#' is_url
#' check if character f is a valid URL
#' @param f a character possibly containing a URL
#' @return TRUE if f looks like a URL
#' @export
#' @examples
#' is_url("not_a_url")
#' is_url("ftp://is_a_url")
is_url = function(f){
grepl("://", f)
#' Title
#' @param f
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
is_gz = function(f){
grepl(".gz$", f)
#' cache_gz
#' Automatically handles cacheing of (potentially) gzipped resources. Resources
#' can be local or remote (will be downloaded and cached). If resource is
#' gzipped (only if ends in .gz) a gunzipped version will be added to cache.
#' for a given path
#' 1. checks if it's a url and downloads, and updates to local path.
#' 2. if path ends in .gz, gunzips and updates path
#' @param x a BiocFileCache cache
#' @param path url or path to gzipped resource
#' @param rname rname for gzipped resource
#' @return path to gunzipped resource in cache
#' @export
#' @import BiocFileCache
#' @examples
cache_gz = function(x, path){
path = BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(x,
rnames = paste0(basename(path), ",gzip"),
fpath = path)
rname = paste0(basename(path), ",unzip")
if(!any(BiocFileCache::bfcinfo(x)$rname == rname)){ #dl if necessary
raw_lines = readLines(gzfile(path))
path = BiocFileCache::bfcnew(x, rname = rname)
writeLines(raw_lines, con = path)
}else{ # use existing resource
path = BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(x, rnames = rname)
path = BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(x,
rnames = paste0(basename(path), ",unzip"),
fpath = path)
if(grepl(".gz$", path)){ #gunzip if necessary
#' Title
#' @param x a bioc cache
#' @param input_name path to file FUN works on
#' @param FUN function that accepts one file path as it's only argument.
#' the output of FUN(input_name) will be returned, either from running or cached
#' if available.
#' @param output_tag character. Used to create cache result identifier (rname).
#' New rname
#' will be either 1) the result of adding this tag to rname of input_name
#' if input_name is cached or 2) the result of adding this tag to basename of
#' input_name if uncached. If this new rname exists in cache, cached result
#' will be used and FUN will not be rerun.
#' @return object returned by FUN(input_obj)
#' @export
#' @import BiocFileCache
#' @examples
cache_FUN = function(x, input_name, output_tag, FUN, input_obj = input_name, saveFUN = saveRDS, loadFUN = readRDS){
if(any(BiocFileCache::bfcinfo(x)$rpath == basename(input_name))){
input_rname = BiocFileCache::bfcinfo(x)$rname[BiocFileCache::bfcinfo(x)$rpath == basename(input_name)]
output_rname = paste0(sub(',.+', "", input_rname), ",", output_tag)
output_rname = paste0(basename(input_name), ",", output_tag)
if(output_rname %in% BiocFileCache::bfcinfo(x)$rname){
message("using cached result from: ", output_rname)
out = loadFUN(BiocFileCache::bfcrpath(x, output_rname))
message("calculating result and storing in: ", output_rname)
out = FUN(input_obj)
saveFUN(out, BiocFileCache::bfcnew(x, rname = output_rname))
#' Title
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
running_jids = function(){
qstat_res = system("qstat", intern = TRUE)
jids = sapply(strsplit(qstat_res[-(1:2)], " +"), function(x)x[2])
#' Title
#' @param hold_jids
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
wait_jids = function(hold_jids, interval = 5){
hold_jids = hold_jids[!is.na(hold_jids)]
jids = running_jids()
while(any(hold_jids %in% jids)){
message("Waiting on ", paste(intersect(hold_jids, jids), collapse = ","))
jids = running_jids()
#' Title
#' @param hold_jids
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
kill_jids = function(hold_jids){
for(jid in hold_jids){
system(paste("qdel", jid))
#' Title
#' @param hold_jids
#' @param interval
#' @param watch_prefix
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
watch_jids = function(hold_jids, interval = 5, watch_prefix = "watching"){
hold_jids = hold_jids[!is.na(hold_jids)]
jids = running_jids()
if(any(hold_jids %in% jids)){
message(watch_prefix, " : ", paste(intersect(hold_jids, jids), collapse = ","))
later::later(function()watch_jids(hold_jids, interval, watch_prefix), interval)
message(watch_prefix, " : ", "finished!")
#' Write gr to bigbed file
#' @param gr gr to save
#' @param bedf name of intermediate bedfiles
#' @param bbf name of final output bigbed file
#' @param chrSizes chrSizes file to use, default is hg38
#' @param cleanup_beds remove beds when done? TRUE
#' @return path to big bed file
#' @export
#' @examples
writeBigBed = function(gr, bbf, bedf = sub("\\.bb$", "\\.bed", bbf), chrSizes = "~/hg38_chrsizes.txt", cleanup_beds = TRUE){
rtracklayer::export.bed(gr, bedf)
system(paste("bedSort", bedf, paste0(bedf, ".sorted")), intern = TRUE)
system(paste("bedToBigBed", paste0(bedf, ".sorted"), chrSizes, bbf), intern = TRUE)
file.remove(paste0(bedf, ".sorted"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.