my_writeFASTQ.dt = function(read, quality, name, file, append = FALSE, block_size = 1e5){
length(read) ==
for(i in seq_len(ceiling(length(read) / block_size))){
s = (i - 1) * block_size + 1
e = (i) * block_size
e = min(e, length(read))
dt = data.table(r2 = read[seq(s, e)], r4 = quality[seq(s, e)], r1 = name[seq(s, e)])
dt[, r1 := paste0("@", r1)]
dt[, r3 := sub("@", "+", r1)]
dt[, id := seq(.N)]
dt = dt[, .(r1, r2, r3, r4, id)]
dt = melt(dt, id.vars = "id")
dt = dt[order(variable)][order(id)]
if(i == 1){
fwrite(dt[, .(value)], file = file, append = append, col.names = FALSE)
fwrite(dt[, .(value)], file = file, append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE)
my_writeFASTQ = function(read, quality, name, file, append = FALSE, block_size = 1e5){
length(read) ==
for(i in seq_len(ceiling(length(read) / block_size))){
s = (i - 1) * block_size + 1
e = (i) * block_size
e = min(e, length(read))
df = data.frame(r2 = read[seq(s, e)], r4 = quality[seq(s, e)], r1 = name[seq(s, e)])
df$r1 = paste0("@", df$r1)
df$r3 = sub("@", "+", df$r1)
df$id = seq(nrow(df))
df = df[, c("r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "id")]
df = reshape::melt(df, id.vars = "id")
df = df[order(df$variable), ][order(df$id), ]
if(i == 1){
write.table(df[, "value", drop = F], file = file, append = append, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
write.table(df[, "value", drop = F], file = file, append = TRUE, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
make_sim = function(genome, n_reads, f_enrich, seed = 1, bind_p = .05, no_binding = FALSE){
message("genome length ", length(genome[[1]]))
transition <- list(Binding=c(Background=1), Background=c(Binding= bind_p, Background= 1 - bind_p))
transition <- lapply(transition, "class<-", "StateDistribution")
init <- c(Binding=0, Background=1)
class(init) <- "StateDistribution"
backgroundFeature <<- function(start, length=200, shape=1, scale=20){
weight <- 0#rgamma(1, shape=shape, scale=scale)
params <- list(start = start, length = length, weight = weight)
class(params) <- c("Background", "SimulatedFeature")
bindingFeature <<- function(start, length=500, shape=1, scale=20, enrichment=f_enrich, r=1.5){
stopifnot(r > 1)
avgWeight <- shape * scale * enrichment
lowerBound <- ((r - 1) * avgWeight)
weight <- actuar::rpareto1(1, r, lowerBound)
params <- list(start = start, length = length, weight = weight)
class(params) <- c("Binding", "SimulatedFeature")
generator <<- list(Binding=bindingFeature, Background=backgroundFeature)
constRegion <<- function(weight, length) rep(weight, length)
featureDensity.Background <<- function(feature, ...) constRegion(feature$weight, feature$length)
featureDensity.Binding <<- function(feature, ...){
featDens <- numeric(feature$length)
featDens[floor(feature$length/2)] <- feature$weight
fragLength <<- function(x, minLength, maxLength, meanLength, ...){
sd <- (maxLength - minLength)/4
prob <- dnorm(minLength:maxLength, mean = meanLength, sd = sd)
prob <- prob/sum(prob)
prob[x - minLength + 1]
randomQuality <<- function(read, ...){
nchar(read), replace = TRUE), collapse="")
dfReads <<- function(readPos, readNames, sequence, readLen, ...){
## create vector to hold read sequences and qualities
readSeq <- character(sum(sapply(readPos, sapply, length)))
readQual <- character(sum(sapply(readPos, sapply, length)))
idx <- 1
## process read positions for each chromosome and strand
for(k in length(readPos)){ ## chromosome
for(i in 1:2){ ## strand
for(j in 1:length(readPos[[k]][[i]])){
## get (true) sequence
readSeq[idx] <- as.character(ChIPsim::readSequence(readPos[[k]][[i]][j], sequence[[k]],
strand=ifelse(i==1, 1, -1), readLen=50))
## get quality
readQual[idx] <- randomQuality(readSeq[idx])
## introduce sequencing errors
readSeq[idx] <- ChIPsim::readError(readSeq[idx], ChIPsim::decodeQuality(readQual[idx]))
idx <- idx + 1
data.frame(name=unlist(readNames), sequence=readSeq, quality=readQual,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
myFunctions <- ChIPsim::defaultFunctions()
myFunctions$readSequence <- dfReads
readDensArgs <<- list(fragment=fragLength, bind = 50, minLength = 150, maxLength = 250,
meanLength = 200)
features <- ChIPsim::placeFeatures(generator, transition, init, start = 0, length = 1e6, globals=list(shape=1, scale=20),
experimentType="TFExperiment", lastFeat=c(Binding = FALSE, Background = TRUE),
myFunctions$features = function(...)features
simulated <- ChIPsim::simChIP(n_reads, genome, file = "", functions = myFunctions,
control = ChIPsim::defaultControl(readDensity=readDensArgs))
print(table(sapply(simulated$features[[1]], function(x)class(x)[1])))
#' makes a simulated set of reads for input fasta
#' every position is equally likely to be output
#' @param gen_fasta path to fasta file
#' @param nreads number of reads to return
#' @param readSize size of reads to return
#' @param plusStrandRatio ratio of plus to minus reads. 1 means 1:1 - an even split. 2 means 2:1 - 2/3 of reads will be plus.
#' @return list of read info
#' read - sequence
#' name - name of reads
#' qual - quality - default is I.
#' @export
#' @examples
make_unif_sim = function(
gen_fasta = "simulation/genomes/simGenome10M_v3/simGenome10M_v3.fa",
nreads = 50000,
readSize = 50,
qual_char = "I",
plusStrandRatio = 1){
strand_cut = (plusStrandRatio) / (1 + plusStrandRatio)
mySeq = readDNAStringSet(gen_fasta)
mySeq = gen_fasta
myComp = complement(mySeq)
mySeq = sub("^N+", "", mySeq)
myComp = sub("^N+", "", myComp)
mySplit = strsplit(mySeq, "")[[1]]
mySplitComp = strsplit(myComp, "")[[1]]
MAX = nchar(mySeq) - readSize + 1
todo_df = data.frame("index" = sample(MAX, size = nreads, replace = TRUE),
"strand" = sample(c("+","-"), nreads, prob = c(plusStrandRatio, 1), replace = TRUE))
tmp = matrix(unlist(pblapply(seq_len(nrow(todo_df)), function(i){#~5s per 1k
itr = todo_df[i, "index"]
rn = paste0("read_", i)
if(todo_df[i, "strand"] == "+"){
seq = paste(x = mySplit[itr:(itr + readSize - 1)], collapse = "")
seq = paste(x = mySplitComp[itr:(itr + readSize - 1)], collapse = "")
c(rn, seq)
})), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
qual = paste(rep(qual_char, nchar(tmp[1,2])), collapse = "")
list(read = tmp[,2], name = tmp[,1], quality = rep(qual, nrow(tmp)))
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.