## Following functions have deleted since TCC version 1.5.1
if (FALSE) {
MAplot <- function(datalist, FDR_threshold = 0.01){
data <- datalist$counts
data.cl <- datalist$group
norm_f_TbT <- datalist$norm_f_TbT
x_axis <- datalist$Mval
y_axis <- datalist$Aval
plot(x_axis, y_axis, xlab = "A = (log2(B)+log2(A))/2",
ylab = "M = log2(B)-log2(A)", pch = 20, cex = .3)
grid(col = "gray", lty = "dotted")
points(x_axis[datalist$data$FDR < FDR_threshold],
y_axis[datalist$data$FDR < FDR_threshold],
col = 2, pch = 20, cex = 0.3)
baseline_TbT <- log2(mean(norm_f_TbT[data.cl == 2]) /
mean(norm_f_TbT[data.cl == 1]))
abline(h = baseline_TbT, col = "red", lwd = 1)
## generate negative binomial distributed datasets with different frequencies
NBsample <- function(DEG_foldchange = 4, repA = 3, repB = 3,
Ngene = 3000, PDEG = 0.15, PA = 0.2){
arab <- NULL;rm(arab) # to avoid note by R CMD check
data(arab) # arab dataset from NBPseq
data.cl <- c(rep(1, 3), rep(2, 3))
RPM <- sweep(arab, 2, 1000000 / colSums(arab), "*")
RPM_A <- RPM[,data.cl == 1]
RPM_B <- RPM[,data.cl == 2]
RPM_A <- RPM_A[apply(RPM_A, 1, var) > 0,]
RPM_B <- RPM_B[apply(RPM_B, 1, var) > 0,]
MEAN <- c(apply(RPM_A, 1, mean), apply(RPM_B, 1, mean))
VARIANCE <- c(apply(RPM_A, 1, var), apply(RPM_B, 1, var))
mean_disp_tmp <- cbind(MEAN, DISPERSION)
mean_disp_tmp <- mean_disp_tmp[mean_disp_tmp[,2] > 0,]
resampling_vector <- sample(1:nrow(mean_disp_tmp), Ngene, replace = TRUE)
mean_disp <- mean_disp_tmp[resampling_vector,]
mu <- mean_disp[,1]
DEG_degree_A <- rep(1, Ngene)
DEG_degree_A[1:(Ngene*PDEG*PA)] <- DEG_foldchange
mu_A <- mu * DEG_degree_A
DEG_degree_B <- rep(1, Ngene)
DEG_degree_B[(Ngene * PDEG * PA + 1):(Ngene * PDEG)] <- DEG_foldchange
mu_B <- mu * DEG_degree_B
DEG_posi_org <- (DEG_degree_A * DEG_degree_B) > 1
nonDEG_posi_org <- (DEG_degree_A * DEG_degree_B) == 1
outA <- NULL
colnamev <-NULL
for(i in 1:repA){
outA <- cbind(outA, rnbinom(n = length(mu_A),
mu = mu_A, size = 1 / mean_disp[,2]))
colnamev <-cbind(colnamev, paste("A", as.character(i), sep = ""))
outB <- NULL
for(i in 1:repB){
outB <- cbind(outB, rnbinom(n = length(mu_B),
mu = mu_B, size = 1 / mean_disp[,2]))
colnamev <-cbind(colnamev, paste("B", as.character(i), sep = ""))
out <- cbind(outA, outB)
colnames(out) <- colnamev
obj <- rowSums(out) > 0
RAW <- out[obj,]
DEG_posi <- DEG_posi_org[obj]
nonDEG_posi <- nonDEG_posi_org[obj]
retval <- list(RAW, DEG_posi, nonDEG_posi)
names(retval) <- c("data", "DEG_posi", "nonDEG_posi")
## TbT normalization methods
do_TbT <- function(data, data.cl, sample_num = 10000){
RAW <- data
## Step 1: first normalization
d <- DGEList(counts = data, group = data.cl)
d <- calcNormFactors(d)
norm_f_TMM <- d$samples$norm.factors
names(norm_f_TMM) <- colnames(data)
## Step 2: DEG identification
groups <- list(NDE = rep(1, length(data.cl)), DE = data.cl)
norm_f_RPM = 1000000 / colSums(data)
RPM <- sweep(data, 2, norm_f_RPM, "*")
data <- round(RPM)
once_normalized <- new("countData", data = as.matrix(data),
replicates = data.cl,
libsizes = colSums(data) * norm_f_TMM,
groups = groups)
once_normalized.NB <- getPriors.NB(once_normalized,
samplesize = sample_num,
estimation = "QL", cl = NULL)
out <- getLikelihoods.NB(once_normalized.NB, pET = "BIC", cl = NULL)
PDEG <- out@estProps[2] # proportion of differentially expressed genes
rank_bayseq <- rank(-out@posteriors[,2])
NDEG <- (nrow(data) * PDEG) # number of differentially expressed genes
## Step 3: second normalization
obj_DEGy <- (rank_bayseq < NDEG)
obj_DEGn <- (rank_bayseq >= NDEG)
data <- RAW[obj_DEGn,]
d <- DGEList(counts = data, group = data.cl)
d <- calcNormFactors(d)
norm_f_TbTorg <- d$samples$norm.factors * colSums(data) / colSums(RAW)
norm_f_TbT <- norm_f_TbTorg / mean(c(mean(norm_f_TbTorg[data.cl == 1]),
mean(norm_f_TbTorg[data.cl == 2])))
data <- RPM
meanA <- log2(apply(data[,data.cl == 1], 1, mean))
meanB <- log2(apply(data[,data.cl == 2], 1, mean))
Aval <- (meanA + meanB) / 2
Mval <- meanB - meanA
## calculation of PA value (degree of biased expression) ###
RPM_TMM <- sweep(RPM, 2, 1 / norm_f_TMM, "*")
data <- RPM_TMM
logratio <- log2(apply(data[,data.cl == 2], 1, mean)) -
log2(apply(data[,data.cl == 1], 1, mean))
PA <- sum(logratio[rank_bayseq < NDEG] < 0) / NDEG
retval <- list(norm_f_TbT, Aval, Mval, PDEG, PA, obj_DEGn, obj_DEGy, norm_f_TMM, norm_f_TbTorg, data.cl, data)
names(retval) <- c("norm_f_TbT", "Mval", "Aval", "PDEG", "PA", "nonDEG_posi", "DEG_posi", "norm_f_TMM", "norm_f_TbTorg", "data.cl", "data")
exactTestafterTbT <- function(names, counts, group, sample_num = 10000){
##if (!("edgeR" %in% loadedNamespaces()))
## library(edgeR)
##edgeR_Version <-sessionInfo()$otherPkgs$edgeR$Version
##edgeR_v <- as.integer(strsplit(edgeR_Version, '.', fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
tbtout <- do_TbT(counts, group, sample_num)
d <- DGEList(counts = counts, group = group)
d$samples$norm.factors <- tbtout$norm_f_TbT
d <- estimateCommonDisp(d)
##if (edgeR_v[[1]] == 2 & edgeR_v[[2]] <= 6) {
##if(is.null(span) == FALSE) prop.used <-
## span else if(is.null(prop.used)) prop.used <- 0.5
d <- estimateTagwiseDisp(d)
##if (edgeR_v[[1]] > 2 | edgeR_v[[2]] >= 7)
## if(is.null(prop.used) == FALSE) span <- prop.used
## d <- estimateTagwiseDisp(d, span=span, grid.length=grid.length)
out <- exactTest(d)
if(is.vector(out$table$PValue)){ # for current edgeR
FDR <- p.adjust(out$table$PValue, method = "BH")
}else if(is.vector(out$table$p.value)){ # for older edgeR
FDR <- p.adjust(out$table$p.value, method = "BH")
}else{ # something strange
warning("PValue was not available")
rank_edgeR <- rank(FDR)
retval <- cbind(names, out$table, FDR, rank_edgeR)
return(list(data = retval, norm_f_TbT = tbtout$norm_f_TbT,
Mval = tbtout$Mval, Aval = tbtout$Aval,
counts = counts, group = group))
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