#' Job dependencies
#' @param job_id A single job ID.
#' @param job_tb A data frame from [`bjobs()`]. Internally used.
#' @param ... Pass to [`DiagrammeR::grViz()`], such as the size of the html widget.
#' @returns
#' `job_dependency_all()` returns a list that contains three elements:
#' - `dep_mat`: a two column matrix containing dependencies from parents to children.
#' - `id2name`: a named vector containing mapping from job IDs to job names.
#' - `id2stat`: a named vector containing mapping from job IDs to job status.
#' `job_dependency_igraph()` returns a [`igraph::igraph`] object which contains a dependency
#' graph induced by the input job ID.
#' `job_dependency_dot()` returns a DOT code for GraphViz visualization.
#' `job_dependency_diagram()` makes a HTML-based dependency diagram.
#' @rdname dependency
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' job1 = random_job()
#' job2 = random_job()
#' job3 = random_job(dependency = c(job1, job2))
#' job_dependency_all()
#' job_dependency_igraph(job3)
#' cat(job_dependency_dot(job3))
#' job_dependency_diagram(job3)
#' }
job_dependency_all = function(job_tb = NULL) {
if(is.null(job_tb)) job_tb = bjobs(status = "all", print = FALSE)
job_tb = job_tb[, c("JOBID", "STAT", "JOB_NAME", "DEPENDENCY"), drop = FALSE]
id2name = structure(job_tb$JOB_NAME, names = job_tb$JOBID)
id2stat = structure(as.character(job_tb$STAT), names = job_tb$JOBID)
job_tb$DEPENDENCY = gsub("\\w+\\((.*?)\\)", "\\1", job_tb$DEPENDENCY)
job_tb2 = job_tb[job_tb$DEPENDENCY != "-", , drop = FALSE]
if(nrow(job_tb2) == 0) {
dep_mat = cbind(parent = character(0),
child = character(0))
return(list(dep_mat = dep_mat, id2name = id2name, id2stat = id2stat))
dep = lapply(strsplit(job_tb2$DEPENDENCY, " && "), function(x) {
gsub(" ", "", gsub("^done\\( (\\d+) \\)$", "\\1", x))
n = sapply(dep, length)
dep_mat = cbind(parent = as.character(unlist(dep)),
child = as.character(rep(job_tb2$JOBID, times = n)))
return(list(dep_mat = dep_mat, id2name = id2name, id2stat = id2stat))
#' @rdname dependency
#' @export
#' @import igraph
job_dependency_igraph = function(job_id, job_tb = NULL) {
job_id = as.character(job_id)
job_dep = job_dependency_all(job_tb = job_tb)
if(!job_id %in% job_dep$dep_mat) {
g = induced_subgraph( make_graph(c(job_id, "foo")), vids = 1)
} else {
g = graph.edgelist(job_dep$dep_mat)
g2 = graph.edgelist(job_dep$dep_mat, directed = FALSE)
dist = distances(g2, v = job_id)
# node in the connected sub-graph
nodes = names(which(apply(dist, 2, function(x) any(is.finite(x)))))
g = induced_subgraph(g, nodes)
V(g)$label = job_dep$id2name[V(g)$name]
V(g)$status = job_dep$id2stat[V(g)$name]
#' @param use_label Whether to use job names on the diagram?
#' @param label_width Max number of characters for wrapping the label into lines.
#' @rdname dependency
#' @importFrom grDevices col2rgb rgb
#' @export
job_dependency_dot = function(job_id, job_tb = NULL, use_label = FALSE, label_width = 15) {
job_id = as.character(job_id)
g = job_dependency_igraph(job_id, job_tb)
## the dot code
color = STATUS_COL[V(g)$status]
color = rgb(t(col2rgb(color)/255))
fontsize = 10
fontcolor = "black"
penwidth = rep(1, length(color))
penwidth[V(g)$name == job_id] = 3
if(use_label) {
label = V(g)$label
label = gsub("_", " ", label)
label = sapply(label, function(x) {
paste(strwrap(x, width = label_width), collapse = "\\n")
label = paste0(label, "\\n", "(", V(g)$name, ")")
nodes = paste0(
qq(" node [fontname=Helvetical]\n"),
qq(" \"@{V(g)$name}\" [shape=box, color=\"@{color}\", fillcolor=\"@{color}40\", style=filled, penwidth=@{penwidth}, fontsize=@{fontsize}, fontcolor=\"@{fontcolor}\", label=\"@{label}\", fontname=\"Arial\", tooltip=\"@{V(g)$name}\"];\n", collapse = TRUE)
} else {
nodes = paste0(
qq(" node [fontname=Helvetical]\n"),
qq(" \"@{V(g)$name}\" [color=\"@{color}\", fillcolor=\"@{color}40\", style=filled, penwidth=@{penwidth}, fontsize=@{fontsize}, fontcolor=\"@{fontcolor}\", fontname=\"Arial\", tooltip=\"@{V(g)$label}\"];\n", collapse = TRUE)
edgelist = get.edgelist(g)
if(nrow(edgelist)) {
edges = paste0(
" edge []\n",
qq(" \"@{edgelist[, 1]}\" -> \"@{edgelist[, 2]}\";\n", collapse = TRUE)
} else {
edges = ""
DOT = paste0(
"digraph {\n",
" graph [overlap = true]\n",
#' @rdname dependency
#' @export
job_dependency_diagram = function(job_id, job_tb = NULL, use_label = FALSE, label_width = 15, ...) {
job_id = as.character(job_id)
dot = job_dependency_dot(job_id, job_tb = job_tb, use_label = use_label, label_width = label_width)
DiagrammeR::grViz(dot, ...)
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