### R code from vignette source 'ChIPsimIntro.Rnw'
# 8 use system time to seed reads
ver = 3
ver_g = 5
bfcif = peakrefine:::bfcif
bfc_sim = BiocFileCache("~/.cache_sim")
make_genome = function(){
message("making genome ", gen_size, " bp")
Biostrings::DNAStringSet(c(CHR=paste(sample(Biostrings::DNA_BASES, gen_size, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")))
gen_size = 10e6
genome_name = paste0("10M_v", ver_g)
genome <- bfcif(bfc_sim, rname = digest(list("genome", gen_size, genome_name, ver_g)), make_genome)
names(genome) = paste0("chrSim", 1)
gen_dir = paste0("simulation/genomes/simGenome", genome_name)
dir.create(gen_dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
gen_dir = normalizePath(gen_dir)
dir.create(file.path(gen_dir, "fastqs"), showWarnings = FALSE)
dir.create(file.path(gen_dir, "peaks"), showWarnings = FALSE)
genome_file = file.path(gen_dir, paste0(basename(gen_dir), ".fa"))
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(genome, file = genome_file)
genome_file = normalizePath(genome_file)
for(ver in 1:10){
message("making sim version ", ver)
#size of genome
file.copy("dev_chipsim.R", paste0("dev_chipsim_V", ver, "_", genome_name, ".R"))
read_depths = c(50e4)
chip_enrichments = c(1500)
fraction_enrich = c(0, .005, .01, .1, 1)
if(!dir.exists(file.path("/slipstream/galaxy/data", basename(gen_dir))))
system(paste("ln -s", normalizePath(gen_dir), "/slipstream/galaxy/data"))
idx_dir = file.path(gen_dir, "star_index")
dir.create(idx_dir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
system(paste("bash ~/scripts/make_STAR_indexes_small.sh", genome_file))
bfcif.path = function(bfc, rname){
# is rname in cache?
if(nrow(bfcquery(bfc, query = rname, field = "rname")) == 0){
cache_path = bfcnew(bfc, rname = rname)
cache_path = bfcrpath(bfc, rname)
fo = FALSE
message("allocate keys...")
todo_df = as.data.frame(expand.grid(read_depths, chip_enrichments, fraction_enrich))
todo_df$path = sapply(seq_len(nrow(todo_df)), function(i){
n_reads = round(todo_df[i, 1] * todo_df[i, 3])
f_enrich = todo_df[i, 2]
key = digest(list("sim", genome, n_reads, f_enrich, paste0("v", ver)))
bfcif.path(bfc = bfc_sim, digest(list("sim", genome, n_reads, f_enrich, paste0("v", ver))))
todo_df$path_bg = sapply(seq_len(nrow(todo_df)), function(i){
n_reads = todo_df[i, 1] - round(todo_df[i, 1] * todo_df[i, 3])
f_enrich = todo_df[i, 2]
key = digest(list("simBg", genome, n_reads, f_enrich, paste0("v", ver)))
bfcif.path(bfc = bfc_sim, digest(list("simBg", genome, n_reads, f_enrich, paste0("v", ver))))
# options(mc.cores = min(nrow(todo_df), 8))
options(mc.cores = nrow(todo_df))
all_sim = parallel::mclapply(seq_len(nrow(todo_df)), function(i){
#all_sim = lapply(seq_len(nrow(todo_df)), function(i){
n_reads = round(todo_df[i, 1] * todo_df[i, 3])
f_enrich = todo_df[i, 2]
fraction_enrich = todo_df[i, 3]
path = todo_df$path[i]
this_make_sim = function(){
if(n_reads == 0){
list(readSequence =
sequence = character(),
quality = character(),
name = character()
make_sim(genome, n_reads, f_enrich, seed = ver)
message(n_reads, " ", f_enrich)
sim = this_make_sim()
save(sim, file = path)
path_bg = todo_df$path_bg[i]
n_reads_bg = todo_df[i, 1] - n_reads
this_make_sim_bg = function(){
if(n_reads_bg == 0){
read = character(),
quality = character(),
name = character()
make_unif_sim(genome, n_reads_bg)
message(n_reads_bg, " ", "bg")
sim_bg = this_make_sim_bg()
save(sim_bg, file = path_bg)
# browser()
if(fraction_enrich == 0){
sim_fastq = file.path(gen_dir, "fastqs", paste0("simV", ver, "_", todo_df[i, 1] , "_input.fastq"))
sim_fastq = file.path(gen_dir, "fastqs", paste0("simV", ver, "_", todo_df[i, 1] , "_", 100*fraction_enrich, ".fastq"))
message("writing fastq ", sim_fastq)
my_writeFASTQ.dt(file = sim_fastq,
read = c(sim$readSequence$sequence, sim_bg$read),
quality = c(sim$readSequence$quality, sim_bg$quality),
name = c(sub("read_", "signal_", sim$readSequence$name), sub("read_", "bg_", sim_bg$name)))
names(all_sim) = paste(todo_df$Var1, todo_df$Var2)
all_simPeaks = lapply(all_sim[-1], function(sim){
x = sim$features
k = sapply(x[[1]], function(y)class(y)[1]) == "Binding"
binders = x[[1]][which(k)]
starts = sapply(binders, function(b){
widths = sapply(binders, function(b){
weights = sapply(binders, function(b){
simPeaks = GRanges("chrSim1", IRanges(starts, starts + widths), weight = weights)
#check if all starts equal
all_starts = lapply(all_simPeaks, function(x)start(x))
stopifnot(all(unique(unlist(all_starts)) == all_starts[[1]]))
#check if weights correlate perfectly
mat_weight = sapply(all_simPeaks, function(x)x$weight)
stopifnot(all(round(cor(mat_weight), digits = 5) == 1))
sim_peak = as.data.table(all_simPeaks[[1]])
sim_peak$weight = apply(mat_weight, 1, max)
sim_peak[, weight := weight / min(weight)]
sim_peak$width = NULL
sim_peak[, name := paste0("true_", seq(.N))]
sim_peak[, weight := round(weight * 100)]
sim_peak = sim_peak[, c(1:3, 6, 5, 4)]
write.table(sim_peak, file.path(gen_dir, "peaks", paste0("simPeaks_v", ver, ".bed")), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
# all_simPeaks = lapply(all_sim[-1], function(sim){
# x = sim$features
# k = sapply(x[[1]], function(y)class(y)[1])== "Binding"
# binders = x[[1]][which(k)]
# starts = sapply(binders, function(b){
# b$start
# })
# widths = sapply(binders, function(b){
# b$length
# })
# weights = sapply(binders, function(b){
# b$weight
# })
# browser()
# library(GenomicRanges)
# simPeaks = GRanges("chrSim1", IRanges(starts, starts + widths), weight = weights)
# simPeaks
# })
# #check if all starts equal
# all_starts = lapply(all_simPeaks, function(x)start(x))
# stopifnot(all(unique(unlist(all_starts)) == all_starts$`50000 2`))
# #check if weights correlate perfectly
# mat_weight = sapply(all_simPeaks, function(x)x$weight)
# stopifnot(all(round(cor(mat_weight), digits = 5) == 1))
# sim_peak = as.data.table(all_simPeaks[[1]])
# sim_peak$weight = apply(mat_weight, 1, max)
# sim_peak[, weight := weight / min(weight)]
# sim_peak$width = NULL
# sim_peak[, name := paste0("true_", seq(.N))]
# sim_peak[, weight := round(weight * 100)]
# sim_peak = sim_peak[, c(1:3, 6, 5, 4)]
# write.table(sim_peak, file.path(gen_dir, "peaks", paste0("simBg_v", ver, ".bed")), col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t")
fastq_dir = file.path(gen_dir, "fastqs")
qc_file = file.path(gen_dir, "fastqs", "qc_config.csv")
in_dir = paste0("in=", normalizePath(fastq_dir))
out_dir = paste0("out=", file.path(normalizePath(gen_dir), paste0("output")))
if(dir.exists(out_dir)) unlink(out_dir)
write.table(rbind(in_dir, out_dir), file = qc_file, col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
qc_file = normalizePath(qc_file)
qc_dt = data.table(fastq = dir(fastq_dir, pattern = ".+fastq$"))#pattern = paste0("V", ver, ".+fastq$")))
qc_dt[, c("cell", "nreads", "fe") := tstrsplit(fastq, "[_\\.]", keep = 1:3)]
qc_dt$cell = sub("sim", "", qc_dt$cell)
qc_dt[, nreads := paste0(nreads, "reads")]
qc_dt[fe != "input", fe := paste0(fe, "fe")]
qc_dt$rep = "R1"
fwrite(qc_dt, file = qc_file, append = TRUE)
dir.create(file.path(file.path(normalizePath(gen_dir), paste0("output"))), showWarnings = FALSE)
cmd = paste("bash qc_framework.sh", qc_file, basename(gen_dir), " >", file.path(file.path(normalizePath(gen_dir), paste0("output")), "submit.log"))
# system()
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