#' get signatures from motifs
#' extract signatures from multiple motifs by distance calculated from STAMP
#' @param pfms a list of objects of class pfm
#' @param phylog an object of class phylog
#' @param cutoffPval pvalue for motifs to merge.
#' @param groupDistance maxmal distance of motifs in the same group
#' @param rcpostfix postfix for reverse-complement motif names, default: (RC)
#' @param min.freq signatures with frequency below min.freq will not be plotted
#' @param trim minimal information content for each position of signature
#' @param families for each family, the motif number in one signature should
#' only count as 1
#' @param sort sort the signatures by frequency or not.
#' @return an Object of class \linkS4class{motifSig}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' if(interactive() || Sys.getenv("USER")=="jianhongou"){
#' library("MotifDb")
#' matrix.fly <- query(MotifDb, "Dmelanogaster")
#' motifs <- as.list(matrix.fly)
#' motifs <- motifs[grepl("Dmelanogaster-FlyFactorSurvey-",
#' names(motifs), fixed=TRUE)]
#' names(motifs) <- gsub("Dmelanogaster_FlyFactorSurvey_", "",
#' gsub("_FBgn[0-9]+$", "",
#' gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9]","_",
#' gsub("(_[0-9]+)+$", "", names(motifs)))))
#' motifs <- motifs[unique(names(motifs))]
#' pfms <- sample(motifs, 50)
#' hc <- clusterMotifs(pfms)
#' library(ade4)
#' phylog <- ade4::hclust2phylog(hc)
#' leaves <- names(phylog$leaves)
#' pfms <- pfms[leaves]
#' pfms <- mapply(pfms, names(pfms), FUN=function(.ele, .name){
#' new("pfm",mat=.ele, name=.name)})
#' motifSig <- motifSignature(pfms, phylog, cutoffPval=0.0001)
#' }
motifSignature <- function(pfms, phylog, cutoffPval, groupDistance, rcpostfix="(RC)",
min.freq=2, trim=0.2, families=list(), sort=TRUE){
if (!inherits(phylog, "phylog"))
stop("phylog should be an object of phylog of package ade4")
leaves.number <- length(phylog$leaves)
if (length(pfms)!=leaves.number)
stop("length of pfms and leaves of phylog should be identical.")
if (all(unlist(lapply(pfms, function(.ele) !inherits(.ele, "pfm"))))){
if(any(unlist(lapply(pfms, function(.ele) !inherits(.ele, "pcm")))))
stop("pfms should be a list of objects of pfm or pcm")
if(any(unlist(lapply(pfms, function(.ele) !inherits(.ele, "pfm")))))
stop("pfms should be a list of objects of pfm or pcm")
if(missing(groupDistance) && missing(cutoffPval)){
stop("cutoffPval and groupDistance are missing. Please assign at least one of them.")
if (missing(groupDistance))
groupDistance <- max(phylog$droot)
if (missing(cutoffPval))
cutoffPval <- 1
getSignature <- function(pfms, pfmnames, rcpostfix, pfms.class){
.pfmnames <- unlist(strsplit(pfmnames, ";"))
.pfms <- lapply(.pfmnames, function(.name, pfms) {
pfms[[getPFMid(pfms, .name, rcpostfix=rcpostfix)]]
}, pfms)
.pfms <- DNAmotifAlignment(.pfms, rcpostfix="")
.rown <- rownames(.pfms[[1]]@mat)
.mats <- lapply(.rown, function(i, .pfms){
do.call(rbind,lapply(.pfms, function(.ele, i)
.ele@mat[i, , drop=FALSE], i))
}, .pfms)
.mats <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.mats, colMeans))
.mats <- do.call(rbind, lapply(.mats, colSums))
.mats <- pcm2pfm(.mats)
rownames(.mats) <- .rown
colnames(.mats) <- 1:ncol(.mats)
if(pfms.class=="pfms") .mats <- .pfms[[1]]@mat
else .mats <- pcm2pfm(.pfms[[1]]@mat)
new("pfm", mat=.mats, name=pfmnames, alphabet=.pfms[[1]]@alphabet,
color=.pfms[[1]]@color, background=.pfms[[1]]@background)
if(groupDistance >= max(phylog$droot) && cutoffPval>=1){
signatures <- list(getSignature(pfms, names(phylog$leaves),
rcpostfix, pfms.class=pfms.class))
signatures <- lapply(signatures, trimMotif, trim)
nodelist <- list(Root=new("ouNode",
parent="Root", distl=max(phylog$droot),
sizel=length(pfms), sizer=0))
return(new("motifSig", signatures=signatures,
gpcol=rep("gray30", length(pfms))))
#generate the new phylog from newick tree
tree <- phylog$tre
droot <- phylog$droot
tree <- gsub(";$","",tree)
str <- unlist(strsplit(gsub("^\\((.*?)\\)([^\\)\\(;,]+)$",
nodelist <- list()
getNodelist <- function(str, nodelist=list(), pid=0){
ge <- gregexpr("\\(([^\\(\\),]+),([^\\(\\),]+)\\)([^\\(\\),]+)", str)
if(ge[[1]][1]!=-1){## (A,B)C
start <- ge[[1]]
stop <- attr(ge[[1]],"match.length")
for(i in 1:length(start)){
trec<- c(trec,substr(str, start[i],start[i]+stop[i]-1))
nodes <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(trec,"\\)|\\(|,"))[,2:4,drop=FALSE]
newnodes <- apply(nodes, 1, function(.ele)
new("ouNode",left=.ele[1], right=.ele[2],
parent=.ele[3], sizel=0, sizer=0))
names(newnodes) <- nodes[,3]
nodelist <- c(newnodes,nodelist)
for(i in 1:length(trec)){
Recall(str=str, nodelist=nodelist, pid=pid)
ge <- gregexpr("\\((([^\\(\\),]+,){2,})([^\\(\\),]+)\\)([^\\(\\),]+)",
if(ge[[1]][1]!=-1){ ##(A,B,C,...)N
start <- ge[[1]]
stop <- attr(ge[[1]],"match.length")
for(i in 1:length(start)){
trec<- c(trec,substr(str, start[i],start[i]+stop[i]-1))
for(i in 1:length(trec)){
nodes <- strsplit(trec[i], "\\)|\\(|,")[[1]][-1]
pnodes <- nodes[length(nodes)]
nodes <- nodes[-length(nodes)]
curNode <- nodes[length(nodes)]
for(j in (length(nodes)-1):2){
parNode <- paste("MSP", pid, sep="")
newnodes <- new("ouNode", left=nodes[i], right=curNode,
parent=parNode, distl=0, distr=0,
sizel=0, sizer=0)
curNode <- parNode
pid <- pid + 1
nodelist <- c(newnodes, nodelist)
names(nodelist)[1] <- parNode
newnodes <- new("ouNode", left=nodes[1], right=curNode,
parent=pnodes, sizel=0, sizer=0)
nodelist <- c(newnodes, nodelist)
names(nodelist)[1] <- pnodes
Recall(str=str, nodelist=nodelist, pid=pid)
}else{ ##to Root one
nodes <- unlist(strsplit(str, ","))
curNode <- nodes[length(nodes)]
for(i in (length(nodes)-1):2){
parNode <- paste("MSP", pid, sep="")
newnodes <- new("ouNode", left=nodes[i], right=curNode,
parent=parNode, distl=0, distr=0, sizel=0, sizer=0)
curNode <- parNode
pid <- pid + 1
nodelist <- c(newnodes, nodelist)
names(nodelist)[1] <- parNode
Root <- new("ouNode", left=nodes[1], right=curNode,
parent="Root", sizel=0, sizer=0)
nodelist <- c(Root=Root, nodelist)
Root <- new("ouNode", left=nodes[1], right=nodes[2],
parent="Root", sizel=0, sizer=0)
nodelist <- c(Root=Root, nodelist)
nodelist <- getNodelist(str)
leaves <- names(phylog$leaves)
buildTree <- function(nodelist, nodename, droot, dpar=0){
nodelist[[nodename]]@distl <<- droot[nodelist[[nodename]]@left] - dpar
nodelist[[nodename]]@distr <<- droot[nodelist[[nodename]]@right] - dpar
if(nodelist[[nodename]]@left %in% leaves) nodelist[[nodename]]@sizel <<- 1
if(nodelist[[nodename]]@right %in% leaves) nodelist[[nodename]]@sizer <<- 1
buildTree(nodelist, nodelist[[nodename]]@left, droot,
buildTree(nodelist, nodelist[[nodename]]@right, droot,
buildTree(nodelist, "Root", droot, dpar=0)
mergeNodes <- function(nodelist, leaves, cutoffPval, groupDistance){
l <- length(nodelist)
for(i in 1:l){
nodename <- names(nodelist)[i]
currNode <- nodelist[[nodename]]
if(currNode@left %in% leaves && currNode@right %in% leaves){
pval <-
matalign(list(left=getSignature(pfms, currNode@left,
rcpostfix, pfms.class=pfms.class),
right=getSignature(pfms, currNode@right,
rcpostfix, pfms.class=pfms.class)))$P_value[1]
else pval <- 0
if(currNode@distl < groupDistance && currNode@distr < groupDistance &&
pval < cutoffPval){
parNodeInfo <- getParentNode(nodelist, nodename)
if(parNodeInfo[2]=="left") {
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@sizel <-
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@sizel + max(currNode@sizel, 1) +
max(currNode@sizer, 1)
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@distl <-
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@distl +
(currNode@distl + currNode@distr)/2
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@left <-
paste(currNode@left, currNode@right, sep=";")
leaves <- c(leaves[!leaves %in% c(currNode@left,
paste(currNode@left, currNode@right, sep=";"))
nodelist[[nodename]] <- new("ouNode",left="NULL", right="NULL",
parent="NULL", sizel=0, sizer=0)
else if(parNodeInfo[2]=="right") {
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@sizer <-
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@sizer + max(currNode@sizel, 1) +
max(currNode@sizer, 1)
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@distr <-
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@distr +
(currNode@distl + currNode@distr)/2
nodelist[[parNodeInfo[1]]]@right <-
paste(currNode@left, currNode@right, sep=";")
leaves <- c(leaves[!leaves %in%
c(currNode@left, currNode@right)],
paste(currNode@left, currNode@right, sep=";"))
nodelist[[nodename]] <-
new("ouNode",left="NULL", right="NULL",
parent="NULL", sizel=0, sizer=0)
sel <- unlist(lapply(nodelist, function(.ele) .ele@parent=="NULL"))
nodelist <- nodelist[!sel]
nodelist <<- nodelist
leaves <<- leaves
if(length(nodelist)<l) mergeNodes(nodelist, leaves, cutoffPval, groupDistance)
mergeNodes(nodelist, leaves, cutoffPval, groupDistance)
#get signatures and frequences (count of frequences should > min.freq)
filterFamilies <- function(pfmnames, size, families){
pfmnames <- unlist(strsplit(pfmnames, ";"))
if(length(pfmnames)!=size) stop("pfm names contain ';'")
for(j in 1:length(families)){
inters <- intersect(families[[j]], pfmnames)
pfmnames <- pfmnames[!pfmnames %in% inters[2:length(inters)]]
size <- length(pfmnames)
pfmnames <- paste(pfmnames, sep="", collapse=";")
signatures <- list()
freq <- c()
for(i in 1:length(nodelist)){
ftmp <- filterFamilies(nodelist[[i]]@left, nodelist[[i]]@sizel, families)
nodelist[[i]]@left <- ftmp[["name"]]
nodelist[[i]]@sizel <- ftmp[["size"]]
signatures <-
c(signatures, getSignature(pfms, nodelist[[i]]@left,
rcpostfix, pfms.class=pfms.class))
freq <- c(freq, nodelist[[i]]@sizel)
ftmp <- filterFamilies(nodelist[[i]]@right, nodelist[[i]]@sizer, families)
nodelist[[i]]@right <- ftmp[["name"]]
nodelist[[i]]@sizer <- ftmp[["size"]]
signatures <- c(signatures,
getSignature(pfms, nodelist[[i]]@right,
rcpostfix, pfms.class=pfms.class))
freq <- c(freq, nodelist[[i]]@sizer)
#trime signatures
signatures <- lapply(signatures, trimMotif, trim)
ord <- unlist(lapply(signatures, function(.ele){inherits(.ele,"pfm")}))
signatures <- signatures[ord]
freq <- freq[ord]
#sort signatures
ord <- order(freq, decreasing=TRUE)
signatures <- signatures[ord]
freq <- freq[ord]
if(interactive()) warning("All frequency are smaller than min.freq.")
getGpCol <- function(sig, phylog){
pfmNames <- lapply(sig, function(.ele){unlist(strsplit(.ele@name, ";"))})
pfmNames <- mapply(function(.ele, .name){cbind(.ele, .name)},
pfmNames, paste("gps", 1:length(pfmNames), sep=""),
pfmNames <- do.call(rbind, pfmNames)
pfmNames <- pfmNames[match(names(phylog$leaves), pfmNames[,1]),]
bd.color <- c("gray80","gray30")
in.color <- rle(pfmNames[,2])
in.color$values <- bd.color[rep(1:2,
gpcol <- getGpCol(signatures, phylog)
return(new("motifSig", signatures=signatures, freq=freq,
nodelist=nodelist, gpcol=gpcol))
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