##' Ten fold cross validation for crr endpoint
##' Do cross validation on a competing risk regression model.
##' @title Ten fold cross validation for competing risks regression
##' @param fit a competing risks regression model fittd by function
##' \code{\link[QHScrnomo]{crr.fit}}.
##' @param time the expected time point.
##' @param lps logical flag. If true, values of predicted X beta will be output
##' instead of cumulative incidence
##' @param fold number of fold. the default is 10 fold cross validation.
##' @return A vector of predicted values of cumulative incidence or X beta for
##' each observation.
##' @note Before the function is called, packages 'Hmisc', 'rms' and 'cmprsk'
##' should be loaded as the function will call some funcitons in these packages.
##' @importFrom cmprsk crr
##' @author Changhong Yu, Michael Kattan, Ph.D \cr Department of Quantitative
##' Health Sciences\cr Cleveland Clinic\cr
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{\link[QHScrnomo]{crr.fit}}, \code{\link[cmprsk]{crr}}
##' @keywords models survival
##' @examples
##' data(prostate.dat)
##' dd <- datadist(prostate.dat)
##' options(datadist = "dd")
##' prostate.f <- cph(Surv(TIME_EVENT,EVENT_DOD == 1) ~ TX + rcs(PSA,3) +
##' BX_GLSN_CAT + CLIN_STG + rcs(AGE,3) +
##' RACE_AA, data = prostate.dat,
##' x = TRUE, y= TRUE, surv=TRUE,time.inc = 144)
##' prostate.crr <- crr.fit(prostate.f,cencode = 0,failcode = 1)
##' ## ten fold cross validation
##' prostate.dat$preds.tenf<-
##' tenf.crr(prostate.crr,time = 120)
tenf.crr <- function(fit, time = NA, lps = FALSE, fold = 10) {
if (!any(regexpr("cmprsk", search()) != -1)) library(cmprsk)
if (is.na(time)) {
stop("Specify an expected survival time!!")
if (time > max(fit$uftime)) {
"the expected survival time is greater than the",
"largest event time. Please pick a smaller time.")
if (time < min(fit$uftime)) {
"the expected survival time is less than the smallest event time.",
"Please pick a greater time.")
oldwarn <- options("warn")[[1]]
options(warn = -1)
on.exit(options(warn = oldwarn))
assign("fit", fit)
thedata <- fit$cphdat
nobs <- nrow(thedata)
nc <- ncol(thedata)
pred <- rep(NA, length = nobs)
rand <- sample(rep(seq(1,fold), length.out = nobs), nobs, replace = FALSE)
cencode <- fit[["cencode"]]
failcode <- fit[["failcode"]]
for (i in sort(unique(rand))) {
cat(i, " ")
train.dat <- thedata[rand != i, ]
test.dat <- thedata[rand == i, ]
newfit <- crr(train.dat[, 1], train.dat[, 2],
as.matrix(train.dat[, seq(3,nc)]),
cencode = cencode, failcode = failcode
pred[rand == i] <- pred3.crr(newfit,
as.matrix(test.dat[, seq(3,nc)]),
time = time, lps = lps
# add NA to rows that were excluded from analysis because of not
# meeting the inclusion criterion in subset argument
pred2 <- rep(NA, length = length(fit$subst))
pred2[fit$subst] <- pred
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