
Defines functions getRankedUniqueMotifs

Documented in getRankedUniqueMotifs

#' get the unique motif in each category grouped by distance
#' to get the unique motif in a given category, eg by species.
#' @param phylog an object of class phylog
#' @param attr attribute used for category of motifs
#' @return return a list: \item{uni.rank}{unique motif ranks}
#' \item{uni.length}{length of unique motif grouped by distance}
#' \item{uni.list}{unique motif names grouped by distance}
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
#' @examples
#'    if(interactive() || Sys.getenv("USER")=="jianhongou"){
#'         library("MotifDb")
#'         matrix.fly <- query(MotifDb, "Dmelanogaster")
#'         matrix.human <- query(MotifDb, "Hsapiens")
#'         pfms <- c(as.list(matrix.fly), as.list(matrix.human))
#'         pfms <- pfms[sample(seq_along(pfms), 100)]
#'         hc <- clusterMotifs(pfms)
#'         library(ade4)
#'         phylog <- ade4::hclust2phylog(hc)
#'         leaves <- names(phylog$leaves)
#'         attr <- gsub("^(.*?)_.*$", "\1", leaves)
#'         getRankedUniqueMotifs(phylog, attr)
#'     }
getRankedUniqueMotifs <- function(phylog, attr){
        names(attr) <- leaves
        attr <- attr[leaves]
    droot <- phylog$droot
    droot.max <- max(droot)
    parts <- phylog$parts
    parts.dist <- droot.max - droot[names(parts)]
    parts.dist <- sort(parts.dist)
    parts.dist <- parts.dist[names(parts.dist)!="Root"]
    getLeaves <- function(parts, name){
        p <- parts[[name]]
        y <- c()
        for(x in p){
            if(x %in% names(parts)) y <- c(y, Recall(parts, x))
            else y <- c(y, x)
    getNodes <- function(parts, name){
        p <- parts[[name]]
        y <- c()
        for(x in p){
            if(x %in% names(parts)) {
                y <- c(y, x, Recall(parts, x))
    uni.dist <- unique(parts.dist)
    uni <- lapply(uni.dist, function(gpDist){
        names <- names(parts.dist)[parts.dist <= gpDist]
        groups <- lapply(names, getLeaves, parts=parts)
        names(groups) <- names
        toberemoved <- lapply(names, getNodes, parts=parts)
        toberemoved <- unique(unlist(toberemoved))
        if(length(toberemoved)>0) {
            groups <- groups[names[!names %in% toberemoved]]
        groupedLeaves <- unlist(groups)
        ungroupedLeaves <- leaves[!leaves %in% groupedLeaves]
        groups <- c(groups, as.list(ungroupedLeaves))
        groups <- do.call(rbind, mapply(function(.ele, .id) cbind(.ele, .id),
                                        groups, 1:length(groups)))
        category <- attr[groups[, 1]]
        category <- split(category, groups[,2])
        category <- lapply(category, unique)
        uni.names <- names(category)[sapply(category, length)==1]
        names <- groups[groups[, 2] %in% uni.names, 1]
    uni.rank <- table(unlist(uni))
    uni.rank <- uni.rank[order(uni.rank, decreasing=TRUE)]
    uni.rank.value <- rle(as.numeric(uni.rank))
    uni.rank.value$values <- 
        c(1, cumsum(uni.rank.value$lengths)[-length(uni.rank.value$lengths)]+1)
    uni.rank.value <- inverse.rle(uni.rank.value)
    names(uni.rank.value) <- names(uni.rank)
    uni.length <- sapply(uni, length)
    uni.length <- cbind(distance=uni.dist, uniqueMotifCount=uni.length)
    uni.length <- uni.length[order(-uni.length[,2], -uni.length[,1]), 
                             , drop=FALSE]
    uni.length <- uni.length[!duplicated(uni.length[,2]),
                             , drop=FALSE]
    names(uni) <- paste("dist", uni.dist, sep="_")
    uni <- uni[paste("dist", uni.length[,1], sep="_")]
    return(list(uni.rank=uni.rank.value, uni.length=uni.length, uni.list=uni))
jianhong/motifStack documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 10:32 p.m.