plot_summary_glyph.2 = function (tsne_dt,
id_to_plot = NULL,
p = NULL,
xrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
yrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
bg_color = "gray",
line_color_mapping = "black",
fill_color_mapping = "gray",
label_type = c("text", "label", "none")[3],
bg_points = 5000,
arrow_FUN = NULL)
stopifnot(qtall_vars %in% unique(tsne_dt$tall_var))
if (is.numeric(label_type)) {
label_type = c("text", "label", "none")[label_type]
if (is.null(id_to_plot)) {
id_to_plot = unique(tsne_dt$id)
stopifnot(id_to_plot %in% tsne_dt$id)
lines_dt = tsne_dt[tall_var %in% qtall_vars & id %in% id_to_plot]
lines_dt$tall_var = factor(lines_dt$tall_var, levels = qtall_vars)
lines_dt = lines_dt[order(tall_var)][order(id)]
lo = (seq(id_to_plot)%%length(line_color_mapping)) + 1
line_color_mapping = line_color_mapping[lo]
names(line_color_mapping) = id_to_plot
fo = (seq(id_to_plot)%%length(fill_color_mapping)) + 1
fill_color_mapping = fill_color_mapping[fo]
names(fill_color_mapping) = id_to_plot
if (bg_points < 0) {
id_tp = character()
else if (bg_points == 0) {
id_tp = id_to_plot
else {
id_tp = sampleCap(unique(tsne_dt$id), bg_points)
id_tp = union(id_tp, id_to_plot)
if (is.null(p)) {
p = ggplot() + labs(title = paste(qtall_vars, collapse = ", ")) +
theme_classic() + coord_cartesian(xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng)
p = p + annotate("point", x = tsne_dt[id %in% id_tp,
]$tx, y = tsne_dt[id %in% id_tp, ]$ty, color = bg_color)
ch_dt = lines_dt[, .(ch_i = grDevices::chull(tx, ty)), .(id)]
lines_dt[, `:=`(ch_i, seq(.N)), by = .(id)]
ch_res = lines_dt[, .(ch_i = grDevices::chull(tx, ty)), by = .(id)]
ch_res$o = seq(nrow(ch_res))
poly_dt = merge(lines_dt, ch_res)
poly_dt = poly_dt[order(o)]
for (tid in unique(poly_dt$id)) {
p = p + annotate("polygon", x = poly_dt[id == tid]$tx,
y = poly_dt[id == tid]$ty, color = line_color_mapping[tid],
fill = fill_color_mapping[tid])
lab_dt = lines_dt[, .(tx = mean(tx), ty = mean(ty)), by = .(id)]
switch(label_type, text = {
p = p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = lab_dt, aes(x = tx,
y = ty, label = id), color = "black", show.legend = FALSE)
}, label = {
p = p + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = lab_dt, aes(x = tx,
y = ty, label = id), color = "black", fill = "white",
show.legend = FALSE)
}, none = {
p = p
#' plot_summary_raster
#' @param image_dt $image_dt of result from prep_images()
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension.
#' @param p an existing ggplot to overlay images onto. Default of NULL starts a
#' new plot.
#' @param line_color_mapping named character vector for scale_color_manual, recommend $line_color_mapping from prep_images()
#' @param N_floor The value of N to consider 0. bins with N values <= N_floor
#' will be ignored.
#' @param N_ceiling The value of N to consider 1. bins with N values >=
#' N_ceiling will have images drawn at full size.
#' @param min_size Numeric (0, 1]. The minimum size images to draw. The default
#' of .3 draws images for all bins with N values >= 30% of the way from
#' N_floor to N_ceiling.
#' @param return_data if TRUE, data.table that would have been used to create
#' ggplot is returned instead.
#' @return ggplot containing images summarizing t-sne regions. if return_data
#' is TRUE, instead the data.table containing plot info is returned.
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4)
#' img_res = prep_images(summary_dt, 4)
#' #zoom on top-right quadrant
#' summary_dt.zoom = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 8, xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' img_res.zoom = prep_images(summary_dt.zoom, 8, xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' plot_summary_raster(img_res$image_dt,
#' x_points = img_res$x_points)
#' plot_summary_raster(img_res.zoom$image_dt,
#' x_points = img_res.zoom$x_points,
#' xrng = img_res.zoom$xrng,
#' yrng = img_res.zoom$yrng, min_size = 0)
plot_summary_raster = function (image_dt,
y_points = x_points,
xrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
yrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
p = NULL,
line_color_mapping = NULL,
N_floor = 0,
N_ceiling = NULL,
min_size = 0.3,
return_data = FALSE,
wide_var = "name")
image_dt = copy(image_dt)
image_dt = set_image_rects(image_dt, x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points, xrng = xrng, yrng = yrng, N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling, min_size = min_size)
if (return_data) {
if (is.null(p))
p = ggplot()
if (!is.null(line_color_mapping)) {
col_dt = image_dt[, .(tx, ty, wide_var_ = rep(names(line_color_mapping),
each = nrow(image_dt)))]
setnames(col_dt, "wide_var_", wide_var)
p = p +
# geom_point(data = col_dt,
# aes_string(x = "tx", y = "ty", color = wide_var)) +
scale_color_manual(values = line_color_mapping)
p = p +
geom_image.rect(data = image_dt,
aes(xmin = xmin,
xmax = xmax,
ymin = ymin,
ymax = ymax,
image = png_file)) +
geom_rect(data = image_dt,
aes(xmin = xmin,
xmax = xmax,
ymin = ymin,
ymax = ymax),
fill = NA,
color = "black") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng)
#' plot_summary_raster_byCell
#' @param image_dt $image_dt of result from prep_images()
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension.
#' @param p an existing ggplot to overlay images onto. Default of NULL starts a
#' new plot.
#' @param line_color_mapping named character vector for scale_color_manual, recommend $line_color_mapping from prep_images()
#' @param N_floor The value of N to consider 0. bins with N values <= N_floor
#' will be ignored.
#' @param N_ceiling The value of N to consider 1. bins with N values >=
#' N_ceiling will have images drawn at full size.
#' @param min_size Numeric (0, 1]. The minimum size images to draw. The default
#' of .3 draws images for all bins with N values >= 30% of the way from
#' N_floor to N_ceiling.
#' @param return_data if TRUE, data.table that would have been used to create
#' ggplot is returned instead.
#' @return ggplot containing images summarizing t-sne regions. if return_data
#' is TRUE, instead the data.table containing plot info is returned.
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4, facet_by = "tall_var")
#' img_res = prep_images(summary_dt, 4, facet_by = "tall_var")
#' #zoom on top-right quadrant
#' summary_dt.zoom = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4, facet_by = "tall_var",
#' xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' img_res.zoom = prep_images(summary_dt.zoom, 4, facet_by = "tall_var",
#' xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' plot_summary_raster_byCell(img_res$image_dt,
#' x_points = img_res$x_points)
#' plot_summary_raster_byCell(img_res.zoom$image_dt,
#' x_points = img_res.zoom$x_points,
#' xrng = img_res.zoom$xrng,
#' yrng = img_res.zoom$yrng)
plot_summary_raster_byCell = function (image_dt,
y_points = x_points,
p = NULL,
line_color_mapping = NULL,
xrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
yrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
N_floor = 0,
N_ceiling = NULL,
min_size = 0.3,
return_data = FALSE){
tall_var = bx = by = NULL
image_dt = set_image_rects(image_dt, x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points, xrng = xrng, yrng = yrng, N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling, min_size = min_size)
if (return_data)
if (is.null(p))
p = ggplot()
if (!is.null(line_color_mapping)) {
col_dt = image_dt[, .(tx, ty, wide_var = rep(names(line_color_mapping),
each = nrow(image_dt)))]
p = p + geom_point(data = col_dt, aes(x = tx, y = ty,
color = wide_var)) + scale_color_manual(values = line_color_mapping)
p = p + geom_image.rect(data = image_dt, aes(xmin = xmin,
xmax = xmax, ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, image = png_file)) +
geom_rect(data = image_dt, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax,
ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax), fill = NA, color = "black") +
coord_cartesian(xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng) + facet_wrap("tall_var",
drop = FALSE)
#' plot_summary_glyph
#' @param summary_dt results from prep_summary()
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension.
#' @param ylim ylimits per glyph
#' @param p an existing ggplot to overlay images onto. Default of NULL starts a
#' new plot.
#' @param N_floor The value of N to consider 0. bins with N values <= N_floor
#' will be ignored.
#' @param N_ceiling The value of N to consider 1. bins with N values >=
#' N_ceiling will have images drawn at full size.
#' @param min_size Numeric (0, 1]. The minimum size images to draw. The default
#' of .3 draws images for all bins with N values >= 30% of the way from
#' N_floor to N_ceiling.
#' @param return_data if TRUE, data.table that would have been used to create
#' ggplot is returned instead.
#' @param color_mapping mapping for scale_color_manual
#' @return a ggplot containing glyphs of local profile summaries arranged in
#' t-sne space.
#' @importFrom GGally glyphs
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' n_points = 12
#' summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt = profile_dt,
#' position_dt = tsne_dt, x_points = n_points)
#' plot_summary_glyph(summary_dt,
#' x_points = n_points)
plot_summary_glyph = function (summary_dt,
y_points = x_points,
xrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
yrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
ylim = NULL,
p = NULL,
N_floor = 0,
N_ceiling = NULL,
min_size = 0.3,
return_data = FALSE,
color_mapping = NULL,
x_var = "x",
y_var = "y",
wide_var = "name",
extra_vars = character())
group_size = gx = gy = gid = NULL
summary_dt = set_size(summary_dt, N_floor, N_ceiling, = "group_size")
if(nrow(summary_dt[group_size >= min_size]) == 0){
"All summary groups would have been removed based on min_size. Relaxing min_size to 0."
min_size = 0
summary_dt = summary_dt[group_size >= min_size]
if (is.null(ylim)) {
ylim = range(summary_dt[[y_var]])
ylim = range(ylim)
set(summary_dt, i = which(summary_dt[[y_var]] < min(ylim)), j = y_var, value = min(ylim))
set(summary_dt, i = which(summary_dt[[y_var]] > max(ylim)), j = y_var, value = max(ylim))
set(summary_dt, j = x_var, value = summary_dt[[x_var]] * summary_dt$group_size)
set(summary_dt, j = y_var, value = summary_dt[[y_var]] * summary_dt$group_size)
xs = bin_values_centers(x_points, rng = xrng)
ys = bin_values_centers(y_points, rng = yrng)
summary_dt[, `:=`(tx, xs[bx])]
summary_dt[, `:=`(ty, ys[by])]
down_scale = max(summary_dt$group_size)
glyph_dt =
x_major = "tx",
x_minor = x_var,
y_major = "ty",
y_minor = y_var,
width = diff(xrng)/x_points * 0.95 * down_scale,
height = diff(yrng)/y_points * 0.95 * down_scale
if (return_data) {
if (is.null(color_mapping)) {
if (is.factor(summary_dt[[wide_var]])) {
uwide_vars = levels(summary_dt[[wide_var]])
else if (is.character(summary_dt[[wide_var]])) {
uwide_vars = unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]])
color_mapping = seqsetvis::safeBrew(length(uwide_vars))
if (is.null(p)) {
p = ggplot()
glyph_groups = apply(glyph_dt[, c(unique(c("gid", wide_var, extra_vars))), with = FALSE],
paste(x, collapse = " ")
set(glyph_dt, j = "glyph_group", value = glyph_groups)
p = p + geom_path(data = glyph_dt,
group = "glyph_group",
color = wide_var)) +
labs(x = "tx", y = "ty") +
scale_color_manual(values = color_mapping) +
coord_cartesian(xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng)
set_size = function (dt, N_floor, N_ceiling, = "img_size")
tmp_var = NULL
stopifnot("N" %in% colnames(dt))
if (is.null(N_ceiling)) {
N_ceiling = max(dt$N)
dt[, `:=`(tmp_var, N)]
dt[tmp_var > N_ceiling, `:=`(tmp_var, N_ceiling)]
dt[tmp_var < N_floor, `:=`(tmp_var, N_floor)]
dt[, `:=`(tmp_var, tmp_var - N_floor)]
dt[, `:=`(tmp_var, tmp_var/N_ceiling)]
dt[[]] = dt$tmp_var
dt$tmp_var = NULL
#' prep_images
#' Prepares images summarizing profiles in t-sne regions and returns ggimage
#' compatible data.frame for plotting.
#' @param summary_dt a tidy data.table from prep_summary()
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' Defaults to same value as x_points.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension, default is range of position_dt$tx.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension, default is range of position_dt$ty.
#' @param rname prefix for image files. existing image files are used if
#' present.
#' @param odir output directory for image files.
#' @param force_rewrite if TRUE, images are overwritten even if they exist.
#' @param apply_norm if TRUE, y values are trimmed to 95th percentile and
#' transformed ot domain of [0,1]. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ylim y-limits of regional summary plots. Default of c(0, 1) is
#' compatible with apply_norm = TRUE.
#' @param facet_by character. varaible name to facet profile_dt by when
#' constructing images. The only valid non-null value with chiptsne functions
#' is "tall_var".
#' @param n_splines number of points to interpolate with splines.
#' @param ma_size moving average size when smoothing profiles.
#' @param n_cores number of cores to use when writing images. Default is value
#' of mc.cores option if set or 1.
#' @param line_color_mapping named vector of line color. Names correspond to
#' values of profile_dt 'wide_var' variable and values are colors.
#' @param vertical_facet_mapping named vector of vertical facet for data
#' @return data.table with variables
#' @importFrom seqsetvis applySpline
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4)
#' img_res = prep_images(summary_dt, 4)
#' #zoom on top-right quadrant
#' summary_dt.zoom = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4,
#' xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' img_res.zoom = prep_images(summary_dt.zoom, 4,
#' xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' #use results with plot_summary_raster() to make plots
prep_images = function (summary_dt,
y_points = x_points,
xrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
yrng = c(-0.5, 0.5),
rname = NULL,
odir = file.path(tempdir(), rname),
force_rewrite = FALSE,
apply_norm = TRUE,
ylim = c(0, 1),
facet_by = NULL,
ma_size = 2,
n_splines = 10,
n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
line_color_mapping = NULL,
vertical_facet_mapping = NULL,
wide_var = "name",
x_var = "x",
y_var = "y")
if (is.null(line_color_mapping)) {
line_color_mapping = seqsetvis::safeBrew(length(unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]])))
names(line_color_mapping) = unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]])
if (!all(unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]]) %in% names(line_color_mapping))) {
missing_colors = setdiff(unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]]),
stop("line_color_mapping is missing assignments for: ",
paste(missing_colors, collapse = ", "))
if (is.null(rname)) {
rname = digest::digest(list(summary_dt, x_points, y_points,
apply_norm, ylim, line_color_mapping, n_splines,
ma_size, facet_by))
dir.create(odir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (is.null(facet_by)) {
img_dt = unique(summary_dt[, list(bx, by, plot_id)])
img_dt[, `:=`(png_file, file.path(odir, paste0(plot_id,
}else {
img_dt = unique(summary_dt[, list(bx, by, plot_id, get(facet_by))])
# colnames(img_dt)[4] = facet_by
setnames(img_dt, colnames(img_dt)[4], facet_by)
img_dt[, `:=`(png_file, file.path(odir, paste0(get(facet_by),
"_", plot_id, ".png")))]
xs = bin_values_centers(x_points, rng = xrng)
ys = bin_values_centers(y_points, rng = yrng)
img_dt[, `:=`(tx, xs[bx])]
img_dt[, `:=`(ty, ys[by])]
if (apply_norm) {
summary_dt[, `:=`(ynorm, get(y_var)/stats::quantile(get(y_var), 0.95)),
by = list(get(wide_var))]
summary_dt[ynorm > 1, `:=`(ynorm, 1)]
}else {
summary_dt[, `:=`(ynorm, get(y_var))]
if (force_rewrite) {
if (is.null(facet_by)) {
count_dt = unique(summary_dt[, .(bx, by, N)])
img_dt = merge(img_dt, count_dt, by = c("bx", "by"))
}else {
count_dt = unique(summary_dt[, .(bx, by, get(facet_by),
setnames(count_dt, "V3", facet_by)
img_dt = merge(img_dt, count_dt, by = c("bx", "by",
if (is.null(vertical_facet_mapping)) {
summary_dt$group = 1
else {
if (!all(unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]]) %in% names(vertical_facet_mapping))) {
missing_groups = setdiff(unique(summary_dt[[wide_var]]),
stop("vertical_facet_mapping is missing assignments for: ",
paste(missing_groups, collapse = ", "))
summary_dt$group = factor(vertical_facet_mapping[summary_dt[[wide_var]]],
levels = unique(vertical_facet_mapping))
if (any(!file.exists(img_dt$png_file))) {
plot_info = lapply(which(!file.exists(img_dt$png_file)),
function(i) {
fpath = img_dt$png_file[i]
p_id = img_dt$plot_id[i]
if (is.null(facet_by)) {
pdt = summary_dt[plot_id == p_id]
else {
pdt = summary_dt[plot_id == p_id & get(facet_by) ==
pdt[, `:=`(ysm, movingAverage(ynorm, n = ma_size)),
by = c(wide_var)]
pdt = seqsetvis::applySpline(pdt, n = n_splines,
by_ = wide_var, y_ = "ysm")
list(pdt, fpath)
hidden = parallel::mclapply(plot_info, function(p_inf) {
fpath = p_inf[[2]]
pdt = p_inf[[1]]
p = ggplot(pdt, aes_string(x = x_var, y = "ysm", ymin = 0, ymax = "ysm",
color = wide_var, fill = wide_var)) + geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.3) +
geom_path(size = 0.6, alpha = 1) + scale_color_manual(values = line_color_mapping) +
scale_fill_manual(values = line_color_mapping) +
theme_void() + guides(color = "none", fill = "none") +
facet_wrap("group", ncol = 1) + theme(strip.background = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_blank()) + coord_cartesian(ylim = ylim,
xlim = c(-0.5, 0.5), expand = FALSE)
ggsave(fpath, p, width = 2, height = 2, units = "cm")
}, mc.cores = n_cores)
img_dt[, `:=`(png_file, normalizePath(png_file))]
return(list(image_dt = img_dt[], summary_profile_dt = summary_dt[],
x_points = x_points, y_points = y_points, xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng, line_color_mapping = line_color_mapping))
#' set_image_rects
#' configures result of prep_images by setting rectangle parameters
#' @param image_dt $image_dt of result from prep_images()
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension.
#' @param N_floor The value of N to consider 0. bins with N values <= N_floor
#' will be ignored.
#' @param N_ceiling The value of N to consider 1. bins with N values >=
#' N_ceiling will have images drawn at full size.
#' @param min_size Numeric (0, 1]. The minimum size images to draw. The default
#' of .3 draws images for all bins with N values >= 30% of the way from
#' N_floor to N_ceiling.
#' @return image_dt with rect aesthetics (xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax) added.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt,
#' tsne_dt,
#' x_points = 4)
#' img_res = prep_images(summary_dt, 4)
#' img_rect = set_image_rects(img_res$image_dt,
#' x_points = img_res$x_points,
#' y_points = img_res$y_points,
#' xrng = img_res$xrng,
#' yrng = img_res$yrng)
#' ggplot(img_rect, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax,
#' ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax)) + geom_rect()
#' ggplot(img_rect, aes(xmin = xmin, xmax = xmax,
#' ymin = ymin, ymax = ymax, image = png_file)) + geom_image.rect()
set_image_rects = function(image_dt,
N_floor = 0,
N_ceiling = NULL,
min_size = .3) {
image_dt = set_size(image_dt, N_floor, N_ceiling, = "img_size")
# image_dt[, img_size := N]
# image_dt[img_size > N_ceiling, img_size := N_ceiling]
# image_dt[img_size < N_floor, img_size := N_floor]
# image_dt[, img_size := img_size - N_floor]
# image_dt[, img_size := img_size / N_ceiling]
image_dt = image_dt[img_size >= min_size]
xspc = diff(xrng) / x_points / 2
yspc = diff(yrng) / y_points / 2
image_dt[, xmin := tx - xspc * img_size]
image_dt[, xmax := tx + xspc * img_size]
image_dt[, ymin := ty - yspc * img_size]
image_dt[, ymax := ty + yspc * img_size]
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.