#' Transforms set of GRanges to all have the same size.
#' \code{centerFixedSizeGRanges} First calculates the central coordinate of each
#' GRange in \code{grs} and extends in both direction by half of
#' \code{fixed_size}
#' @export
#' @param grs Set of GRanges with incosistent and/or incorrect size
#' @param fixed_size The final width of each GRange returned.
#' @return Set of GRanges after resizing all input GRanges, either shortened
#' or lengthened as required to match \code{fixed_size}
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' grs = GRanges("chr1", IRanges(1:10+100, 1:10*3+100))
#' centered_grs = centerFixedSizeGRanges(grs, 10)
#' width(centered_grs)
centerFixedSizeGRanges = function(grs, fixed_size = 2000) {
stopifnot(is(grs, "GRanges"))
stopifnot(is(fixed_size, "numeric"))
stopifnot(fixed_size > 0)
m = floor(start(grs) + width(grs)/2)
ext = floor(fixed_size/2)
start(grs) = m - ext
end(grs) = m + fixed_size - ext - 1
# resize isn't ideal - repeated applications accumulate rounding shifts
# grs = GenomicRanges::resize(x = grs, width = fixed_size, fix = "center")
#' applies a spline smoothing to a tidy data.table containing x and y values.
#' \code{applySpline} Is intended for two-dimensional tidy data.tables, as
#' retured by \code{ssvFetchBigwig}
#' @export
#' @param dt a tidy data.table containing two-dimensional data
#' @param n the number of interpolation points to use per input point, see
#' \code{?spline}. n must be > 1.
#' @param x_ the variable name of the x-values
#' @param y_ the variable name of the y-values
#' @param by_ optionally, any variables that provide grouping to the data.
#' default is none. see details.
#' @param splineFun a function that accepts x, y, and n as arguments and
#' returns a list of length 2 with named elements x and y.
#' \code{stats::spline} by default.
#' see \code{stats::spline} for details.
#' @return a newly derived data.table that is \code{n} times longer than
#' original.
#' @details by_ is quite powerful. If \code{by_ = c('gene_id', 'sample_id')},
#' splines
#' will be calculated individually for each gene in each sample. alternatively
#' if \code{by_ = c('gene_id')}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ssvFetchBigwig}}
#' @importFrom stats spline
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt)
#' #data may be blockier than we'd like
#' ggplot(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt[, list(y = mean(y)), by = list(sample, x)]) +
#' geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y, color = sample))
#' #can be smoothed by applying a spline (think twice about doing so,
#' #it may look prettier but may also be deceptive or misleading)
#' splined_smooth = applySpline(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt, n = 10,
#' y_ = 'y', by_ = c('id', 'sample'))
#' ggplot(splined_smooth[, list(y = mean(y)), by = list(sample, x)]) +
#' geom_line(aes(x = x, y = y, color = sample))
applySpline = function(dt, n, x_ = "x", y_ = "y", by_ = c("id", "sample"),
splineFun = stats::spline) {
output_GRanges = FALSE
if(is(dt, "GRanges")){
dt = data.table::as.data.table(dt)
output_GRanges = TRUE
stopifnot(is.character(x_), is.character(y_), is.character(by_))
if (!any(x_ == colnames(dt))) {
stop("applySpline : x_ (", x_,
") not found in colnames of input data.table")
if (!any(y_ == colnames(dt))) {
stop("applySpline : y_ (", y_,
") not found in colnames of input data.table")
if (by_[1] != "" | length(by_) > 1)
if (!all(by_ %in% colnames(dt))) {
stop("applySpline : by_ (", by_,
") not found in colnames of input data.table")
dt = dt[order(get(x_))]
if(by_[1] != ""){
for(.by_ in by_){
dt = dt[order(get(.by_))]
stopifnot(n > 1)
dupe_x_within_by = suppressWarnings(
any(dt[, any(duplicated(get(x_))), by = by_]$V1))
if (dupe_x_within_by)
warning("applySpline : Duplicate values of x_ (\"", x_,
"\") exist within groups defined with by_ (\"", by_, "\"). ",
"This Results in splines through the means of yvalues at",
" duplicated xs.")
extra_cols = setdiff(colnames(dt), c(x_, y_, by_))
# sdt = dt[, list(n = floor(.N * n)), by = by_]
sdt = dt[, splineFun(x = get(x_), y = get(y_), n = floor(.N * n)), by = by_]
colnames(sdt)[colnames(sdt) == "x"] = x_
colnames(sdt)[colnames(sdt) == "y"] = y_
#repair with columns dropped in by_ apply spline
#each row will be duplicated n times
if(length(extra_cols) > 0){
if(n > 1){
repair = dt[rep(seq_len(nrow(dt)), each = n),
c(extra_cols, by_[by_ != ""]), with = FALSE]
sdt = cbind(sdt, repair)
# warning("")
# repair = unique(dt[, c(extra_cols, by_, x_), with = FALSE])
# repair = dt
# sdt
# merge(sdt, repair, by = by_)
# unique(sdt[, by_, with = FALSE])
# merge(sdt, repair, by = by_)
k = colnames(dt) %in% colnames(sdt)
sdt = sdt[, colnames(dt)[k], with = FALSE]
sdt = GRanges(sdt)
#' centers profile of x and y. default is to center by region but across all
#' samples.
#' \code{centerAtMax} locates the coordinate x of the maximum in y and shifts x
#' such that it is zero at max y.
#' @export
#' @param dt data.table
#' @param x_ the variable name of the x-values. default is 'x'
#' @param y_ the variable name of the y-values default is 'y'
#' @param by_ optionally, any variables that provide grouping to the data.
#' default is none. see details.
#' @param view_size the size in \code{x_} to consider for finding the max
#' of \code{y_}.
#' if length(view_size) == 1, range will be c(-view_size, view_size).
#' if length(view_size) > 1, range will be range(view_size).
#' default value of NULL uses complete range of x.
#' @param replace_x logical, default TRUE.
#' if TRUE x_ will be replaced with position relative to summit.
#' if FALSE x_ will be preserved and x_summitPosition added.
#' @param trim_to_valid valid \code{x_} values are those with a set \code{y_}
#' value in all \code{by_} combinations
#' @param check_by_dupes default assumption is that there should be on set of
#' x_ for a by_ instance.
#' if this is not the case and you want to disable warnings about set this
#' to FALSE.
#' @param x_precision numerical precision of x, default is 3.
#' @details character. by_ controls at the level of the data centering is
#' applied. If by_ is "" or NULL, a single max position will be determined
#' for the entire dataset. If by is "id" (the default) then each region will be
#' centered individually across all samples.
#' @return
#' data.table with x (or xnew if replace_x is FALSE) shifted such that
#' x = 0 matches the maximum y-value define by by_ grouping
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr)
#' centerAtMax(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr, y_ = 'y', by_ = 'id',
#' check_by_dupes = FALSE)
#' #it's a bit clearer what's happening with trimming disabled
#' #but results are less useful for heatmaps etc.
#' centerAtMax(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr, y_ = 'y', by_ = 'id',
#' check_by_dupes = FALSE, trim_to_valid = FALSE)
#' #specify view_size to limit range of x values considered, prevents
#' #excessive data trimming.
#' centerAtMax(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr, y_ = 'y', view_size = 100, by_ = 'id',
#' check_by_dupes = FALSE)
centerAtMax = function(dt,
x_ = "x",
y_ = "y",
by_ = "id",
view_size = NULL,
trim_to_valid = TRUE,
check_by_dupes = TRUE,
x_precision = 3,
replace_x = TRUE) {
ymax = xsummit = xnew = N = NULL #reserve data.table variables
output_GRanges = FALSE
if(is(dt, "GRanges")){
dt = data.table::as.data.table(dt)
output_GRanges = TRUE
if (!data.table::is.data.table(dt)) {
stop("dt must be of type data.table, was ", class(dt))
is.character(by_) || is.null(by_))
stopifnot(is.numeric(view_size) || is.null(view_size))
if (!any(x_ == colnames(dt))) {
stop("centerAtMax : x_ (", x_,
") not found in colnames of input data.table")
if (!any(y_ == colnames(dt))) {
stop("centerAtMax : y_ (", y_,
") not found in colnames of input data.table")
if(length(unique(dt[[x_]])) != length(unique(round(dt[[x_]], x_precision)))){
"centerAtMax : x_precision,",
" , is too low, how many decimal places is x defined to?"
# check_by_dupes = FALSE
if (is.null(by_)) {
by_ = ""
check_by_dupes = TRUE
if (all(by_ != ""))
if (!any(by_ %in% colnames(dt))) {
stop("centerAtMax : by_ (", by_,
") not found in colnames of input data.table")
if (check_by_dupes) {
dupe_x_within_by = suppressWarnings(any(dt[, any(duplicated(get(x_))),
by = by_]$V1))
if (dupe_x_within_by)
message("centerAtMax : duplicate values of x_ (", x_,
") exist within groups defined with by_ (", by_,
").\n If this is the desired functionality, set",
"check_by_dupes <- FALSE to hide future messages. ",
"If no by_ grouping is intended set by_ <- \"\" as",
dt = data.table::copy(dt)
if (is.null(view_size)) {
view_size = range(dt[[x_]])
} else if (length(view_size) == 1) {
view_size = c(-view_size, view_size)
view_size = range(view_size)
#verify view_size
k = dt[[x_]] >= min(view_size) & dt[[x_]] <= max(view_size)
stop("view_size is too restrictive for position values. Postions have a range of ", paste(range(dt[[x_]]), collapse = " to "), " and view_size has a range of ", paste(range(view_size), collapse = " to "),
".\nFor summary data, view_sizes are typically fractional values less than 1 and for sample data view size should be in bp.")
closestToZero = function(x) {
dt[, `:=`(ymax, max(get(y_)[get(x_) <= max(view_size) &
get(x_) >= min(view_size)])), by = by_]
dt[, `:=`(xsummit, closestToZero(get(x_)[get(y_) == ymax])), by = by_]
dt[, `:=`(xnew, get(x_) - xsummit)]
dt$xnew = round(dt$xnew, x_precision)
dt[, `:=`(ymax, NULL)]
dt[, `:=`(xsummit, NULL)]
if (trim_to_valid) {
# valid values of x are those with values in all by_ defined grouping
xcounts = dt[, .N, xnew]
xcounts = xcounts[N == max(N)]
dt = dt[xnew %in% xcounts$xnew]
if (replace_x) {
data.table::set(dt, j = x_, value = dt$xnew)
dt$xnew = NULL
} else {
colnames(dt)[colnames(dt) == "xnew"] = paste0(x_, "_summitPosition")
dt = GRanges(dt)
#' Centers query GRanges at maximum signal in prof_dt.
#' @param prof_dt a GRanges or data.table as returned by ssvFetch*.
#' @param qgr the GRanges used to query ssvFetch* as the qgr argument.
#' @param x_ positional variable. Should almost always be the default, "x".
#' @param y_ the signal value variable. Likely the default value of "y" but
#' could be "y_norm" if append_ynorm was applied to data.
#' @param by_ region identifier variable. Should almost always be the default,
#' "id".
#' @param width Desired width of final regions. Default is 1.
#' @param view_size the size in \code{x_} to consider for finding the max
#' of \code{y_}.
#' if length(view_size) == 1, range will be c(-view_size, view_size).
#' if length(view_size) > 1, range will be range(view_size).
#' default value of NULL uses complete range of x.
#' @return a GRanges with same mcols as qgr that has been centered based on
#' signal in prof_dt and with regions of specified width.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr)
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt)
#' centerGRangesAtMax(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt, CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' centerGRangesAtMax(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr, CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' centerGRangesAtMax(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr, CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr, view_size = 100)
centerGRangesAtMax = function(prof_dt, qgr, x_ = "x", y_ = "y", by_ = "id", width = 1, view_size = NULL){
if(length(by_) > 1) stop("only by_ of length 1 supported.")
if(is(prof_dt, "GRanges")){
prof_dt = data.table::as.data.table(prof_dt)
cent_dt = centerAtMax(prof_dt, x_ = x_, y_ = y_, by_ = by_, check_by_dupes = FALSE, view_size = view_size)
cent_dt = cent_dt[, .SD[which(get(x_) == min(abs(get(x_))))[1],], c(by_)]
cent_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(cent_dt[, list(seqnames, start = (start + end)/2, end = (start + end)/2)])
names(cent_gr) = cent_dt[[by_]]
qgr = prepare_fetch_GRanges_names(qgr)
GenomicRanges::strand(cent_gr) = GenomicRanges::strand(qgr[names(cent_gr)])
GenomicRanges::mcols(cent_gr) = GenomicRanges::mcols(qgr[names(cent_gr)])
cent_gr = cent_gr[names(qgr)]
GenomicRanges::resize(cent_gr, width, fix = "center")
#' findMaxPos
#' @param prof_dt a GRanges or data.table as returned by ssvFetch*.
#' @param qgr the GRanges used to query ssvFetch* as the qgr argument.
#' @param x_ positional variable. Should almost always be the default, "x".
#' @param y_ the signal value variable. Likely the default value of "y" but
#' could be "y_norm" if append_ynorm was applied to data.
#' @param by_ region identifier variable. Should almost always be the default,
#' "id".
#' @param width Desired width of final regions. Default is 1.
#' @return data.table of relative x position from center per id
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr)
#' data(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt)
#' findMaxPos(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_dt, CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
#' findMaxPos(CTCF_in_10a_profiles_gr, CTCF_in_10a_overlaps_gr)
findMaxPos = function(prof_dt, qgr, x_ = "x", y_ = "y", by_ = "id", width = 1){
#binding for data.table
x = y = id = NULL
if(length(by_) > 1) stop("only by_ of length 1 supported.")
if(is(prof_dt, "GRanges")){
prof_dt = data.table::as.data.table(prof_dt)
prof_dt[, list(x = x[which.max(y)[1]]), list(id)]
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