#' Authentication by user name
#' Allows the user to access information that requires logging in to Gemma. To log out, run `set_gemma_user` without specifying the username or password.
#' @param username Your username (or empty, if logging out)
#' @param password Your password (or empty, if logging out)
#' @keywords misc
#' @return TRUE if authentication is successful, FALSE if not
#' @export
set_gemma_user <- function(username = NULL, password = NULL) {
options(gemma.username = username)
options(gemma.password = password)
response <- gemma_call('',json = FALSE)
} else{
#' Retrieve Platform Annotations by Gemma
#' Gets Gemma's platform annotations including mappings of microarray probes to genes.
#' @param platform A platform numerical identifiers or platform short name.
#' @param annotType Which GO terms should the output include
#' @param file Where to save the annotation file to, or empty to just load into memory
#' @param overwrite Whether or not to overwrite an existing file
#' @inheritParams memoise
#' @param unzip Whether or not to unzip the file (if @param file is not empty)
#' @return A table of annotations
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{ElementName}: Probeset names provided by the platform.
#' Gene symbols for generic annotations typicall used for RNA-seq experiments.
#' \item \code{GeneSymbols}: Genes that were found to be aligned to
#' the probe sequence. Note that it is possible for probes to be
#' non-specific. Alignment to multiple genes are indicated with gene
#' symbols separated by "|"s
#' \item \code{GeneNames}: Name of the gene
#' \item \code{GOTerms}: GO Terms associated with the genes. \code{annotType}
#' argument can be used to choose which terms should be included.
#' \item \code{GemmaIDs} and \code{NCBIids}: respective IDs for the genes.
#' }
#' @keywords platform
#' @export
#' @examples
#' head(get_platform_annotations("GPL96"))
#' head(get_platform_annotations('Generic_human_ncbiIds'))
get_platform_annotations <- function(platform,
annotType = c("noParents","allParents","bioProcess"),
file = getOption("gemma.file", NA_character_),
overwrite = getOption("gemma.overwrite", FALSE),
memoised = getOption("gemma.memoise", FALSE),
unzip = FALSE){
if (memoised){
if (!is.na(file)){
warning("Saving to files is not supported with memoisation.")
if ("character" %in% class(gemmaCache()) && gemmaCache() ==
"cache_in_memory") {
platform = platform,
annotType = annotType,
file = NA,
overwrite = overwrite,
memoised = FALSE,
unzip = unzip
} else{
out <- memget_platform_annotations(
platform = platform,
annotType = annotType,
file = NA,
overwrite = overwrite,
memoised = FALSE,
unzip = unzip
if (!is.numeric(platform)) {
platforms <- get_platforms_by_ids(platform)
if (!isTRUE(nrow(platforms) == 1)) {
stop(platform, " is not a valid single platform.")
platform <- platforms[, "platform.ID"]
annotType <- match.arg(annotType)
is.tmp = is.null(file) || is.na(file) || unzip
if (is.tmp) {
file_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".gz")
} else{
file_path <- file
doReadFile <- function(file_path) {
tmp <- gzfile(file_path)
ret <- tmp %>%
readLines() %>%
.[which(!startsWith(., "#"))[1]:length(.)] %>%
# Strip comments
paste0(collapse = "\n") %>%
fread(text = .)
if (unzip && !is.na(file)) {
utils::write.table(ret, file,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
if (is.tmp || unzip) {
if(!(is.null(file) || is.na(file)) && (file.exists(file) && !overwrite)){
warning(file, " exists. Not overwriting.")
} else {
response <- httr::GET(glue::glue(
httr::write_disk(file_path,overwrite = overwrite),handle = httr::handle(""))
if (response$status_code!=200){
warning(glue::glue("Unable to access annotation file for {platform}. Can get more information about the platform at https://gemma.msl.ubc.ca/arrays/showArrayDesign.html?id={platform}"))
frame <- doReadFile(file_path)
# currently Gemma includes files mixed with ElementName and ProbeName
# we just return ElementName
names(frame)[names(frame) == 'ProbeName'] = 'ElementName'
#' Memoise get_platform_annotations
#' @noRd
memget_platform_annotations <- function(platform,
annotType = c("bioProcess", "noParents", "allParents"),
file = getOption("gemma.file", NA_character_),
overwrite = getOption("gemma.overwrite", FALSE),
memoised = getOption("gemma.memoise", FALSE),
unzip = FALSE) {
mem_call <- memoise::memoise(get_platform_annotations, cache = gemmaCache())
platform = platform, annotType = annotType, memoised = FALSE, file = file,
overwrite = overwrite, unzip=unzip
#' Make simplified design frames
#' Using on the output of \code{\link{get_dataset_samples}}, this function creates
#' a simplified design table, granting one column to each experimental variable
#' @param samples An output from get_dataset_samples. The output should not be raw
#' @param metaType Type of metadata to include in the output. "text", "uri" or "both"
#' @return A data.frame including the design table for the dataset
#' @examples
#' samples <- get_dataset_samples('GSE46416')
#' make_design(samples)
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
make_design <- function(samples,metaType = "text"){
metaType <- match.arg(metaType, c('text','uri','both'))
categories <- samples$sample.factorValues %>% purrr::map(
x %>% dplyr::select('factor.ID','factor.category','factor.category.URI')
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.) %>% unique
factorURIs <- categories$factor.ID %>% lapply(function(x){
samples$sample.factorValues %>% purrr::map_chr(function(y){
y %>% dplyr::filter(factor.ID == x) %>% {.$value.URI} %>% sort %>% paste(collapse = ',')
text <- categories$factor.ID %>% lapply(function(x){
samples$sample.factorValues %>% purrr::map_chr(function(y){
y %>% dplyr::filter(factor.ID == x) %>%
dplyr::mutate(text = ifelse(is.na(summary),value,summary)) %>%
{.$text} %>% unique %>% sort %>% paste(collapse = ',')
if(metaType == 'text'){
design_frame <- text %>% as.data.frame()
colnames(design_frame) <- categories$factor.category
} else if (metaType == 'uri'){
design_frame <- factorURIs %>% as.data.frame()
colnames(design_frame) <- categories$factor.category.URI
} else if (metaType == 'both'){
design_frame <- seq_along(text) %>% lapply(function(i){
paste(text[[i]],factorURIs[[i]],sep = '|')
}) %>% as.data.frame()
colnames(design_frame) <- paste( categories$factor.category,categories$factor.category.URI,sep = '|')
design_frame <- design_frame %>% dplyr::mutate(factorValues = samples$sample.factorValues, .before = 1)
rownames(design_frame) <- samples$sample.name
#' Get a subset of an array of factorValues
#' @param factorValue unimplemented
#' @param differential_expressions
#' @keywords internal
#' @return a boolean vector, samples representing the resultSet and/or the contrast
#' are set to TRUE
subset_factorValues <- function(factorValues,
factorValue = NULL,
differential_expressions = NULL,
resultSet = NULL,
contrast = NULL){
out <- rep(TRUE,length(factorValues))
# unimplemented
# this should never trigger but just in case...
factorValues %>% do.call(rbind,.) %>% dplyr::select(ID,factor.ID) %>% unique %>% .$ID %>% table %>% {all(.==1)},
msg = "ID's cannot be repeated across factors")
subset <- differential_expressions %>% dplyr::filter(result.ID == resultSet) %>% .$subsetFactor %>% unique
# result set should have the same subset for all contrasts
subset_ids <- subset %>% purrr::map('ID') %>% unlist
in_subset <- factorValues %>% purrr::map_lgl(function(x){
any(x$ID %in% subset_ids)
# subset_ids <- subset[[1]] %>%
# dplyr::mutate(comb = paste0(ID,'.',factor.ID)) %>% {.$comb}
# in_subset <- factorValues %>% purrr::map_lgl(function(x){
# x %>% dplyr::mutate(comb = paste0(ID,'.',factor.ID)) %>% {.$comb} %>%
# {all(subset_ids %in% .)}
# })
out <- out & in_subset
cn <- differential_expressions %>% dplyr::filter(result.ID == resultSet & contrast.ID == contrast)
baseline_id <- cn$baseline.factors %>% purrr::map('ID') %>% unlist%>% unique
baseline_factor_id <- cn$baseline.factors %>% purrr::map('factor.ID') %>% unlist%>% unique
contrast_id <- cn$experimental.factors %>% purrr::map('ID') %>% unlist %>% unique
contrast_factor_id <- cn$experimental.factors %>% purrr::map('factor.ID') %>% unlist %>% unique
contrast_id<- contrast_id[match(baseline_factor_id,contrast_factor_id)]
in_contrast <- factorValues %>% purrr::map_lgl(function(x){
all(contrast_id %in% x$ID) |
all(baseline_id %in% x$ID) |
all(c(contrast_id[1],baseline_id[2]) %in% x$ID) |
all(c(contrast_id[2],baseline_id[1]) %in% x$ID)
out <- out & in_contrast
#' Compile gene expression data and metadata
#' Return an annotated Bioconductor-compatible
#' data structure or a long form tibble of the queried dataset, including
#' expression data and the experimental design.
#' @param type "se"for a SummarizedExperiment or "eset" for Expression Set. We recommend using
#' SummarizedExperiments which are more recent. See the Summarized experiment
#' \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/SummarizedExperiment/inst/doc/SummarizedExperiment.html}{vignette}
#' or the ExpressionSet \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/Biobase/inst/doc/ExpressionSetIntroduction.pdf}{vignette}
#' for more details. "tidy" for a long form data frame compatible with tidyverse functions.
#' 'list' to return a list containing individual data frames containing expression values,
#' design and the experiment.
#' @inheritParams memoise
#' @inheritParams get_dataset_expression_for_genes
#' @param metaType How should the metadata information should be included. Can be "text", "uri" or "both". "text" and "uri" options
#' @param resultSets Result set IDs of the a differential expression analysis. Optional. If provided, the output will only include
#' the samples from the subset used in the result set ID.
#' Must be the same length as \code{datasets}.'
#' @param contrasts Contrast IDs of a differential expression contrast. Optional. Need resultSets to be defined to work. If provided, the
#' output will only include samples relevant to the specific contrats.
#' @return A list of \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{SummarizedExperiment}}s,
#' \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}s or a tibble containing metadata and
#' expression data for the queried datasets and genes. Metadata will be expanded to include
#' a variable number of factors that annotates samples from a dataset but will
#' always include single "factorValues" column that houses data.tables that
#' include all annotations for a given sample.
#' @keywords dataset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_dataset_object("GSE2018")
get_dataset_object <- function(datasets,
genes = NULL,
keepNonSpecific = FALSE,
consolidate = NA_character_,
resultSets = NULL,
contrasts = NULL,
metaType = 'text',
type = "se",
memoised = getOption("gemma.memoised", FALSE)) {
if (type != "eset" && type != "se" && type != 'tidy' && type != 'list') {
stop("Please enter a valid type: 'se' for SummarizedExperiment, 'eset' for ExpressionSet, 'tidy' for a long form tibble, 'list' for an R list")
unique_sets = unique(datasets)
metadata <- unique_sets %>% lapply(function(dataset){
get_dataset_samples(dataset,memoised = memoised)
names(metadata) <- unique_sets
expression <- unique_sets %>% lapply(function(dataset){
exp <- get_dataset_processed_expression(dataset,memoised = memoised)
meta <- metadata[[as.character(dataset)]]
# these replicate the arguments for get_dataset_expression_for_genes
exp <- exp[!(grepl("|",exp$GeneSymbol,fixed = TRUE) | exp$GeneSymbol == ""),]
if(!is.na(consolidate) && consolidate == "pickmax"){
mean_exp <- exp[,.SD,.SDcols = meta$sample.name] %>% apply(1,function(x){
exp <- exp[order(mean_exp,decreasing = TRUE),] %>% {.[!duplicated(.$GeneSymbol),]}
} else if(!is.na(consolidate) && consolidate == 'pickvar'){
exp_var <- exp[,.SD,.SDcols = meta$sample.name] %>% apply(1,function(x){
exp <- exp[order(exp_var,decreasing = TRUE),] %>% {.[!duplicated(.$GeneSymbol),]}
} else if(!is.na(consolidate) && consolidate == 'average'){
dups <- exp$GeneSymbol %>% {.[duplicated(.)]} %>% unique
dup_means <- dups %>% lapply(function(x){
dup_subset <- exp[exp$GeneSymbol %in% x,]
dup_mean <- dup_subset[,.SD,.SDcols = meta$sample.name] %>% apply(2,mean)
probe <- paste0('Averaged from ',paste0(dup_subset$Probe, collapse = ' '))
dup_out <- data.frame(Probe = probe,
dup_subset[1,.SD,.SDcols = - c('Probe',meta$sample.name)],
check.names = FALSE)
}) %>% do.call(rbind,.)
exp <- exp[!exp$GeneSymbol %in% dups,]
exp <- rbind(exp,dup_means)
# multi platform datasets may have repeated probesets which needs new names
# most multiplatform datasets were merged into artifical probesets defined
# within gemma but at the time of writing 365 was an exception
duplicate_probes <- exp$Probe[duplicated(exp$Probe)]
for(dp in duplicate_probes){
to_replace <- exp$Probe[exp$Probe %in% dp]
to_paste <- sapply(seq_along(to_replace), function(i){
if(i == 1){
exp$Probe[exp$Probe %in% dp] <- paste0(to_replace,to_paste)
names(expression) <- unique_sets
} else{
expression <- get_dataset_expression_for_genes(unique_sets,
genes = genes,
keepNonSpecific = keepNonSpecific,
consolidate = consolidate,
memoised = memoised)
names(expression) <- unique_sets
# bit of a bottleneck
designs <- metadata %>% lapply(function(meta){
dat = get_datasets_by_ids(unique_sets,raw = FALSE, memoised = memoised)
# pack the information that will be included in all outputs
packed_data <- seq_along(datasets) %>% lapply(function(i){
dataset <- datasets[i]
# we don't want to pass data.tables by reference because
# same datasets might be re-used
packed_info <-
list(design = data.table::copy(designs[[as.character(dataset)]]),
exp = data.table::copy(expression[[as.character(dataset)]]),
result_set = resultSets[i],
contrast = contrasts[i],
dat = dat %>% dplyr::filter(experiment.ID==dataset | experiment.shortName == dataset))
# create unique probe ids. needed for rownames and merging
# probe ids are usually unique but there are exceptions
unique_probes = packed_info$exp$Probe
append = integer(length(unique_probes))
dups = duplicated(unique_probes)
append[dups] = append[dups]+1
dups = duplicated(paste0(unique_probes,append))
append[append==0] = ""
unique_probes = paste0(unique_probes,append)
packed_info$unique_probes = unique_probes
# reorders the expression to match the metadata
# no longer necesary
# data.table::setcolorder(packed_info$exp,c(gene_info,rownames(packed_info$design)))
gene_info <- colnames(packed_info$exp)[!colnames(packed_info$exp) %in% rownames(packed_info$design)]
diff <- get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses(dataset,memoised = memoised)
# passing the original samples is fine since expression data is
# reordered not design file
relevant <- subset_factorValues(packed_info$design$factorValues,
differential_expressions = diff,
resultSet = resultSets[i],
contrast = contrasts[i])
packed_info$exp <- packed_info$exp[,.SD,.SDcols = c(gene_info, rownames(packed_info$design)[relevant])]
packed_info$design <- packed_info$design[relevant,]
names(packed_data) <- paste0(
packed_data %>% purrr::map('dat') %>% purrr::map_int('experiment.ID'),
names(packed_data) <- paste0(names(packed_data),'.',contrasts)
} else{
names(packed_data) <- packed_data %>% purrr::map('dat') %>% purrr::map_int('experiment.ID')
if (type == 'se'){
out <- packed_data %>% lapply(function(data){
exprM <- data$exp
design <- data$design
rownames(exprM) <- data$unique_probes
genes <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(exprM[,.SD,.SDcols = colnames(exprM)[colnames(exprM) %in% c('Probe','GeneSymbol','GeneName','NCBIid')]])
exprM <- exprM[,.SD,.SDcols = colnames(exprM)[!colnames(exprM) %in% c('Probe','GeneSymbol','GeneName','NCBIid')]] %>%
# reordering happens above
# exprM <- exprM[, match(rownames(design), colnames(exprM))]
expData <- list(
title = data$dat$experiment.name,
abstract = data$dat$experiment.description,
url = paste0("https://gemma.msl.ubc.ca/expressionExperiment/showExpressionExperiment.html?id=", data$dat$experiment.ID),
database = data$dat$experiment.database,
accesion = data$dat$experiment.accession,
gemmaQualityScore = data$dat$geeq.qScore,
gemmaSuitabilityScore = data$dat$geeq.sScore,
taxon = data$dat$taxon.Name
assays = list(counts = exprM),
rowData = genes,
colData = design,
metadata = expData
} else if(type == 'eset'){
out <- packed_data %>% lapply(function(data){
exprM <- data$exp
design <- data$design
rownames(exprM) <- data$unique_probes
genes <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(exprM[,.SD,.SDcols = colnames(exprM)[colnames(exprM) %in% c('Probe','GeneSymbol','GeneName','NCBIid')]])
exprM <- exprM[,.SD,.SDcols = colnames(exprM)[!colnames(exprM) %in% c('Probe','GeneSymbol','GeneName','NCBIid')]] %>%
# reordering happens above
# exprM <- exprM[, match(rownames(design), colnames(exprM))]
expData <- Biobase::MIAME(
title = data$dat$experiment.name,
abstract = data$dat$experiment.description,
url = paste0("https://gemma.msl.ubc.ca/expressionExperiment/showExpressionExperiment.html?id=", data$dat$experiment.ID),
other = list(
database = data$dat$experiment.database,
accesion = data$dat$experiment.accession,
GemmaQualityScore = data$dat$geeq.qScore,
GemmaSuitabilityScore = data$dat$geeq.sScore,
taxon = data$dat$taxon.Name
annots <- data.frame(
labelDescription = colnames(design),
row.names = colnames(design)
phenoData <- Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(data = design, varMetadata = annots)
assayData = exprM,
phenoData = phenoData,
experimentData = expData,
annotation = get_dataset_platforms(data$dat$experiment.ID,memoised = memoised)$platform.shortName
names(out) <- datasets
} else if(type == 'tidy'){
out <- packed_data %>% lapply(function(data){
exprM <- data$exp
exprM$Probe = data$unique_probes
design <- data$design
rownames(exprM) <- exprM$Probe
genes <- exprM[,.SD,.SDcols = colnames(exprM)[colnames(exprM) %in% c('Probe','GeneSymbol','GeneName','NCBIid')]]
exprM <- exprM[,.SD,.SDcols = colnames(exprM)[!colnames(exprM) %in% c('Probe','GeneSymbol','GeneName','NCBIid')]] %>%
exprM <- exprM[,match(rownames(design), colnames(exprM)),drop = FALSE]
design <- tibble::rownames_to_column(design, "Sample")
frm <- exprM %>% as.data.frame %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column("Probe") %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(-"Probe", names_to = "Sample", values_to = "expression") %>%
dplyr::inner_join(genes, by ='Probe') %>%
dplyr::inner_join(design, by = "Sample") %>%
dplyr::rename(sample = "Sample", probe = "Probe") %>%
dplyr::mutate(experiment.ID = data$dat$experiment.ID,
experiment.shortName = data$dat$experiment.shortName,
.before = 1)
frm <- dplyr::mutate(frm, result.ID = data$result_set,.before = 3)
frm <- dplyr::mutate(frm, contrast.ID = data$contrast,.before = 3)
}) %>% do.call(dplyr::bind_rows,.)
} else if(type=='list'){
#' Retrieve differential expression results
#' Retrieves the differential expression result set(s) associated with the dataset.
#' To get more information about the contrasts in individual resultSets and
#' annotation terms associated them, use [get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses()]
#' In Gemma each result set corresponds to
#' the estimated effects associated with a single factor in the design, and each can have multiple contrasts (for each level compared to baseline).
#' Thus a dataset with a 2x3 factorial design will have two result sets, one of which will have one contrast, and one having two contrasts.
#' The methodology for differential expression is explained in \href{https://doi.org/10.1093/database/baab006}{Curation of over 10000 transcriptomic studies to enable data reuse}.
#' Briefly, differential expression analysis is performed on the dataset based on the annotated
#' experimental design with up two three potentially nested factors.
#' Gemma attempts to automatically assign baseline conditions for each factor.
#' In the absence of a clear control condition, a baseline is arbitrarily selected.
#' A generalized linear model with empirical Bayes shrinkage of t-statistics is fit to the data
#' for each platform element (probe/gene) using an implementation of the limma algorithm. For RNA-seq data,
#' we use weighted regression, applying the
#' voom algorithm to compute weights from the mean–variance relationship of the data.
#' Contrasts of each condition are then computed compared to the selected baseline.
#' In some situations, Gemma will split the data into subsets for analysis.
#' A typical such situation is when a ‘batch’ factor is present and confounded with another factor,
#' the subsets being determined by the levels of the confounding factor.
#' @param dataset A dataset identifier.
#' @param resultSets resultSet identifiers. If a dataset is not provided, all
#' result sets will be downloaded. If it is provided it will only be used
#' to ensure all result sets belong to the dataset.
#' @param keepNonSpecific logical. FALSE by default. If TRUE, results from probesets
#' that are not specific to the gene will also be returned.
#' @param readableContrasts If \code{FALSE} (default), the returned columns will
#' use internal constrasts IDs as names. Details about the contrasts can be accessed
#' using \code{\link{get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses}}. If TRUE IDs will
#' be replaced with human readable contrast information.
#' @inheritParams memoise
#' @return A list of data tables with differential expression
#' values per result set.
#' @keywords dataset
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_differential_expression_values("GSE2018")
get_differential_expression_values <- function(dataset = NA_character_,
resultSets = NA_integer_,
keepNonSpecific = FALSE,
readableContrasts = FALSE,
memoised = getOption("gemma.memoised", FALSE)) {
if (is.na(dataset) == FALSE && !isEmpty(resultSets)){
diffs <- get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses(dataset)
rss <- diffs$result.ID
if (!all(resultSets %in% rss)){
stop("The queried resultSet is not derived from this dataset. Check the available resultSets with `getDatasetResultSets()` or query without the dataset parameter.")
else if (is.na(dataset) == FALSE && isEmpty(resultSets)){
diffs <- get_dataset_differential_expression_analyses(dataset)
resultSets <- diffs$result.ID %>% unique
} else if (is.na(dataset) == TRUE && !isEmpty(resultSets)){
resultSets <- resultSets
} else {
stop("Specify a dataset or resultSet IDs.")
rs <- lapply(resultSets, function(x){
out <- .getResultSets(x,memoised = memoised)
msg <- paste0("ResultSet ",x," failed to return a populated table.")
msg <- glue::glue('{msg}\nResult set {x} is part of {dataset}')
out <- out[!(grepl("|",out$GeneSymbol,fixed = TRUE) | out$GeneSymbol == ""),]
return(processDEcontrasts(out, x))
} else{
names(rs) <- resultSets
#' Get taxa
#' Returns taxa and their versions used in Gemma
#' @inheritParams memoise
#' @return A data frame including the names, IDs and database information
#' about the taxons
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get_taxa()
get_taxa <- function(memoised = getOption("gemma.memoised", FALSE)){
out <- get_taxa_by_ids(c(9606,
6239),memoised = memoised)
#' Custom gemma call
#' A minimal function to create custom calls. Can be used to acquire unimplemented
#' endpoints and/or raw output without any processing. Refer to the
#' \href{https://gemma.msl.ubc.ca/resources/restapidocs/}{API documentation}.
#' @param call Gemma API endpoint.
#' @param ... parameters included in the call
#' @param json If `TRUE` will parse the content as a list
#' @keywords misc
#' @return A list if `json = TRUE` and an httr response if `FALSE`
#' @examples
#' # get singular value decomposition for the dataset
#' gemma_call('datasets/{dataset}/svd',dataset = 1)
#' @export
gemma_call <- function(call,...,json = TRUE){
args <- unlist(list(...))
args <- args %>% lapply(as.character) %>% lapply(utils::URLencode)
env = environment()
assign(x,args[[x]],envir = env)
if (!is.null(getOption('gemma.username')) && !is.null(getOption('gemma.password'))){
response <- httr::GET(
handle = httr::handle(""))
} else{
response <- httr::GET(glue::glue(paste0(gemmaPath(),call),.envir = env),
handle = httr::handle(""))
if (response$status_code == 200) {
response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(rawToChar(response$content),simplifyVector = FALSE)
} else if (response$status_code == 403) {
stop(call,'\n',response$status_code, ": Forbidden. You do not have permission to access this data.")
} else if (response$status_code == 404) {
stop(call,'\n',response$status_code, ": Not found. Ensure your parameters are spelled correctly and that you're querying an existing ID.")
} else if (response$status_code == 500) {
stop(call,'\n',response$status_code, ": Internal server error.")
} else if (response$status_code == 503) {
stop(call,'\n',response$status_code, ": Service Unavailable. Gemma might be under maintenance.")
} else {
stop(call, '\n', "HTTP code ", response$status_code)
#' Get all pages of a paginated call
#' Given a Gemma.R output from a function with offset and limit arguments,
#' returns the output from all pages. All arguments other than offset, limit
#' @param query Output from a gemma.R function with offset and limit argument
#' @param step_size Size of individual calls to the server. 100 is the maximum value
#' @param binder Binding function for the calls. If \code{raw = FALSE} use \code{rbind} to
#' combine the data.tables. If not, use \code{c} to combine lists
#' @param directory Directory to save the output from the individual calls to. If provided, each page
#' is saved to separate files.
#' @param file The name of a file to save the results to, or \code{NULL} to not write
#' results to a file. This function always saves the output as an RDS file. Otherwise, it will be a RDS file.
#' @param overwrite Whether or not to overwrite if a file exists at the specified
#' filename.
#' @return A data.table or a list containing data from all pages.
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
get_all_pages <- function(query, step_size = 100,binder = rbind,directory = NULL, file = getOption("gemma.file", NA_character_),overwrite = getOption("gemma.overwrite", FALSE)){
current_env <- rlang::env_clone(environment())
current_env$query <- NULL
attr <- attributes(query)
count <- attr$totalElements
args <- formals(attr$env$fname)
args_used <- attr$env %>% as.list() %>% {.[names(args)]}
args_used$limit <- step_size
args_used$overwrite <- overwrite
out <- lapply(seq(0,count,step_size),function(offset){
step_args <- args_used
step_args$offset <- offset
step_args$file <- file.path(directory,offset)
} else{
# file argument should not be preserved since it'll overwrite itself in
# each call
step_args$file <- NA_character_
}) %>% do.call(binder,.)
if(!is.null(file) && !is.na(file)){
if (file.exists(file) && !overwrite && !file.info(file)$isdir) {
warning(file, " exists. Not overwriting.")
} else{
dir.create(dirname(file),showWarnings = FALSE,recursive = TRUE)
saveRDS(out, file)
attributes(out)$call_origin <- attr$call
attributes(out)$env_origin <- attr$env
attributes(out)$env <- current_env
#' Return all supported filter properties
#' Some functions such as \code{\link{get_datasets}} and \code{\link{get_platforms_by_ids}}
#' include a filter argument that allows creation of more complex queries. This
#' function returns a list of supported properties to be used in those filters
#' @return A list of data.tables that contain supported properties and their data
#' types
#' @examples
#' filter_properties()
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
filter_properties <- function(){
api_file <- jsonlite::fromJSON(system.file('script/openapi.json',package = 'gemma.R'),simplifyVector = FALSE)
dataset_filter <- api_file$components$schemas$FilterArgExpressionExperiment$`x-gemma-filterable-properties`
dataset_properties <-
data.table(properties = dataset_filter %>% accessField('name'),
type = dataset_filter %>% accessField('type'),
description = dataset_filter %>% accessField('description'))
platform_filter <- api_file$components$schemas$FilterArgArrayDesign$`x-gemma-filterable-properties`
platform_properties <-
data.table(properties = platform_filter %>% accessField('name'),
type = platform_filter %>% accessField('type'),
description = platform_filter %>% accessField('description'))
resultSet_filter <- api_file$components$schemas$FilterArgExpressionAnalysisResultSet$`x-gemma-filterable-properties`
resultSet_properties <- data.table(properties = resultSet_filter %>% accessField('name'),
type = resultSet_filter %>% accessField('type'),
description = resultSet_filter %>% accessField('description'))
out <- list(
dataset = dataset_properties,
platform = platform_properties,
resultSet = resultSet_properties
#' Return child terms of a term
#' When querying for ontology terms, Gemma propagates these terms to include
#' any datasets with their child terms in the results. This function returns
#' these children for any number of terms, including all children
#' and the terms itself in the output vector
#' @param terms An array of terms
#' @return An array containing descendends of the annotation terms, including
#' the terms themselves
#' @examples
#' get_child_terms("http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/MONDO_0000408")
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
get_child_terms <- function(terms){
output <- get_datasets(uris = terms,limit = 1)
out <- attributes(output)$filter %>% stringr::str_extract_all('http.*?(?=,|\\))') %>% {.[[1]]}
if(length(out) == 0){
out = terms
#' Update result
#' Re-runs the function used to create a gemma.R output
#' to update the data at hand. Useful if you have a reason
#' to believe parts of the data has changed since your last
#' accession and you wish to update while decoupling the update
#' process from your original code used to generate the data.
#' Note that if you have used the file and overwrite arguments
#' with the original call, this will also repeat to regenarete
#' the file based on your initial preference
#' @param query Output from a gemma.R function
#' @keywords misc
#' @examples
#' annots <- get_dataset_annotations(1)
#' # wait for a couple of years..
#' # wonder if the results are the same
#' updated_annots <- update_result(annots)
#' # also works with outputs of get_all_pages
#' platforms <- get_all_pages(get_platforms_by_ids())
#' updated_platforms <- update_result(platforms)
#' @export
update_result<- function(query){
attr <- attributes(query)
# call_origin and env_origin are attached to get_all_pages outputs
if(!"env_origin" %in% names(attr)){
args <- formals(attr$env$fname)
args_used <- attr$env %>% as.list() %>% {.[names(args)]}
} else{
# the inital call must be repeated since
# the count may have changes
args <- formals(attr$env_origin$fname)
args_used <- attr$env_origin %>% as.list() %>% {.[names(args)]}
poke_call <- do.call(attr$env_origin$fname,args_used)
pages_args <- formals(get_all_pages)
pages_args_used <- attr$env %>% as.list %>% {.[names(pages_args)]}
pages_args_used$query <- poke_call
#' Retrieve the differential expression results for a given gene among datasets matching the provided query and filter
#' @param gene An ensembl gene identifier which typically starts with ensg or an ncbi gene identifier or an official gene symbol approved by hgnc
#' @param query The search query. Queries can include plain text or ontology
#' terms They also support conjunctions ("alpha AND beta"), disjunctions ("alpha OR beta")
#' grouping ("(alpha OR beta) AND gamma"), prefixing ("alpha*"), wildcard characters
#' ("BRCA?") and fuzzy matches ("alpha~").
#' @param taxa A vector of taxon common names (e.g. human, mouse, rat). Providing multiple
#' species will return results for all species. These are appended
#' to the filter and equivalent to filtering for \code{taxon.commonName} property
#' @param uris A vector of ontology term URIs. Providing multiple terms will
#' return results containing any of the terms and their children. These are
#' appended to the filter and equivalent to filtering for \code{allCharacteristics.valueUri}
#' @param filter Filter results by matching expression. Use \code{\link{filter_properties}}
#' function to get a list of all available parameters. These properties can be
#' combined using "and" "or" clauses and may contain common operators such as "=", "<" or "in".
#' (e.g. "taxon.commonName = human", "taxon.commonName in (human,mouse), "id < 1000")
#' @param threshold number
#' @param raw \code{TRUE} to receive results as-is from Gemma, or \code{FALSE} to enable
#' parsing. Raw results usually contain additional fields and flags that are
#' omitted in the parsed results.
#' @param memoised Whether or not to save to cache for future calls with the
#' same inputs and use the result saved in cache if a result is already saved.
#' Doing \code{options(gemma.memoised = TRUE)} will ensure that the cache is always
#' used. Use \code{\link{forget_gemma_memoised}} to clear the cache.
#' @param file The name of a file to save the results to, or \code{NULL} to not write
#' results to a file. If \code{raw == TRUE}, the output will be the raw endpoint from the
#' API, likely a JSON or a gzip file. Otherwise, it will be a RDS file.
#' @param overwrite Whether or not to overwrite if a file exists at the specified
#' filename.
#' @keywords gene
#' @examples
#' # get all differential expression results for ENO2
#' # from datasets marked with the ontology term for brain
#' head(get_gene_differential_expression_values(2026, uris = "http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/UBERON_0000955"))
#' @inherit processDifferentialExpressionAnalysisResultByGeneValueObject_tsv return
#' @export
get_gene_differential_expression_values <- function(gene,
query = NA_character_,
taxa = NA_character_,
uris = NA_character_,
filter = NA_character_,
threshold = 1,
raw = getOption("gemma.raw", FALSE),
memoised = getOption("gemma.memoised", FALSE),
file = getOption("gemma.file", NA_character_),
overwrite = getOption("gemma.overwrite", FALSE)){
if(length(taxa) == 1 && !is.na(taxa)){
.get_gene_differential_expression_values_in_taxon(gene = gene,
query = query,
taxon = taxa,
uris = uris,
filter = filter,
threshold = threshold,
raw = raw,
memoised = memoised,
file = file,
overwrite = overwrite)
} else {
.get_gene_differential_expression_values(gene = gene,
query = query,
taxa = taxa,
uris = uris,
filter = filter,
threshold = threshold,
raw = raw,
memoised = memoised,
file = file,
overwrite = overwrite)
#' Retrieve the expression data matrix of a set of datasets and genes
#' @param datasets A vector of dataset IDs or short names
#' @param genes A vector of NCBI IDs, Ensembl IDs or gene symbols.
#' @param keepNonSpecific logical. \code{FALSE} by default. If \code{TRUE}, results
#' from probesets that are not specific to the gene will also be returned.
#' @param consolidate An option for gene expression level consolidation. If empty,
#' will return every probe for the genes. "pickmax" to
#' pick the probe with the highest expression, "pickvar" to pick the prove with
#' the highest variance and "average" for returning the average expression
#' @param raw \code{TRUE} to receive results as-is from Gemma, or \code{FALSE} to enable
#' parsing. Raw results usually contain additional fields and flags that are
#' omitted in the parsed results.
#' @param memoised Whether or not to save to cache for future calls with the
#' same inputs and use the result saved in cache if a result is already saved.
#' Doing \code{options(gemma.memoised = TRUE)} will ensure that the cache is always
#' used. Use \code{\link{forget_gemma_memoised}} to clear the cache.
#' @param file The name of a file to save the results to, or \code{NULL} to not write
#' results to a file. If \code{raw == TRUE}, the output will be the raw endpoint from the
#' API, likely a JSON or a gzip file. Otherwise, it will be a RDS file.
#' @param overwrite Whether or not to overwrite if a file exists at the specified
#' filename.
#' @return A list of data frames
#' @keywords dataset
#' @examples
#' get_dataset_expression_for_genes("GSE2018", genes = c(10225, 2841))
#' @export
get_dataset_expression_for_genes <- function(
datasets, genes,
keepNonSpecific = FALSE,
consolidate = NA_character_,
raw = getOption("gemma.raw", FALSE),
memoised = getOption(
file = getOption("gemma.file", NA_character_),
overwrite = getOption("gemma.overwrite", FALSE)
ds <- get_datasets_by_ids(datasets = datasets)
if(length(unique(ds$taxon.name)) == 1){
datasets = datasets,
genes = genes,
keepNonSpecific = keepNonSpecific,
consolidate = consolidate,
raw = raw,
memoised = memoised,
file = file,
overwrite = overwrite,
taxon = ds$taxon.name[[1]]
} else{
datasets = datasets,
genes = genes,
keepNonSpecific = keepNonSpecific,
consolidate = consolidate,
raw = raw,
memoised = memoised,
file = file,
overwrite = overwrite
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