#' @title Plot the smooth covariate effect
#' @description This function accepts an output object from function
#' \code{binomRegMethModel} and print out a plot of the estimated
#' effect across the region for each test covariate.
#' @param BEM.obj an output object from function \code{binomRegMethModel}
#' @param mfrow A vector of the form c(nr, nc). Subsequent figures will
#' be drawn in an nr-by-nc array on the device.
#' @param same.range specify whether the plots should be in the same
#' vertical scale
#' @param title the text for the title
#' @param covs a vector of covariate names. The covariates with
#' names in \code{covs} will be included in the plot.
#' When the value is set to NULL all the covariates and the Intercept will be
#' represented. The default value is NULL.
#' @param save file name to create on disk. When the value is set to NULL,
#' the plot is not saved. The default value is NULL.
#' @param verbose logical indicates if the algorithm should provide progress
#' report information. The default value is TRUE.
#' @return This function prints out a plot of smooth covariate effects
#' and its pointwise confidence intervals
#' @author Kaiqiong Zhao, Audrey Lemaçon
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer %>%
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_line theme_bw aes_string theme
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_hline geom_rug xlab ggtitle facet_wrap ggsave
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------#
#' data(RAdat)
#' head(RAdat)
#' RAdat.f <- na.omit(RAdat[RAdat$Total_Counts != 0, ])
#' out <- binomRegMethModel(
#' data=RAdat.f, n.k=rep(5, 3), p0=0.003307034, p1=0.9,
#' epsilon=10^(-6), epsilon.lambda=10^(-3), maxStep=200,
#' Quasi = FALSE, RanEff = FALSE
#' )
#' binomRegMethModelPlot(out, same.range=FALSE)
#' @export
binomRegMethModelPlot <- function(BEM.obj, mfrow = NULL, same.range = FALSE,
title = "Smooth covariate effects",
covs = NULL, save = NULL,
verbose = TRUE) {
if(verbose) Message("Plot the smooth covariate effect")
# transform data.frame to data.table to ensure the format integrity
# even if there is a single cov selected
BEM.obj$Beta.out <- data.table::as.data.table(BEM.obj$Beta.out)
BEM.obj$SE.out <- data.table::as.data.table(BEM.obj$SE.out)
if(is.null(mfrow)) mfrow = c(NULL,NULL)
# select and re-order covariates of interest
# remove duplicate
covs <- unique(covs)
# raise an error if no covs matches the content of the results df
selected_covs <- covs[covs %in% colnames(BEM.obj$Beta.out)]
if(length(selected_covs) == 0){
# some unknown covs
e_msg <- paste("None of the requested covariates are included in the",
"BEM.obj object")
# check if the covs of interest are present in the results df
unknown_covs <- covs[!covs %in% colnames(BEM.obj$Beta.out)]
if(length(unknown_covs) > 0){
# some unknown covs
w_msg <- paste0("Some covariates are missing from the BEM.obj object: '",
paste(unknown_covs, collapse = ", "),"'")
# To avoid being flagged by R CMD check ("no visible binding for global variable ‘..selected_covs’"),
# we used the alternative with = FALSE notation.
# https://www.r-bloggers.com/2019/08/no-visible-binding-for-global-variable/
BEM.obj$Beta.out <- BEM.obj$Beta.out[, selected_covs, with = FALSE]
BEM.obj$SE.out <- BEM.obj$SE.out[, selected_covs, with = FALSE]
} else {
selected_covs <- colnames(BEM.obj$Beta.out)
# re-order the lines according to the genomic positions
Position_order <- order(BEM.obj$uni.pos)
BEM.obj$Beta.out <- BEM.obj$Beta.out[Position_order,]
BEM.obj$SE.out <- BEM.obj$SE.out[Position_order,]
BEM.obj$uni.pos <- BEM.obj$uni.pos[Position_order]
ll <- BEM.obj$Beta.out - 1.96 * BEM.obj$SE.out
hh <- BEM.obj$Beta.out + 1.96 * BEM.obj$SE.out
estimates <- cbind(Position = BEM.obj$uni.pos, BEM.obj$Beta.out)
estimates <- as.data.frame(estimates) %>%
names_to = "Covariate",
values_to = "Estimate")
lower_bounds <- cbind(Position = BEM.obj$uni.pos, ll)
lower_bounds <- as.data.frame(lower_bounds) %>%
names_to = "Covariate",
values_to = "Lower")
upper_bounds <- cbind(Position = BEM.obj$uni.pos, hh)
upper_bounds <- as.data.frame(upper_bounds) %>%
names_to = "Covariate",
values_to = "Upper")
bounds <- merge(lower_bounds, upper_bounds, by = c("Position", "Covariate"))
estimates <- merge(estimates, bounds, by = c("Position", "Covariate"))
# Reordering group factor levels
estimates$Covariate <- factor(estimates$Covariate,
levels = selected_covs)
# creating the plot
# use aes_string instead of aes to avoid being flagged by R CMD check
# "no visible binding for global variable ‘Lower’"
g <- ggplot(data = estimates,
mapping = aes_string(x = "Position",
y = "Estimate",
group = "Covariate",
color = "Covariate")) + geom_line() +
geom_line(aes_string(y = "Lower"), linetype = "dashed") +
geom_line(aes_string(y = "Upper"), linetype = "dashed") + theme_bw() +
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
geom_rug(sides = "b", color = "black") + xlab("Genomic position") +
ggtitle(title) + theme(legend.position = "none")
if(length(selected_covs) > 1){
g <- g + facet_wrap(~Covariate,
nrow = mfrow[1], ncol = mfrow[2])
} else {
g <- g + facet_wrap(~Covariate, scales = "free_y",
nrow = mfrow[1], ncol = mfrow[2])
supported_format <- ".pdf$|png$|tiff$|bmp$|jpeg$|svg$|eps$|tex$|ps$"
if(length(grep(supported_format, save)) == 0) {
w_msg <- paste0("Unknown graphics format for '",save,
"'. The plot will be saved as a .pdf by default")
ggsave(filename = paste0(save,".pdf"), plot= g, device ="pdf")
} else {
ggsave(filename = save, plot = g)
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