#' aggregate_signals
#' aggregate_signals is retrieves a single representative value for a genomic
#' region per sample by default this is the maximum anywhere in the region but
#' this can be overriden using xmin/xmax and agg_FUN
#' @param profile_dt Tidy data.table of profile information. As returned by seqsetvis::ssvFetchBam.
#' @param agg_FUN A function appled to all y_ values in xmin to xmax range. Must accept single numeric vector and return 1 value.
#' @param y_ Variable name containing profile scores.
#' @param yout_ Variable name in output containing aggregate profile score information.
#' @param xmin The min range of x-values to apply agg_FUN to
#' @param xmax The max range of x-values to apply agg_FUN to
#' @param by_ Character vector of variable names to apply agg_FUN by.
#' @return A data.table summarizing every profile with a single value. Suitable for input to chiptsne:::plot_binned_aggregates.
#' @examples
#' aggregate_signals(profile_dt)
#' aggregate_signals(profile_dt, xmin = -.2, xmax = .2, agg_FUN = mean)
aggregate_signals = function(profile_dt,
agg_FUN = max,
y_ = "y",
yout_ = "ynorm",
xmin = -Inf,
xmax = Inf,
by_ = c("tall_var", "wide_var")){
agg_dt = profile_dt[x >= xmin & x <= xmax,
.(val_ = agg_FUN(get(y_))),
by = c("id", by_)]
agg_dt[[yout_]] = agg_dt$val_
agg_dt[, c(yout_, "id", by_), with = FALSE]
#' plot_binned_aggregates
#' @param agg_dt data.table as returned by chiptsne:::aggregate_signals
#' @param xbins Number of bins (pixel) in the x direction
#' @param ybins Number of bins (pixel) in the y direction. Default reuses xbins.
#' @param xrng numeric vector of length 2 defining range of x-axis. Default is full range of agg_dt.
#' @param yrng numeric vector of length 2 defining range of y-axis. Default is full range of agg_dt.
#' @param val The value mapped to fill in final plot.
#' @param bxval The variable defining individual points x position in agg_dt.
#' @param byval The variable defining individual points y position in agg_dt.
#' @param facet_ Variable in agg_dt to facet plot upon.
#' @param bin_met Function applied to all points in bin on the value of val
#' @param min_size Bins must contain at least this many points to appear in final plot.
#' @param return_data If TRUE, return data.table, not ggplot.
#' @return A ggplot object where TSNE space is summarized by a xbins*ybins raster image colored according to val.
#' @examples
#' agg_dt = aggregate_signals(profile_dt)
#' agg_dt = merge(agg_dt, tsne_dt, by = c("id", "tall_var"))
#' #control resolution in x and y separately
#' plot_raster_summary(agg_dt, facet_ = c("tall_var", "wide_var"),
#' xbins = 2, ybins = 3)
#' #filter out sparse regions
#' plot_raster_summary(agg_dt, facet_ = c("tall_var", "wide_var"),
#' xbins = 12, min_size = 0, xrng = c(-.5, .5))
plot_binned_aggregates = function(agg_dt,
xbins = 50,
ybins = xbins,
xrng = NULL,
yrng = NULL,
val = "y",
bxval = "tx",
byval = "ty",
facet_ = "wide_var",
extra_vars = character(),
bin_met = mean,
min_size = 1, return_data = FALSE){
if(is.null(xrng)) xrng = range(agg_dt[[bxval]])
if(is.null(yrng)) yrng = range(agg_dt[[byval]])
agg_dt[bxval >= min(xrng) & bxval <= max(xrng) &
byval >= min(yrng) & byval <= max(yrng)]
agg_dt[, bx := bin_values(get(bxval), n_bins = xbins, xrng = xrng)]
agg_dt[, by := bin_values(get(byval), n_bins = ybins, xrng = yrng)]
bin_dt = agg_dt[, .(y = bin_met(get(val)), N = .N), c(unique(c(facet_, extra_vars, "bx", "by")))]
bxvc = bin_values_centers(n_bins = xbins, xrng)
w = diff(bxvc[1:2])
byvc = bin_values_centers(n_bins = ybins, yrng)
h = diff(byvc[1:2])
bin_dt[, tx := bxvc[bx]]
bin_dt[, ty := byvc[by]]
if(nrow(bin_dt[N >= min_size]) == 0){
"All bins would have been removed based on min_size. Relaxing min_size to 0."
min_size = 0
ggplot(bin_dt[N >= min_size], aes(x = tx, y = ty, fill = y)) +
geom_tile(width = w, height = h) +
facet_wrap(facet_) +
scale_fill_viridis_c() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = xrng, ylim = yrng)
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