# test the internal utility strand fetch functions
bam_file = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
bam_input = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_input.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
np = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
qgr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
strand(qgr) = c("+", "-", "-", "+", "-")
bam_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
bam_gr = GRanges(coverage(S4Vectors::split(GRanges(bam_dt[strand == "+"]), bam_dt$which_label)))
vgr = qgr
end(vgr) = end(vgr) + 0:4*100
test_that("viewGrangeWinSample_dt ids match input", {
names(qgr) = paste0("peak_", seq_along(qgr))
sample_dt = peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(bam_gr, qgr, window_size = 100)
expect_equal(sort(unique(names(qgr))), sort(unique(sample_dt$id)))
test_that("viewGrangeWinSample_dt unnamed qgr still creates id", {
names(qgr) = NULL
sample_dt = peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(bam_gr, qgr, window_size = 100)
test_that("viewGrangeWinSample_dt ids match input", {
names(qgr) = paste0("peak_", seq_along(qgr))
summary_dt = peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(bam_gr, qgr, window_size = 100)
expect_equal(sort(unique(names(qgr))), sort(unique(summary_dt$id)))
names(qgr) = seq_along(qgr)
summary_dt = peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(bam_gr, qgr, window_size = 100)
expect_equal(sort(unique(names(qgr))), sort(unique(summary_dt$id)))
test_that("peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample sizes vary, viewGRangesWinSummary_dt don't", {
sample_dt = peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(bam_gr, vgr, window_size = 100, anchor = "left")
expect_gt(length(unique(sample_dt[, .N, by = id]$N)), 1)
test_that(".remove_duplicates removes duplicates", {
#create fake read spans where:
#position 1 has 1 read
#position 2 has 2 reads
#position 3 has 3 reads
dt = data.table(which_label = 1:10, seqnames = "chr1", strand = c("+", "-"), start = 1:10, end = 1:10+10)
dt[, width := end - start + 1]
make_dupes = seq_len(nrow(dt))
make_dupes = rep(make_dupes, make_dupes)
dt = dt[make_dupes]
dtl = lapply(1:10, function(x)peakrefine:::.remove_duplicates(dt, max_dupes = x))
# max_dupes 1 should yield 10 unique entries
expect_true(all(dtl[[1]]$which_label == 1:10))
# max_dupes 10 should perform no dupe removal in this case
expect_true(all(dtl[[10]]$which_label == make_dupes))
lens = sapply(dtl, nrow)
# as max_dupes increases, returned entries increases
expect_true(all(lens[-length(lens)] - lens[-1] < 0))
test_that(".fetch_bam_stranded basic", {
bam_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
expect_equal(length(unique(bam_dt$which_label)), length(qgr))
test_that(".calc_stranded_coverage basic", {
bam_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
cov_dt = peakrefine:::.calc_stranded_coverage(bam_dt, qgr)
p = ggplot(cov_dt, aes(x = x , y = y, color = id)) + geom_path() + facet_wrap("id")
expect_equal(1, 1)
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