#' run_tsne
#' @param profile_dt Tidy data.table of profile information. As returned by seqsetvis::ssvFetchBam.
#' @param perplexity perplexity value for t-SNE. Passed to Rtsne::Rtsne.
#' @param n_cores Number of threads for running t-SNE.
#' @param high_topright If TRUE, flip tx/ty as needed such that most points are in the top-right quadrant.
#' @param norm1 If TRUE, rescale tx and ty to be centered at 0,0 with total size of 1.
#' @param Y_init Optional initial coordinates for tx and ty.
#' @param wide_var Wide variable. Spreads matrix into columns. Each regions tSNE position will be based on one profile for every value of wide_var.
#' @param tall_var Tall variable. Repeats matrix entries down rows. Each region will appear once per value of tall_var in final tSNE.
#' @return Return data.table mapping each id_var entry to tSNE space: defined by tx and ty
#' @import Rtsne
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' setalloccol(profile_dt)
#' chiptsne:::run_tsne(profile_dt, wide_var = "wide_var", tall_var = "tall_var")
run_tsne = function (profile_dt,
perplexity = 100,
n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
high_topright = TRUE,
norm1 = TRUE,
Y_init = NULL,
x_var = "x",
y_var = "y",
id_var = "id",
wide_var = "name",
tall_var = "tall_none",
fun.aggregate = mean) {
valid_vars = c(ifelse(tall_var == "tall_none", character(), tall_var), wide_var, x_var, y_var, id_var)
valid_vars = valid_vars[!is.na(valid_vars)]
stopifnot(valid_vars %in% colnames(profile_dt))
set(profile_dt, j = tall_var, value = "none")
tsne_mat = dt2mat(profile_dt,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
id_var = id_var,
wide_var_ = wide_var,
tall_var_ = tall_var,
fun.aggregate = fun.aggregate)
bad_col = apply(tsne_mat, 2, stats::var) == 0
if (any(bad_col)) {
warning("zero variance columns detected in tsne matrix input.",
"\n", round(sum(bad_col)/length(bad_col) * 100,
2), "% of columns removed.")
tsne_mat = tsne_mat[, !bad_col, drop = FALSE]
if (is.data.table(Y_init)) {
if(tall_var != "tall_none"){
Y_init = as.matrix(Y_init[, .(tx, ty)], rownames.value = paste(Y_init[[id_var]],
Y_init = as.matrix(Y_init[, .(tx, ty)], rownames.value = paste(Y_init[[id_var]], "none"))
Y_init = Y_init[rownames(tsne_mat), ]
stopifnot(ncol(Y_init) == 2)
else {
max_perplexity = floor(nrow(tsne_mat)/4)
if(perplexity > max_perplexity){
perplexity = max_perplexity
warning("Reducing perplexity to ", perplexity, " to accommodate data of ", nrow(tsne_mat), " rows.")
res_tsne = Rtsne::Rtsne(tsne_mat,
Y_init = Y_init,
num_threads = n_cores,
perplexity = perplexity,
check_duplicates = FALSE)
tsne_dt = as.data.table(res_tsne$Y)
setnames(tsne_dt, c("tx", "ty"))
tsne_dt$rn = rownames(tsne_mat)
tsne_dt[, `:=`(c(id_var, tall_var), tstrsplit(rn, " ", keep = seq(2)))]
if (norm1) {
tsne_dt$tx = rescale_capped(tsne_dt$tx) - 0.5
tsne_dt$ty = rescale_capped(tsne_dt$ty) - 0.5
if (high_topright) {#flip tx/ty if needed so that
rs = rowSums(tsne_mat)
tsne_dt$rs = rs[tsne_dt$rn]
x_cutoff = mean(range(tsne_dt$tx))
x_flip = sum(tsne_dt[tx > x_cutoff]$rs) < sum(tsne_dt[tx < x_cutoff]$rs)
if (x_flip) {
tsne_dt[, `:=`(tx, max(tx) - tx + min(tx))]
y_cutoff = mean(range(tsne_dt$ty))
y_flip = sum(tsne_dt[ty > y_cutoff]$rs) < sum(tsne_dt[ty < y_cutoff]$rs)
if (y_flip) {
tsne_dt[, `:=`(ty, max(ty) - ty + min(ty))]
tsne_dt$rs = NULL
tsne_dt$rn = NULL
rescale_capped = function (x, to = c(0, 1), from = range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)){
y = scales::rescale(x, to, from)
y[y > max(to)] = max(to)
y[y < min(to)] = min(to)
dt2mat = function (prof_dt,
x_var = "x",
y_var = "y",
id_var = "id",
wide_var_ = "name",
tall_var_ = "tall_none",
fun.aggregate = mean){
if(tall_var_ == "tall_none"){
prof_dt[[tall_var_]] = "none"
stopifnot(c(id_var, wide_var_, tall_var_, x_var, y_var) %in% colnames(prof_dt))
dt = reshape2::dcast(data = prof_dt[get(wide_var_) %in% wide_values],
formula = paste0(id_var, "+", tall_var_, "~", x_var, "+", wide_var_),
value.var = y_var,
fun.aggregate = fun.aggregate)
wide_mat = as.matrix(dt[, -seq_len(2)])
rownames(wide_mat) = paste(dt[[id_var]], dt[[tall_var_]])
if(!all(table(colnames(wide_mat)) == 1)){
stop("Not all colnames of matrix were unique.")
if(!all(table(rownames(wide_mat)) == 1)){
stop("Not all colnames of matrix were unique.")
#' stsPlotSummaryProfiles
#' @param profile_dt a tidy data.table for profile data as retrieved by
#' stsFetchTsneInput. Expected variable names are id, tall_var, wide_var, x, and y.
#' @param position_dt a tidy data.table containing t-sne embedding. Expected
#' variable names are tx, ty, id, and tall_var.
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' Defaults to same value as x_points.
#' @param q_tall_vars character vector of tall_vars to plot. Default of NULL plots all.
#' @param q_wide_vars character vector of wide_vars to plot. Default of NULL plots all.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension, default is range of position_dt$tx.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension, default is range of position_dt$ty.
#' @param plot_type character, must be one of "glyph" or "raster". raster
#' uses ggimage::geom_image to embed images where glyph uses GGally::glyphs
#' @param rname prefix for image files. existing image files are used if
#' present.
#' @param odir output directory for image files.
#' @param force_rewrite if TRUE, images are overwritten even if they exist.
#' @param n_cores number of cores to use when writing images. Default is value
#' of mc.cores option if set or 1.
#' @param apply_norm if TRUE, y values are trimmed to 95th percentile and
#' transformed ot domain of [0,1]. Default is TRUE.
#' @param ylim y-limits of regional summary plots. Default of c(0, 1) is
#' compatible with apply_norm = TRUE.
#' @param ma_size moving average size when smoothing profiles.
#' @param n_splines number of points to interpolate with splines.
#' @param p an existing ggplot to overlay images onto. Default of NULL starts a
#' new plot.
#' @param facet_byCell boolean. If TRUE, plots are facetted by tall_var.
#' @param line_color_mapping named vector of line color. Names correspond to
#' values of profile_dt 'wide_var' variable and values are colors.
#' @param vertical_facet_mapping named vector of groups. vertical_facet_mapping
#' names are wide_vars and order of first occurence determines vertical position
#' top to bottom.
#' @param N_floor The value of N to consider 0. bins with N values <= N_floor
#' will be ignored.
#' @param N_ceiling The value of N to consider 1. bins with N values >=
#' N_ceiling will have images drawn at full size.
#' @param min_size Numeric (0, 1]. The minimum size images to draw. The default
#' of .3 draws images for all bins with N values >= 30% of the way from
#' N_floor to N_ceiling.
#' @param return_data if TRUE, data.table that would have been used to create
#' ggplot is returned instead.
#' @return returns a ggplot containing images summarizing t-sne space at
#' resolution determined by x_points and y_points with the space density
#' mapped to size.
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' stsPlotSummaryProfiles(profile_dt, tsne_dt, x_points = 4)
stsPlotSummaryProfiles = function (profile_dt,
y_points = x_points,
x_var = "x",
y_var = "y",
extra_vars = character(),
id_var = "id",
wide_var = "name",
tall_var = "tall_none",
q_tall_values = NULL,
q_wide_values = NULL,
xrng = NULL,
yrng = NULL,
plot_type = c("glyph", "raster")[1],
rname = NULL,
odir = NULL,
force_rewrite = FALSE,
n_cores = getOption("mc.cores", 1),
apply_norm = TRUE,
ylim = c(0, 1),
ma_size = 2,
n_splines = 10,
p = NULL,
facet_byCell = FALSE,
line_color_mapping = NULL,
vertical_facet_mapping = NULL,
N_floor = 0,
N_ceiling = NULL,
min_size = 0.3,
return_data = FALSE) {
profile_dt[[tall_var]] = "none"
if (is.null(q_tall_values)) {
if (is.factor(profile_dt[[tall_var]])) {
q_tall_values = levels(profile_dt[[tall_var]])
else {
q_tall_values = sort(unique(profile_dt[[tall_var]]))
if (is.null(q_wide_values)) {
if (is.factor(profile_dt[[wide_var]])) {
q_wide_values = levels(profile_dt[[wide_var]])
else {
q_wide_values = sort(unique(profile_dt[[wide_var]]))
if (is.null(line_color_mapping)) {
line_color_mapping = seqsetvis::safeBrew(length(unique(profile_dt[[wide_var]])))
names(line_color_mapping) = unique(profile_dt[[wide_var]])
line_color_mapping = line_color_mapping[names(line_color_mapping) %in%
if (is.factor(profile_dt[[tall_var]])) {
stopifnot(q_tall_values %in% levels(profile_dt[[tall_var]]))
else {
stopifnot(q_tall_values %in% unique(profile_dt[[tall_var]]))
if (is.factor(profile_dt[[wide_var]])) {
stopifnot(q_wide_values %in% levels(profile_dt[[wide_var]]))
else {
stopifnot(q_wide_values %in% unique(profile_dt[[wide_var]]))
if (!plot_type %in% c("glyph", "raster")) {
stop("plot_type (\"", plot_type, "\") must be one of \"glyph\" or \"raster\".")
k = profile_dt[[tall_var]] %in% q_tall_values &
profile_dt[[wide_var]] %in% q_wide_values
prof_dt = copy(profile_dt[k == TRUE])
pos_dt = copy(position_dt[position_dt[[tall_var]] %in% q_tall_values])
xrng = range(pos_dt$tx)
yrng = range(pos_dt$ty)
if (is.null(rname)) {
rname = digest::digest(list(prof_dt,
odir = file.path(tempdir(), rname)
prof_dt[[tall_var]] = factor(prof_dt[[tall_var]], levels = q_tall_values)
prof_dt[[wide_var]] = factor(prof_dt[[wide_var]], levels = q_wide_values)
pos_dt[[tall_var]] = factor(pos_dt[[tall_var]], levels = q_tall_values)
#### raster ####
if (plot_type == "raster") {
#### raster - no facet ####
if (!facet_byCell) {
summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt = prof_dt,
position_dt = pos_dt,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
facet_by = NULL,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
id_var = id_var,
wide_var = wide_var,
tall_var = tall_var,
extra_vars = extra_vars)
img_res = prep_images(summary_dt = summary_dt,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
rname = rname,
odir = odir,
force_rewrite = force_rewrite,
apply_norm = apply_norm,
ylim = ylim,
ma_size = ma_size,
n_splines = n_splines,
n_cores = n_cores,
line_color_mapping = line_color_mapping,
vertical_facet_mapping = vertical_facet_mapping,
wide_var = wide_var,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var)
plot_summary_raster(image_dt = img_res$image_dt,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
p = p,
line_color_mapping = img_res$line_color_mapping,
N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling,
min_size = min_size,
return_data = return_data,
wide_var = wide_var)
#### raster - facet ####
} else {
summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt = prof_dt,
position_dt = pos_dt,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
facet_by = tall_var,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
id_var = id_var,
wide_var = wide_var,
extra_vars = extra_vars)
img_res = prep_images(summary_dt = summary_dt,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
rname = rname,
odir = odir,
force_rewrite = force_rewrite,
apply_norm = apply_norm,
ylim = ylim,
ma_size = ma_size,
n_splines = n_splines,
n_cores = n_cores,
line_color_mapping = line_color_mapping,
vertical_facet_mapping = vertical_facet_mapping,
wide_var = wide_var,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var)
plot_summary_raster_byCell(image_dt = img_res$image_dt,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
p = p,
line_color_mapping = img_res$line_color_mapping,
N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling,
min_size = min_size,
return_data = return_data)
#### glyph ####
else if (plot_type == "glyph") {
#### glyph - no facet ####
if (!facet_byCell) {
summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt = prof_dt,
position_dt = pos_dt,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
facet_by = NULL,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
id_var = id_var,
wide_var = wide_var,
tall_var = tall_var,
extra_vars = extra_vars)
plot_summary_glyph(summary_dt = summary_dt,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
p = p,
ylim = ylim,
N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling,
min_size = min_size,
color_mapping = line_color_mapping,
return_data = return_data,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
wide_var = wide_var,
extra_vars = extra_vars)
#### glyph - facet ####
} else {
summary_dt_l = lapply(q_tall_values, function(cl) {
prep_summary(prof_dt[get(tall_var) == cl],
position_dt = pos_dt,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
facet_by = NULL,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
id_var = id_var,
wide_var = wide_var,
tall_var = tall_var,
extra_vars = extra_vars)
names(summary_dt_l) = q_tall_values
summary_dt = rbindlist(summary_dt_l,
use.names = TRUE,
idcol = tall_var)
if (return_data) {
plot_summary_glyph(summary_dt = summary_dt,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
ylim = ylim,
N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling,
min_size = min_size,
color_mapping = line_color_mapping,
return_data = return_data,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
wide_var = wide_var)
else {
x_points = x_points,
y_points = y_points,
xrng = xrng,
yrng = yrng,
ylim = ylim,
N_floor = N_floor,
N_ceiling = N_ceiling,
min_size = min_size,
color_mapping = line_color_mapping,
x_var = x_var,
y_var = y_var,
wide_var = wide_var,
extra_vars = extra_vars) +
facet_wrap(paste0("~", tall_var))
#' prep_summary
#' @param profile_dt a tidy data.table for profile data as retrieved by
#' stsFetchTsneInput. Expected variable names are id, tall_var, wide_var, x, and y.
#' @param position_dt a tidy data.table containing t-sne embedding. Expected
#' variable names are tx, ty, id, and tall_var.
#' @param x_points numeric. number of grid points to use in x dimension.
#' @param y_points numeric. number of grid points to use in y dimension.
#' Defaults to same value as x_points.
#' @param xrng view domain in x dimension, default is range of position_dt$tx.
#' @param yrng view domain in y dimension, default is range of position_dt$ty.
#' @param facet_by character. variable name to facet profile_dt by when
#' constructing images. The only valid non-null value with chiptsne functions
#' is "tall_var".
#' @return summary of profiles binned across tsne space according to x_points,
#' y_points, and within xrng and yrng
#' @examples
#' data("profile_dt")
#' data("tsne_dt")
#' summary_dt = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4)
#' img_res = prep_images(summary_dt, 4)
#' #zoom on top-right quadrant
#' summary_dt.zoom = prep_summary(profile_dt, tsne_dt, 4,
#' xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
#' img_res.zoom = prep_images(summary_dt.zoom, 4,
#' xrng = c(0, .5), yrng = c(0, .5))
prep_summary = function (profile_dt,
y_points = x_points,
xrng = range(position_dt$tx),
yrng = range(position_dt$ty),
facet_by = NULL,
x_var = "x",
y_var = "y",
id_var = "id",
wide_var = "name",
tall_var = "tall_none",
extra_vars = character()){
position_dt = copy(position_dt[tx >= min(xrng) & tx <= max(xrng) &
ty >= min(yrng) & ty <= max(yrng)])
position_dt = position_dt[get(id_var) %in% unique(profile_dt[[id_var]])]
if (is.null(position_dt$bx))
position_dt[, `:=`(bx, bin_values(tx, x_points,
xrng = xrng))]
if (is.null(position_dt$by))
position_dt[, `:=`(by, bin_values(ty, y_points,
xrng = yrng))]
summary_dt = merge(profile_dt, position_dt[, c("bx", "by", tall_var, id_var), with = FALSE],
allow.cartesian = TRUE,
by = intersect(colnames(profile_dt), c(tall_var, id_var)))
if (is.null(summary_dt[[wide_var]]))
summary_dt[[wide_var]] = "signal"
if (is.null(facet_by)) {
summary_dt = summary_dt[, list(y_tmp_ = mean(get(y_var))), c(unique(c("bx", "by", x_var, wide_var, extra_vars)))]
else {
summary_dt = summary_dt[, list(y_tmp_ = mean(get(y_var))), c(unique(c("bx", "by", x_var, wide_var, facet_by, extra_vars)))]
setnames(summary_dt, "y_tmp_", y_var)
N_dt = position_dt[, .(.N), by = .(bx, by)]
summary_dt = merge(summary_dt, N_dt, by = c("bx", "by"))
summary_dt[, `:=`(plot_id, paste(bx, by, sep = "_"))]
bin_values = function (x, n_bins, xrng = range(x))
stopifnot(length(xrng) == 2)
floor(rescale_capped(x, 0:1, xrng) * (n_bins - 1e-05)) +
bin_values_centers = function (n_bins, rng)
if (length(rng) != 2)
rng = range(rng)
stopifnot(length(rng) == 2)
xspc = diff(rng)/n_bins/2
xs = seq(min(rng) + xspc, max(rng) - xspc, diff(rng)/(n_bins))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.