# Internal function for estimating gamma values
.solveAnEquation <- function( left = NULL ) {
right <- matrix(c(1,0,1,1,0,0,
ret<-solve(right, left) # gammaD, gammaE, a, b, c, d
#names(ret) <- c("gammaD","gammaE","a","b","c","d")
#' @title Estimating gamma from taxaExp objects.
#' @name estgamma
#' @rdname gamma
#' @param objects a vector of objects of class \code{taxonExp} or an object of class \code{taxaExp}
#' @param taxa one single character or a vector of characters specifying main taxa selected for
#' calculating gammaD and gammaE.
#' If one single character "all" is given,
#' all the taxa included in the \code{taxaExp} will be matched and selected ("all" by default).
#' @param subtaxa one single character or a vector of characters sepcifying sub taxa selected for
#' calculating gammaD and gammaE.
#'#' If one single character "all" is given,
#' all the taxa included in the \code{taxaExp} will be matched and selected ("all" by default).
#' @param method specifying which distance method to be used
#' to estimate expression phylogeny in bootstrapping.
#' @return returns a data frame of six columns, refer to details for more information.
#' @examples
#' data(tetraExp)
#' gamma.df <- estgamma(tetraExp, taxa = "all",
#' subtaxa = c("Brain", "Cerebellum"),
#' method = "pea")
#' gamma.df
#' @references
#' Gu,X. 2016. Understanding tissue expression evolution: from expression phylogeny to phylogenetic network.
#' Brief. Bioinformatics, 17, 249-254.
#' @export
estgamma = function (objects = NULL, taxa = NULL, subtaxa = NULL,
method = c("sou", "ced", "pea", "souln", "nbdln", "euc", "cos", "jsd"))
#if(verbose) message(date())
if (is.null(objects) || !is(objects) == "taxaExp") {
stop(paste0(date(), ": no valid taxaexp objects input"))
taxa_n_in_objects <- length(attr(objects,"taxa"))
subtaxa_n_in_objects <- length(attr(objects,"subtaxa"))
if (any(taxa_n_in_objects < 2, subtaxa_n_in_objects < 2)) {
stop(paste0(date(), ": TE objects need contain at least two taxa and two subtaxa to calculate gammas"))
if (any(grepl("all", taxa, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
taxa <- unique(unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) x$taxon_name)))
if (any(grepl("all", subtaxa, ignore.case = TRUE))) {
subtaxa <- unique(unlist(lapply(objects, function(x) x$subTaxon_name)))
disMat <- expdist(objects = objects, taxa = taxa, subtaxa = subtaxa, method = method)
taxon_names_arr <- NULL
subtaxon_names_arr <- NULL
gammaD_arr <- NULL
gammaE_arr <- NULL
ibA_arr <- NULL # internal branch
ibB_arr <- NULL
ibC_arr <- NULL
ibD_arr <- NULL
# for all taxa subtaxa combinations
for (i in 1:(length(taxa)-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):length(taxa)) {
for (k in 1:(length(subtaxa)-1)) {
for (l in (k+1):length(subtaxa)) {
four_names <- c(paste0(taxa[i], "_", subtaxa[k]), paste0(taxa[i], "_", subtaxa[l]),
paste0(taxa[j], "_", subtaxa[k]), paste0(taxa[j], "_", subtaxa[l]))
left_arr <- c(disMat[four_names[2], four_names[1]], disMat[four_names[3], four_names[1]],
disMat[four_names[3], four_names[2]], disMat[four_names[4], four_names[1]],
disMat[four_names[4], four_names[2]], disMat[four_names[4], four_names[3]])
taxon_names <- paste(sort(c(taxa[i],taxa[j])), collapse = "-")
subtaxon_names <- paste(sort(c(subtaxa[k],subtaxa[l])), collapse = "-")
taxon_names_arr <- c(taxon_names_arr, taxon_names)
subtaxon_names_arr <- c(subtaxon_names_arr, subtaxon_names)
gamma_arr <- .solveAnEquation(left_arr)
gammaD_arr <- c(gammaD_arr, gamma_arr[1])
gammaE_arr <- c(gammaE_arr, gamma_arr[2])
ibA_arr <- c(ibA_arr, gamma_arr[3])
ibB_arr <- c(ibB_arr, gamma_arr[4])
ibC_arr <- c(ibC_arr, gamma_arr[5])
ibD_arr <- c(ibD_arr, gamma_arr[6])
gamma.df <- data.frame(species = taxon_names_arr, tissues = subtaxon_names_arr,
gammaD = gammaD_arr, gammaE = gammaE_arr,
inBranchA = ibA_arr, inBranchB = ibB_arr,
inBranchC = ibC_arr, inBranchD = ibD_arr)
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