#' ssvFetchBamPE
#' wrapper to handle pileup of standard RNA-seq FR paired end data
#' @param file_paths character vector of file_paths to load from. Alternatively,
#' file_paths can be a data.frame or data.table whose first column is a
#' character vector of paths and additial columns will be used as metadata.
#' @param qgr Set of GRanges to query. For valid results the width of each
#' interval should be identical and evenly divisible by \code{win_size}.
#' @param win_size The window size that evenly divides widths in \code{qgr}.
#' @param target_strand character. if one of "+" or "-", reads are filtered to
#' match. ignored if any other value.
#' @param splice_strategy character, one of c("none", "ignore", "add", "only",
#' "splice_count"). Default is "none" and spliced alignment are asssumed not
#' present. fragLen must be NA for any other value to be valid. "ignore" will
#' not count spliced regions. add" counts spliced regions along with others,
#' "only" will only count spliced regions and ignore others.
#' @param return_data.table logical. If TRUE the internal data.table is returned
#' instead of GRanges. Default is FALSE.
#' @param n_region_splits integer number of splits to apply to qgr. The query
#' GRanges will be split into this many roughly equal parts for increased
#' parallelization. Default is 1, no split.
#' @return a GRanges (or data.table if return_data.table == TRUE)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(Sys.info()['sysname'] != "Windows"){
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' bam_f = system.file("extdata/testPE.bam",
#' package = "seqsetvis", mustWork = TRUE)
#' bam_files = c("a" = bam_f, "b" = bam_f)
#' qgr = CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr[1:5]
#' bw_gr = ssvFetchBamPE(bam_files, qgr, win_size = 10)
#' bw_gr
#' }
ssvFetchBamPE.RNA = function(file_paths, qgr, win_size = 50, target_strand = "both", splice_strategy = "ignore",
return_data.table = FALSE, win_method = "sample",
max_dupes = Inf,
flip_strand = FALSE, sum_reads = TRUE,
n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
force_skip_centerFix = TRUE, n_region_splits = 1){
y = cn = NULL #reserve bindings
strand(qgr) = "*"
bam_r1 = seqsetvis::ssvFetchBam(
file_paths = file_paths,
qgr = qgr,
target_strand = target_strand,
splice_strategy = splice_strategy,
return_data.table = TRUE,
fragLens = NA,
win_size = win_size,
flag = scanBamFlag(isFirstMateRead = TRUE),
win_method = win_method,
flip_strand = flip_strand,
max_dupes = max_dupes,
n_cores = n_cores,
force_skip_centerFix = force_skip_centerFix,
n_region_splits = n_region_splits
cn = colnames(bam_r1)
bam_r1$read = "r1"
bam_r2 =
# ssvFetchBam.R2(
file_paths = file_paths,
qgr = qgr,
target_strand = target_strand,
splice_strategy = splice_strategy,
return_data.table = TRUE,
fragLens = NA,
win_size = win_size,
flag = scanBamFlag(isSecondMateRead = TRUE),
win_method = win_method,
flip_strand = !flip_strand,
max_dupes = max_dupes,
n_cores = n_cores,
force_skip_centerFix = force_skip_centerFix,
n_region_splits = n_region_splits
bam_r2$read = "r2"
# ggplot(rbind(bam_r1, bam_r2), aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap("read")
# bam_r1[, strand := ifelse(strand == "+", "-", "+") ]
# ggplot(rbind(bam_r1, bam_r2), aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap("read")
bam_dt = rbind(bam_r1, bam_r2)[, cn, with = FALSE]
bam_dt = bam_dt[, list(y = sum(y)), by = c(cn[cn != "y"])][, cn, with = FALSE]
bam_dt = rbind(bam_r1, bam_r2)
# if(as.character(strand(qgr)) == "+"){
# bam_dt[, strand := ifelse(strand == "+", "-", "+") ]
# }
# ggplot(bam_dt, aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) + geom_path()
bam_dt = GRanges(bam_dt)
# ssvFetchBam.R2 = function(file_paths,
# qgr,
# unique_names = NULL,
# win_size = 50,
# win_method = c("sample", "summary")[1],
# summary_FUN = stats::weighted.mean,
# fragLens = "auto",
# target_strand = c("*", "+", "-", "both")[1],
# flip_strand = FALSE,
# anchor = c("left", "left_unstranded", "center",
# "center_unstranded")[3],
# names_variable = "sample",
# return_data.table = FALSE,
# max_dupes = Inf,
# splice_strategy = c("none", "ignore", "add",
# "only", "splice_count")[1],
# n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
# ...){
# stopifnot(all(is.character(fragLens) |
# is.numeric(fragLens) |
# is.na(fragLens)))
# exp_fragLen = ifelse(is.data.frame(file_paths) || is.data.table(file_paths), nrow(file_paths), length(file_paths))
# stopifnot(length(fragLens) == 1 || length(fragLens) == exp_fragLen)
# if(length(fragLens) == 1){
# if (is.data.frame(file_paths) || is.data.table(file_paths)) {
# fragLens = rep(fragLens[1], nrow(file_paths))
# }else{
# fragLens = rep(fragLens[1], length(file_paths))
# }
# }
# if (is.data.frame(file_paths) || is.data.table(file_paths)) {
# if(is.null(colnames(file_paths))){
# names(fragLens) = file_paths[[1]]
# }else{
# if(any(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))){
# k = which(grepl("file", colnames(file_paths)))[1]
# names(fragLens) = file_paths[[k]]
# }else{
# names(fragLens) = file_paths[[1]]
# }
# }
# }else{
# names(fragLens) = file_paths
# }
# load_bam = function(f, nam, qgr) {
# message("loading ", f, " ...")
# if(!file.exists(paste0(f, ".bai"))){
# warning("creating index for ", f)
# Rsamtools::indexBam(f)
# }
# fl = fragLens[f]
# if(!is.na(fl))
# if(fl == "auto"){
# fl = NULL
# }
# dt = ssvFetchBam.single.R2(bam_f = f,
# qgr = qgr,
# win_size = win_size,
# win_method = win_method,
# summary_FUN = summary_FUN,
# fragLen = fl,
# target_strand = target_strand,
# anchor = anchor,
# return_data.table = TRUE,
# max_dupes = max_dupes,
# splice_strategy = splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand,
# ...)
# # dt[[names_variable]] = rep(nam, nrow(dt))
# message("finished loading ", nam, ".")
# dt
# }
# bdt = ssvFetchSignal(file_paths = file_paths,
# qgr = qgr,
# load_signal = load_bam,
# unique_names = unique_names,
# names_variable = names_variable,
# win_size = win_size,
# win_method = win_method,
# return_data.table = TRUE,
# n_cores = n_cores)
# if(flip_strand){
# if(target_strand != "*"){
# bdt[, strand := ifelse(strand == "+", "-", "+")]
# }
# }
# if(!return_data.table){
# bdt = GRanges(bdt)
# }
# bdt
# }
# ssvFetchBam.single.R2 = function(bam_f,
# qgr,
# win_size = 50,
# win_method = c("sample", "summary")[1],
# summary_FUN = stats::weighted.mean,
# fragLen = NULL,
# target_strand = c("*", "+", "-", "both")[1],
# anchor = c("left", "left_unstranded", "center",
# "center_unstranded")[3],
# return_data.table = FALSE,
# max_dupes = Inf,
# splice_strategy = c("none", "ignore", "add",
# "only", "splice_count")[1],
# flip_strand = FALSE,
# ...) {
# x = id = y = NULL
# stopifnot(is.character(win_method))
# stopifnot(length(win_method) == 1)
# stopifnot(is(qgr, "GRanges"))
# stopifnot(win_method %in% c("sample", "summary"))
# stopifnot(is.function(summary_FUN))
# stopifnot(target_strand %in% c("*", "+", "-", "both"))
# stopifnot(anchor %in% c("left", "left_unstranded", "center",
# "center_unstranded"))
# stopifnot(splice_strategy %in% c("none", "ignore", "add",
# "only", "splice_count"))
# if(splice_strategy == "splice_count"){
# return(fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, NA, "*",
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...))
# }
# switch (
# win_method,
# sample = {
# qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges(qgr, win_size)
# if(target_strand == "both"){
# pos_gr = fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, fragLen, "+",
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...)
# neg_gr = fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, fragLen, "-",
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...)
# pos_dt = viewGRangesWinSample_dt(pos_gr, qgr,
# win_size, anchor = anchor)
# neg_dt = viewGRangesWinSample_dt(neg_gr, qgr,
# win_size, anchor = anchor)
# pos_dt[, strand := "+"]
# neg_dt[, strand := "-"]
# out = rbind(
# pos_dt,
# neg_dt
# )
# }else{
# score_gr = fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, fragLen, target_strand,
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...)
# out = viewGRangesWinSample_dt(score_gr, qgr,
# win_size, anchor = anchor)
# out[, strand := target_strand]
# }
# },
# summary = {
# if(target_strand == "both"){
# pos_gr = fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, fragLen, "+",
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...)
# neg_gr = fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, fragLen, "-",
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...)
# pos_dt = viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(pos_gr, qgr, win_size,
# summary_FUN = summary_FUN,
# anchor = anchor)
# neg_dt = viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(neg_gr, qgr, win_size,
# summary_FUN = summary_FUN,
# anchor = anchor)
# pos_dt[, strand := "+"]
# neg_dt[, strand := "-"]
# out = rbind(
# pos_dt,
# neg_dt
# )
# }else{
# score_gr = fetchBam.R2(bam_f, qgr, fragLen, target_strand,
# max_dupes, splice_strategy,
# flip_strand = flip_strand, ...)
# out = viewGRangesWinSummary_dt(score_gr, qgr, win_size,
# summary_FUN = summary_FUN,
# anchor = anchor)
# out[, strand := target_strand]
# }
# }
# )
# # if(any(strand(qgr) == "-")){
# # toflip = names(subset(qgr, strand == "-"))
# # out[id %in% toflip & strand != "*", strand := ifelse(strand == "+", "-", "+")]
# # }
# out = out[order(x)][order(id)][order(strand)]
# if(!return_data.table){
# out = GRanges(out)
# }
# return(out)
# }
# fetchBam.R2 = function(bam_f,
# qgr,
# fragLen = NULL,
# target_strand = c("*", "+", "-")[1],
# max_dupes = Inf,
# splice_strategy = c("none", "ignore", "add",
# "only", "splice_count")[1],
# flip_strand = FALSE,
# ...){
# which_label = NULL #reserve binding
# stopifnot(is.numeric(max_dupes))
# stopifnot(max_dupes >= 1)
# if(!is.na(fragLen) && splice_strategy != "none"){
# stop("fragLen must be NA if splice_strategy is not 'none'.")
# }
# if( ! splice_strategy %in% c("none", "ignore", "add",
# "only", "splice_count")){
# stop('splice_strategy must be one of: "none", "ignore", "add", "only"')
# }
# if(is.null(fragLen)){
# fragLen = fragLen_calcStranded(bam_f, qgr, flip_strand = flip_strand)
# message("fragLen was calculated as: ", fragLen)
# }
# if(!is.na(fragLen)){
# stopifnot(is.numeric(fragLen))
# stopifnot(fragLen %% 1 == 0)
# stopifnot(fragLen >= 1)
# }
# sbgr = qgr
# strand(sbgr) = "*"
# # browser()
# sbParam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
# which = sbgr,
# what = c("rname", "strand", "pos", "qwidth", "cigar"), ...)
# bam_raw = Rsamtools::scanBam(bam_f, param = sbParam)
# bam_dt = lapply(bam_raw, function(x){
# data.table(seqnames = x$rname, strand = x$strand,
# start = x$pos-x$qwidth, width = x$qwidth, cigar = x$cigar)
# })
# bam_dt = data.table::rbindlist(bam_dt,
# use.names = TRUE,
# idcol = "which_label")
# bam_dt = bam_dt[!is.na(width)]
# toflip = sub(":-", "", as.character(subset(qgr, strand == "-")))
# if(target_strand %in% c("+", "-")){
# bam_dt = bam_dt[strand == target_strand & !(which_label %in% toflip) |
# strand != target_strand & which_label %in% toflip]
# }
# bam_dt[, end := start + width - 1L]
# if(max_dupes < Inf){
# bam_dt = .rm_dupes(bam_dt, max_dupes)
# }
# if(is.na(fragLen)){
# bam_dt = switch(
# splice_strategy,
# none = {bam_dt},
# ignore = {.expand_cigar_dt(bam_dt)},
# add = {.expand_cigar_dt(bam_dt,
# op_2count = c("M", "D", "=", "X", "N"))},
# only = {.expand_cigar_dt(bam_dt, op_2count = c("N"))},
# splice_count = {.expand_cigar_dt(bam_dt, op_2count = c("N"))}
# )
# }else{
# # bam_dt[, end := start + width - 1L]
# if(flip_strand){
# bam_dt[strand == "-", end := start + as.integer(fragLen) - 1L]
# bam_dt[strand == "+", start := end - as.integer(fragLen) + 1L]
# }else{
# bam_dt[strand == "+", end := start + as.integer(fragLen) - 1L]
# bam_dt[strand == "-", start := end - as.integer(fragLen) + 1L]
# }
# }
# if(splice_strategy == "splice_count"){
# return(bam_dt[, .N,
# by = list(which_label, seqnames, start, end, strand)])
# }
# ext_cov = coverage(split(GRanges(bam_dt), bam_dt$which_label))
# score_gr = GRanges(ext_cov)
# if(target_strand == "+"){
# strand(score_gr) = "+"
# }
# if(target_strand == "-"){
# strand(score_gr) = "-"
# }
# return(score_gr)
# }
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