comparativeMismatch <- function(test_counts, control_counts, strand = c("both", "plus", "minus"), consensus, roi) {
#strand = match.arg(strand)
#test_counts = selectStrand(test_tally, strand)
#control_counts = selectStrand(control_tally, strand)
testDepth = seqDepth(test_counts)
controlDepth = seqDepth(control_counts)
test_base = callConsensus(test_counts) ## needed?
control_base = callConsensus(control_counts)
## define the consensus sequence
if(!missing(consensus)) {
ref_base = suppressWarnings(ds2int(getSeq(consensus, roi)[[1]]))
ref_base[ref_base == 5] = NA ## 'N' -> NA
} else {
ref_base = control_base
## mismatch counts
controlMismatch = mismatchCount(control_counts, ref_base, controlDepth)
controlMismatch[] = 0 ## TODO
testMismatch = mismatchCount(test_counts, ref_base, testDepth)
testMismatch[] = 0
n = nrow(test_counts)
## depth of the consensus allele in test
refDepth = test_counts[mat2ind(ref_base, n)]
refDepth[] = 0
## substract the consensus counts for test
idx_consensus = mat2ind(ref_base, n)
test_counts[idx_consensus] = 0 ## [cbind(i, j)] as alternative
## call alt alleles and counts
test_alt_base = callConsensus(test_counts)
altDepth = test_counts[mat2ind(test_alt_base, n)]
## TODO: make this more efficient
dx = data.frame(
chr = seqchar(roi), pos = start(roi):end(roi),
testMismatch = testMismatch, controlMismatch = controlMismatch,
testDepth = testDepth, controlDepth = controlDepth,
testRef = ind2base(test_base), testAlt = ind2base(test_alt_base),
controlRef = ind2base(control_base), ref = ind2base(ref_base),
refDepth = refDepth, altDepth = altDepth
selectStrand <- function(x, strand = c("both", "plus", "minus"), idx = 1:ncol(x)) {
if(strand == "both")
y = x[ ,idx,1] + x[ ,idx,2]
if(strand == "plus")
y = x[ ,idx,1]
if(strand == "minus")
y = x[ ,idx,2]
dim(y) = c(nrow(x), length(idx))
seqDepth <- function(x) {
callConsensus <- function(counts, verbose = FALSE) {
idx_max = max.col(counts, ties.method = "first")
idx_max_2 = max.col(counts, ties.method = "last")
idx = (idx_max == idx_max_2)
if(verbose && !all(idx))
warning(sprintf("%d %s", sum(!idx), "calls are ambiguous."))
idx_max[!idx] = NA
mismatchCount <- function(counts, consensus, depth = rowSums(counts)) {
idx_mat = (consensus - 1) * nrow(counts) + 1:nrow(counts)
mmc = (depth - counts[idx_mat])
dna_bases <- function() {
res = c("A", "C", "G", "T", "N")
names(res) = res
tallyBamRegion <- function(bam, region, minBase = 0, minMap = 0, maxDepth = 1e4) {
if(length(region) > 1)
stop("Region must be of length 1.")
## params
pp = PileupParam(
max_depth = maxDepth,
min_base_quality = minBase,
min_mapq = minMap,
min_nucleotide_depth = 0,
min_minor_allele_depth = 0,
distinguish_strands = FALSE,
distinguish_nucleotides = TRUE,
ignore_query_Ns = FALSE,
include_deletions = FALSE)
sb = ScanBamParam(which = region)
t2 = pileup(bam, scanBamParam = sb, pileupParam = pp)
## to matrix
m = matrix(0L, width(region), 4)
colnames(m) = levels(t2$nucleotide)[1:4]
idx_col = as.integer(t2$nucleotide)
if(any(idx_col > 4)) {
#warning("Skipping non-standard bases")
t2 = t2[idx_col <= 4, ]
idx_col = idx_col[idx_col <= 4]
m[cbind(t2$pos-start(region)+1, idx_col)] = t2$count
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