## Testing some of the (basic) functionality of the SimpleCompoundDb.
detach("package:xcmsExtensions", unload=TRUE)
test_SimpleCompoundDb <- function(){
## Just a silly check
## Just running the methods to see whether we would get any error.
tmp <- columns(scDb)
tmp <- dbconn(scDb)
tmp <- as.data.frame(scDb)
tmp <- listTables(scDb)
test_mzmatch_db <- function(){
realMz <- c(169.2870, 169.5650, 346.4605)
queryMz <- realMz - (floor(realMz) / 1000000) * 10
comps <- c(300.1898, 298.1508, 491.2000, 169.13481, 169.1348, queryMz)
Res <- mzmatch(comps, scDb, column="avg_molecular_weight")
## Compare that to the mzmatch on integer, integer.
masses <- compounds(scDb, columns=c("accession", "avg_molecular_weight"))
Res2 <- mzmatch(comps, masses$avg_molecular_weight)
## Get the accessions for those
Res2 <- lapply(Res2, function(z){
if(!any(is.na(z[, 1]))){
return(data.frame(idx=masses[z[, 1], "accession"],
deltaMz=z[, 2], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
return(data.frame(idx=NA, deltaMz=NA))
tmp1 <- do.call(rbind, Res)
tmp2 <- do.call(rbind, Res2)
tmp2 <- cbind(tmp2, adduct=rep("M", nrow(tmp2)), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
rownames(tmp1) <- NULL
rownames(tmp2) <- NULL
checkEquals(tmp1, tmp2)
## Error checking
checkException(mzmatch(comps, scDb, ionAdduct="sdfdkjf"))
test_mzmatch_matrix <- function(){
## Real life example: 5, 7, 9
mzs <- cbind(mzmed=c(324.1584, 327.1989, 329.2000),
mzmin=c(324.1238, 327.1683, 329.1970),
mzmax=c(324.1632, 327.2000, 329.2000))
## Do the M+H search based on mzmed:
mzmedRes <- mzmatch(mzs[, "mzmed"], scDb, ppm=10, ionAdduct="M+H")
mzmedMat <- mzmatch(mzs[, c("mzmin", "mzmax")], scDb, ppm=10, ionAdduct="M+H")
## We require that all compounds identified by mzmed are also found in the matrix version
checkTrue(all(do.call(rbind, mzmedRes)$idx %in% do.call(rbind, mzmedMat)$idx))
## Check it
for(i in 1:3){
## Now get the masses for the first...
cmps <- compounds(scDb, filter=CompoundidFilter(mzmedMat[[i]]$idx),
## Convert masses
massMin <- adductmz2mass(mzs[i, "mzmin"], ionAdduct="M+H")[[1]]
massMax <- adductmz2mass(mzs[i, "mzmax"], ionAdduct="M+H")[[1]]
## Check if all the masses of the identified compounds are within that range.
massMin <- massMin - (massMin * 10/1000000)
massMax <- massMax + (massMax * 10/1000000)
checkTrue(all(cmps$monoisotopic_molecular_weight > massMin &
cmps$monoisotopic_molecular_weight < massMax))
## And now compare that the the matrix,numeric version.
compmasses <- compounds(scDb, columns=c("accession", "monoisotopic_molecular_weight"))
for(i in 1:3){
minmass <- adductmz2mass(mzs[i, "mzmin"], ionAdduct="M+H")[[1]]
maxmass <- adductmz2mass(mzs[i, "mzmax"], ionAdduct="M+H")[[1]]
massmat <- matrix(c(minmass, maxmass), nro=1)
SingleRes <- mzmatch(massmat, mz=compmasses$monoisotopic_molecular_weight, ppm=10)[[1]]
SingleRes <- data.frame(id=compmasses[SingleRes[, "idx"], "accession"], SingleRes,
dbRes <- mzmedMat[[i]]
dbRes <- dbRes[order(dbRes$deltaMz), ]
checkEquals(dbRes$idx, SingleRes$id)
## Also the distance?
checkEquals(dbRes$deltaMz, SingleRes$deltaMz)
test_mzmatch_db_new <- function(){
## This uses now the ion adducts.
realMz <- c(169.2870, 169.5650, 346.4605)
queryMz <- realMz - (floor(realMz) / 1000000) * 10
comps <- c(300.1898, 298.1508, 491.2000, 169.13481, 169.1348, queryMz)
## The "front-end" methods.
Res <- mzmatch(comps, scDb, ppm=10, ionAdduct="M+H")
## The internal functions.
Res <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchCompoundDbSQL(comps, scDb)
## Test the new one.
Res2 <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchMassCompoundDbSql(comps, mz=scDb, ionAdduct=NULL)
Res <- do.call(rbind, Res)
Res2 <- do.call(rbind, Res2)
rownames(Res) <- NULL
rownames(Res2) <- NULL
checkEquals(Res, Res2[, 1:2])
## Test the other new one.
Res3 <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchMassPpmCompoundDbSql(comps, mz=scDb, ionAdduct=NULL)
Res3 <- do.call(rbind, Res3)
rownames(Res3) <- NULL
checkEquals(Res, Res3[, 1:2])
## The full version with ppm on the MZ
Res4 <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchMassCompoundDbSql(comps, mz=scDb,
## and ppm on the mass
Res5 <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchMassPpmCompoundDbSql(comps, mz=scDb,
tmp1 <- Res4[[1]]
rownames(tmp1) <- NULL
tmp2 <- Res5[[1]]
rownames(tmp2) <- NULL
checkEquals(tmp1, tmp2)
notrun_mzmatch_performance <- function(){
## Just testing the performance of x SQL queries against one SQL query
## and doing the rest in R...
realMz <- c(169.2870, 169.5650, 346.4605)
## Should get them with a 10 ppm:
queryMz <- realMz - (floor(realMz) / 1000000) * 10
sqlRes <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchCompoundDbSQL(queryMz, scDb)
sqlRes2 <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchCompoundDbSQL(realMz, scDb)
checkEquals(sqlRes, sqlRes2)
comps <- c(300.1898, 298.1508, 491.2000, 169.13481, 169.1348, queryMz)
bigComps <- rep(comps, 1000)
sqlRes <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchCompoundDbSQL(bigComps, scDb)
## Takes 4 secs for 8000 compounds; 7 seconds including the distance calc.
rRes <- xcmsExtensions:::.mzmatchCompoundDbPlain(bigComps, scDb)
## Incredible! takes 7.8 secs!!! with accession retrieval: 8.7
notrun_test_as.data.frame <- function(){
full <- as.data.frame(scDb)
other <- RSQLite::dbGetQuery(dbconn(scDb), "select * from compound_basic order by accession")
checkEquals(full, other)
test_compounds <- function(){
cf <- CompoundidFilter(c("HMDB00010", "HMDB00002", "HMDB00011"))
res <- compounds(scDb, filter=cf)
checkEquals(res$accession, sort(value(cf)))
## Just selected columns
res <- compounds(scDb, filter=cf, columns=c("name", "inchi"))
checkEquals(res$accession, sort(value(cf)))
checkEquals(colnames(res), c("accession", "name", "inchi"))
## Optional arguments
res <- compounds(scDb, filter=cf, columns=c("name", "inchi"), return.all.columns=FALSE)
checkEquals(colnames(res), c("name", "inchi"))
test_cleanColumns <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::cleanColumns(scDb, c("accession", "gene_id", "bla"))
checkEquals(res, "accession")
test_prefixColumns <- function(){
## with and without clean.
res <- xcmsExtensions:::prefixColumns(scDb, columns=c("accession", "gene_id", "name"))
checkEquals(res[[1]], c("compound_basic.accession", "compound_basic.name"))
res <- xcmsExtensions:::prefixColumns(scDb, columns=c("value", "gene_id", "name"),
checkEquals(names(res), "metadata")
checkEquals(res[[1]], c("metadata.name", "metadata.value"))
test_cleanTables <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::cleanTables(scDb, tables=c("agfkg", "asdfdfd"))
checkEquals(res, NULL)
res <- xcmsExtensions:::cleanTables(scDb, tables=c("metadata", "compound_basic"))
checkEquals(res, c("metadata", "compound_basic"))
test_sortTablesByDegree <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::sortTablesByDegree(scDb, tables=c("adsds", "metadata", "compound_basic"))
checkEquals(res, c("compound_basic", "metadata"))
test_addRequiredJoinTables <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::addRequiredJoinTables(scDb, "metadata")
checkEquals(res, "metadata")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::addRequiredJoinTables(scDb, "asfkdf")
test_buildFilterQuery <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildFilterQuery(scDb)
cf <- CompoundidFilter("adffdf")
gf <- ensembldb::GeneidFilter("asdasdfd")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildFilterQuery(scDb, filter=cf)
checkEquals(res, " where compound_basic.accession = 'adffdf'")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildFilterQuery(scDb, filter=list(cf, gf))
checkEquals(res, " where compound_basic.accession = 'adffdf'")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildFilterQuery(scDb, filter=list(cf, cf))
checkEquals(res, " where compound_basic.accession = 'adffdf' and compound_basic.accession = 'adffdf'")
test_buildJoinQuery <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildJoinQuery(scDb, "name")
checkEquals(res, "compound_basic")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildJoinQuery(scDb, c("name", "adff"))
checkEquals(res, "compound_basic")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildJoinQuery(scDb, c("metadata", "asdds"))
checkEquals(res, NULL)
test_buildQuery <- function(){
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildQuery(scDb, columns=c("accession", "name"))
checkEquals(res, "select distinct compound_basic.accession,compound_basic.name from compound_basic")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildQuery(scDb, columns=c("accession", "name"), order.by="smiles")
checkEquals(res, "select distinct compound_basic.accession,compound_basic.name,compound_basic.smiles from compound_basic order by compound_basic.smiles asc")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildQuery(scDb, columns=c("accession", "name"), order.by=c("smiles,dfadskfd"))
checkEquals(res, "select distinct compound_basic.accession,compound_basic.name,compound_basic.smiles from compound_basic order by compound_basic.smiles asc")
## And with a filter.
cf <- CompoundidFilter("abc")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::buildQuery(scDb, columns=c("accession", "name"), filter=cf)
checkEquals(res, "select distinct compound_basic.accession,compound_basic.name from compound_basic where compound_basic.accession = 'abc'")
test_getWhat <- function(){
## Get all the data
cf <- CompoundidFilter("HMDB00002")
res <- xcmsExtensions:::getWhat(scDb, filter=cf)
checkTrue(nrow(res) == 1)
res <- xcmsExtensions:::getWhat(scDb, filter=cf, columns=c("name", "inchi"))
checkEquals(colnames(res), c("accession", "name", "inchi"))
res <- xcmsExtensions:::getWhat(scDb, filter=cf, columns=c("name", "inchi"), return.all.columns=FALSE)
checkEquals(colnames(res), c("name", "inchi"))
test_compounds_MassrangeFilter <- function(){
mrf <- MassrangeFilter(c(300, 310))
cmps <- compounds(scDb, filter=mrf, columns=c("accession", "avg_molecular_weight",
checkTrue(all(cmps$monoisotopic_molecular_weight >= 300 &
cmps$monoisotopic_molecular_weight <= 310))
condition(mrf) <- "()"
cmps <- compounds(scDb, filter=mrf, columns=c("accession", "avg_molecular_weight",
checkTrue(all(cmps$monoisotopic_molecular_weight > 300 &
cmps$monoisotopic_molecular_weight < 310))
## Changing the column to avg
## mrf@column <- "avg_molecular_weight"
## Combine filters.
cmps <- compounds(scDb, filter=list(mrf, CompoundidFilter("HMDB60116")),
columns=c("accession", "avg_molecular_weight",
value(mrf) <- c(304, 310)
cmps <- compounds(scDb, filter=list(mrf, CompoundidFilter("HMDB60116")),
columns=c("accession", "avg_molecular_weight",
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