##' Cumulative Incidence Estimates vs. a Continuous Variable
##' Function to divide a continuous variable \code{x} (e.g. age, or predicted
##' cumulative incidence at time \code{u} created by
##' \code{\link[QHScrnomo]{predict.cmprsk}} into \code{g} quantile groups, get
##' cumulative incidence estimates at time \code{u} (a scaler), and to return a
##' matrix with columns \code{x}=mean \code{x} in quantile, \code{n}=number of
##' subjects, \code{events}=no. events, and \code{ci}= cumulattive incidence at
##' time \code{u}, \code{std.err} = standard error. Instead of supplying
##' \code{g}, the user can supply the minimum number of subjects to have in the
##' quantile group (\code{m}, default=50). If \code{cuts} is given (e.g.
##' \code{cuts=c(0,.1,.2,\dots{},.9,.1)}), it overrides \code{m} and \code{g}.
##' @title make calibration curve for competing risks endpoint
##' @param x a continuous variable
##' @param ftime vector of follow-up time
##' @param fstatus vector of failure status
##' @param cencode value indicating cencering.
##' @param failcode value indicating event of interest
##' @param ci logical flag to output event free probability if setting
##' \code{FALSE}
##' @param m desired minimum number of observations in a group
##' @param g number of quantile groups
##' @param cuts actual cuts in \code{x}, e.g. \code{c(0,1,2)} to use [0,1),
##' [1,2].
##' @param u time for which to estimate cumulative incidence
##' @param pl TRUE to plot results
##' @param conf.int defaults to \code{.95} for 0.95 confidence bars. Set to
##' \code{FALSE} to suppress bars
##' @param xlab if \code{pl=TRUE}, is x-axis label. Default is \code{label(x)}
##' or name of calling argument
##' @param ylab if \code{pl=TRUE}, is y-axis label. Default is constructed
##' from \code{u} and time \code{units}
##' @param xlim range of x axis
##' @param ylim range of y axis
##' @param lty line time for primary line connecting estimates
##' @param add set to \code{TRUE} if adding to an existing plot
##' @param cex.subtitle character size for subtitle. Default is \code{.7}. Use
##' \code{FALSE} to suppress subtitle.
##' @param ab \code{TRUE} to add a 45 degree line
##' @param \dots plotting parameters to pass to the plot and errbar functions
##' @return matrix with columns named \code{x} (mean predictor value in
##' interval), \code{n} (sample size in interval), \code{events} (number of
##' events in interval), \code{ci} (cumulative incidence estimate),
##' \code{std.err} (standard error of cumulative incidence)
##' @note This function is adapted from Harrell's function
##' \code{\link[Design]{groupkm}}.
##' @author Changhong Yu, Michael Kattan, Ph.D \cr Department of Quantitative
##' Health Sciences\cr Cleveland Clinic\cr
##' @importFrom Hmisc label cut2 errbar
##' @importFrom cmprsk cuminc
##' @export
##' @seealso \code{\link[Design]{groupkm}},
##' \code{\link[cmprsk]{cuminc}},\code{\link[QHScrnomo]{pred.ci}}
##' @keywords survival nonparametric
##' @examples
##' data(prostate.dat)
##' dd <- datadist(prostate.dat)
##' options(datadist = "dd")
##' prostate.f <- cph(Surv(TIME_EVENT,EVENT_DOD == 1) ~ TX + rcs(PSA,3) +
##' BX_GLSN_CAT + CLIN_STG + rcs(AGE,3) +
##' RACE_AA, data = prostate.dat,
##' x = TRUE, y= TRUE, surv=TRUE,time.inc = 144)
##' prostate.crr <- crr.fit(prostate.f,cencode = 0,failcode = 1)
##' ## ten fold cross validation
##' prostate.dat$preds.tenf.cv.prostate.crr.120 <-
##' tenf.crr(prostate.crr,time = 120)
##' with(prostate.dat,
##' groupci(preds.tenf.cv.prostate.crr.120 , ftime = TIME_EVENT,
##' fstatus =EVENT_DOD, g = 5, u = 120,
##' xlab = "Nomogram predicted 10-year cancerspecific mortality",
##' ylab = "Observed predicted 10-year cancerspecific mortality")
##' )
groupci <-
cencode = 0,
failcode = 1,
ci = TRUE,
m = 50,
pl = TRUE,
conf.int = 0.95,
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = c(0, 1),
lty = 1,
add = FALSE,
cex.subtitle = FALSE,
ab = TRUE,
...) {
if (!any(regexpr("cmprsk", search()) != -1)) {
if (missing(u)) {
stop("u (time point) must be given")
if (missing(xlab)) {
xlab <- label(x)
if (xlab == "") {
xlab <- as.character(sys.call()[2])
s <- !(is.na(x) | is.na(ftime) | is.na(fstatus))
x <- x[s]
ftime <- ftime[s]
fstatus <- fstatus[s]
x[abs(x) < 1e-10] <- 0
e <- fstatus
if (length(ftime) != length(fstatus) |
length(ftime) != length(x)) {
stop("lengths of x and Srv must match")
unit <- attr(ftime, "units")
if (is.null(unit) || unit == "") {
unit <- "Day"
if (!missing(cuts)) {
q <- cut2(x, cuts)
} else if (!missing(g)) {
q <- cut2(x, g = g)
} else {
q <- cut2(x, m = m)
q <- oldUnclass(q)
g <- length(levels(q))
cmi <- single(g)
std.err <- pred <- cmi
numobs <- events <- integer(g)
for (i in seq_len(g)) {
s <- q == i
nobs <- sum(s)
ne <- sum(e[s] == failcode)
if (ne == 0) {
"regroup x as there is no event of interest in group ",
i, "\n"
if (nobs == 0) {
numobs[i] <- 0
events[i] <- 0
pred[i] <- NA
cmi[i] <- NA
std.err[i] <- NA
} else {
pred[i] <- mean(x[s], na.rm = TRUE)
f <- cuminc(ftime[s], fstatus[s], cencode = cencode)
cumci <- pred.ci(f, u, failcode = failcode)
cmi[i] <- cumci[["CI.Prob"]]
if (!ci) {
pred[i] <- 1 - pred[i]
cmi[i] <- 1 - cmi[i]
std.err[i] <- sqrt(cumci[["CI.Var"]])
numobs[i] <- nobs
events[i] <- ne
fnm <- names(f)
statuscode <-
substring(fnm, regexpr(" ", fnm) + 1)
# to accomodate faicode = 1
tt <- f[[fnm[regexpr(failcode, statuscode) != -1]]]$time
n <- length(tt)
if (u > tt[n] + 1e-06) {
"group ",
"maxftime== ",
"less than u(",
cmi[i] <- NA
std.err[i] <- NA
z <- cbind(
x = pred,
n = numobs,
events = events,
ci = cmi,
std.err = std.err
if (pl) {
y <- cmi
if (conf.int) {
zcrit <- stats::qnorm((conf.int + 1) / 2)
low <- cmi - zcrit * std.err
hi <- cmi + zcrit * std.err
# changhong edit ???
low[low < 0] <- 0
hi[hi > 1] <- 1
if (missing(ylab)) {
ylab <- paste(
"Competing Risks",
" Survival",
sep = ""
if (!add) {
xlab = xlab,
ylab = ylab,
type = "n",
xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim
graphics::lines(pred, y, lty = lty, ...)
if (ab) {
graphics::abline(0, 1)
if (conf.int) {
errbar(pred, y, hi, low, add = TRUE, lty = lty, ...)
if (!is.logical(cex.subtitle)) {
nn <- sum(numobs, na.rm = TRUE)
mm <- round(nn / g)
sub = paste(
" d=",
sum(events, na.rm = TRUE),
",\n avg. ",
" patients per group",
sep = ""
adj = 0,
cex = cex.subtitle
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