#' remove positional read duplicates from data.table
#' @param reads_dt a data.table containing read span information. required
#' columns are which_label, start, end, and strand.
#' @param max_dupes integer >= 1, the maximum allowed duplicates per position.
#' @return data.table with reads in excess of max_dupes removed
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' n = 4
#' dt = data.table(
#' which_label = seq_len(n),
#' seqnames = "chr1",
#' strand = c("+", "-"),
#' start = seq_len(n),
#' end = seq_len(n) + 10
#' )
#' dt[, width := end - start + 1]
#' make_dupes = seq_len(nrow(dt))
#' make_dupes = rep(make_dupes, make_dupes)
#' dt = dt[make_dupes]
#' lapply(1: n, function(x)peakrefine:::.remove_duplicates(dt, max_dupes = x))
.remove_duplicates = function(reads_dt, max_dupes){
stopifnot(max_dupes >= 1)
stopifnot("data.table" %in% class(reads_dt))
stopifnot(all(c("which_label", "start", "end", "strand") %in%
# browser()
ndupe = which_label = NULL
reads_dt[, ndupe := 1L]
reads_dt[strand == "+",
ndupe := seq_len(.N)[order(width, decreasing = TRUE)],
by = list(which_label, start)]
reads_dt[strand == "-",
ndupe := seq_len(.N)[order(width, decreasing = TRUE)],
by = list(which_label, end)]
reads_dt = reads_dt[ndupe <= max_dupes]
reads_dt$ndupe = NULL
#' .fetch_bam_stranded
#' @param bam_f character. a .bam file, must have index file in same directory:
#' .bam.bai
#' @param query_gr GRanges, regions to retrieve reads for.
#' @param max_dupes numeric, maximum positional duplicates allowed. See
#' \code{\link{.remove_duplicates}}
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to
#' \code{\link[Rsamtools]{ScanBamParam}}
#' @return a tidy data.table of read pileup coverage from bam_f for regions in
#' query_gr
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, last, second))
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @examples
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata",
#' "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' bam_input = system.file("extdata",
#' "MCF10A_input.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' np = system.file("extdata",
#' "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
#' query_gr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
#' peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, query_gr)
.fetch_bam_stranded = function(bam_f,
max_dupes = Inf,
stopifnot(max_dupes >= 1)
sbgr = query_gr
strand(sbgr) = "*"
sbParam = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(
which = sbgr,
what = c("rname", "strand", "pos", "qwidth", "cigar"),
bam_raw = Rsamtools::scanBam(bam_f, param = sbParam)
bam_dt = lapply(bam_raw, function(x){
data.table::data.table(seqnames = x$rname,
strand = x$strand,
start = x$pos,
width = x$qwidth,
cigar = x$cigar)
bam_dt = data.table::rbindlist(bam_dt,
use.names = TRUE,
idcol = "which_label")
bam_dt[, end := start + width - 1L]
if(max_dupes < Inf){
bam_dt = .remove_duplicates(bam_dt, max_dupes)
#' extend reads to specified length in a strand sensitve way
#' @param reads_dt data.table. Contains at least 3 mandatory columns: strand, start,
#' and end.
#' @param frag_len integer. the fragment length to extend to
#' @return data.table after extending to fragment length
#' @examples
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata",
#' "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' bam_input = system.file("extdata",
#' "MCF10A_input.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' np = system.file("extdata",
#' "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
#' query_gr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
#' reads_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, query_gr)
#' peakrefine:::.extend_reads(reads_dt, 150)
.extend_reads = function(reads_dt, frag_len){
reads_dt[strand == "+", end := start + as.integer( frag_len) - 1L]
reads_dt[strand == "-", start := end - as.integer( frag_len) + 1L]
#' applies an anchor which controls x coordinate system 1) should 0 on the
#' x-axis be on the left or in the center? 2) should - strand signal be flipped?
#' @param score_dt data.table, mandatory columns are start, end, and id. strand
#' is also mandatory if not anchoring *_unstranded.
#' @param window_size the window size at which score was calculated/retrieved
#' @param anchor character, one of center, center_unstranded, left,
#' left_unstranded.
#' @return data.table with x added according to anchor
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' bam_input = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_input.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' np = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
#' qgr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
#' strand(qgr) = c("+", "-", "-", "+", "-")
#' reads_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
#' ext_cov = GenomicRanges::coverage(GenomicRanges::split(
#' GenomicRanges::GRanges(reads_dt[strand == "+"]), reads_dt$which_label))
#' score_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(ext_cov)
#' bam_dt = peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(score_gr, qgr, 1,
#' anchor = "center_unstranded")
#' peakrefine:::.shift_anchor(bam_dt, 1, "center_unstranded")
.shift_anchor = function(score_dt, window_size, anchor){
stopifnot(length(anchor) == 1)
stopifnot(class(anchor) == "character")
stopifnot(anchor %in% c("center", "center_unstranded",
"left", "left_unstranded"))
x = id = NULL
shift = round(window_size/2)
center = {
score_dt[, x := start - min(start) + shift, by = id]
score_dt[, x := x - round(mean(x)), by = id]
score_dt[strand == "-", x := -1*x]
center_unstranded = {
score_dt[, x := start - min(start) + shift, by = id]
score_dt[, x := x - round(mean(x)), by = id]
left = {
score_dt[, x := -1]
score_dt[strand != "-", x := start - min(start) + shift,
by = id]
#flip negative
score_dt[strand == "-", x := -1*(end - max(end) - shift),
by = id]
left_unstranded = {
score_dt[, x := start - min(start) + shift, by = id]
score_dt[, start := start - shift ]
score_dt[, end := end + window_size - shift - 1]
#' view GRanges with score at specified window size by sampling values
#' @param score_gr GRanges with score mcol
#' @param query_gr GRanges that was used to fecth score_gr
#' @param window_size ineger. desired window size.
#' @param anchor character, anchoring method. one of "center", "center_unstranded",
#' "left", "left_unstranded"
#' @return data.table of scores stored in y value sample every window_size
#' @import GenomicRanges rtracklayer
#' @examples
#' library(GenomicRanges)
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' bam_input = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_input.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' np = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
#' qgr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
#' strand(qgr) = c("+", "-", "-", "+", "-")
#' reads_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
#' ext_cov = coverage(split(
#' GRanges(reads_dt[strand == "+"]), reads_dt$which_label))
#' score_gr = GRanges(ext_cov)
#' peakrefine:::.view_gr_by_window_sample(score_gr, qgr, 1,
#' anchor = "center_unstranded")
.view_gr_by_window_sample = function(score_gr, query_gr, window_size,
anchor = c("center", "center_unstranded",
"left", "left_unstranded")[1]){
#reserve bindings for data.table
x = id = queryHits = NULL
stopifnot(class(score_gr) == "GRanges")
stopifnot(class(query_gr) == "GRanges")
stopifnot(window_size >= 1)
stopifnot(window_size %% 1 == 0)
stopifnot(anchor %in% c("center", "center_unstranded",
"left", "left_unstranded"))
if (is.null(query_gr$id)) {
if (is.null(names(query_gr))) {
names(query_gr) = paste0("region_", seq_along(query_gr))
query_gr$id = names(query_gr)
windows = GenomicRanges::slidingWindows(query_gr, width = window_size, step = window_size)
# names(windows) = query_gr$id
# windows's handling of names seems to have changed and now every nest
# GRanges has parent's name
names(windows) = NULL
windows = unlist(windows)
windows$id = names(windows)
windows = resize(windows, width = 1, fix = "center")
olaps = suppressWarnings(data.table::as.data.table(
GenomicRanges::findOverlaps(query = windows,
subject = score_gr,
ignore.strand = TRUE)
# patch up missing/out of bound data with 0
missing_idx = setdiff(seq_along(windows), olaps$queryHits)
if (length(missing_idx) > 0) {
olaps = rbind(olaps, data.table::data.table(
queryHits = missing_idx,
subjectHits = length(score_gr) + 1))[order(queryHits)]
score_gr = c(score_gr,
IRanges::IRanges(1, 1), score = 0))
# set y and output windows = windows[olaps$queryHits]
windows$y = score_gr[olaps$subjectHits]$score
score_dt = data.table::as.data.table(windows)
# apply shift and return
.shift_anchor(score_dt, window_size, anchor)
#' Calculate coverage per strand
#' @param reads_dt data.table containing read spans. mandatory columns are
#' which_label, strand, start, end
#' @param query_gr GRanges of regions of interest
#' @param window_size resolution used to represent coverage. window_size of 10
#' retrieves coverage every 10 bp.
#' @return data.table containing stranded read coverage
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @examples
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' np = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
#' qgr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
#' bam_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
#' cov_dt = peakrefine:::.calc_stranded_coverage(bam_dt, qgr)
.calc_stranded_coverage = function(reads_dt, query_gr, window_size = 1){
ext_cov = GenomicRanges::coverage(GenomicRanges::split(
GenomicRanges::GRanges(reads_dt[strand == "+"]), reads_dt$which_label))
score_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(ext_cov)
pos_dt = .view_gr_by_window_sample(score_gr, query_gr, window_size,
anchor = "center_unstranded")
pos_dt$strand = "+"
ext_cov = GenomicRanges::coverage(GenomicRanges::split(
GenomicRanges::GRanges(reads_dt[strand == "-"]), reads_dt$which_label))
score_gr = GenomicRanges::GRanges(ext_cov)
neg_dt = .view_gr_by_window_sample(score_gr, query_gr, window_size,
anchor = "center_unstranded")
neg_dt$strand = "-"
rbind(pos_dt, neg_dt)
#' Calculate correlation between signal on DNA strands
#' @param reads_dt data.table containing read spans. mandatory columns are
#' which_label, strand, start, end
#' @param query_gr GRanges of regions of interest
#' @param frag_len fragment size to extend reads to. frag_len of NA causes read
#' extension to be skipped, ie. raw read pileup.
#' @param window_size integer, resolution used to represent coverage. window_size of 10
#' retrieves coverage every 10 bp.
#' @return data.table of correlation per region in query_gr
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, last, second))
#' @examples
#' bam_file = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.bam", package = "peakrefine")
#' np = system.file("extdata", "MCF10A_CTCF.random5.narrowPeak", package = "peakrefine")
#' qgr = rtracklayer::import(np, format = "narrowPeak")
#' bam_dt = peakrefine:::.fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, qgr)
#' peakrefine:::.calc_cross_corr(bam_dt, qgr, frag_len = NA) #read correlation
#' peakrefine:::.calc_cross_corr(bam_dt, qgr, frag_len = 150) #fragment 150 bp correlation
.calc_cross_corr = function(reads_dt, query_gr, frag_len = NA, window_size = 1){
id = NULL # reserve for data.table
if(!is.na( frag_len)){
reads_dt = .extend_reads(reads_dt, frag_len)
pile_dt = .calc_stranded_coverage(reads_dt, query_gr, window_size)
# ggplot(pile_dt) + geom_path(aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) + facet_wrap("id")
dc_dt = data.table::dcast(pile_dt, id + x ~ strand, value.var = "y")
dc_dt = dc_dt[, list(corr = cor(`+`, `-`)) , by = list(id)]
# tgr = GRanges(c("chr1", "chr6"), IRanges(c(1e6, 2e6), c(10e6, 16e6)), qValue = 1:2, id = paste("reg", 1:2))
# names(tgr) = tgr$id
# bigcorr_res = crossCorrByExtension(bam_file, tgr, frag_min = 1, frag_max = 600)
# bigcorr_res
# query_gr = query_gr[1:1600]
# st_times = list()
# st_res = list()
# options("mc.cores" = 16)
# # for(nc in c(1, 2, 4, 8, 16)){
# nc = 16
# print(nc)
# nam = paste("nc", nc)
# st_times[[nam]] = system.time({
# st_res[[nam]] = crossCorrByExtensionFull(bam_file, query_gr, frag_len = corr_res$frag_length, ncores = nc)
# })
# # }
#' #' Title
#' #'
#' #' @param bam_file
#' #' @param query_gr
#' #' @param fl
#' #' @param rl
#' #' @param roi
#' #'
#' #' @return
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' #' @examples
#' eval_fragvsread = function(bam_file, query_gr, fl, rl, roi){
#' bdt = .fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, query_gr[roi], max_dupes = 1)
#' p1 = ggplot(bdt, aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) + geom_path() +
#' facet_wrap("id")
#' bdt = .fetch_bam_stranded(bam_file, query_gr[roi], max_dupes = 1)
#' .extend_reads(bdt, fl)
#' p2 = ggplot(bdt, aes(x = x, y = y, color = strand)) + geom_path() +
#' facet_wrap("id")
#' return(list(
#' read_ext = p1 + labs(title = paste0("reads (", rl, ")")),
#' fragment_ext = p2 + labs(title = paste0("fragments (", fl, ")"))
#' ))
#' }
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