context("testing plot_binomRegMethPred")
load(paste0(getwd(), "/data/BEM.obj.rda"))
# create newdata
pos <- BEM.obj$uni.pos
my.p <- length(pos)
newdata <- expand.grid(pos, c(0, 1), c(0, 1))
colnames(newdata) <- c("Position", "T_cell", "RA")
my.pred <- binomRegMethModelPred(BEM.obj, newdata, type = "link.scale")
# prepare data for binomRegMethPredPlot
newdata$group <- ""
newdata[(newdata$RA == 0 & newdata$T_cell == 0),]$group <- "CTRL MONO"
newdata[(newdata$RA == 0 & newdata$T_cell == 1),]$group <- "CTRL TCELL"
newdata[(newdata$RA == 1 & newdata$T_cell == 0),]$group <- "RA MONO"
newdata[(newdata$RA == 1 & newdata$T_cell == 1),]$group <- "RA TCELL"
pred <- cbind(newdata, Pred = my.pred)
p.plot <- binomRegMethPredPlot(pred = pred, pred.type = "link.scale",
pred.col = "Pred", verbose = FALSE)
test_that("binomRegMethPredPlot return ggplot object", {
expect_is(object = p.plot, class = "ggplot")
#--test incorrect values--#
test_that(desc = "Test incorrect values",{
expect_warning(object = binomRegMethPredPlot(pred = pred,
pred.type = "logit",
pred.col = "Pred",
verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Unknown prediction type. We will used the type \\'proportion\\'.")
expect_warning(object = binomRegMethPredPlot(pred = pred,
pred.col = "Pred",
group.col = "group",
style = list(),
verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "Ignoring the custom style because of discrepancies between \\'style\\' list and the group defined in the \\'pred\\' data.frame.")
expect_error(object = binomRegMethPredPlot(pred = pred,
pred.type = "link.scale",
pred.col = "predictions",
verbose = FALSE),
regexp = "The 'pred.col' column name is missing from the 'pred' data.frame")
#--test that the plot is saved--#
test_that(desc = "Test incorrect values",{
filename <- tempfile(fileext = ".png")
# check that the file doesn't already exist
expect_false(object = file.exists(filename))
p.plot <- binomRegMethPredPlot(pred = pred, pred.type = "link.scale",
pred.col = "Pred",
save = filename,
verbose = FALSE)
# check the file has been created by binomRegMethPredPlot
expect_true(object = file.exists(filename))
# test the handling od unknown format
filename <- tempfile()
# check that the file doesn't already exist
expect_false(object = file.exists(filename))
expect_warning(object = binomRegMethPredPlot(pred = pred,
pred.type = "link.scale",
pred.col = "Pred",
save = filename,
verbose = FALSE),
regexp = paste0("Unknown graphics format for \\'",filename,
"\\'. The plot will be saved as a .pdf by default"))
# check the file has been created by binomRegMethPredPlot
expect_true(object = file.exists(paste0(filename,".pdf")))
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