## Methods for MSdata
## show
setMethod("show", "MSdata", function(object){
cat(class(object), " object:\n", sep="")
cat("| MS level: ", object@mslevel, "\n", sep="")
if(length(object@mzrange) == 2)
cat("| m/z range: ", object@mzrange[1], " - ", object@mzrange[2], "\n", sep="")
if(length(object@rtrange) == 2)
cat("| RT range: ", object@rtrange[1], " - ", object@rtrange[2], "\n", sep="")
if(length(object@intrange) == 2)
cat("| Intensity range: ", object@intrange[1], " - ", object@intrange[2], "\n", sep="")
cat("| Number of data points: ", length(object@mz), "\n", sep="")
## rtime
## Getter/setter for the rtime slot.
setMethod("rtime", "MSdata", function(object, return.type="numeric"){
return.type <- match.arg(return.type, c("numeric", "Rle"))
if(return.type == "Rle")
setReplaceMethod("rtime", "MSdata", function(object, value){
object@rtrange <- range(value)
object@rtime <- Rle(value)
## intensity
## Getter for the intensity slot.
setMethod("intensity", "MSdata", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("intensity", "MSdata", function(object, value){
object@intensity <- value
object@intrange <- range(value)
## mz
## Getter for the mz slot.
setMethod("mz", "MSdata", function(object){
setReplaceMethod("mz", "MSdata", function(object, value){
object@mz <- value
object@mzrange <- range(value)
## rtrange
## Getter the rtrange slot.
setMethod("rtrange", "MSdata", function(object){
## mzrange
## Getter the rtrange slot.
setMethod("mzrange", "MSdata", function(object){
## intrange
## Getter the rtrange slot.
setMethod("intrange", "MSdata", function(object){
if(length(object@intensity) == 0){
return(c(NA, NA))
## msSlice
## Create an MSslice object from the MSdata.
setMethod("msSlice", "MSdata",
function(object, ...){
## if(!is.null(mzrange) | !is.null(rtrange)){
## warning("Ignoring arguments 'mzrange' and 'rtrange' if ")
## }
res <- msSlice(list(object), ...)
## res <- new("MSslice", data=list(object), mzrange=mzrange(object),
## rtrange=rtrange(object), call=call)
## as.matrix
## Transform the data into a matrix.
setMethod("as.matrix", "MSdata",
function(x, ...){
## .aggregateWithBins
## Aggregate values in x using method FUN depending on the bins.
## Argument bins might be returned by the .getBins function.
.aggregateWithBins <- function(x, bins, FUN=sum){
return(unlist(lapply(split(x, findInterval(x, bins, all.inside=TRUE)), FUN=FUN),
recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE))
.aggregateWithIntervals <- function(x, ints, FUN=sum){
return(unlist(lapply(split(x, ints), FUN=FUN),
recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE))
## .getBins
## Define the interval/breaks to be used for the binning of x.
## x can also be a range.
## Arguments nbin and binSize are mutually exclusive.
.getBins <- function(x, nbin, binSize){
nbin <- NULL
binSize <- NULL
if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive!")
rangs <- range(x, na.rm=TRUE)
return(seq(rangs[1], rangs[2], length.out=(nbin+1)))
tmp <- seq(rangs[1], rangs[2], by=binSize)
return(c(tmp, tmp[length(tmp)] + binSize))
## .binMid
## Get (roughly) the midpoint of equal spaced bins.
.binMid <- function(bins){
tmp <- bins + diff(bins[1:2])/2
## .getChrom
## get the chromatogram. If bins is not specified, the function /just/
## aggregates values with the same retention time using the function FUN.
## x... MSdata object.
## FUN... the function to aggregate intensity values.
## bins... binning variable, supposed to be generated by the .getBins method.
## nbin, binSize... if one of the two is not NULL, the bins will be internally
## calculated using the .getBins function.
## The function returns a two-column matrix with the retention time and the
## intensity (columns rtime and intensity).
.getChrom <- function(x, FUN=sum, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
if(is.null(bins) & (!is.null(nbin) | !is.null(binSize))){
## Calculate the bins internally.
bins <- .getBins(rtrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
## Do the aggregation on bins if it's not empty
## Get the rt intervals for which we do have data.
rtIntervals <- findInterval(rtimeOrdered(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
aggInts <- .aggregateWithIntervals(intensityOrderedByRtime(x), rtIntervals,
return(cbind(rtime=.binMid(bins)[unique(rtIntervals)], intensity=aggInts))
## Check if there would be any need to aggregate the data.
if(length(x@rtime) == length(unique(x@rtime))){
## No need
## Aggregate.
aggVals <- unlist(lapply(split(intensityOrderedByRtime(x),
rtimeOrdered(x)), FUN=FUN),
return(cbind(rtime=unique(rtimeOrdered(x)), intensity=aggVals))
## getChromatogram
## Method to extract the chromatogram of an MSdata object. Data will be eventually
## binned in rt dimension and intensities aggregated in m/z dimension.
## The method returns a matrix with two columns, rtime and intensity.
setMethod("getChromatogram", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, ...){
## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
" specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
return(.getChrom(object,FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
## plotChromatogram
setMethod("plotChromatogram", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
add=FALSE, main=paste(format(mzrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
xlab="Retention time", ylab="Intensity",
dat <- getChromatogram(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
points(dat[, 1], dat[, 2], ...)
plot(dat[, 1], dat[, 2], main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
## chromatogram
## The same...
setMethod("chromatogram", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
add=FALSE, main=paste(format(mzrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
xlab="Retention time", ylab="Intensity", ...){
plotChromatogram(object=object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
binSize=binSize, add=add, main=main, xlab=xlab,
ylab=ylab, ...)
## getSpectrum
## Get the spectrum from an MSdata object. Data will be eventually binned
## in m/z dimension and intensities aggregated within these bins and along
## the rt dimension.
setMethod("getSpectrum", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, ...){
## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
" specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
return(.getSpec(object,FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
## .getSpec
## Basically the same as .getChrom, just along the other dimension.
## We're extracting all values ordered by Mz in this function, i.e.
## mzOrdered and intensityOrderedByMz.
.getSpec <- function(x, FUN=sum, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
if(is.null(bins) & (!is.null(nbin) | !is.null(binSize))){
## Calculate the bins internally.
bins <- .getBins(mzrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
## Do the aggregation on bins if it's not empty
## Get the rt intervals for which we do have data.
mzIntervals <- findInterval(mzOrdered(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
aggInts <- .aggregateWithIntervals(intensityOrderedByMz(x), mzIntervals,
return(cbind(mz=.binMid(bins)[unique(mzIntervals)], intensity=aggInts))
## Check if there would be any need to aggregate the data.
if(length(x@mz) == length(unique(x@mz))){
## No need
return(cbind(mz=mzOrdered(x), intensity=intensityOrderedByMz(x)))
## Aggregate.
aggVals <- unlist(lapply(split(intensityOrderedByMz(x),
mzOrdered(x)), FUN=FUN),
return(cbind(mz=unique(mzOrdered(x)), intensity=aggVals))
## plotSpectrum
setMethod("plotSpectrum", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL,
add=FALSE, main=paste(format(rtrange(object), 2), collapse="-"),
xlab="M/Z", ylab="Intensity",
dat <- getSpectrum(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
points(dat[, 1], dat[, 2], ...)
plot(dat[, 1], dat[, 2], main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
## binMz
## bin a MSdata object in M/Z dimension.
setMethod("binMz", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive")
## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
" specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(is.null(nbin) & is.null(bins) & is.null(binSize)){
## Well, just return the object.
return(.binMz(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
## binRtime
## bin a MSdata object in retention time dimension
setMethod("binRtime", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL){
if(!is.null(nbin) & !is.null(binSize))
stop("Arguments 'nbin' and 'binSize' are mutually exclusive.")
## Input arg checking... at least to some degree.
if(!is.numeric(bins) | length(bins) < 2)
stop("'bins' should be a numeric vector of length > 2",
" specifying the bins in which the data should be binned.")
if(!is.numeric(nbin) | length(nbin) > 1)
stop("'nbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(binSize) | length(binSize) > 1)
stop("'binSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(is.null(nbin) & is.null(bins) & is.null(binSize)){
## Well, just return the object.
return(.binRtime(object, FUN=FUN, bins=bins, nbin=nbin,
## binMzRtime
## bin first in M/Z, then in retention time.
setMethod("binMzRtime", "MSdata",
function(object, FUN=max, mzNbin=NULL, mzBinSize=NULL,
rtNbin=NULL, rtBinSize=NULL){
## Argument checking.
if(!is.null(mzNbin) & !is.null(mzBinSize))
stop("Arguments 'mzNbin' and 'mzBinSize' are mutually exclusive.")
if(!is.null(rtNbin) & !is.null(rtBinSize))
stop("Arguments 'rtNbin' and 'rtBinSize' are mutually exclusive.")
if(!is.numeric(mzNbin) | length(mzNbin) > 1)
stop("'mzNbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(mzBinSize) | length(mzBinSize) > 1)
stop("'mzBinSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(rtNbin) | length(rtNbin) > 1)
stop("'rtNbin' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
if(!is.numeric(rtBinSize) | length(rtBinSize) > 1)
stop("'rtBinSize' should be a numeric vector of length 1!")
## Do the stuff.
return(.binRtime(.binMz(object, nbin=mzNbin,
binSize=mzBinSize, FUN=FUN, sort=FALSE),
, nbin=rtNbin, binSize=rtBinSize, FUN=FUN))
## mapMatrix
## Returns a sparse matrix with rows being M/Z, columns being
## retention time.
setMethod("mapMatrix", "MSdata",
## subset
## Subset the MSdata object by mzrange and/or rtrange
setMethod("subset", "MSdata", function(x, mzrange=NULL, rtrange=NULL){
if(is.null(mzrange) & is.null(rtrange)){
returnMeMz <- -9
returnMeRt <- -9
## Checking mzrange input
stop("'mzrange' has to be a numeric vector of length 2.")
if(length(mzrange) != 2)
stop("'mzrange' has to be a numeric vector of length 2.")
mzrange <- sort(mzrange)
returnMeMz <- which(mz(x) >= mzrange[1] & mz(x) <= mzrange[2])
## Return an empty object if we've got no matching data.
if(length(returnMeMz) == 0){
return(MSdata(rtime=numeric(), mz=numeric(), intensity=numeric()))
## Checking rtrange input
stop("'rtrange' has to be a numeric vector of length 2.")
if(length(rtrange) != 2)
stop("'rtrange' has to be a numeric vector of length 2.")
rtrange <- sort(rtrange)
returnMeRt <- which(rtime(x) >= rtrange[1] & rtime(x) <= rtrange[2])
## Return an empty object if we've got no matching data.
if(length(returnMeRt) == 0){
return(MSdata(rtime=numeric(), mz=numeric(), intensity=numeric()))
## If we got so far we can /really/ subset the data.
if(returnMeMz[1] > 0){
## OK we've got a subset for MZ
if(returnMeRt[1] > 0){
## Got also retention time subset: make an intersect.
returnMeMz <- intersect(returnMeMz, returnMeRt)
if(length(returnMeMz) == 0)
return(MSdata(rtime=numeric(), mz=numeric(), intensity=numeric()))
## Only rtime subset.
## "private" methods
## rtimeOrdered
## return the retention time as an ordered numeric.
setMethod("rtimeOrdered", "MSdata",
## mzOrdered
## Return the mz values ordered increasingly.
setMethod("mzOrdered", "MSdata",
## intensityOrderedByMz
## Return the intensity values ordered by mz. That way, the mz
## values returned by mzOrdered are in-sync (i.e. ordered in the
## same way) with the intensity values.
setMethod("intensityOrderedByMz", "MSdata",
idx <- order(mz(object))
## intensityOrderedByRtime
## Return the intensity values ordered by retention time. That way,
## the mz values returned by mzOrdered are in-sync (i.e. ordered in
## the same way) with the intensity values.
setMethod("intensityOrderedByRtime", "MSdata",
idx <- order(rtime(object))
## .msData2mapMatrix
## Transforms the data in an MSdata object into a two-dimensional
## "map" matrix with rows representing mz values, columns retention
## times. The matrix will be a i x j matrix with i being the length
## of unique mz values and j the length of unique retention times.
## x: MSdata object.
.msData2mapMatrix <- function(x){
## Eventually do some sort of binning...
## x is supposed to be ordered by rt, but it shouldn't make
## a difference in the end...
tmpL <- split(data.frame(mz=mz(x), intensity=intensity(x)),
mzUnique <- sort(unique(mz(x)))
mzL <- length(mzUnique)
tmp <- rep(NA, mzL) ## Can re-use this. R will copy this variable.
vals <- unlist(lapply(tmpL, function(z){
## Note: tmp is a copy, so any changes to tmp will not be propagated or be
## visible outside of the lapply.
tmp[match(z$mz, mzUnique)] <- z$intensity
}), use.names=FALSE)
retMat <- matrix(vals, nrow=length(mzUnique))
rownames(retMat) <- mzUnique
colnames(retMat) <- unique(rtimeOrdered(x))
## .msData2mapSparseMatrix
## Transforms the data of an MSdata object into a 2-dimensional
## (map) matrix in SparseMatrix format.
.msData2mapSparseMatrix <- function(x){
## the j (column) index will be each rt value repeated unique
## mz value times.
mzUnique <- unique(mzOrdered(x))
rtUnique <- unique(rtimeOrdered(x))
iIdx <- unlist(lapply(split(mz(x), rtime(x)),
return(match(z, mzUnique))
), use.names=FALSE)
## jIdx <- unlist(lapply(split(rtime(x), mz(x)),
## function(z){
## return(match(z, rtUnique))
## }
## ), use.names=FALSE)
jIdx <- match(rtime(x), rtUnique)
spM <- sparseMatrix(i=iIdx, j=jIdx, x=intensity(x), dimnames=list(mzUnique, rtUnique))
## .binMz
## bin the mz range. this means intensities falling within a mz bin
## x is supposed to be a matrix returned by as.matrix(MSdata)
## NOTE: we're assuming all the argument checking has been performed
## already, this means, only one of bins, nbin or binSize is
## defined.
## sort: if sort is FALSE we're not sorting by rt and mz, otherwise we do.
.binMz <- function(x, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, FUN=max, sort=TRUE){
## That's definitely not the ideal way...
## theDf <- data.frame(rtime=rtime(x), mz=mz(x), intensity=intensity(x))
## binning on mz, splitting by the bins, and within each sub-data.frame split
## again but by retention time and aggregate the intensities.
## Alternative: define the splitting factor as a combination of bin and rt.
bins <- .getBins(mzrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
mzInts <- findInterval(mz(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
## Define the factors to split the intensities.
splitF <- factor(paste0(mzInts, ":", rtime(x)))
## Extract the bin idx and the retention time from the splitF
idMapMat <- matrix(as.numeric(do.call(rbind, strsplit(levels(splitF), split=":"))), ncol=2)
## The ordering... have to fix that, order by rtime, then by mz.
## The data is supposedly already sorted by mz, so just ordering by rt.
idxRt <- order(idMapMat[, 2], idMapMat[, 1])
idMapMat <- idMapMat[idxRt, ]
idxRt <- 1L:nrow(idMapMat)
return(MSdata(mz=.binMid(bins)[idMapMat[, 1]],
rtime=idMapMat[, 2],
intensity=.aggregateWithIntervals(intensity(x), splitF, FUN=FUN)[idxRt]
## Same as above, but does not any sorting/ordering of data by rt then by mz.
.binMzUnsorted <- function(x, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, FUN=max){
## That's definitely not the ideal way...
## theDf <- data.frame(rtime=rtime(x), mz=mz(x), intensity=intensity(x))
## binning on mz, splitting by the bins, and within each sub-data.frame split
## again but by retention time and aggregate the intensities.
## Alternative: define the splitting factor as a combination of bin and rt.
bins <- .getBins(mzrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
mzInts <- findInterval(mz(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
## Define the factors to split the intensities.
splitF <- factor(paste0(rtime(x), ":", mzInts))
## Extract the bin idx and the retention time from the splitF
idMapMat <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(levels(splitF), split=":"))
return(MSdata(mz=.binMid(bins)[as.numeric(idMapMat[, 2])],
rtime=as.numeric(idMapMat[, 1]),
intensity=.aggregateWithIntervals(intensity(x), splitF, FUN=FUN)
## The same method, just with some slower code... to check that it works.
.binMzSlow <- function(x, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, FUN=max){
bins <- .getBins(mzrange(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
mzInts <- findInterval(mz(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
## Make a data.frame of the data.
datDfL <- split(data.frame(rtime=rtime(x), mz=mz(x), intensity=intensity(x)),
## Now, within each element, split by retention time and aggregate the intensities
resL <- lapply(datDfL, function(z){
tmp <- lapply(split(z[, c("rtime", "intensity")], f=z$rtime), function(zx, theFun){
return(c(zx[1, "rtime"], theFun(zx[, "intensity"])))
}, theFun=FUN)
return(do.call(rbind, tmp))
## Now creating the "final" data.
newMz <- .binMid(bins)[rep(as.numeric(names(resL)), unlist(lapply(resL, FUN=nrow)))]
otherDat <- do.call(rbind, resL)
rtime=otherDat[, 1],
intensity=otherDat[, 2]))
## .binRtime
## same as .binMz, just for retention time.
.binRtime <- function(x, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, FUN=max, sort=TRUE){
bins <- .getBins(rtime(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
rtInts <- findInterval(rtime(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
## Define the factors to split the intensities.
splitF <- factor(paste0(rtInts, ":", mz(x)))
## Extract the bin idx and the retention time from the splitF
idMapMat <- matrix(as.numeric(do.call(rbind, strsplit(levels(splitF), split=":"))), ncol=2)
idxRt <- order(idMapMat[, 1], idMapMat[, 2])
idMapMat <- idMapMat[idxRt, ]
idxRt <- 1L:nrow(idMapMat)
return(MSdata(rtime=.binMid(bins)[idMapMat[, 1]],
mz=idMapMat[, 2],
intensity=.aggregateWithIntervals(intensity(x), splitF, FUN=FUN)[idxRt]
## The same method, just with some slower code... to check that it works.
.binRtimeSlow <- function(x, bins=NULL, nbin=NULL, binSize=NULL, FUN=max){
bins <- .getBins(rtime(x), nbin=nbin, binSize=binSize)
rtInts <- findInterval(rtime(x), bins, all.inside=TRUE)
## Make a data.frame of the data.
datDfL <- split(data.frame(rtime=rtime(x), mz=mz(x), intensity=intensity(x)),
## Now, within each element, split by mz and aggregate the intensities
resL <- lapply(datDfL, function(z){
tmp <- lapply(split(z[, c("mz", "intensity")], f=z$mz), function(zx, theFun){
return(c(zx[1, "mz"], theFun(zx[, "intensity"])))
}, theFun=FUN)
return(do.call(rbind, tmp))
## Now creating the "final" data.
newRt <- .binMid(bins)[rep(as.numeric(names(resL)), unlist(lapply(resL, FUN=nrow)))]
otherDat <- do.call(rbind, resL)
mz=otherDat[, 1],
intensity=otherDat[, 2]))
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