TCC$methods(plotMA = function (FDR = NULL,
significance.level = NULL,
median.lines = FALSE,
floor = 0,
group = NULL,
col = NULL,
col.tag = NULL,
normalize = TRUE,
showfig = TRUE,
...) {
fcall <- as.list( = TRUE))
arglist <- list(...)
if (is.null(arglist$cex))
arglist$cex <- 0.3
if (is.null(arglist$pch))
arglist$pch <- 20
if (is.null(arglist$main))
arglist$main <- "MA plot"
## set up default arguments.
ggroups <- eval(parse(text = fcall$group))
gro <- .self$group[, 1]
gru <- unique(as.vector(gro))
if (is.null(ggroups)) {
ggroups <- c(gru[1], gru[2])
if (is.null(arglist$xlab)) {
g1name <- ggroups[1]
g2name <- ggroups[2]
#suppressWarnings( <- !any(
#if (.self$private$simulation && {
# g1name <- paste0("G", g1name)
# g2name <- paste0("G", g2name)
g1name <- paste0("G", g1name)
g2name <- paste0("G", g2name)
#arglist$xlab <- paste0("A = (log2(", g2name, ") + log2(", g1name, "))/2")
arglist$xlab <- bquote(A ~ "=" ~ (log[2](.(g2name)) + log[2](.(g1name))) / 2)
if (is.null(arglist$ylab)) {
g1name <- ggroups[1]
g2name <- ggroups[2]
## if the group name is give, use group name,
## otherwise, use G1, G2, ... as group name.
#suppressWarnings( <- !any(
#if (.self$private$simulation && {
# g1name <- paste0("G", g1name)
# g2name <- paste0("G", g2name)
## always use G1, G2, ... as group name.
g1name <- paste0("G", g1name)
g2name <- paste0("G", g2name)
#arglist$ylab <- paste0("M = log2(", g2name, ") - log2(", g1name, ")")
arglist$ylab <- bquote(M ~ "=" ~ log[2](.(g2name)) - log[2](.(g1name)))
if (is.null(col)) {
if (private$estimated == TRUE) {
arglist$col <- c("black", rep("magenta", length = length(gru)))
} else if (private$simulation == TRUE) {
arglist$col <- 1:length(gru)
} else {
arglist$col <- rep("black", length = length(gru))
} else {
arglist$col <- col
if (normalize)
count.normed <- .self$getNormalizedData()
count.normed <- .self$count
mean.i <- rowMeans(as.matrix(count.normed[, gro == ggroups[1]]))
mean.j <- rowMeans(as.matrix(count.normed[, gro == ggroups[2]]))
norm.i <- mean(norm.factors[gro == ggroups[1]])
norm.j <- mean(norm.factors[gro == ggroups[2]])
ma.axes <- .self$.getMACoordinates(mean.i, mean.j, floor)
filter <- as.logical(mean.i > 0 & mean.j > 0)
a <- ma.axes$a.value
m <- ma.axes$m.value
## plot the M-A plot (default)
if (showfig) {
if (is.null(arglist$xlim))
arglist$xlim <- c(min(a), max(a))
if (is.null(arglist$ylim))
arglist$ylim <- c(min(m), max(m))
arglist$x <- c(0, 0)
arglist$type <- "n", arglist)
grid(col = "gray", lty = "dotted")
if (is.null(col.tag)) {
col.tag.v <- rep(1, length = nrow(count))
if (private$estimated == FALSE) {
if (private$simulation == TRUE)
col.tag.v <- simulation$trueDEG + 1
} else {
if ((!is.null(.self$estimatedDEG)) && (length(.self$estimatedDEG != 0))) {
col.tag.v <- as.numeric(estimatedDEG) + 1
if (!(is.null(FDR) && is.null(significance.level))) {
private$stat$q.value <<- stat$q.value
private$stat$p.value <<- stat$p.value
col.tag.v <- .self$.exactTest(FDR = FDR,
significance.level = significance.level) + 1
col.tag <- col.tag.v
if (length(col.tag) != nrow(count))
stop("\nTCC::ERROR: The length of col.tag has to be equal to the number of genes.\n")
for (k in unique(col.tag)) {
points(a[col.tag == k], m[col.tag == k],
col = arglist$col[k], pch = arglist$pch, cex = arglist$cex)
if (median.lines == TRUE) {
if (.self$private$simulation || length(groups) == 2) {
upG2 <- as.logical(m > 0)
upG1 <- as.logical(m < 0)
# nonDEGs
med <- median(m[(col.tag == 1 & filter)])
lines(c(min(a) + 1, max(a)), c(med, med), col = arglist$col[1])
text(arglist$xlim[2], med + 0.5, sprintf("%.3f", med), col = arglist$col[1],
pos = 2, offset = 0)
# DEGs in G1
med <- median(m[((col.tag == 2 & filter) & upG1)])
lines(c(min(a) + 1, max(a)), c(med, med), col = arglist$col[2])
text(arglist$xlim[2], med + 0.5, sprintf("%.3f", med), col = arglist$col[2],
pos = 2, offset = 0)
# DEGs in G2
med <- median(m[((col.tag == 2 & filter) & upG2)])
lines(c(min(a) + 1, max(a)), c(med, med), col = arglist$col[2])
text(arglist$xlim[2], med + 0.5, sprintf("%.3f", med), col = arglist$col[2],
pos = 2, offset = 0)
} else {
warnings("TCC::WARN:: TCC ploted MA-plot without the 'median.lines = TRUE' option, this option only for two-group simulation data created by 'simulateReadCounts' function.\n")
invisible(data.frame(a.value = a, m.value = m))
TCC$methods(.getMACoordinates = function(g1, g2, floor = 0) {
m <- rep(0, length = nrow(count))
a <- rep(0, length = nrow(count))
g1.min.nonZero <- min(g1[g1 > 0])
g2.min.nonZero <- min(g2[g2 > 0])
filter <- as.logical(g1 <= floor | g2 <= floor)
g1[g1 <= floor] <- g1.min.nonZero
g2[g2 <= floor] <- g2.min.nonZero
a <- (log2(g1) + log2(g2)) / 2
m <- log2(g2) - log2(g1)
a[filter] <- min(a) - 1
return(list(m.value = m, a.value = a))
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