
Defines functions other_mean block_mean difference_score

Documented in difference_score

#' Difference score
#' @param mat The similarity matrix.
#' @param cl Cluster labels.
#' @details
#' This function measures the different between the similarity values for the terms
#' that belong to the same clusters and in different clusters. The difference score
#' is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic between the two distributions.
#' @return
#' A numeric scalar.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' mat = readRDS(system.file("extdata", "random_GO_BP_sim_mat.rds", 
#'     package = "simplifyEnrichment"))
#' cl = binary_cut(mat)
#' difference_score(mat, cl)
difference_score = function(mat, cl) {
	n = nrow(mat)
	l_block = matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))

	if(length(unique(cl)) == 1) {

	for(le in unique(cl)) {
		l = cl == le
		l_block[l, l] = TRUE
	l_block2 = l_block
	l_block2[upper.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] = FALSE
	x1 = mat[l_block2]

	l_block2 = !l_block
	l_block2[upper.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] = FALSE
	x2 = mat[l_block2]

	if(length(x1) < 1) return(NA)
	if(length(x2) < 1) return(NA)

	ecdf1 = ecdf(x1)
	ecdf2 = ecdf(x2)

	p = seq(0, 1, length = 1000)
	max(abs(ecdf2(p) - ecdf1(p)))

block_mean = function(mat, cl) {
	n = nrow(mat)
	l_block = matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))

	for(le in unique(cl)) {
		l = cl == le
		l_block[l, l] = TRUE
	l_block2 = l_block
	l_block2[upper.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] = FALSE
	x1 = mat[l_block2]

other_mean = function(mat, cl) {
	n = nrow(mat)
	l_block = matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(mat), ncol = ncol(mat))

	for(le in unique(cl)) {
		l = cl == le
		l_block[l, l] = TRUE

	l_block2 = !l_block
	l_block2[upper.tri(mat, diag = TRUE)] = FALSE
	x2 = mat[l_block2]

 # sapply(clt,function(cl)modularity(g, membership = cl, weights = get.edge.attribute(g, "weight")))
jokergoo/simplifyEnrichment documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 8:39 a.m.