#' @title differential binding analysis
#' @description use DBF to test differential peaks
#' @param counts output of \link{countTable}
#' @param ... parameters could be passed to \link[DESeq2]{DESeqDataSet}
#' @return an list of \link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}
#' @import DESeq2
#' @import IRanges
#' @import BiocGenerics
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust pgamma
#' @importFrom ecodist MRM
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("extdata", package = "diffPeaks", mustWork = TRUE)
#' bamfiles <- dir(path, "bam$")
#' peaks <- dir(path, "bed$")
#' p <- mergePeaks(file.path(path, peaks))
#' colData <- DataFrame(samples=bamfiles, condition=sub(".rep..bam", "", bamfiles))
#' cnt <- countTable(p, file.path(path, bamfiles), colData)
#' DBFpeaks(cnt, design= ~condition)
DBFpeaks <- function(counts, ...){
## check the length of each peak,
## case 2: use the DESeq2 results, combine two results
## case 3: use the DESeq2 results, combine three results
## case 4~: use DBF.test
colData <- colData(counts$tile.feature)
gr <- rowRanges(counts$tile.feature)
comparison <- ""
dds <- DESeqDataSet(counts$tile.feature, ...)
dds <- DESeq(dds, betaPrior = FALSE, fitType = "local")
rld <- rlog(dds, blind = FALSE)
tile.cnt <- assay(rld)
tile.cnt <- as.data.frame(tile.cnt)
if(length(resultsNames(dds))==2 && resultsNames(dds)[1]=="Intercept"){
res <- results(dds)
resLFC <- lfcShrink(dds, coef = 2, res = res)
gr1 <- gr
mcols(gr1) <- cbind(mcols(gr), resLFC)
comparison <- strsplit(resultsNames(dds)[2], "_")[[1]][-3]
stop("Only simple comparison is supported.")
groups <- colData[, comparison[1]]
gpA <- comparison[2]
gpB <- comparison[3]
if(sum(groups %in% gpA)!=sum(groups %in% gpB)){
stop("unbalanced groups are not supported.")
tile.cnt.s <- split(tile.cnt, as.character(gr$X))
tile.cnt.dbf <- lapply(tile.cnt.s, function(.ele){
data <- rbind(as.matrix(unname(.ele[, which(groups %in% gpA)])),
as.matrix(unname(.ele[, which(groups %in% gpB)])))
rownames(data) <- NULL
maxDist <- rowSums(data)
maxDist <- maxDist[seq.int(nrow(.ele))] -
maxDist[nrow(.ele) + (seq.int(nrow(.ele)))]
maxDist <- maxDist[which.max(abs(maxDist))]
baseMean <- 2^mean(as.matrix(.ele))
group.labels <- rep(c(gpA, gpB), each=nrow(.ele))
stats <- tryCatch(DBF.test(as.matrix(ecodist::distance(data, "mahalanobis")),
group.labels, nrow(data)),
error=function(e){return(c(NA, NA))})
c(baseMean=baseMean, log2FoldChange=maxDist, stats)
tile.cnt.n <- as.numeric(names(tile.cnt.dbf))
tile.cnt.dbf <- do.call(rbind, tile.cnt.dbf)
dbf.res <- data.frame(X=tile.cnt.n, tile.cnt.dbf)
dbf.res <- dbf.res[match(seq_along(rowRanges(counts$feature)), dbf.res$X), ]
dbf.res$padj <- p.adjust(dbf.res$dbf.p.value, method="BH")
## case 2
## case 3
gr1 <- gr1[order(gr1$pvalue, decreasing = FALSE)]
gr1 <- gr1[!duplicated(gr1$X)]
gr1 <- gr1[order(gr1$X, decreasing = FALSE)]
gr1$range <- paste(start(gr1), end(gr1), sep="-")
ranges(gr1) <- ranges(counts$feature)
gr1$type <- "subRange"
## case 4~
nNA <- !is.na(dbf.res$dbf.p.value)
gr1[nNA]$type <- "curveComparison"
gr1[nNA]$baseMean <- dbf.res[nNA, "baseMean"]
gr1[nNA]$log2FoldChange <- dbf.res[nNA, "log2FoldChange"]
gr1[nNA]$stat <- dbf.res[nNA, "dbf.statistic"]
gr1[nNA]$pvalue <- dbf.res[nNA, "dbf.p.value"]
gr1[nNA]$padj <- dbf.res[nNA, "padj"] ## adjust p value too high.
gr2 <- split(gr, as.character(gr$X))
gr2 <- unlist(GRangesList(lapply(gr2, range)))
gr2 <- gr2[order(as.numeric(names(gr2)))]
stopifnot(identical(as.integer(names(gr2)), seq_along(gr1)))
gr1[nNA]$range <- paste(start(gr2), end(gr2), sep="-")[nNA]
gr1$X <- NULL
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