#' Read Scf Files
#' Reads Scf sanger sequencing data files. Scf files are an open source binary
#' sanger sequencing chromatogram data file
#' (see \url{http://staden.sourceforge.net/manual/formats_unix_2.html}).
#' The file is read and parsed into an \code{\link{scf}} class object.
#' @param filename Location of the file.
#' @return
#' \code{\link{scf}} s4 object
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{read.abif}}, \code{\link{readsangerseq}}, \code{\link{scf}}
#' @examples
#' homoscf <- read.scf(system.file("extdata",
#' "homozygous.scf",
#' package = "sangerseqR"))
#' str(homoscf)
#' @export
read.scf <- function (filename)
#Load file
rawdata <- readBinaryData(filename)
#Initialize new scf object
res <- new("scf")
#Get Header
res@header@scf <- RTC(rawdata[1:4])
if (res@header@scf != "scf")
stop("file not in SCF format")
res@header@samples <- SInt32(rawdata[5:8])
res@header@samples_offset <- SInt32(rawdata[9:12])
res@header@bases <- SInt32(rawdata[13:16])
res@header@bases_left_clip <- SInt32(rawdata[17:20]) #obsolete
res@header@bases_right_clip <- SInt32(rawdata[21:24]) #obsolete
res@header@bases_offset <- SInt32(rawdata[25:28])
res@header@comments_size <- SInt32(rawdata[29:32])
res@header@comments_offset <- SInt32(rawdata[33:36])
res@header@version <- as.numeric(RTC(rawdata[37:40]))
res@header@sample_size <- SInt32(rawdata[41:44])
res@header@code_set <- SInt32(rawdata[45:48])
res@header@private_size <- SInt32(rawdata[49:52])
res@header@private_offset <- SInt32(rawdata[53:56])
#res@header@unused <- SInt32(rawdata[57:128], n = 18)
#Set data type boundaries
samples_start <- res@header@samples_offset + 1
bases_start <- res@header@bases_offset + 1
comments_start <- res@header@comments_offset + 1
private_start <- res@header@private_offset + 1
samples_end <- res@header@samples_offset + res@header@samples*8
bases_end <- res@header@bases_offset + res@header@bases*12
comments_end <- res@header@comments_offset + res@header@comments_size
private_end <- res@header@private_offset + res@header@private_size
#Get Trace Data
if(res@header@version > 2.9) {
rawSamples <- matrix(SInt16(rawdata[samples_start:samples_end]), ncol=4,
res@sample_points <- apply(rawSamples, 2, convertPoints)
} else {
res@sample_points <- matrix(SInt16(rawdata[samples_start:samples_end]), ncol=4,
#Get Basecall data
rawBases <- rawdata[bases_start:bases_end]
numBases <- res@header@bases
if(res@header@version > 2.9) {
pos_end <- numBases*4
A_end <- pos_end + numBases
C_end <- A_end + numBases
G_end <- C_end + numBases
T_end <- G_end + numBases
Call_end <- T_end + numBases
res@basecall_positions <- SInt32(rawBases[1:pos_end])
res@basecalls <- paste(sapply(rawBases[(T_end+1):Call_end], RTC),
#get probabilities
res@sequence_probs <- cbind(
} else {
rawBaseMat <- matrix(rawBases, ncol=12, byrow=TRUE)
#last 3 columns are empty
res@basecall_positions <- apply(rawBaseMat[,1:4], 1, SInt32)
res@sequence_probs <- cbind(
res@basecalls <- RTC(rawBaseMat[,9], multiple=TRUE)
res@basecalls <- gsub("-", "N", res@basecalls)
#Get Comments
res@comments <- RTC(rawdata[comments_start:comments_end])
#Get Private, leave as raw because don't know what will be put here
res@private <- rawdata[private_start:
#' Read ABIF Files
#' Reads ABIF sanger sequencing data files. ABIF files are a proprietary binary
#' sanger sequencing chromatogram data file created by Applied Biosystems (see
#' \url{http://home.appliedbiosystems.com/support/software_community/
#' ABIF_File_Format.pdf}). The file is read and parsed into an
#' \code{\link{abif}} class object. This method is based on the read.abif
#' function in the seqinr package available on CRAN.
#' @param filename Location of the file.
#' @return \code{\link{abif}} s4 object
#' @references Charif, D. and Lobry, J.R. (2007) SeqinR 1.0-2: a contributed
#' package to teh R project for statistical computing devoted to biological
#' sequences retrieval and analysis. Structural approches to sequenc eevolution:
#' Molecules, networks, populations. pp. 207-232.
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.scf}}, \code{\link{readsangerseq}},
#' \code{\link{abif}}
#' @examples
#' hetab1 <- read.abif(system.file("extdata",
#' "heterozygous.ab1",
#' package = "sangerseqR"))
#' str(hetab1)
#' @export
read.abif <- function (filename) {
#initialize object
res <- new("abif")
#get data
rawdata <- readBinaryData(filename)
res@header@abif <- RTC(rawdata[1:4])
if (res@header@abif != "ABIF")
stop("file not in ABIF format")
res@header@version <- SInt16(rawdata[5:6])
res@header@name <- RTC(rawdata[7:10])
res@header@number <- SInt32(rawdata[11:14])
res@header@elementtype <- SInt16(rawdata[15:16])
res@header@elementsize <- SInt16(rawdata[17:18])
res@header@numelements <- SInt32(rawdata[19:22])
res@header@dataoffset <- SInt32(rawdata[27:30])
dataoffset <- res@header@dataoffset + 1
res@header@datahandle <- SInt32(rawdata[31:34])
#res@header@unused <- SInt16(rawdata[35:128], n = 47)
#res@header@unused[1:length(res@header@unused)] <- 0
#get directory
for (i in seq_len(res@header@numelements)) {
deb <- (i - 1) * res@header@elementsize + dataoffset
direntry <- rawdata[deb:(deb + res@header@elementsize)]
res@directory@name <- c(res@directory@name, RTC(direntry[1:4]))
res@directory@tagnumber <- c(res@directory@tagnumber,
res@directory@elementtype <- c(res@directory@elementtype,
res@directory@elementsize <- c(res@directory@elementsize,
res@directory@numelements <- c(res@directory@numelements,
res@directory@datasize <- c(res@directory@datasize,
res@directory@dataoffset <- c(res@directory@dataoffset,
#fix for error in some .ab1 files that have the wrong data type for the
#PCON fields. Usually is 2 ("character") but should be 1 ("Uint8")
res@directory@elementtype[res@directory@name == "PCON"] <- as.integer(1)
#get data list
res@data <- vector("list", length(res@directory@name))
names(res@data) <- paste(res@directory@name,
sep = ".")
for (i in seq_len(res@header@numelements)) {
deb <- (i - 1) * res@header@elementsize + dataoffset
if (res@directory@datasize[i] > 4) {
debinraw <- res@directory@dataoffset[i] + 1
else {
debinraw <- deb + 20
elementtype <- res@directory@elementtype[i]
numelements <- res@directory@numelements[i]
elementsize <- res@directory@elementsize[i]
data <- rawdata[debinraw:(debinraw + numelements * elementsize)]
if (elementtype == 1)
res@data[[i]] <- UInt8(data, n = numelements)
if (elementtype == 2)
res@data[[i]] <- RTC(data)
if (elementtype == 3)
res@data[[i]] <- UInt16(data, n = numelements)
if (elementtype == 4)
res@data[[i]] <- SInt16(data, n = numelements)
if (elementtype == 5)
res@data[[i]] <- SInt32(data, n = numelements)
if (elementtype == 7)
res@data[[i]] <- f32(data, n = numelements)
if (elementtype == 8)
res@data[[i]] <- f64(data, n = numelements)
if (elementtype == 10)
res@data[[i]] <- list(year = SInt16(data, n = 1),
month = UInt8(data[-(1:2)], n = 1),
day = UInt8(data[-(1:3)],
n = 1)
if (elementtype == 11)
res@data[[i]] <- list(hour = UInt8(data, n = 1),
minute = UInt8(data[-1], n = 1),
second = UInt8(data[-(1:2)], n = 1),
hsecond = UInt8(data[-(1:3)], n = 1)
if (elementtype == 18) {
n <- SInt8(rawdata[debinraw])
pString <- RTC(rawdata[(debinraw + 1):(debinraw +
res@data[[i]] <- pString
if (elementtype == 19)
res@data[[i]] <- RTC(data[1:(length(data) - 1)])
if (elementtype >= 1024)
res@data[[i]] <- data
if (elementtype %in% c(12, 13))
warning("unimplemented legacy type found in file")
if (elementtype %in% c(6, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 128,
256, 384))
warning("unsupported legacy type found in file")
#' Read Scf or ABIF Files
#' This is a convienience function for reading Scf or ABIF files into a
#' sangerseq object, which can be used by the other sangerseq package functions.
#' It is equivalent to calling \code{\link{read.scf}} or \code{\link{read.abif}}
#' as appropriate and then calling \code{\link{sangerseq}}.
#' @param filename Location of the file.
#' @return \code{\link{sangerseq}} s4 object
#' @seealso \code{\link{read.abif}}, \code{\link{read.scf}}, \code{\link{abif}},
#' \code{\link{scf}}, \code{\link{sangerseq}}
#' @examples
#' hetsangerseq <- readsangerseq(system.file("extdata",
#' "heterozygous.ab1",
#' package = "sangerseqR"))
#' str(hetsangerseq)
#' #same for scf files
#' homosangerseq <- readsangerseq(system.file("extdata",
#' "homozygous.scf",
#' package = "sangerseqR"))
#' str(homosangerseq)
#' @export
readsangerseq <- function (filename) {
#check file type
fc <- file(filename, open = "rb")
rawdata <- readBin(fc, what = "raw", n = 1.2*file.info(filename)$size)
#Get magic number
filetype <- suppressWarnings(rawToChar(rawdata[1:4]))
#execute appropriate function based on magic number
if (filetype == ".scf") {
seq <- read.scf(filename)
else if (filetype == "ABIF") {
seq <- read.abif(filename)
else stop("Invalid File.")
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