# analysis flow
# 1. find attractors
# 2. remove flat genes
# 3. find synexpression groups
# 4. functional enrichment within synexpression groups
# 5. correlated sets
# Step 1
## function: findAttractors
# input arguments:
# dat.fr data matrix, rows = all genes (even unannotated ones), columns = all samples to be considered in GSEA model
# note: data.fr rownames must correspond to gene names!
# class.vector character vector of sample classes
# log2 logical indicator, true if data in dat.fr has been log2-transformed, if log2 = FALSE, data is transformed within the function
# numPerm number of permutations to be performed for the GSEAlm permutation P-value step
# min.pwaysize defaults to 5, minimum size of pathway to consider (>= 5)
# ... other arguments
buildCustomIncidenceMatrix <- function(geneSetFrame,geneNames,databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat,geneSetNames) {
#pwayToGeneList <- apply(geneSetFrame, 1, function(x) x[x!=""]) #pathway to gene List
convert.to.row <- function(x.genes, row.genes,databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat){ # x.genes are list of pathways that has each gene. row.genes are all genes that have a kegg annotation
#if (analysis == "RNAseq") {
# conversion <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=x.genes, keytype=databaseGeneFormat, columns=c(databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat) )
# x.genes <- conversion[,2]
# x.genes <- unique(x.genes)
# if(length(which(is.na(x.genes))) > 0) {
# x.genes <- x.genes[-which(is.na(x.genes))]
# }
# }
res <- integer(length(row.genes)) ; res[row.genes %in% x.genes] <- 1 #see which probes are in the pathway
#geneNames.converted <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=geneNames, keytype=databaseGeneFormat, columns=c(databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat) )
#geneNames.converted <- geneNames.converted[,2]
#geneNames.converted <- unique(geneNames.converted)
#if(length(which(is.na(geneNames.converted))) > 0) {
# geneNames.converted <- geneNames.converted[-which(is.na(geneNames.converted))]
if(length(geneSetNames) >1) {
xmat <- t(sapply(lapply(geneSetFrame, convert.to.row, geneNames,databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat), cbind))
else {
xmat <- convert.to.row(unlist(geneSetFrame), geneNames, databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat)
xmat <- matrix(xmat,nrow=1,)
rownames(xmat) <- geneSetNames
colnames(xmat) <- geneNames
filterDataSet <- function(data,filterPerc=0.75){ #only necessary for RNAseq data
keep.rows <- apply(data, 1, function(x) sum(x==0)/length(x)) < filterPerc
data <- data[keep.rows,]
data <- log(data +1,2)
findAttractors <- function(myEset, cellTypeTag, min.pwaysize=5, annotation="illuminaHumanv2.db", database="KEGG", analysis="microarray", databaseGeneFormat=NULL, expressionSetGeneFormat=NULL, ...){
require(annotation, character.only=TRUE)
ann <- strsplit(annotation, ".db")[[1]]
envPos <- match(paste("package:", annotation, sep=""), search())
dat.fr <- exprs(myEset)
#keep.rows <- apply(dat.fr, 1, sum) >0
#dat.fr <- dat.fr[keep.rows,] # remove rows where sum of expression data is 0
all.probes <- rownames(dat.fr)
dat.fr <- as.matrix(dat.fr)
class.vector <- as.factor(pData(myEset)[,colnames(pData(myEset)) %in% cellTypeTag])
#do if using a custom database
if(database!="KEGG" & database!= "reactome") {
# create data frame for custom geneSet and vector of all the genes
databaseSplit <- strsplit(database,split="[.]")[[1]]
databaseExt <- databaseSplit[length(databaseSplit)]
if(databaseExt=="gmx") {
geneSetFrame <- read.table(database,header=FALSE,fill=TRUE,sep="\t",quote="",colClasses = "character")
geneSetFrame <- t(geneSetFrame)
} else if(databaseExt=="gmt") {
maxColumns <- max(count.fields(database, sep="\t",quote=""))
geneSetFrame <- read.table(database,header=FALSE,fill=TRUE,col.names=1:maxColumns,sep="\t",quote="",colClasses = "character")
} else {
stop("Error: A custom gene set must be a .gmt or .gmx file.")
rownames(geneSetFrame) <- geneSetFrame[,1]
geneSetFrame <- geneSetFrame[,c(-1,-2)]
geneSetFrame <- as.matrix(geneSetFrame)
# convert each of the gene symbols, entrez IDs, etc to same type of gene IDs (ex. ensembl) as in your original data set
f <- file()
sink(file = f,type="message")
geneSetFrame.convert <- apply(geneSetFrame, 1, function(x) select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=x[x !=""], keytype=databaseGeneFormat, columns=c(databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat) )[,2])
geneSetFrame.convert <- lapply(geneSetFrame.convert, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
geneNames <- unique(unlist(geneSetFrame.convert))
#custom.incidence.matrix <- buildCustomIncidenceMatrix(geneSetFrame.convert, geneNames,analysis,databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat) # create incidence matrix
#keep.pways <- apply(custom.incidence.matrix, 1, sum) >= min.pwaysize
#custom.incidence.matrix <- custom.incidence.matrix[keep.pways,] # filter incidence matrix
#create list.wpway: the genes from your expression data actually in the pathways
#if(analysis=="RNAseq") {
# #convert genes to ENSEMBL IDs
# genestoENSEMBL <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=geneNames, keytype=databaseGeneFormat, columns=c(databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat) )
# geneSettoENSEMBL <- unique(genestoENSEMBL[,2]) #some genes have same ensembl IDS
# list.wpway <- sapply(rownames(dat.fr),function(x) x%in%geneSettoENSEMBL)
# list.wpway <- names(which(list.wpway))
#} else { # convert genes to probes
# genestoProbe <- select(annotation, keys=geneNames, keytype=databaseGeneFormat, columns=c(databaseGeneFormat,"PROBEID")) # annotation must be package name. not str
# geneSettoProbe <- genestoProbe$PROBEID
# list.wpway <- sapply(rownames(dat.fr),function(x) x%in%geneSettoProbe)
# list.wpway <- names(which(list.wpway))
list.wpway <- sapply(rownames(dat.fr),function(x) x%in%geneNames)
list.wpway <- names(which(list.wpway))
dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.fr[rownames(dat.fr) %in% list.wpway,] # only keep genes actually in a pathway
new.order <- order(class.vector, colnames(dat.detect.wkegg))
dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.detect.wkegg[,new.order]
class.vector <- class.vector[new.order]
fstat <- apply(dat.detect.wkegg, 1, function(y,x){ anova(lm(y ~ x))[[4]][1] }, x=class.vector)
fstat <- log(fstat, 2)
evalPway <- function(index, global){
pway.vals <- global[index==1] # there are NAs where there are ensembl genes in the incidence matrix not in fstat
t.test(pway.vals, global)$p.value
custom.incidence.matrix <- buildCustomIncidenceMatrix(geneSetFrame.convert, rownames(dat.detect.wkegg),databaseGeneFormat,expressionSetGeneFormat,rownames(geneSetFrame)) # create incidence matrix
keep.pways <- apply(custom.incidence.matrix, 1, sum) >= min.pwaysize
custom.incidence.matrix <- custom.incidence.matrix[keep.pways,,drop=FALSE] # filter incidence matrix
t.pvals <- apply(custom.incidence.matrix, 1, evalPway, global=fstat)
t.pvals <- p.adjust(t.pvals, "BH")
size <- apply(custom.incidence.matrix, 1, sum)
tab <- data.frame(pathID = rownames(custom.incidence.matrix), pathNAME = rownames(custom.incidence.matrix), AdjustedPvalues = t.pvals, NumberDetectedGenes = size)
tab <- tab[order(t.pvals),]
eset <- new("ExpressionSet")
eset@assayData <- new.env()
assign("exprs", dat.detect.wkegg, eset@assayData)
pheno.dat <- data.frame(colnames(dat.detect.wkegg), class.vector)
colnames(pheno.dat) <- c("ChipID", cellTypeTag)
p.eset <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=pheno.dat)
eset@phenoData <- p.eset
out <- new("AttractorModuleSet")
out@eSet <- eset
out@incidenceMatrix <- custom.incidence.matrix
out@rankedPathways <- tab
out@cellTypeTag <- cellTypeTag
#checking reactome annotations
if( database=="reactome") {
if( analysis=="microarray") {
myEnv <- get(paste(ann, "ENTREZID", sep=""), envPos, as.environment(envPos)) # probe to gene env
gene.hits <- mget(intersect(all.probes, ls(myEnv)), myEnv)
} else if (analysis == "RNAseq") { #RNAseq option only supports ensembl genes as of now
#myEnv <- get(paste(ann, "ENSEMBL", sep=""), envPos, as.environment(envPos)) # ensembl to gene env
#gene.hits <- mget(intersect(all.probes, ls(org.Hs.egENSEMBL)), org.Hs.egENSEMBL)
f <- file()
sink(file = f,type="message")
ensemblToEntrez <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=all.probes, keytype=expressionSetGeneFormat, columns=c(expressionSetGeneFormat,"ENTREZID") )
#combinedRows <- aggregate(ensmblToEntrez[,2],FUN=identity, by=list(ensmblToEntrez[,1]))
#names(combinedRows$x) <- combinedRows$Group.1
gene.hits <- ensemblToEntrez$ENTREZID
#gene.hits <- as.list(combinedRows$x)
gene.hits.uni <- unique(as.numeric(gene.hits)[!is.na(as.numeric(gene.hits))])
names(gene.hits.uni) <- names(gene.hits[match(gene.hits.uni,gene.hits)])
gene.hits <- gene.hits.uni
#gene.hits <- gene.hits[-which(is.na(gene.hits))]
path.hits <- mget(intersect(gene.hits, ls(reactomeEXTID2PATHID)),reactomeEXTID2PATHID) #get all pathways
list.wpway <- sort(names(path.hits)[unlist(sapply(path.hits, flagPwayExists))]) # only get entrez genes that are in pathways
all.pways <- unlist(mget(list.wpway, reactomeEXTID2PATHID))
all.pways <- unique(all.pways)
} else if( database=="KEGG") { # checking KEGG annotations
if( analysis=="microarray") {
pathEnv <- get(paste(ann, "PATH", sep=""), envPos, as.environment(envPos)) #####
path.hits <- mget(intersect(all.probes, ls(pathEnv)), pathEnv) #get probes to pathways list of our probes
list.wpway <- sort(names(path.hits)[unlist(sapply(path.hits, flagPwayExists))])
all.pways <- unlist(mget(list.wpway, pathEnv))
all.pways <- unique(all.pways)
} else if (analysis=="RNAseq") {
#ensembl = useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl",mart=ensembl)
#ensmblToEntrez <- getBM(filters= "ensembl_gene_id",attributes=c('ensembl_gene_id','entrezgene'),values=all.probes,mart=ensembl)
#ensemblToEntrez <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=all.probes, keytype="ENSEMBL", columns=c("ENSEMBL","ENTREZID") )
#ENSEMBLEnv <- get(paste(ann, "ENSEMBL", sep=""), envPos, as.environment(envPos))
#ensemblToEntrez <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=all.probes, keytype="ENSEMBL", columns=c("ENSEMBL","ENTREZID") )
#ensemblToEntrez <- mget(intersect(all.probes, ls(revmap(ENSEMBLEnv))), revmap(ENSEMBLEnv))
#list.wGenes <- sort(names(ensemblToEntrez)[unlist(sapply(ensemblToEntrez, flagPwayExists))])
#all.Genes <- unlist(mget(list.wGenes, revmap(ENSEMBLEnv)))
f <- file()
sink(file = f,type="message")
ensemblToEntrez <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=all.probes, keytype=expressionSetGeneFormat, columns=c(expressionSetGeneFormat,"ENTREZID") )
gene.hits <- ensemblToEntrez$ENTREZID
gene.hits <- unique(as.numeric(gene.hits)[!is.na(as.numeric(gene.hits))]) # vector of unique entrez IDs with NAs taken out
pathEnv <- get(paste(ann, "PATH", sep=""), envPos, as.environment(envPos))
path.hits <- mget(intersect(gene.hits, ls(pathEnv)), pathEnv)
list.wpway <- sort(names(path.hits)[unlist(sapply(path.hits, flagPwayExists))])
all.pways <- unlist(mget(list.wpway, pathEnv))
all.pways <- unique(all.pways)
#combinedRows <- aggregate(ensmblToEntrez[,2],FUN=identity, by=list(ensmblToEntrez[,1]))
#names(combinedRows$x) <- combinedRows$Group.1
#gene.hits <- as.list(combinedRows$x)
#gene.hits <- sapply(all.probes, function(x) ensmblToEntrez[grep(x, ensmblToEntrez[,1]),2], USE.NAMES=TRUE)
#gene.hits <- gene.hits[lapply(gene.hits,length)>0]
#gene.hits <- sapply(gene.hits, function(x) x[!is.na(x)])
#myEnv <- get(paste(ann, "ENSEMBL", sep=""), envPos, as.environment(envPos))
#ensmblID <- unique(as.character(org.Hs.egENSEMBL)) # get all ensembl IDs that map to an entrez gene
#gene.hits <- mget(intersect(all.probes, ls(org.Hs.egENSEMBL)), org.Hs.egENSEMBL) # ensemble to genes
# entrezIDsToKegg <- keggLink("pathway", "hsa")
# path.hits <- sapply(paste("hsa:",gene.hits,sep=""), function(x) entrezIDsToKegg[names(entrezIDsToKegg) == x]) # get all kegg pathways that contains above entrez gene
# list.wpway <- sort(names(path.hits)[unlist(sapply(path.hits, flagPwayExists))]) # remove entrez genes that do not have any pathways
#list.wpway <- sapply(strsplit(list.wpway,":"), function(x) x[2])
# all.pways <- sapply(list.wpway, function(x) entrezIDsToKegg[names(entrezIDsToKegg) == x])
# all.pways <- unlist(all.pways)
# all.pways <- unique(all.pways)
# list.wpway <- sapply(strsplit(list.wpway,":"), function(x) x[2]) #remove hsa from entrez gene list
#remove prefix from the pathway path:hsa
# all.pways <- sapply(strsplit(all.pways,":"), function(x) x[2])
# all.pways <- substring(all.pways,4)
#gene.hits <- unique(as.numeric(gene.hits)[!is.na(as.numeric(gene.hits))])
#path.hits <- mget(intersect(gene.hits, ls(reactomeEXTID2PATHID)),reactomeEXTID2PATHID) # genes to path
#list.wpway <- sort(names(path.hits)[unlist(sapply(path.hits, flagPwayExists))]) #sorted entrez IDs
#all.pways <- select(reactome.db, keys=list.wpway, keytype="ENTREZID", columns=c("ENTREZID","PATHID") )
#all.pways <- unique(all.pways$PATHID)
#all.pways <- unlist(mget(list.wpway, reactomeEXTID2PATHID))
#all.pways <- unique(all.pways)
# making expression data object for pathway database annotated probes only
if(analysis=="RNAseq") {
allEntrezGenes <- ensemblToEntrez$ENTREZID
names(allEntrezGenes) <- ensemblToEntrez[,1] # you can have many pathways with a single entrez gene.
dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.fr[unique(names(allEntrezGenes[allEntrezGenes %in% list.wpway])),] # find which entrez IDs are in list.wpway and then get ensembl names of them and expression data
} else if(database=="reactome") {
dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.fr[names(gene.hits[gene.hits %in% list.wpway]),]
rownames(dat.detect.wkegg) <- gene.hits[gene.hits %in% list.wpway]
} else {
dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.fr[rownames(dat.fr) %in% list.wpway,] # get all probes that are actually in a kegg pathway that are in your data set
dat.detect.wkegg <- as.matrix(dat.detect.wkegg)
# make geneset incidience matrix
kegg.incidence.matrix <- buildKeggIncidenceMatrix(all.pways, rownames(dat.detect.wkegg), annotation, database, analysis, envPos,expressionSetGeneFormat)
if(database=="reactome" & analysis=="microarray") {
#colnames(kegg.incidence.matrix) <- names(gene.hits)[match(gene.hits[gene.hits %in% colnames(kegg.incidence.matrix)],colnames(kegg.incidence.matrix))] # switch colnames to probe IDs again
#rownames(dat.detect.wkegg) <- names(gene.hits)[match(gene.hits[gene.hits %in% rownames(dat.detect.wkegg)],rownames(dat.detect.wkegg))]
colnames(kegg.incidence.matrix) <- names(gene.hits[match(colnames(kegg.incidence.matrix), as.character(gene.hits))])
rownames(dat.detect.wkegg) <- names(gene.hits[match(rownames(dat.detect.wkegg), as.character(gene.hits))])
keep.pways <- apply(kegg.incidence.matrix, 1, sum) >= min.pwaysize
kegg.incidence.matrix <- kegg.incidence.matrix[keep.pways,]
new.order <- order(class.vector, colnames(dat.detect.wkegg))
dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.detect.wkegg[,new.order]
#keep.rows <- apply(dat.detect.wkegg, 1, sum) >0
#dat.detect.wkegg <- dat.detect.wkegg[keep.rows,] # remove rows where sum of expression data is 0
class.vector <- class.vector[new.order]
fstat <- apply(dat.detect.wkegg, 1, function(y,x){ anova(lm(y ~ x))[[4]][1] }, x=class.vector)
fstat <- log(fstat, 2)
evalPway <- function(index, global){
pway.vals <- global[index==1] # there are NAs where there are ensembl genes in the incidence matrix not in fstat
t.test(pway.vals, global)$p.value
t.pvals <- apply(kegg.incidence.matrix, 1, evalPway, global=fstat)
t.pvals <- p.adjust(t.pvals, "BH")
size <- apply(kegg.incidence.matrix, 1, sum)
##Put all info with Pvalues in table
if( database=="KEGG") {
#Get KEGG pathway IDs to NAMES
KEGGPATHNAMES <- keggList("pathway")
names(KEGGPATHNAMES) <- substring(names(KEGGPATHNAMES),9)
##get Kegg pathway names that are in the matrix
namesInMatrix <- KEGGPATHNAMES[sapply(names(KEGGPATHNAMES), function(x) x %in% rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix))]
correctOrder <- sapply(rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix), function(x) match(x, names(namesInMatrix))) #indexes of where the pathway names are in which rows of incidence matrix
namesInMatrix <- namesInMatrix[correctOrder] # sort the names of the pathways by the rownames of the kegg incidence matrix
tab <- data.frame(KEGGID = rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix), KEGGNAME = namesInMatrix, AdjustedPvalues = t.pvals, NumberDetectedGenes = size)
} else if(database=="reactome") {
#tab <- data.frame(KEGGID = rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix), KEGGNAME = unlist(mget(rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix), reactomePATHID2NAME)), AdjustedPvalues = t.pvals, NumberDetectedGenes = size)
f <- file()
sink(file = f,type="message")
tab <- data.frame(reactomeID = rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix), reactomeNAME = select(reactome.db, keys=rownames(kegg.incidence.matrix), keytype="PATHID", columns=c("PATHID","PATHNAME") )$PATHNAME, AdjustedPvalues = t.pvals, NumberDetectedGenes = size)
tab <- tab[order(t.pvals),]
# making the eset with the current data
eset <- new("ExpressionSet")
eset@assayData <- new.env()
assign("exprs", dat.detect.wkegg, eset@assayData)
pheno.dat <- data.frame(colnames(dat.detect.wkegg), class.vector)
colnames(pheno.dat) <- c("ChipID", cellTypeTag)
p.eset <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=pheno.dat)
eset@phenoData <- p.eset
out <- new("AttractorModuleSet")
out@eSet <- eset
out@incidenceMatrix <- kegg.incidence.matrix
out@rankedPathways <- tab
out@cellTypeTag <- cellTypeTag
# eventually convert this to a summary method for the find.attractors output
## internal functions
flagPwayExists <- function(x){
if( length(x) == 0 ) {
flag <- FALSE
else if( length(x) == 1 ){
if( is.na(x) ){ flag <- FALSE }
else{ flag <- TRUE }
else{ flag <- TRUE }
buildKeggIncidenceMatrix <- function(kegg.ids, gene.ids, annotation, database, analysis, envPos,expressionSetGeneFormat){
if( analysis=="RNAseq") {
if( database=="reactome") {
pway.genes <- mget(kegg.ids, reactomePATHID2EXTID) #converts reactome pathways back to entrez IDs
} else {
require(annotation, character.only=TRUE)
ann <- strsplit(annotation, ".db")[[1]]
f <- file()
sink(file = f,type="message")
path2probe <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=kegg.ids, keytype="PATH", columns=c("PATH","ENTREZID") )
pway.genes <- sapply(kegg.ids, function(x) path2probe[path2probe$PATH==x,2])
#pway.genes <- path2probe$ENTREZID
#pway.genes <- unique(pway.genes) # vector of unique entrez IDs with NAs taken out
#path2probeEnv <- get(paste(ann, "PATH2EG", sep=""))
#pway.genes <- mget(kegg.ids, path2probeEnv) #a list of pathways that has each probe in the pathway
# keggEntrezToPway <- keggLink("pathway", "hsa") # get vector where names are entrez IDs and elements are pways
# pway.genes <- sapply(paste("path:hsa",kegg.ids,sep=""), function(x) names(keggEntrezToPway[keggEntrezToPway == x])) # convert kegg pways I have to entrez gene IDs
#pway.genes <- unlist(pway.genes)
#pway.genes <- unique(pway.genes) # all entrez IDs in my kegg pathways
#pway.genes <- lapply(strsplit(pway.genes,":"), function(x) x[2]) # remove hsa from entrez IDs
# pwayNames <- sapply(strsplit(names(pway.genes),":"), function(x) x[2])
# pwayNames <- substring(pwayNames,4)
# names(pway.genes) <- pwayNames
# convert.to.row <- function(x.genes, row.genes){
# x.genes <- sapply(strsplit(x.genes,":"), function(x) x[2])
# entrez2Ensmbl <- select(org.Hs.eg.db, keys=x.genes, keytype="ENTREZID", columns=c("ENTREZID","ENSEMBL") ) #there are entrez IDs that match to several ensembl IDS
# x.genes <- entrez2Ensmbl$ENSEMBL
# x.genes <- unique(x.genes) # convert entrez genes to ensembl
# res <- integer(length(row.genes)) ; res[row.genes %in% x.genes] <- 1
# return(res)
else {
require(annotation, character.only=TRUE)
ann <- strsplit(annotation, ".db")[[1]]
path2probeEnv <- get(paste(ann, "PATH2PROBE", sep=""))
if(database=="reactome") {
pway.genes <- mget(kegg.ids, reactomePATHID2EXTID)
} else { # database == kegg
pway.genes <- mget(kegg.ids, path2probeEnv) #a list of pathways that has each probe in the pathway
convert.to.row <- function(x.genes, row.genes, envPos,expressionSetGeneFormat){ # x.genes are list of pathways that has each gene. row.genes are all genes that have a kegg annotation
if (analysis == "RNAseq") {
#if( database == "KEGG") {
#x.genes <- sapply(strsplit(x.genes,":"), function(x) x[2])
f <- file()
sink(file = f,type="message")
entrez2Ensmbl <- select(get(annotation,envPos, as.environment(envPos)), keys=x.genes, keytype="ENTREZID", columns=c("ENTREZID",expressionSetGeneFormat) )
x.genes <- entrez2Ensmbl[,2]
x.genes <- unique(x.genes)
if(length(which(is.na(x.genes))) > 0) {
x.genes <- x.genes[-which(is.na(x.genes))]
res <- integer(length(row.genes)) ; res[row.genes %in% x.genes] <- 1 #see which probes are in the pathway
xmat <- t(sapply(lapply(pway.genes, convert.to.row, gene.ids, envPos,expressionSetGeneFormat), cbind))
rownames(xmat) <- kegg.ids ; colnames(xmat) <- gene.ids
buildCorMatrix <- function(dat.fr, module.genes, cor.cutoff){
second.list <- NULL
non.module.genes <- setdiff(rownames(dat.fr), module.genes)
calc.corr.onegene <- function(onegene, dat.fr, non.module.genes, cor.cutoff){
x <- as.numeric(dat.fr[rownames(dat.fr) %in% onegene,])
cvals <- cor(x, t(dat.fr[rownames(dat.fr) %in% non.module.genes,]))
if( sum( cvals >= cor.cutoff ) > 0 ){
return(non.module.genes[cvals >= cor.cutoff])
second.list <- unlist(lapply(as.list(module.genes), calc.corr.onegene, dat.fr, non.module.genes, cor.cutoff))
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