#' Reading data from a ginteractions, hic, cool, or validPairs file
#' @description Read a \code{\link{track}} object from a ginteractions, hic, mcool, or validPairs file
#' @param file The path to the file to read.
#' @param format The format of import file. Could be ginteractions, hic, cool or validPairs
#' @param ranges An object of \code{\link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}} to indicate
#' the range to be imported. For .hic file, if the length of ranges is 2,
#' the first range will be used as anchor 1 and the second range will be used
#' as anchor 2.
#' @param ignore.strand ignore the strand or not when do filter. default TRUE
#' @param out output format. Default is track. Possible values: track, GInteractions.
#' @param resolution Resolutions for the interaction data.
#' @param unit BP (base pair) or FRAG (fragment) (.hic file only).
#' @param normalization Type of normalization, NONE, VC, VC_SORT or KR for .hic and
#' NONE, balanced for .cool.
#' @param matrixType Type of matrix for .hic file. Available choices are "observed", "oe", and "expected".
#' default is "observed".
#' @param ... NOT used.
#' @return a \code{\link{track}} object
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @importFrom InteractionSet GInteractions
#' @importFrom rhdf5 H5Fopen h5ls h5read h5closeAll
#' @importFrom strawr straw readHicNormTypes
#' @export
#' @seealso See Also as \code{\link{listResolutions}}, \code{\link{listChromosomes}},
#' \code{\link{readHicNormTypes}}
#' @examples
#' #import a ginteractions file
#' #gi <- system.file("extdata", "test.ginteractions.tsv", package="trackViewer",
#' # mustWork=TRUE)
#' #dat <- importGInteractions(file=gi, format="ginteractions",
#' # ranges=GRanges("chr7", IRanges(127471197, 127474697)))
#' ##import a hic file
#' if(.Platform$OS.type!="windows"){
#' hic <- system.file("extdata", "test_chr22.hic", package = "trackViewer",
#' mustWork=TRUE)
#' dat <- importGInteractions(file=hic, format="hic",
#' ranges=GRanges("22", IRanges(1500000, 100000000)))
#' }
#' ##import a cool file
#' cool <- system.file("extdata", "test.mcool", package = "trackViewer",
#' mustWork=TRUE)
#' dat <- importGInteractions(file=cool, format="cool",
#' resolution = 2,
#' ranges=GRanges("chr1", IRanges(10, 28)))
#' ##import a validPairs file
#' #validPairs <- system.file("extdata", "test.validPairs", package = "trackViewer",
#' # mustWork=TRUE)
#' #dat <- importGInteractions(file=validPairs, format="validPairs")
importGInteractions <- function(file,
format=c("ginteractions", "hic", "cool", "validPairs"),
ranges=GRanges(), ignore.strand=TRUE,
out=c("track", "GInteractions"),
resolution = 100000,
unit=c("BP", "FRAG"),
normalization =c("NONE", "VC", "VC_SQRT", "KR",
matrixType = c("observed", "oe", "expected"),
stop("file is required.")
## on.exit(closeAllConnections())
format <- match.arg(format)
out <- match.arg(out)
unit <- match.arg(unit)
matrixType <- match.arg(matrixType)
normalization <- match.arg(normalization)
available_normalization <- listNormalizations(file=file, format = format)
if(!normalization %in% available_normalization){
available_normalization <- paste(available_normalization, collapse=', ')
stop("normalization must be available at file. ",
"Available normalization are ",
# res <- GRanges(score=numeric(0))
if(!is(ranges, "GRanges")) stop("ranges must be an object of GRanges.")
gr <- orderedGR(ranges)
readginteractions <- function(file){
localFUN = function(buf){
buf <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(buf, "\\s"))
dat <- GRanges(buf[, 1], IRanges(as.numeric(buf[, 2]),
as.numeric(buf[, 3])))
dat2 <- GRanges(buf[, 4], IRanges(as.numeric(buf[, 5]),
as.numeric(buf[, 6])))
gi <- GInteractions(anchor1=dat, anchor2 = dat2,
score = as.numeric(buf[, 7]))
subsetByOverlaps(gi, gr)
readFile(file, localFUN);
readhic <- function(file){
stop("length of gr > 2 is not supported for .hic file.")
seq1 <- seq2 <- as.character(seqnames(gr))
start1 <- start2 <- start(gr)
end1 <- end2 <- end(gr)
seq1 <- as.character(seqnames(gr)[1])
start1 <- start(gr)[1]
end1 <- end(gr)[1]
seq2 <- as.character(seqnames(gr)[2])
start2 <- start(gr)[2]
end2 <- end(gr)[2]
df <- straw(
norm = normalization,
fname = file,
chr1loc = paste(seq1, start1, end1, sep=":"),
chr2loc = paste(seq2, start2, end2, sep=":"),
unit = unit,
binsize = resolution,
matrix = matrixType)
anchor1 <- GRanges(seq1, IRanges(df$x+1, width = resolution))
anchor2 <- GRanges(seq2, IRanges(df$y+1, width = resolution))
gi <- GInteractions(anchor1=anchor1, anchor2=anchor2,
readcool <- function(file){
gi <- cooler_pixels(file, resolution, gr, normalization)
gi$score <- gi$count
gi$score <- gi$balanced
gi$count <- NULL
gi$balanced <- NULL
readvalidPairs <- function(file){
localFUN = function(buf){
buf <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(buf, "\\s"))
dat <- GRanges(buf[, 2], IRanges(as.numeric(buf[, 3]),
width = 1),
strand = buf[, 4])
dat2 <- GRanges(buf[, 5], IRanges(as.numeric(buf[, 6]),
width = 1),
strand = buf[, 7])
gi <- GInteractions(anchor1=dat, anchor2 = dat2,
insert_size = as.numeric(buf[, 8]))
subsetByOverlaps(gi, gr)
readFile(file, localFUN);
readFile <- function(file, FUN){
s <- file.info(file)$size
buf <- readChar(file, s, useBytes=TRUE)
buf <- strsplit(buf, "\n", fixed=TRUE, useBytes=TRUE)[[1]]
res <- FUN(buf)
message("file is too huge. Please consider to subset the data before import.")
res <- NULL
con <- file(file, open="r")
while(length(buf <- readLines(con, n=1000000, warn=FALSE))>0){
buf <- FUN(buf)
if(length(res)<1) {
res <- buf
suppressWarnings(res <- c(res, buf))
res <- unique(res)
readFiles <- function(file, format){
FUN <- get(paste("read", format, sep=""))
res <- FUN(file)
res <- readFiles(file, format)
if(length(res)==0) return(NULL)
res_uniq <- res[!duplicated(res)]
res_dup <- res[duplicated(res)]
ol <- findOverlaps(res_uniq, res_dup, type = "equal")
qol <- split(res_dup[subjectHits(ol)]$score, queryHits(ol))
qol <- vapply(qol, FUN=sum, FUN.VALUE = 0)
res_uniq[as.numeric(names(qol))]$score <-
res_uniq[as.numeric(names(qol))]$score + qol
res <- res_uniq
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