makeFCMatrix <- function(Ngene = 10000, PDEG = 0.20, DEG.assign = NULL, replicates = NULL, fc.params = NULL) {
if (is.null(DEG.assign)) DEG.assign <- c(0.8, 0.2)
if (is.null(replicates)) replicates <- c(3, 3)
## intialise fc parameters
if (is.null(fc.params)) {
fc.params <- matrix(0, nrow = length(replicates), ncol = 3)
colnames(fc.params) <- c("floor", "shape", "scale")
for (i in 1:nrow(fc.params)) fc.params[i, ] <- c(1.2, 2, 0.5)
## create single replicate fold-change matrix
fc.matrix.single <- matrix(1, ncol = length(replicates), nrow = Ngene)
fc.index <- c(0, cumsum(round(Ngene * PDEG * DEG.assign)))
for (i in 2:length(fc.index)) {
if (fc.index[i] - fc.index[i - 1] == 0) next
fc.index.range.i <- (fc.index[i - 1] + 1):(fc.index[i])
fc.matrix.single[fc.index.range.i, i - 1] <- fc.params[i - 1, 1] +
rgamma(length(fc.index.range.i), shape = fc.params[i - 1, 2], scale = fc.params[i - 1, 3])
## replicate
fc.matrix <- matrix(1, ncol = sum(replicates), nrow = Ngene)
k <- 0
for (i in 1:length(replicates)) {
for (j in 1:replicates[i]) {
k <- k + 1
fc.matrix[, k] <- fc.matrix.single[, i]
message("Fold change matrix has created. Please use the same parameters in 'simulateReadCounts' function to simulate data")
message(paste0(" Ngene <- ", Ngene))
message(paste0(" PDEG <- ", PDEG))
message(paste0(" DEG.assign <- c(", paste(DEG.assign, collapse = ","), ")"))
message(paste0(" replicates <- c(", paste(replicates, collapse = ","), ")"))
paste0("Ngene = ", Ngene), ", ",
paste0("PDEG = ", PDEG), ",",
paste0("DEG.assign = c(", paste(DEG.assign, collapse = ", "), ")"), ",",
paste0("replicates = c(", paste(replicates, collapse = ", "), ")"), ",",
"fc.matrix = fc.matrix)"))
simulateReadCounts <- function(Ngene = 10000, PDEG = 0.20,
DEG.assign = NULL, DEG.foldchange = NULL,
replicates = NULL, group = NULL, fc.matrix = NULL) {
## initialize the NULL arguments
if (is.null(group)) {
## replicates
## [1] 3 3
if (is.null(replicates))
replicates <- c(3, 3)
## cond.num
## [1] 2
cond.num <- length(replicates)
## DEG.assign
## [1] 0.9 0.1
if (is.null(DEG.assign))
DEG.assign <- c(0.9, rep(0.1 / (cond.num - 1),
length = cond.num - 1))
## DEG.foldchange
## [1] 4 4
if (is.null(DEG.foldchange))
DEG.foldchange <- rep(4, length = cond.num)
## group, DEG.fc
## V1 V2
## 1 1 1
## 2 1 1
## 3 1 1
## 4 1 1
## 5 1 1
## 6 1 1
group <-, nrow = sum(replicates),
ncol = cond.num))
DEG.fc <-, nrow = sum(replicates),
ncol = cond.num))
## reps
## [1] 1 1 1 2 2 2
reps <- rep(1:cond.num, times = replicates)
## group, DEG.fc, DEG.foldchange
## V1 V2
## 1 4 1
## 2 4 1
## 3 4 1
## 4 1 4
## 5 1 4
## 6 1 4
for (i in 1:cond.num) {
group[(reps == i), i] <- 2
DEG.fc[(reps == i), i] <- DEG.foldchange[i]
DEG.foldchange <- DEG.fc
## check the arguments
if (is.null(group))
stop("TCC::ERROR: The 'group' argument is required.")
if (!
stop("TCC::ERROR: The 'group' argument should be data.frame.")
if (is.null(fc.matrix)) {
if (is.null(DEG.assign))
stop("TCC::ERROR: The 'DEG.assign' argument is required.")
if (is.null(DEG.foldchange))
stop("TCC::ERROR: The 'DEG.foldchange' argument is required.")
if (sum(DEG.assign) > 1)
stop("TCC::ERROR: The total value of DEG.assign must less than one.")
if (!
stop("TCC::ERROR: The 'DEG.foldchange' argument should be data.frame.")
if (nrow(group) != nrow(DEG.foldchange))
stop("TCC::ERROR: The number of rows of 'group' and 'DEG.foldchange' must equal.")
if (length(DEG.assign) != ncol(DEG.foldchange))
stop("TCC::ERROR: The length of 'DEG.assign' should equal to the number of columns of 'DEG.foldchange'.")
## print the simulation conditions
message("TCC::INFO: Generating simulation data under NB distribution ...")
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (genesizes : ", Ngene, ")"))
if (is.null(fc.matrix)) {
if (!is.null(replicates)) {
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (replicates : ", paste(replicates, collapse=", "), ")"))
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (PDEG : ", paste(PDEG * DEG.assign, collapse=", "), ")"))
} else {
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (samples : ", nrow(group), ")"))
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (factors : ", ncol(group), ")"))
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (PDEG : ", PDEG, ")"))
} else {
message(paste("TCC::INFO: (PDEG : ", sum(rowSums(fc.matrix) != ncol(fc.matrix)), ")"))
## create foldchange matrix for sampling count data with foldchange
## fc.matrix
## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
## [1,] 4 4 4 1 1 1
## [2,] 4 4 4 1 1 1
## [3,] 4 4 4 1 1 1
## [4,] 4 4 4 1 1 1
## [5,] 4 4 4 1 1 1
## [6,] 4 4 4 1 1 1
if (is.null(fc.matrix)) {
## create foldchange matrix for sampling count data with foldchange
fc.matrix <- matrix(1, nrow = Ngene, ncol = nrow(group))
fc.index <- c(0, cumsum(round(Ngene * PDEG * DEG.assign)))
for (i in 2:length(fc.index)) {
if (fc.index[i] - fc.index[i - 1] == 0) next
fc.matrix[(fc.index[i - 1] + 1):(fc.index[i]), ] <-
fc.matrix[(fc.index[i - 1] + 1):(fc.index[i]), ] *
matrix(rep(DEG.foldchange[, i - 1],
times = fc.index[i] - fc.index[i - 1]),
ncol = ncol(fc.matrix), byrow = TRUE)
trueDEG <- as.numeric(rowSums(abs(fc.matrix)) != ncol(fc.matrix))
## prepare the population ('arab') for sampling
arab <- NULL
rpm.a <- sweep(arab[, 1:3], 2,
median(colSums(arab[, 1:3])) / colSums(arab[, 1:3]), "*")
rpm.b <- sweep(arab[, 4:6], 2,
median(colSums(arab[, 4:6])) / colSums(arab[, 4:6]), "*")
rpm.a <- rpm.a[apply(rpm.a, 1, var) > 0, ]
rpm.b <- rpm.b[apply(rpm.b, 1, var) > 0, ]
mean.ab <- c(apply(rpm.a, 1, mean), apply(rpm.b, 1, mean))
var.ab <- c(apply(rpm.a, 1, var), apply(rpm.b, 1, var))
dispersion <- (var.ab - mean.ab) / (mean.ab * mean.ab)
population <- data.frame(mean = mean.ab, disp = dispersion)
population <- population[population$disp > 0, ]
resampling.vector <- sample(1:nrow(population), Ngene, replace = TRUE)
population <- population[resampling.vector, ]
## simulating data
count <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(group), nrow = Ngene)
count <- apply(fc.matrix, 2, function(x, pp = population) {
rnbinom(n = Ngene,
mu = x * pp$mean,
size = 1 / pp$disp)
}, population)
if (!is.null(replicates)) {
colnames(count) <- paste("G", rep(1:length(replicates),
times = replicates),
"_rep", sequence(replicates), sep = "")
} else {
repnm <- apply(group, 1, function(i){paste(i, collapse="")})
colnm <- repnm
tb <- table(repnm)
tbm <- tb + 1
for (i in 1:length(repnm)) {
colnm[i] <- paste(repnm[i], paste("rep",
tbm[repnm[i]] - tb[repnm[i]], sep = ""), sep = "_")
tb[repnm[i]] <- tb[repnm[i]] - 1
colnames(count) <- colnm
rownames(count) <- paste("gene", 1:nrow(count), sep = "_")
names(trueDEG) <- rownames(population) <- rownames(fc.matrix) <- rownames(count)
colnames(fc.matrix) <- colnames(count)
## TCC constructor
tcc <- new("TCC", count,
if(is.null(replicates)) group
else rep(1:length(replicates), times = replicates))
tcc$simulation$trueDEG <- trueDEG
tcc$simulation$DEG.foldchange <- fc.matrix
tcc$simulation$PDEG <- PDEG * DEG.assign
tcc$simulation$params <- population
tcc$private$simulation.rep <-
if(is.null(replicates)) group
else rep(1:length(replicates), times = replicates)
tcc$private$simulation <- TRUE
tcc$private$estimated <- FALSE
calcAUCValue <- function(tcc, t = 1) {
if (t < 0 || 1 < t) stop("\nTCC::ERROR: 't' is limited in (0, 1)")
if (is.null(tcc$simulation$trueDE) || length(tcc$simulation$trueDE) == 0)
stop("\nTCC::ERROR: No true positive annotations about differential expression genes.\n ")
if (is.null(tcc$stat$rank) || length(tcc$stat$rank) == 0)
stop("\nTCC::ERROR: There are no rank informations in TCC tcc. It need run TCC.estimateDE().\n")
return(pAUC( = as.numeric(tcc$simulation$trueDE != 0),
data = - tcc$stat$rank), t0 = t))
plotFCPseudocolor <- function(tcc, main = "",
xlab = "samples", ylab = "genes") {
if (is.null(tcc$simulation$trueDEG) || length(tcc$simulation$trueDEG) == 0)
message("\nTCC::ERROR: There is no annotations about simulation data.\n")
d <- tcc$simulation$DEG.foldchange
layout(matrix(data = c(1, 2), nrow = 1, ncol = 2),
widths = c(4, 1), heights=c(1, 1))
maxlevel <- ceiling(max(tcc$simulation$DEG.foldchange))
minlevel <- ceiling(1 / min(tcc$simulation$DEG.foldchange))
d[d < 1] <- - 1 / d[d < 1] + 2
if (min(d) >= 1) {
colorRamp <- c(
cm.colors((maxlevel - 1) * 32)[((maxlevel - 1)
* 16):((maxlevel - 1) * 32 - 1)]
} else if (max(d) <= 1) {
colorRamp <- c(
cm.colors((minlevel - 1) * 32)[2:((minlevel - 1) * 16)],
} else {
colorRamp <- c(
cm.colors((minlevel - 1) * 32)[2:((minlevel - 1) * 16)],
cm.colors((maxlevel - 1) * 32)[((maxlevel - 1)
* 16):((maxlevel - 1) * 32 - 1)]
colorLevels <- seq(2 - minlevel, maxlevel, length = length(colorRamp))
par(mar = c(3 + ncol(tcc$group) * 0.6, 4.5, 2.5, 2))
image(1:ncol(d), 1:nrow(d), t(d[rev(1:nrow(d)), ]),
col = colorRamp, ylab = ylab, xlab = "", main = main, axes = FALSE,
zlim = range(2 - minlevel, maxlevel))
title(xlab = xlab, line = 1 + ncol(tcc$group))
for (i in 1:ncol(tcc$group)) {
axis(1, at = 1:nrow(tcc$group), labels = tcc$group[, i],
cex.axis = 0.8,
line = i * ifelse(i == 1, 1, 0.6) - ifelse(i == 1, 1, 0.6) ,
tick = as.logical(i == 1),
lty = as.numeric(i != 0))
mtext(colnames(tcc$group)[i], side = 1, at = -0,
cex = 0.8, adj = 1,
line = i * ifelse(i == 1, 1, 0.6) - ifelse(i == 1, 1, 0.6) + 1)
ycoor <- unique(c(0, cumsum(nrow(tcc$count) * tcc$simulation$PDEG),
nrow(tcc$count) - 0.5))
yaxis <- unique(sprintf("%.0f", c(0, cumsum(nrow(tcc$count) * tcc$simulation$PDEG),
ycoor[ycoor == 0] <- 1
yaxis[yaxis == "0"] <- "1"
axis(2, at = nrow(tcc$count) - ycoor, labels = yaxis,
cex.axis = 0.7, las = 1)
par(mar = c(3 + ncol(tcc$group) * 0.6, 2.5, 2.5, 2))
image(1, 0:length(colorRamp),
matrix(colorLevels, ncol = length(colorRamp), nrow = 1),
col = colorRamp, xlab = "", ylab = "",
xaxt = "n", yaxt="n")
lb <- seq(from = - minlevel + 2, to = maxlevel, by = 1)
lc <- lb
lc[lc < 1] <- 1 / (2 - lc[lc < 1])
at = seq(from = 0, to = length(colorRamp),
by = length(colorRamp) / (length(lb) - 1)),
labels = c(rev(paste("1/", 1:minlevel, sep = "")[-1]),
sprintf("%d", 1:maxlevel)),
cex.axis = 0.8)
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