#' Trim peaks
#' Filter the peaks by pvalue and trim the range of peaks
#' for an NAD or ChIP-seq experiment without biological replicates.
#' @param se An object of
#' \link[SummarizedExperiment:RangedSummarizedExperiment-class]{RangedSummarizedExperiment}
#' with assays of raw counts, ratios, background corrected ratios,
#' smoothed ratios and z-scores. It should be an element of the output of
#' \link{smoothRatiosByChromosome}
#' @param cutoffAdjPvalue numeric(1). Cutoff of adjusted p-value.
#' @param padjust.method character(1). The method to use for adjusting p-values, which is passed
#' to p.adjust function
#' @param backgroundPercentage numeric(1). Cutoff value for the peaks height.
#' @param countFilter numeric(1) or integer(1). Cutoff value for mean of
#' raw reads count of the Nucleolar/ChIP samples in each window.
#' @param ratioAssay character(1). The name of assay in se, which store the
#' values to be smoothed.
#' @param backgroundCorrectedAssay,smoothedRatioAssay,zscoreAssay Assays names
#' for background-corrected ratios, smoothed ratios and z-scores based on
#' background corrected ratios.
#' @return An object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile p.adjust
#' @examples
#' data(single.count)
#' se <- single.count
#' dat <- log2se(se, nucleolusCols="N18.subsampled.srt.bam", genomeCols="G18.subsampled.srt.bam",
#' transformation="log2CPMRatio")
#' ## Smooth the ratios for each chromosome.
#' dat <- smoothRatiosByChromosome(dat, N=100, chr=c("chr18","chr19"))
#' peaks <- trimPeaks(dat[["chr18"]],
#' backgroundPercentage=.25,
#' cutoffAdjPvalue=0.05, countFilter=1000)
trimPeaks <- function(se,
cutoffAdjPvalue = 0.05,
padjust.method = "BH",
backgroundPercentage = .25,
countFilter = 1000,
ratioAssay = "ratio",
backgroundCorrectedAssay = "bcRatio",
smoothedRatioAssay = "smoothedRatio",
zscoreAssay = "zscore")
backgroundPercentage2 = .5
stopifnot(backgroundPercentage > 0 && backgroundPercentage < 1)
stopifnot(class(se) == "RangedSummarizedExperiment")
asyNames <- c(
if (any(!asyNames %in% names(assays(se))))
"se must be a list contain assays of nucleolus, genome,",
sep = ", "
chr <- rowRanges(se)
## NO,this might not the case for the last window of each chromosome
# if (!all(width(chr) == width(chr)[1]))
# {
# stop("The width of rowRanges should be identical.")
# }
windowSize <- width(chr)[1]
sampleLen <- ncol(assays(se)[[zscoreAssay]])
## this function is for single sample. For multiple samples, use callPeaks
if (sampleLen != 1)
"This function is for single sample.",
"For multiple samples, please try callPeaks.")
## prepare data
mcols(chr) <- do.call(cbind, assays(se)[asyNames])
colnames(mcols(chr)) <- asyNames
## call peaks by zscore.
mcols(chr) <-
DataFrame(groupZscores(mcols(chr)[, zscoreAssay])[, -1]))
r <- quantile(mcols(chr)[, smoothedRatioAssay],
probs = c(0, backgroundPercentage, 1))
## filter
#chr <-
# chr[rowMeans(as.data.frame(mcols(chr)[, seq_len(which(colnames(mcols(chr)) ==
# ratioAssay) - 1)])) > countFilter]
chr <- chr[mcols(chr)[, which(colnames(mcols(chr)) == ratioAssay) - 2] > countFilter]
#### filter windows with lower zscore (1.696 corresponds to 1 percentile - two tailed)
chr <- chr[mcols(chr)[, which(colnames(mcols(chr)) == "zscore")] > 1.696]
group.p <- unique(mcols(chr)[, which(colnames(mcols(chr)) %in% c("group", "pvalue"))])
adjustedPvalue <- p.adjust(group.p[,2], method = padjust.method)
group.p <-cbind(group.p, adjustedPvalue)
adjustedPvalue <- group.p[match(mcols(chr)$group, group.p[,1]),3]
mcols(chr) <- cbind(mcols(chr), adjustedPvalue)
chr <-
chr[chr$adjustedPvalue < cutoffAdjPvalue &
mcols(chr)[, smoothedRatioAssay] > r[2]]
## return if not peak
if (length(chr) == 0)
mcols(chr) <- DataFrame(zscore = numeric(0), pvalue = numeric(0), adjustedPvalue = numeric(0))
colnames(mcols(chr)) <- c(zscoreAssay, "pvalue", "adjustedPvalue")
chr <- split(chr, chr$group)
## trim peaks by cut from shoulder
chr.rd <- lapply(chr, function(.e) {
test <- 0
if (test)
.idx <- which(.e$grp.zscore[1] == mcols(.e)[, zscoreAssay])[1]
if (!is.na(.idx))
.leftmin <- min(mcols(.e)[seq_len(.idx), smoothedRatioAssay],
na.rm = TRUE)
.rightmin <-
min(mcols(.e)[.idx:length(.e), smoothedRatioAssay],
na.rm = TRUE)
.z <-
zscoreOverBck(mcols(.e)[, backgroundCorrectedAssay],
.e <- .e[.z > 0 & mcols(.e)[, smoothedRatioAssay] >
max(.leftmin, .rightmin, na.rm = TRUE)]
.e <- .e[-length(.e)]
ra <- range(.e)
if (length(.e) > 0)
mcols(ra)[, zscoreAssay] <- .e$grp.zscore[1]
ra$pvalue <- .e$pvalue[1]
ra$adjustedPvalue <- .e$adjustedPvalue[1]
} else
mcols(ra) <- DataFrame(zscore = numeric(0), pvalue = numeric(0), adjustedPvalue = numeric(0))
colnames(mcols(ra)) <- c(zscoreAssay, "pvalue", "adjustedPvalue")
chr.rd <- unlist(GRangesList(chr.rd))
## trim the peaks to avoid overlaps
## wh <- ceiling(windowSize/2)
wh <- ceiling(windowSize / 20)
start(chr.rd) <- start(chr.rd) + wh
end(chr.rd) <- end(chr.rd) - wh
chr.rd <- sort(chr.rd)
s <- start(chr.rd)
e <- end(chr.rd)
idx <- which(e[-length(e)] > s[-1])
if (length(idx) > 0)
end(chr.rd)[idx] <- start(chr.rd)[idx + 1] - wh
start(chr.rd)[idx + 1] <- start(chr.rd)[idx + 1] + wh
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