methdiff = 0
GetoptLong("methdiff=f", "methylation difference")
BASE_DIR = "/icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B080/guz/roadmap_analysis/re_analysis"
subgroup = SAMPLE[sample_id, "subgroup"]
fn = dir(qq("@{BASE_DIR}/data/chromatin_states/"))
nm = gsub("^(E\\d+?)_.*$", "\\1", fn)
fn = fn[nm %in% colnames(EXPR)]
all_sample_chromatin_states = lapply(fn, function(x) {
x = qq("@{BASE_DIR}/data/chromatin_states/@{x}")
qqcat("reading @{x}...\n")
gr = read.table(x, sep = "\t")
gr = gr[gr[[1]] %in% CHROMOSOME, ]
GRanges(seqnames = gr[[1]], ranges = IRanges(gr[[2]] + 1, gr[[3]]), states = gr[[4]])
names(all_sample_chromatin_states) = gsub("^(E\\d+)_.*$", "\\1", fn)
gr_list_1 = all_sample_chromatin_states[names(all_sample_chromatin_states) %in% colnames(EXPR[, subgroup == "subgroup1"])]
gr_list_2 = all_sample_chromatin_states[names(all_sample_chromatin_states) %in% colnames(EXPR[, subgroup == "subgroup2"])]
mat = make_transition_matrix_from_chromHMM(gr_list_1, gr_list_2, methylation_diff = methdiff)
## reorder rows and columns in `mat`
meth_mean_1 = attr(mat, "meth_mean_1")
meth_mean_2 = attr(mat, "meth_mean_2")
od1 = order(as.numeric(gsub("^(\\d+)_.*$", "\\1", rownames(mat))))
od2 = order(as.numeric(gsub("^(\\d+)_.*$", "\\1", colnames(mat))))
mat = mat[od1, od2]
rn = gsub("^\\d+_", "", rownames(mat))
cn = gsub("^\\d+_", "", colnames(mat))
rownames(mat) = rn
colnames(mat) = cn
if(!is.null(meth_mean_1)) {
meth_mean_1 = meth_mean_1[od1, od2]
meth_mean_2 = meth_mean_2[od1, od2]
rownames(meth_mean_1) = rn
colnames(meth_mean_1) = cn
rownames(meth_mean_2) = rn
colnames(meth_mean_2) = cn
attr(mat, "meth_mean_1") = meth_mean_1
attr(mat, "meth_mean_2") = meth_mean_2
saveRDS(mat, file = qq("@{OUTPUT_DIR}/rds/chromatin_states_transition_meth_diff_@{methdiff}.rds"))
## color setting and make the plot
state_col = c("TssA" = "#E41A1C",
"TssAFlnk" = "#E41A1C",
"TxFlnk" = "#E41A1C",
"Tx" = "#E41A1C",
"TxWk" = "#E41A1C",
"EnhG" = "#E41A1C",
"Enh" = "#E41A1C",
"ZNF/Rpts" = "#E41A1C",
"Het" = "#377EB8",
"TssBiv" = "#377EB8",
"BivFlnk" = "#377EB8",
"EnhBiv" = "#377EB8",
"ReprPC" = "#377EB8",
"ReprPCWk" = "#377EB8",
"Quies" = "black")
pdf(qq("@{OUTPUT_DIR}/plots/chromatin_states_transites_meth_diff_@{methdiff}.pdf"), width = 8, height = 8)
chromatin_states_transition_chord_diagram(mat, state_col = state_col, group_names = c("g1", "g2"),
legend_position = c("bottomleft", "bottomright"))
# cmd = qq("Rscript-3.1.2 /icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B080/guz/roadmap_analysis/re_analysis/scripts/05.chromatin_states.R --methdiff 0")
# cmd = qq("perl /home/guz/project/development/ngspipeline2/ '-l walltime=4:00:00,mem=10G -N chromatin_states_methdiff_0' '@{cmd}'")
# system(cmd)
# cmd = qq("Rscript-3.1.2 /icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B080/guz/roadmap_analysis/re_analysis/scripts/05.chromatin_states.R --methdiff 0.1")
# cmd = qq("perl /home/guz/project/development/ngspipeline2/ '-l walltime=4:00:00,mem=10G -N chromatin_states_methdiff_0.1' '@{cmd}'")
# system(cmd)
# cmd = qq("Rscript-3.1.2 /icgc/dkfzlsdf/analysis/B080/guz/roadmap_analysis/re_analysis/scripts/05.chromatin_states.R --methdiff 0.2")
# cmd = qq("perl /home/guz/project/development/ngspipeline2/ '-l walltime=4:00:00,mem=10G -N chromatin_states_methdiff_0.2' '@{cmd}'")
# system(cmd)
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