#' This function calls peaks from bed or bam inputs using a variable window scan
#' with a poisson model using the surrounding 10kb as background.
#' @param files Character vector containing paths of files to be analyzed.
#' @param filetype Character, either "bam" or "bed" indicating format of input
#' file.
#' @param chr An integer vector specifying which chromosomes to limit analysis
#' to.
#' @param fraglen Integer indicating the average DNA fragment length in bp.
#' @param rlen Integer indicating the read lengths of experiment in bp.
#' @param min_win Integer indicating the minimum window size in units of 50 bp,
#' i.e., min_win = 2 resulting in a 100 bp window.
#' @param min_bin Integer size in base pairs of the minimum window for scanning, 50 is the default.
#' @param max_win Integer indicating the maximum allowed window size in units of
#' 50 bp.
#' @param blocksize Integer indicating how much of the chromosome
#' will be analyzed at a time in order to avoid memory issues.
#' @param zthresh Cuttoff value for z-scores. Only windows with greater z-scores
#' will be retained.
#' @param min_count A small constant (usually no larger than one) to be added to
#' the counts prior to the log transformation to avoid problems with log(0).
#' @param output_name A string, Name of the folder to save the Peaks (optional), if the directory
#' doesn't exist, it will be created. default is "Peaks"
#' @param save Boolean, if TRUE files will be saved in a "./Peaks/chr*"
#' directory created (if not already present) in the current working directory.
#' @return a matrix with peaks as rows and 4 columns describing the genomic
#' coordinates (chr, start, end) as well as the associated z-score.
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.table write.table
#' @examples
#' bam <- system.file("extdata", "test.bam", package = "DEScan")
#' peaks <- findPeaks(bam, chr = 1, filetype = "bam")
#' head(peaks)
findPeaks <- function(files, filetype = "bam", chr = 1:19, fraglen = 200,
rlen = 100, min_bin = 50, min_win = 1, max_win = 20, blocksize = 10000,
zthresh = 5, min_count = 0.1, output_name = "Peaks", save = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
for (file in files) {
if (is.character(chr) != TRUE) {
chr <- paste0("chr", chr)
if (filetype == "bam") {
bed <- read_bam(file, chr)
if (filetype == "bed") {
if (tools::file_ext(file) == "zip") {
tmp <- unzip(file, list = T)$Name
file <- unz(file, tmp)
bed <- utils::read.table(file, sep = "\t", header = FALSE)[, c(1:3, 6)]
colnames(bed) <- c("seqnames","start","end","strand")
bed <- bed[bed[,1] == chr,]
# grid = vector of integers describing the start coordinates for each
# bin
grid <- make_grid(bed, fraglen, rlen, min_bin = min_bin)
ngrid <- length(grid)
gsize <- grid[2] - grid[1]
fr <- sort(bed[which(bed[, 4] == "+"), 2])
rr <- sort(bed[which(bed[, 4] == "-"), 2])
tot_rds <- length(fr) + length(rr)
tot_base <- max(rr[length(rr)], fr[length(fr)]) - min(fr[1], rr[1])
# do analysis blockwise due to memory issues
# fill initial block
block <- c(1, blocksize + max_win)
finalblock <- FALSE
s <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0, data = 0)
while (TRUE) {
blocksize_i <- blocksize
ptm <- proc.time()
# conditions to stop once as end of grid has been reached
if (block[1] > ngrid) break
if (block[2] >= ngrid) {
block[2] <- min(block[2], ngrid)
blocksize_i <- block[2] - block[1] + 1
finalblock <- TRUE
if (verbose) {
cat("Doing block ", block[1], " to ", block[2], " out of ", ngrid, "\n")
grid0 <- grid[block[1]:block[2]]
if (verbose) {
cat("\tComputing coverage stats...\n")
# cmat = coverage matrix with bins as rows and window sizes as columns
cmat <- window_coverage(Fr = fr, Rr = rr, grid = grid0, fraglen = fraglen,
rlen = rlen, max_win = max_win, min_win = min_win,
verbose = FALSE)
# Get lambdalocal.
# compute coverage using a 5kb window
headstart <- ceiling(5000 / gsize) * gsize
grid05k <- c(seq(grid0[1] - headstart, grid0[1], by = gsize), grid0)
offset5k <- length(grid05k) - length(grid0)
c5k <- window_coverage(fr, rr, grid05k, fraglen = fraglen, rlen = rlen,
max_win = 5000, min_win = 5000, verbose = FALSE)
# compute coverage using a 10kb window
headstart <- ceiling(10000 / gsize) * gsize
grid010k <- c(seq(grid0[1] - headstart, grid0[1], by = gsize), grid0)
offset10k <- length(grid010k) - length(grid0)
c10k <- window_coverage(fr, rr, grid010k, fraglen = fraglen,
rlen = rlen, max_win = 10000,
min_win = 10000, verbose = FALSE)
# determine lambda for 5k, 10k windows and baseline
lamloc <- matrix(nrow = nrow(cmat), ncol = ncol(cmat), data = 0)
lam5k <- matrix(nrow = nrow(cmat), ncol = ncol(cmat), data = 0)
lam10k <- matrix(nrow = nrow(cmat), ncol = ncol(cmat), data = 0)
lambl <- matrix(nrow = nrow(cmat), ncol = ncol(cmat), data = 0)
for (win in min_win:max_win) {
lam5k[, win - min_win + 1] <- c5k[offset5k + c(1:length(grid0)) -
floor(win / 2)] * win / 5000
lam10k[, win - min_win + 1] <- c10k[offset10k + c(1:length(grid0)) -
floor(win / 2)] * win / 10000
lambl[, win - min_win + 1] <- tot_rds * win / tot_base
lamloc <- pmax(lam5k, lam10k, lambl)
# calculate z score for each bin x window combination
z <- sqrt(2) * sign(cmat - lamloc) *
sqrt(cmat * log(pmax(cmat, min_count) / lamloc) - (cmat - lamloc))
# find high z scores keeping one with no intersecting other bin/windows
new_s <- get_disjoint_max_win(z0 = z[1:blocksize_i, ],
sigwin = fraglen / gsize, nmax = Inf,
zthresh = zthresh, two_sided = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)
# convert new_s bins and width into genomic coordinates and append to s
if (nrow(new_s) >= 1) {
new_s[, 1] <- new_s[, 1] + block[1] - 1
new_s <- cbind(grid[new_s[, 1, drop = FALSE]],
grid[new_s[, 1, drop = FALSE] +
new_s[, 2, drop = FALSE] - 1],
new_s[, 3, drop = FALSE])
s <- rbind(s, new_s)
elapsed <- proc.time() - ptm
if (verbose) {
cat("\tDone. That took ", format(elapsed[3] / 60, digits = 1),
" minutes.\n")
if (finalblock) break
# shift block by blocksize and repeat
block <- c(block[1] + blocksize_i, block[2] + blocksize_i)
peaks <- cbind(rep(chr, dim(s)[1]), s)
if (save == TRUE) {
if (dir.exists(output_name) == FALSE) {
if (dir.exists(paste0(output_name,"/", chr)) == FALSE) {
dir.create(paste0(output_name,"/", chr))
fname <- strsplit(basename(file), split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1]
fileprefix <- paste0(output_name,"/", chr, "/Peaks_", fname)
save(peaks, fraglen, rlen, zthresh, min_win, max_win,
file = paste0(fileprefix, ".RData"))
#' make grid for enrichment scan.
#' @param path Path to alignement files.
#' @param fraglen Integer indicating the average DNA fragment length in bp
#' @param rlen Integer indicating the read length in bp
#' @param min_bin Integer indicating the minimum window size to be used in
#' constructing grid
#' @param min_rds This argument is currently not used.
#' @param grid_st This argument is currently not used.
#' @param grid_ed This argument is currently not used.
#' @return grid.
#' @keywords internal
make_grid <- function(bed, fraglen, rlen, min_bin = 10, min_rds = 0,
grid_st = NA, grid_ed = NA) {
fr <- sort(bed[which(bed[, 4] == "+"), 2])
rr <- sort(bed[which(bed[, 4] == "-"), 2])
if (is.na(grid_st)) {
grid_st <- min(fr, (rr + rlen - fraglen))
if (is.na(grid_ed)) {
grid_ed <- max((fr + fraglen), (rr + rlen))
# Initial grid is even spaced:
grid0 <- seq(grid_st, grid_ed, min_bin)
# Needs work
if (min_rds > 0) { # this portion of the code does not work!
# Get the number of fragments that cover each bin.
# fragct[i] is the number of fragments with positive overlap with
# grid0[i]:grid0[i+1]
ffragct <- matrix(nrow = length(grid0), ncol = length(fr), data = 0)
# Error: cannot allocate vector of size 2056.4 Gb #######################
rfragct <- matrix(nrow = length(grid0), ncol = length(fr), data = 0)
for (k in seq_along(fr)) {
for (i in 1:length(fr[[k]])) {
if (i %% 10000 == 0) cat("Sample ", k, "Forward reads : ", i, "\n")
fragst <- fr[[k]][i]
fraged <- fr[[k]][i] + fraglen - 1
binst <- floor((fragst - grid_st) / min_bin) + 1
bined <- floor((fraged - grid_st) / min_bin) + 1
ffragct[binst:bined, k] <- ffragct[binst:bined, k] + 1
for (k in 1:length(rr)) {
for (i in 1:length(rr[[k]])) {
if (i %% 10000 == 0) cat("Sample ", k, "Reverse reads : ", i, "\n")
fragst <- rr[[k]][i] + rlen - fraglen
fraged <- rr[[k]][i] + rlen - 1
binst <- floor((fragst - grid_st) / min_bin) + 1
bined <- floor((fraged - grid_st) / min_bin) + 1
rfragct[binst:bined, k] <- rfragct[binst:bined, k] + 1
# Starting from the left most bin, join bins whose total fragment coverage
# across all samples is less than min_rds.
totcov <- rowSums(ffragct) + rowSums(rfragct)
remove_tick <- rep(FALSE, length(totcov))
cursum <- 0
for (i in 1:length(totcov)) {
if (i %% 100000 == 0 && verbose) cat(i, " out of ", length(totcov), "\n")
cursum <- cursum + totcov[i]
if (cursum < min_rds) {
remove_tick[i] <- TRUE
} else {
cursum <- 0
grid <- grid0[which(!remove_tick)]
} else {
grid <- grid0
#' compute window coverage.
#' @param Fr forward reads.
#' @param Rr reverse reads.
#' @param grid
#' @param fraglen
#' @param rlen
#' @param min_win
#' @param max_win
#' @param verbose
#' @return cmat.
#' @keywords internal
window_coverage <- function(Fr, Rr, grid, fraglen = 200, rlen = 100,
min_win = 1, max_win = 100,
verbose = TRUE) {
grid_st <- min(grid)
bin_size <- grid[2] - grid[1] # Assume even grid. ! only if min_rds = 0
fragbins <- fraglen / bin_size # the number of bins covered by each fragment
ngrid <- length(grid)
# initialize fragment count matrices for forward and reverse reads
ffragctmat <- matrix(nrow = length(grid), ncol = max_win - min_win + 1,
data = 0)
rfragctmat <- matrix(nrow = length(grid), ncol = max_win - min_win + 1,
data = 0)
# index forward reads within the current grid
forward_index <- which(Fr > grid[1] - fraglen & Fr < grid[length(grid)])
# for each forward read within the given grid convert the base position to
# bin and add +1 count to the fragment count matrix (bins as rows, window
# size as columns) while moving window right along bins and extending left
if (length(forward_index) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(forward_index)) {
if (verbose && i %% 1000 == 0) {
cat("Forward reads: ", i, "out of", length(forward_index), "\n")
fragst <- Fr[forward_index[i]] # start of fragment
# which bin contains start of fragment
binst <- floor((fragst - grid_st) / bin_size) + 1
for (j in min_win:max_win) {
st <- max(binst - j + 1, 1) # lower limit adj by current window size
ed <- min(binst + fragbins - 1, ngrid) # upper limit
ffragctmat[st:ed, j - min_win + 1] <- ffragctmat[st:ed, j -
min_win + 1] + 1
reverse_index <- which(Rr > grid[1] - rlen &
(Rr + rlen - fraglen) < grid[length(grid)])
if (length(reverse_index) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(reverse_index)) {
if (verbose && i %% 1000 == 0) {
cat("Reverse reads: ", i, "out of", length(reverse_index), "\n")
fragst <- Rr[reverse_index[i]] + rlen - fraglen # start of fragment
# bin containing start of fragment
binst <- floor((fragst - grid_st) / bin_size) + 1
for (j in min_win:max_win) {
st <- max(binst - j + 1, 1)
ed <- min(binst + fragbins - 1, ngrid)
rfragctmat[st:ed, j - min_win + 1] <- rfragctmat[st:ed, j -
min_win + 1] + 1
cmat <- ffragctmat + rfragctmat
#' find significant z score windows keeping the max value without intersections
#' @param z0 Matrix containing z scores with bins as rows and windows size as
#' columns
#' @param sigwin Integer indicating how many bins per fragment
#' @param nmax Integer indicating the maximum number of windows to return
#' @param zthresh Integer indicating the minimum z-score considered significant
#' @param two_sided
#' @param verbose
#' @return s.
#' @keywords internal
get_disjoint_max_win <- function(z0, sigwin = 20, nmax = Inf,
zthresh = -Inf, two_sided = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
s <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)
maxwin <- ncol(z0)
if (two_sided) {
z0 <- abs(z0)
while (TRUE) {
inds <- which.max(z0) # find max z
if (length(inds) == 0) break
w <- ceiling(inds / nrow(z0)) # determine row
t <- inds %% nrow(z0) # determine column
if (t == 0) t <- nrow(z0)
if (z0[t, w] < zthresh) break # break loop once as max z below thresh
s <- rbind(s, c(t, w, z0[t, w]))
if (verbose) {
cat("Maximizing window: ", t, ",", w, " Score=", z0[t, w], "\n")
# remove surrounding max window around max z from consideration
st <- max(1, t - sigwin - maxwin + 1)
ed <- min(t + w + sigwin - 1, nrow(z0))
z0[st:ed, ] <- -Inf
if (nrow(s) >= nmax) break
#' read a bam file into a bed like format.
#' @param file Character indicating path to bam file.
#' @param chr Integer indicating which chromosome to read in.
#' @return bed.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import Rsamtools
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import GenomicAlignments
#' @import IRanges
read_bam <- function(file, chr) {
if (file.exists(paste0(file,".bai")) == FALSE) {
bf <- Rsamtools::BamFile(file)
sl <- GenomeInfoDb::seqlengths(Rsamtools::seqinfo(bf))
cat("Reading:", file, chr, "\n")
which <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(chr, IRanges::IRanges(1, sl[chr]))
param <- Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(what = "mapq", which = which)
ga <- GenomicAlignments::readGAlignments(file, index = file,
param = param, use.names = FALSE)
bed <- as.data.frame(ga)[, c("seqnames", "start", "end" ,"strand")]
bed <- droplevels.data.frame(bed)
bed$start <- bed$start - 1 #1-based indexing used instead of 0-based
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