#' Download enhancer sequences from ENCODE
#' @description Query enhancer peak and extract sequences from ENCODE
#' @param genome An object of \link[BSgenome:BSgenome-class]{BSgenome}.
#' @param markers Enhancer markers. Default 'H3K4me1'. For active enhancer,
#' it can be set as c('H3K4me1', 'H3K27ac').
#' If markers is a `GRanges` object, the function will skip the download step.
#' @param window_size,step The size of windows and steps to split the peaks
#' into small pieces. These parameter is used because the width of
#' histone marker peaks are different sizes. Break the peaks into small
#' pieces can increase the matching score and align the matching for
#' different peaks into same size. The window_size is also be used for
#' overlapping detection of multiple histone markers.
#' @param \dots Parameters can be passed to \link{queryEncode}
#' @return An object of \link{Enhancers} with genome, and peaks.
#' The peaks is an object of GRanges. The genome is an object of BSgenome.
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import
#' @importFrom Biostrings getSeq
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics organism
#' @importFrom IRanges subsetByOverlaps
#' @importFrom BiocFileCache BiocFileCache getBFCOption bfcrpath
#' @import methods
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38)
#' hs <- getENCODEdata(genome=Hsapiens,
#' partialMatch=c(biosample_summary="spinal cord"))
getENCODEdata <- function(genome,
window_size = 1000L,
step = 50L,
...) {
stopifnot('genome must be an object of BSgenome'=is(genome, "BSgenome"))
if(is(markers, "GRanges")){
peaks <- markers
org <- organism(genome)
assembly <- guessAssembly(genome)
names(assembly) <- rep("assembly", length(assembly))
names(markers) <- rep("target.label", length(markers))
args <- list(...)
if(!"exactMatch" %in% names(args)){
exactMatch <- markers
exactMatch <- exactMatch[!names(exactMatch) %in% "target.label"]
exactMatch <- c(markers, exactMatch)
if(!"assembly" %in% names(exactMatch)){
exactMatch <- c(exactMatch, assembly)
if(!"replicates.library.biosample.donor.organism.scientific_name" %in%
exactMatch <-
res <- queryEncode(exactMatch=exactMatch, ...)
stop("No data available by current setting.")
datasets <- vapply(res, FUN = function(.ele) .ele$`@id`,
FUN.VALUE = character(1))
names(datasets) <- rep("dataset", length(datasets))
args$exactMatch <- c(type='File', output_type="peaks",
file_format="bed", assembly,
res2 <- do.call(queryEncode, args = args)
stop("No data available by current setting.")
urls <- lapply(res2, FUN = function(.ele) .ele$cloud_metadata$url)
format <- lapply(res2, FUN = function(.ele) .ele$file_format_type)
bfc <- BiocFileCache(cache = getBFCOption("CACHE"), ask = interactive())
cpath <- lapply(urls, bfcrpath, x=bfc)
peaks <- mapply(import, cpath, format, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
peaks <- split(peaks,
vapply(res2, `[[`, FUN.VALUE = character(1), i="target"))
peaks <- lapply(peaks, function(.ele) reduce(unlist(GRangesList(.ele))))
## get intersection of the ranges
subsetByOverlapsWindow <- function(a, b){
subsetByOverlaps(a, b, maxgap = window_size)
peaks <- Reduce(f = subsetByOverlapsWindow, x = peaks)
peaks <- peaks[[1]]
stop("There is less than 2 peaks left. Please try to reduce the markers")
## reset the peak ranges
w <- width(peaks)
w1 <- ceiling(ceiling(w/window_size) * window_size / 2)
start(peaks) <- end(peaks) <- ceiling((start(peaks) + end(peaks))/2)
start(peaks) <- start(peaks) - w1
width(peaks) <- 2 * w1
peaks <- slidingWindows(peaks, width = window_size, step = step)
pid <- rep(seq_along(peaks), lengths(peaks))
pid2 <- unlist(lapply(lengths(peaks), FUN = seq.int))
peaks <- unlist(peaks)
peaks$id <- paste(pid, pid2, sep="_")
#peaks <- peaks[width(peaks)==window_size]
Enhancers(genome = genome, peaks = peaks)
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