## Methods for xcmsSet classes.
## peakGroupSummary
## Calculate summaries for peak groups per sample class.
setMethod("peakGroupSummary", "xcmsSet", function(object, class, value="into"){
## Using internal class
class <- sampclass(object)
## Check class.
if(length(class) != length(sampnames(object)))
stop("Length of 'class' has to match the number of data files.")
class <- factor(class)
## Internal function to perform the summary.
sumfun <- function(mat){
res <- apply(mat, MARGIN=1, function(z){
zs <- z[!is.na(z)]
mz <- mean(zs)
## OK, now get the group data.
gv <- groupval(object, value=value)
## Do the call separately for each level.
Res <- do.call(cbind, lapply(levels(class), function(z){
return(sumfun(gv[, class==z, drop=FALSE]))
colnames(Res) <- paste(rep(levels(class), each=5),
c("minInt", "maxInt", "meanInt", "RSD",
"propPresent"), sep=".")
## msSlice
## Extract an MSslice (or MSsliceList) object from the xcmsSet object.
## Each MSslice object containing an MSdata object for each sample in the
## xcmsSet object. NOTE: can NOT pass rt down; even BPPARAM does not work!
setMethod("msSlice", "xcmsSet",
function(object, mzrange=NULL, rtrange=NULL, rt="corrected", BPPARAM=MulticoreParam()){
rt <- match.arg(rt, c("corrected", "raw"))
call <- match.call()
## Will run the msSlice separately on each xcmsRaw object. To reduce the required
## memory demand,
## use bplapply.
## We're setting profstep to 0, so we don't do the profile matrix calculation.
sampidx <- 1:length(filepaths(object))
resu <- bplapply(as.list(sampidx), function(z, object, rt, mzrange, rtrange){
## Get the raw object. We don't want the profile matrix to be generated
## thus we set profstep to 0.
xr <- getXcmsRaw(object, sampleidx=z, profstep=0, rt=rt)
## Get the MSsliceList on that.
slices <- msSlice(xr, mzrange=mzrange, rtrange=rtrange)
}, object=object, rt=rt, mzrange=mzrange, rtrange=rtrange, BPPARAM=BPPARAM)
## OK, resu will now be a list of MSslice or MSsliceList objects (depending
## on whether mzrange or rtrange were a matrix or not).
## Will now combine the MSdata for the individual samples into one MSslice.
if(is(resu[[1]], "MSslice")){
## Just ensure that all are MSslices...
if(!all(unlist(lapply(resu, function(z){is(z, "MSslice")}))))
stop("Not all of the returned objects are 'MSslice' objects!")
return(msSlice(object=unlist(lapply(resu, msData)),
if(is(resu[[1]], "MSsliceList")){
if(!all(unlist(lapply(resu, function(z){is(z, "MSsliceList")}))))
stop("Not all of the returned objects are 'MSsliceList' objects!")
## Check if the lengths are the same.
Ls <- unique(unlist(lapply(resu, length)))
if(length(Ls) != 1)
stop("Something wrong: got different lengths of MSsliceList objects!")
## Do a for loop extracting each time the MSdata i and storing that into a
## new MSslice
mslList <- vector("list", Ls)
for(i in 1:Ls){
mslList[[i]] <- msSlice(object=unlist(lapply(resu, function(z){
})), phenoData=AnnotatedDataFrame(phenoData(object)))
stop("The method returned something wrong!")
## ## Extension methods and functions for the xcms package.
## ## Simple function to find the closest peak group.
## ## x: xcmsSet object.
## ## mz: the m/z to which the closest peaks should be returned.
## ## rt: the retention time to which the closest peaks should be returned.
## ## mzmax: the maximal allowed distance mz to mz of the peak.
## ## rtmax: the maximal allowed distance rt to rt of the peak.
## ## nres: the maximal number of peaks that should be returned. If Inf, it returns all.
## .findClosestGroup <- function(x, mz=NULL, rt=NULL, mzdev=NA, rtdev=NA, nres=1){
## if(is.null(mz) & is.null(rt))
## stop("Either 'mz' or 'rt' or both have to be specified!")
## if(nrow(groups(x)) == 0)
## stop("No groups found. You should run the 'group' command first!")
## if(length(mz) > 1 | length(rt) > 1)
## stop("mz or rt should be of length 1!")
## ## Difference to mz
## outsideRange <- numeric()
## if(!is.null(mz)){
## diffMz <- groups(x)[, "mzmed"] - mz
## outsideRange <- which(abs(diffMz) > mzdev)
## }
## ## Difference to rt
## if(!is.null(rt)){
## diffRt <- groups(x)[, "rtmed"] - rt
## outsideRange <- sort(c(outsideRange, which(abs(diffRt) > rtdev)))
## }
## ## Use Euclidian's distance if both are specified.
## if(!is.null(mz) & !is.null(rt)){
## theDist <- sqrt(diffMz^2 + diffRt^2)
## }else{
## ## Otherwise, just use the absolute distance.
## if(!is.null(mz)){
## theDist <- abs(diffMz)
## }else{
## theDist <- abs(diffRt)
## }
## }
## ## "flag" those that are outside the range
## if(length(outsideRange) > 0)
## theDist[outsideRange] <- NA
## idx <- order(theDist)
## res <- data.frame(index=idx, distance=theDist[idx])
## ## Only return nres elements.
## res <- res[1:(min(c(nres, nrow(res)))), , drop=FALSE]
## res <- res[!is.na(res$distance), , drop=FALSE]
## return(res)
## }
## ####============================================================
## ## closestGroup
## ##
## ## Method to find and return indices of peak-groups that are closest
## ## to the specified mz and or rt range.
## ## x: xcmsSet object.
## ## mz: the m/z to which the closest peaks should be returned.
## ## rt: the retention time to which the closest peaks should be returned.
## ## mzdev: the maximal allowed distance mz to mz of the peak.
## ## rtdev: the maximal allowed distance rt to rt of the peak.
## ## nres: the maximal number of peaks that should be returned. Set to Inf to return
## ## all.
## ## The method returns a list of data.frames, one list element for each specified
## ## mz (or rt). The data.frame has columns "index" and "distance" indicating the
## ## index of the group in the groups (or groupval) matrix and the distance of the
## ## actual peak to the user provided coordinates. In case both mz and rt are specified
## ## the distance represents the Euclidian distance between the points in the mz and rt
## ## space.
## ## sort: "closest": return results ordered by distance to specified region.
## ## "intensity": return results (within range) ordered by signal intensity ("into").
## ## "npeaks": return results (within range) ordered by number of peaks.
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## setMethod("closestGroup", "xcmsSet", function(x, mz=NULL, rt=NULL,
## mzdev=NA, rtdev=NA,
## nres=1){
## ## Allow length of mz, rt > 1.
## if(is.null(mz) & is.null(rt))
## stop("Either 'mz' or 'rt' (or both) have to be specified!")
## if(!is.null(mz) & !is.null(rt)){
## if(length(mz) != length(rt))
## stop("If 'mz' and 'rt' are specified, their length has to match!")
## }
## ## Define the names for the result list.
## mzn <- "mz:-"
## rtn <- "rt:-"
## if(!is.null(mz)){
## mzn <- paste0("mz:", format(mz, digits=7))
## }
## if(!is.null(rt))
## rtn <- paste0("rt:", format(rt, digits=7))
## listNames <- paste0(mzn, ";", rtn, ";")
## ## Prepare the actual call.
## if(is.null(mz))
## mz <- rep(NA, length(rt))
## if(is.null(rt))
## rt <- rep(NA, length(mz))
## toProcess <- split(data.frame(mz=mz, rt=rt), f=1:length(mz))
## res <- lapply(toProcess, function(z){
## ## Calling the function.
## localMz <- NULL
## localRt <- NULL
## if(!is.na(z[1, 1]))
## localMz <- z[1, 1]
## if(!is.na(z[1, 2]))
## localRt <- z[1, 2]
## return(.findClosestGroup(x=x, mz=localMz, rt=localRt,
## mzdev=mzdev, rtdev=rtdev,
## nres=nres))
## })
## ## Check if we could use the names.
## if(length(unique(listNames)) == length(res))
## names(res) <- listNames
## return(res)
## })
## #### Test this
## allmz <- c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4)
## mzmat <- matrix(allmz, ncol=1)
## colnames(mzmat) <- "mz"
## library(RUnit)
## checkEquals(unname(.singlematchmz(mzmat, 2.001)["pos"]), 1)
## ## add intensity.
## mzmat <- cbind(mzmat, intensity=c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 4, 3))
## checkEquals(unname(.singlematchmz(mzmat, 2.001)["pos"]), 10)
## ## ranges.
## mzmat <- cbind(mzmat, mzmin=mzmat[, "mz"]-1, mzmax=mzmat[, "mz"]+1)
## checkEquals(unname(.singlematchmz(mzmat, 2.001)["pos"]), 10)
## ## .matchmz
## checkEquals(unname(.matchmz(allmz, 2)[, "pos"]), 1)
## checkEquals(unname(.matchmz(allmz, c(2, 3))[, "pos"]), c(1, 2))
## checkEquals(unname(.matchmz(mzmat, c(2, 3))[, "pos"]), c(10, 11))
## checkEquals(unname(.matchmz(mzmat, c(3, 2))[, "pos"]), c(11, 10))
## ####============================================================
## ####============================================================
## ## Test stuff
## ##
## ####------------------------------------------------------------
## spikes <- read.table("data/txt/_input-spiked-compounds.txt", sep="\t",
## as.is=TRUE, header=TRUE)
## ## testing stuff...
## which <- 2
## ## Get the peak group closest to the specified mass.
## spkGroup <- closestGroup(xsRt, mz=spikes[which, "m"], nres=10)
## spkGroup
## groupIdx <- spkGroup[[1]]$index[1]
## ## Now we're getting the raw file for the first control
## xraw <- getXcmsRaw(xsRt, 6)
## ## get the EIC:
## eics <- getEIC(xsRt, groupidx=groupIdx)
## par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
## plot(eics, col=paste0(groupCols[xsRt$group], "80"), groupidx=1)
## legend("topright", col=groupCols, lty=1, legend=names(groupCols))
## ## Now plot the rt range.
## abline(v=groups(xsRt)[groupIdx,
## c("rtmin", "rtmax")], col="darkgrey")
## groupval(xsRt, value="into")[groupIdx, ]
## groups(xsRt)[groupIdx, ]
## ## not so bad, but still...
## eicsMz <- getEIC(xsRt, mzrange=groups(xsRt)[groupIdx, c("mzmin", "mzmax"), drop=FALSE])
## plot(eicsMz, col=paste0(groupCols[xsRt$group], "80"), groupidx=1)
## legend("topright", col=groupCols, lty=1, legend=names(groupCols))
## ## Now plot the rt range.
## abline(v=groups(xsRt)[groupIdx,
## c("rtmin", "rtmax")], col="darkgrey")
## ##
## ## Get the raw matrix...
## rtr <- groups(xsRt)[groupIdx, c("rtmin", "rtmax"), drop=FALSE]
## mzr <- groups(xsRt)[groupIdx, c("mzmin", "mzmax"), drop=FALSE]
## rm <- rawMat(xraw,
## mzrange=groups(xsRt)[groupIdx, c("mzmin", "mzmax"), drop=FALSE],
## rtrange=groups(xsRt)[groupIdx, c("rtmin", "rtmax"), drop=FALSE])
## ## Do it completely manual...
## rtidxRange <- range(which(xraw@scantime >= rtr[1] & xraw@scantime <= rtr[2]))
## ## @env$mz : mz values.
## ## @env$intensity: intensity values.
## ## @scantime: scantime, shorter than both above.
## ## @scanindex: which index in mz and intensity matches the time. length scanindex=length scantime.
## scanIndexRange <- xraw@scanindex[rtidxRange] + 1 ## +1 since we're counting from 0!
## ## hm, not so sure if that's correct...
## masses <- xraw@env$mz[scanIndexRange[1]:scanIndexRange[2]]
## massRange <- which(masses >= mzr[1] & masses <= mzr[2])
## ints <- xraw@env$intensity[(scanIndexRange[1]:scanIndexRange[2])[massRange]]
## ## but that's the same than we get with rawMat
## library(RUnit)
## checkEquals(rm[, "intensity"], ints)
## ## rawEIC:
## rEic <- rawEIC(xraw, rtrange=rtr, mzrange=mzr)
## ## rawMat has also the mz (which is pretty nice).
## ## how could we get that for rawEIC too?
## ## get the mz index for the scans:
## sidx <- xraw@scanindex[rEic$scan[1] + 1]
## eidx <- xraw@scanindex[max(rEic$scan) + 1]
## ## Don't get it!!!
## ## getting stuff from profile matrix is something different...
## pEic <- getEIC(xraw, rtrange=rtr, mzrange=mzr)@eic[[1]][[1]]
## pEic[pEic[, "rt"] >= rtr[1] & pEic[, "rt"] <= rtr[2], ]
## ## ???
## ## scanindex, scantime.
## ## rEic$scan corresponds to the scantime >= rtr[1] and <= rtr[2]
## sct <- xraw@scantime[rEic$scan]
## plot(sct, rEic$intensity, type="b")
## ## scantimes match!
## plot(pEic[, "rt"], pEic[, "intensity"] ,type="b")
## ## OK; we're getting closer! profile matrix does not correspond to raw data!
## ##plotRaw(xraw, mzrange=mzr, rtrange=rtr, type="b")
## ## Summary:
## ## getEIC extracts stuff from the profile matrix, rawEIC and rawMat from the raw data.
## ## rawEIC uses a C call to extract stuff.
## ## rawMat uses R code to extract stuff from the raw matrix.
## ## timing.
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