rariantFromBam <- function(test, control, region, beta = 0.95, alpha = 1 - beta, select = TRUE, consensus, resultFile, strand = c("both", "plus", "minus"), nCycles = 10, minQual = 20, block = 1e4, value = TRUE, criteria = c("both", "any", "fet", "ci"), verbose = 1e7) {
## input arguments
args = as.list(match.call())[-c(1:4)] ## ignore the function name and 'test', 'control', 'region'
strand = match.arg(strand)
criteria = match.arg(criteria)
write_file = !missing(resultFile)
## test the input files
seq_info_test = seqinfo(test)
seq_info_control = seqinfo(control)
if(!identical(seq_info_test, seq_info_control))
warning("The BAM headers of 'test' and 'control' differ!")
suppressWarnings(seqinfo(region) <- seq_info_control[seqlevels(region)])
region = trim(region)
chunks = region
if(max(width(chunks)) > block) ## if not, result is the same, but we save time
chunks = subdivideGRanges(chunks, block) ## tested
#w = width(chunks)
#d = diff(w)
header = TRUE
val = list()
for(i in seq_along(chunks)) {
## the current region
roi = chunks[i]
n = width(roi)
test_tally = tallyBamRegion(test, roi, nCycles, minQual)
control_tally = tallyBamRegion(control, roi, nCycles, minQual)
rar = rariantFromMatrix(test_tally, control_tally, roi, beta, alpha, select, consensus, strand, criteria)
## write output file
if(write_file && nrow(rar) > 0) {
write.table(rar, resultFile, append = !header, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = FALSE, col.names = header)
header = FALSE
if(value) {
val[[i]] = rar
res = NULL ## must be set
if(value & length(val) > 0) {
res = rbind_all(val) ## or unlist on a GRL
#if(!is.null(res)) { ## TODO: needed?
res = df2gr(res)
} else {
res = GRanges()
## Setting the seqinfo here means that there is none
## if no variant is returned
seqinfo(res) = seq_info_test[seqlevels(res)]
metadata(res) = args
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