# == title
# Import gencode GTF file as a TxDb object
# == param
# -gtf path of the GTF file
# -filter code which filters the GTF records
# == details
# For example, you can build a `TxDb-class` object only for protein coding genes by defining
# import_gencode_as_txdb(GTF, gene_type == "protein_coding" & transcript_type == "protein_coding")
# Here ``gene_type`` and ``transcript_type`` are attributes in the GTF file.
# Please note, when building the `TxDb-class` object, the positions of genes are calculated by the union of all
# its transcripts, while the positions in the GTF file are not used. This is important when only using
# a subset of transcripts for a gene (e.g. only use protein coding transcripts) that the position of the
# gene may change. So, when number of transcripts for genes change, the corresponding `TxDb-class` object must be
# re-generated accordingly.
# == value
# a `TxDb-class` object
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
import_gencode_as_txdb = function(gtf, filter = NULL) {
message(qq("import @{gtf} as a GRanges object."))
gr = import(gtf)
l = eval(substitute(filter), envir = gr@elementMetadata@listData)
if(!is.null(l)) {
gr = gr[l]
message("Making txdb")
txdb = makeTxDbFromGRanges(gr)
if(FALSE) {
cat("Generate mappings\n")
l1 = !duplicated(gr$gene_id)
l2 = !duplicated(gr$transcript_id)
gene_id2name = NULL
if(!is.null(gr$gene_name)) gene_id2name = structure(gr$gene_name[l1], names = gr$gene_id[l1])
gene_id2type = NULL
if(!is.null(gr$gene_type)) gene_id2type = structure(gr$gene_type[l1], names = gr$gene_id[l1])
tx_id2name = NULL
if(!is.null(gr$transcript_name)) tx_id2name = structure(gr$transcript_name[l2], names = gr$transcript_id[l2])
tx_id2type = NULL
if(!is.null(gr$transcript_type)) tx_id2type = structure(gr$transcript_type[l2], names = gr$transcript_id[l2])
mapping = list(gene_id2name = gene_id2name,
gene_id2type = gene_id2type,
tx_id2name = tx_id2name,
tx_id2type = tx_id2type)
return(list(txdb = txdb, mapping = mapping))
} else {
# == title
# Filter one GTF annotation by another
# == param
# -gtf1 path for GTF file 1
# -gtf2 path for GTF file 2
# -filter code which additionally filters recodes in ``gtf1``
# == details
# In some senarios, the analysis was done with an old version of Gencode and it is impossible to redo it
# with a new version of Gencode (e.g. you dont have access to the original bam files). The only way is to remove those gene/transcript annotations which are not
# consistent in the two versions. This `match_by_gencode` function only keeps genes/transcripts that have
# same gene ids and positions in the two versions.
# Similar as `import_gencode_as_txdb`, ``filter`` argument can be used to e.g. only mathch protein coding genes/transcripts.
# == value
# a `TxDb-class` object
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
match_by_gencode = function(gtf1, gtf2, filter = NULL) {
message(qq("import @{gtf1} as a GRanges object."))
gencode1 = import(gtf1)
message(qq("import @{gtf2} as a GRanges object."))
gencode2 = import(gtf2)
g1 = unique(gencode1$gene_id)
g2 = unique(gencode2$gene_id)
map1 = structure(names = gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", g1), g1)
map2 = structure(names = gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", g2), g2)
l = eval(substitute(filter), envir = gencode1@elementMetadata@listData)
if(!is.null(l)) {
gencode1 = gencode1[l]
l = eval(substitute(filter), envir = gencode2@elementMetadata@listData)
if(!is.null(l)) {
gencode2 = gencode2[l]
message("construct a full gene bases on its transcripts")
l = gencode1$type == "transcript"
g1 = gencode1[l]
g1 = GRanges(seqnames = gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", g1$gene_id), ranges = ranges(g1), strand = strand(g1))
g1 = reduce(g1, min = 1e8)
s1 = start(promoters(g1, upstream = 1, downstream = 0))
names(s1) = as.vector(seqnames(g1))
w1 = width(g1)
names(w1) = as.vector(seqnames(g1))
l = gencode2$type == "transcript"
g2 = gencode2[l]
g2 = GRanges(seqnames = gsub("\\.\\d+$", "", g2$gene_id), ranges = ranges(g2), strand = strand(g2))
g2 = reduce(g2, min = 1e8)
s2 = start(promoters(g2, upstream = 1, downstream = 0))
names(s2) = as.vector(seqnames(g2))
w2 = width(g2)
names(w2) = as.vector(seqnames(g2))
cn = intersect(names(s1), names(s2))
s1 = s1[cn]
s2 = s2[cn]
w1 = w1[cn]
w2 = w2[cn]
l = s1 == s2 & w1 == w2
nm = cn[l]
message(qq("@{length(nm)}/@{length(map1)} genes are kept."))
g1 = gencode1[gencode1$gene_id %in% map1[nm]]
txdb = makeTxDbFromGRanges(g1)
# == title
# Extract field from gencode GTF file
# == param
# -file the input GTF file
# -level level of the annotation (e.g. gene, transcript, exon, the third column in GTF file)
# -primary_key primary field
# -field field to be retrieved
# == details
# Although GTF file can be imported by e.g. `GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF`, some information
# in the original GTF file will not be imported. This function aims to extract additionally information
# from GTF file.
# The function calls external Perl script, so you need to have Perl installed.
# == value
# A vector in which 'primary_key' corresponds to the name and 'field' corresponds to the value.
# == seealso
# `available_gencode_fields` lists all possible values for ``primary_key`` and ``field``.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# \dontrun{
# download.file("ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz",
# destfile = "gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz")
# extract_field_from_gencode("gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz")
# extract_field_from_gencode("gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz", field = "gene_type")
# }
extract_field_from_gencode = function(file, level = "gene",
primary_key = "gene_id", field = "gene_name") {
df = read.table(pipe(qq("perl \"@{system.file(package = 'epik')}/perl_scripts/extract_field_from_gencode.pl\" @{file} @{level} @{primary_key} @{field}")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
return(structure(df[[2]], names = df[[1]]))
# == title
# Returns all supported fields in GTF file
# == param
# -file the input GTF file
# -level level of the annotation (e.g. gene, transcript, exon, the third column in GTF file)
# == details
# These fields are stored in the 9th column in the GTF file.
# == value
# A vector of available fields.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == example
# \dontrun{
# download.file("ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/gencode/Gencode_human/release_19/gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz",
# destfile = "gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz")
# available_gencode_fields("gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz", level = "gene")
# available_gencode_fields("gencode.v19.annotation.gtf.gz", level = "transcript")
# }
available_gencode_fields = function(file, level = "gene") {
con = file(file, "r")
while(1) {
line_str = readLines(con, n = 1)
if(grepl("^#", line_str)) next
line = strsplit(line_str, "\t")[[1]]
if(line[3] != level) {
} else {
pair = strsplit(line[9], ";")[[1]]
field = gsub("^\\s*(\\w+)\\s.*$", "\\1", pair)
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