#' @title One-step update inside the EM algorithm for fitting the
#' functional parameter theta.0 and beta.
#' @description Since the presence of conversion errors, the true
#' methylated counts at a CpG sites are unknown. The first step inside this
#' function is the E-step, calculating the conditional expectation of methylated
#' counts given the observed counts. Then the second step involves maximizing
#' the penalized likelihood using the available function.
#' \code{gam} in Package \code{mgcv}. This function fits the model where there
#' is no random effect for individuals. Thus, the log-likelihood is sum of two
#' parts; one is the normal approximated log-likelihood for binomial outcomes
#' and the second part quantifies the penalization of the wiggliness of two
#' functional parameters theta.0 and beta.
#' @param data a matrix with \code{n*p} rows and the columns should include Y,
#' X, Posit, Ctype and ID.
#' @param pi.ij an initial value (or value from last step) for the fitted
#' probability \code{pi_ij} for each CpG site of each individual.
#' @param p0 the probability of observing a methylated read when the underlying
#' true status is unmethylated. \code{p0} is the rate of false methylation
#' calls, i.e. false positive rate.
#' @param p1 the probability of observing a methylated read when the underlying
#' true status is methylated. \code{1-p1} is the rate of false non-methylation
#' calls, i.e. false negative rate.
#' @param n.k a vector of basis dimensions for the intercept and individual
#' covariates.
#' \code{n.k} specifies an upper limit of the degrees of each functional
#' parameters.
#' @param binom.link the link function used in the binomial regression model;
#' the default is the logit link.
#' @param method the method used to estimate the smoothing parameters. The
#' default is the 'REML' method which is generally better than prediction based
#' criterion \code{GCV.cp}.
#' @param Z the covariate matrix used in binomRegMethModel.
#' @param my.covar.fm the formula fitted in the GAM.
#' @param Quasi whether a Quasi-likelihood estimation approach will be used; in
#' other words, whether a multiplicative dispersion is added in the model or not
#' @param scale negative values mean scale parameter should be estimated; if a
#' positive value is provided, a fixed scale will be used.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information.
#' The default value is TRUE.
#' @return The function returns a list of following objects
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{pi.ij} fitted methylation proportions;
#' \item \code{par} updated basis coefficients;
#' \item \code{lambda} updated smoothing parameters;
#' \item \code{edf1} effective degrees of freedom for each smooth term in the
#' model; tr(2A - A^2), where A is the pseudo-hat matrix;
#' \item \code{pearson_res} Pearson's residuals;
#' \item \code{deviance_res} deviance residuals;
#' \item \code{edf} effective degrees of freedom for each smooth term in the
#' model; tr(A);
#' \item \code{phi_fletcher} Fletcher-based dispersion estimate;
#' \item \code{GamObj} an updated Gam output;
#' \item \code{E.S} expected methylated counts calculated from the E step.
#' }
#' @author Kaiqiong Zhao
#' @importFrom mgcv gam
#' @importFrom stats quasibinomial residuals binomial
#' @noRd
binomRegMethModelUpdate <- function(data, pi.ij, p0, p1, n.k, binom.link,
method, Z, my.covar.fm, Quasi = TRUE,
scale, reml.scale, verbose = TRUE) {
t0 <- Sys.time()
msg <- paste("One-step update inside the EM algorithm",
"for fitting the functional parameters",
"theta.0 and beta.")
if(verbose) Message(msg)
binomRegMethModelUpdateChecks(data = data, pi.ij = pi.ij)
## The E-step Calculate the 'posterior' probability posterior
## probability given an observed methylated rates, what is the
## probability that the reads are truely methylated
eta.1 <- p1 * pi.ij/(p1 * pi.ij + p0 * (1 - pi.ij))
eta.0 <- (1 - p1) * pi.ij/((1 - p1) * pi.ij + (1 - p0) * (1 - pi.ij))
Y <- data$Y
X <- data$X
E.S <- Y * eta.1 + (X - Y) * eta.0
if (Quasi) {
gam.int.see <- suppressWarnings(mgcv::gam(as.formula(paste0("E.S/X ~",
family = quasibinomial(link = binom.link),
weights = X,
data = data,
method = method, scale = scale))
} else {
gam.int.see <- suppressWarnings(mgcv::gam(as.formula(paste0("E.S/X ~",
family = binomial(link = binom.link),
weights = X,
data = data, method = method))
p_res <- residuals(gam.int.see, type = "pearson")
d_res <- residuals(gam.int.see, type = "deviance")
## this is actually the fixed scale paramters in the input
data$Y <- E.S
phi_fletcher <- phiFletcher(data, Quasi, reml.scale = reml.scale,
scale = scale,
gam.int = gam.int.see, verbose = FALSE)
msg <- paste("Process completed in",
format(Sys.time() - t0, digits = 2))
if(verbose) Message(msg, step = "Finished")
return(out <- list(pi.ij = gam.int.see$fitted.values,
par = gam.int.see$coefficients,
lambda = gam.int.see$sp,
edf1 = gam.int.see$edf1,
pearson_res = p_res,
deviance_res = d_res,
edf = gam.int.see$edf,
phi_fletcher = phi_fletcher,
GamObj = gam.int.see,
E.S = E.S))
#' @title Some checks for binomRegMethModelUpdate
#' @description Check if inputs fit one anoter according
#' to there shapes
#' @param data a matrix with \code{n*p} rows and the columns
#' should include Y,
#' X, Posit, Ctype and ID
#' @param pi.ij an initial value (or value from last step) for
#' the fitted probability
#' \code{pi_ij} for each CpG site of each individual
#' @author SLL
#' @noRd
binomRegMethModelUpdateChecks <- function(data, pi.ij) {
if (!(nrow(data) == length(pi.ij))) {
e_msg <- paste("The row of data should be compatible with the length",
"of initial value pi.ij")
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