combination,
# sample the
# number of methylated reads from a binomial distribution where the
# probability
# parameter is taken as the observed estimate plus the Diff/Diff2
# (depending on
# whether the sample is from condition 1 or condition 2 This will
# induce sampling
# error into the number of reads observed in the simulation and
# thus will be more
# realistic and a more practical evaluation of the methods
cov <- meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ] + unmeth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ]
prop <- meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], ]/cov
grp <- runif(1) < 0.5
ss <- ifelse(grp, sampleSize, ncol(bs) - sampleSize)
for (samp in seq_len(ss)) {
# randomly choose which condition is the one with the difference
if (grp) {
# first generate M counts for sample samp of condition 1
meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], samp] <- rbinom(n=length(dmrs.ind[[u]]),
size = cov[, samp],
prob = pmax(pmin(prop[, samp] + Diff.hit, 1),
# next assign the other Cov - M counts to unmethylated matrix
unmeth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], samp] <- cov[, samp] -
meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], samp]
} else {
# next generate M counts for sample samp of condition 2
meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], (sampleSize + samp)] <-
rbinom(n = length(dmrs.ind[[u]]),
size = cov[, (sampleSize + samp)],
prob = pmax(pmin(prop[, (sampleSize + samp)] +
Diff.hit, 1), 0))
# next assign the other Cov - M counts to unmethylated matrix
unmeth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]], (sampleSize + samp)] <- cov[,
(sampleSize + samp)] - meth.mat[dmrs.ind[[u]],
(sampleSize + samp)]
# get everything in order to run bumphunter functions
sampnames <- paste0("Condition", c(rep(1, sampleSize),
rep(2, ncol(bs) - sampleSize)),
"_Rep", c(seq_len(sampleSize),
seq_len(ncol(bs) - sampleSize)))
colnames(meth.mat) <- colnames(unmeth.mat) <- sampnames
bsNew <- BSseq(pos = pos, chr = chr, M = meth.mat,
Cov = (meth.mat + unmeth.mat),
sampleNames = sampnames)
sim.dat.red <- list(gr.dmrs = gr.dmrs, dmr.mncov = dmr.mncov, dmr.L = dmr.L,
bs = bsNew, delta = deltas)
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