
Defines functions setup_CPsSearch setup_parCPsSearch

Documented in setup_CPsSearch setup_parCPsSearch

#' Prepare data for predicting cleavage and polyadenylation (CP) sites using
#'   parallel computing
#' @param sqlite_db A path to the SQLite database for InPAS, i.e. the output of
#'   [setup_sqlitedb()].
#' @param genome An object of [BSgenome::BSgenome-class]
#' @param utr3 An object of [GenomicRanges::GRangesList-class], the output of
#'   [extract_UTR3Anno()]
#' @param seqnames A character(1), the names of all chromosomes/scaffolds with
#'   both coverage and 3' UTR annotation. Users can get this by calling the
#'   get_chromosomes().
#' @param background A character(1) vector, the range for calculating cutoff
#'   threshold of local background. It can be "same_as_long_coverage_threshold",
#'   "1K", "5K","10K", or "50K".
#' @param TxDb an object of [GenomicFeatures::TxDb-class]
#' @param hugeData A logical(1) vector, indicating whether it is huge data
#' @param outdir A character(1) vector, a path with write permission for storing
#'   InPAS analysis results. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
#' @param silence report progress or not. By default it doesn't report progress.
#' @param minZ A numeric(1), a Z score cutoff value
#' @param cutStart An integer(1) vector a numeric(1) vector. What percentage or
#'   how many nucleotides should be removed from 5' extremities before searching
#'   for CP sites? It can be a decimal between 0, and 1, or an integer greater
#'   than 1. 0.1 means 10 percent, 25 means cut first 25 bases
#' @param MINSIZE A integer(1) vector, specifying the minimal length in bp of a
#'   short/proximal 3' UTR. Default, 10
#' @param coverage_threshold An integer(1) vector, specifying the cutoff
#'   threshold of coverage for first 100 nucleotides. If the coverage of first
#'   100 nucleotides is lower than coverage_threshold, that transcript will be
#'   not considered for further analysis. Default, 5.
#' @param future.chunk.size The average number of elements per future
#'   ("chunk"). If Inf, then all elements are processed in a single future.
#'   If NULL, then argument future.scheduling = 1 is used by default. Users can
#'   set future.chunk.size = total number of elements/number of cores set for
#'   the backend. See the future.apply package for details.
#' @param chr2exclude A character vector, NA or NULL, specifying chromosomes or
#'   scaffolds to be excluded for InPAS analysis. `chrM` and alternative scaffolds
#'   representing different haplotypes should be excluded.
#' @return A list of list as described below:
#'   \describe{\item{background}{The type of methods for background
#'                    coverage calculation}
#'             \item{z2s}{Z-score cutoff thresholds for each 3' UTRs}
#'             \item{depth.weight}{A named vector containing depth weight}
#'             \item{chr.cov.merge}{A list of matrice storing condition/sample-
#'             specific coverage for 3' UTR and next.exon.gap (if exist)}
#'             \item{conn_next_utr3}{A logical vector, indicating whether a 3'UTR
#'             has a convergent 3' UTR of its downstream transcript}
#'             \item{chr.utr3}{A GRangesList, storing extracted 3' UTR annotation
#'             of transcript on a given chr}
#'             }
#' @import S4Vectors Biobase GenomicRanges GenomicFeatures methods
#' @importFrom plyranges as_granges complement_ranges disjoin_ranges filter
#'   group_by mutate reduce_ranges reduce_ranges_directed remove_names select
#'   set_genome_info shift_downstream summarise
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths seqlevelsStyle mapSeqlevels seqlevels
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu

setup_parCPsSearch <- function(sqlite_db,
                               genome = getInPASGenome(),
                               background = c(
                                 "1K", "5K", "10K", "50K"
                               TxDb = getInPASTxDb(),
                               future.chunk.size = 1,
                               chr2exclude = getChr2Exclude(),
                               hugeData = TRUE,
                               outdir = getInPASOutputDirectory(),
                               silence = FALSE,
                               minZ = 2,
                               cutStart = 10,
                               MINSIZE = 10,
                               coverage_threshold = 5) {
  if (!is.null(chr2exclude) && !is.character(chr2exclude)) {
    stop("chr2Exclude must be NULL or a character vector")
  if (!is.character(outdir) || length(outdir) != 1) {
    stop("An explicit output directory is required")
  if (missing(utr3)) {
    stop("chr.utr3 are required.")
  if (!is(utr3, "GRangesList")) {
      "utr3 must be a GRangesList object, outputted by the function of ",
  if (!is(TxDb, "TxDb")) {
    stop("TxDb must be a TxDb object")
  if (!is(genome, "BSgenome")) {
    stop("genome must be an object of BSgenome.")

  if (seqlevelsStyle(names(utr3)) != seqlevelsStyle(genome)) {
    stop("The seqlevelsStyle of utr3 must be same as genome")
  if (missing(sqlite_db) || length(sqlite_db) != 1 ||
    !file.exists(sqlite_db)) {
    stop("sqlite_db, a path to the SQLite database is required!")
  lock_filename <- getLockName()
  if (!file.exists(lock_filename)) {
      "lock_filename must be an existing file.",
      "Please call addLockName() first!"
  if (missing(seqnames) || !is.character(seqnames)) {
    stop("seqnames of length > 1 is required")
  seqnames <- seqnames[!seqnames %in% chr2exclude]
  if (length(seqnames) == 0) {
    stop("After excluding unwanted chromosomes, no chromosome left")
  background <- match.arg(
    arg = background,
    choices = c(
      "1K", "5K", "10K", "50K"

  null <- future_lapply(seqnames, function(.x) {
      sqlite_db = sqlite_db,
      genome = genome,
      chr.utr3 = utr3[[.x]],
      seqname = .x,
      background = background,
      TxDb = TxDb,
      hugeData = hugeData,
      outdir = outdir,
      silence = silence,
      minZ = minZ,
      cutStart = cutStart,
      coverage_threshold = coverage_threshold
  }, future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size)

#' prepare data for predicting cleavage and polyadenylation (CP) sites
#' @param sqlite_db A path to the SQLite database for InPAS, i.e. the output of
#'   [setup_sqlitedb()].
#' @param genome An object of [BSgenome::BSgenome-class]
#' @param chr.utr3 An object of [GenomicRanges::GRanges-class], an element of the
#'   output of [extract_UTR3Anno()]
#' @param seqname A character(1), the name of a chromosome/scaffold
#' @param background A character(1) vector, the range for calculating cutoff
#'   threshold of local background. It can be "same_as_long_coverage_threshold",
#'   "1K", "5K","10K", or "50K".
#' @param TxDb an object of [GenomicFeatures::TxDb-class]
#' @param hugeData A logical(1) vector, indicating whether it is huge data
#' @param outdir A character(1) vector, a path with write permission for storing
#'   InPAS analysis results. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
#' @param silence report progress or not. By default it doesn't report progress.
#' @param minZ A numeric(1), a Z score cutoff value
#' @param cutStart An integer(1) vector a numeric(1) vector. What percentage or
#'   how many nucleotides should be removed from 5' extremities before searching
#'   for CP sites? It can be a decimal between 0, and 1, or an integer greater
#'   than 1. 0.1 means 10 percent, 25 means cut first 25 bases
#' @param MINSIZE A integer(1) vector, specifying the minimal length in bp of a
#'   short/proximal 3' UTR. Default, 10
#' @param coverage_threshold An integer(1) vector, specifying the cutoff
#'   threshold of coverage for first 100 nucleotides. If the coverage of first
#'   100 nucleotides is lower than coverage_threshold, that transcript will be
#'   not considered for further analysis. Default, 5.
#' @return A file storing a list as described below:
#'   \describe{\item{background}{The type of methods for background
#'                    coverage calculation}
#'             \item{z2s}{Z-score cutoff thresholds for each 3' UTRs}
#'             \item{depth.weight}{A named vector containing depth weight}
#'             \item{chr.cov.merge}{A matrix storing condition/sample-specific
#'             coverage for 3' UTR and next.exon.gap (if exist)}
#'             \item{conn_next_utr3}{A logical vector, indicating whether a 3'UTR
#'             has a convergent 3' UTR of its downstream transcript}
#'             \item{chr.utr3}{A GRangesList, storing extracted 3' UTR annotation
#'             of transcript on a given chr}
#'             }
#' @import S4Vectors Biobase GenomicRanges GenomicFeatures methods
#' @importFrom plyranges as_granges complement_ranges disjoin_ranges filter
#'   group_by mutate reduce_ranges reduce_ranges_directed remove_names select
#'   set_genome_info shift_downstream summarise
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths seqlevelsStyle mapSeqlevels seqlevels
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
#'   library("TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene")
#'   genome <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
#'   TxDb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
#'   ## load UTR3 annotation and convert it into a GRangesList
#'   data(utr3.mm10)
#'   utr3 <- split(utr3.mm10, seqnames(utr3.mm10), drop = TRUE)
#'   bedgraphs <- system.file("extdata", c(
#'     "Baf3.extract.bedgraph",
#'     "UM15.extract.bedgraph"
#'   ),
#'   package = "InPAS"
#'   )
#'   tags <- c("Baf3", "UM15")
#'   metadata <- data.frame(
#'     tag = tags,
#'     condition = c("Baf3", "UM15"),
#'     bedgraph_file = bedgraphs
#'   )
#'   outdir <- tempdir()
#'   write.table(metadata,
#'     file = file.path(outdir, "metadata.txt"),
#'     sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
#'   )
#'   sqlite_db <- setup_sqlitedb(
#'     metadata = file.path(
#'       outdir,
#'       "metadata.txt"
#'     ),
#'     outdir
#'   )
#'   addLockName(filename = tempfile())
#'   coverage <- list()
#'   for (i in seq_along(bedgraphs)) {
#'     coverage[[tags[i]]] <- get_ssRleCov(
#'       bedgraph = bedgraphs[i],
#'       tag = tags[i],
#'       genome = genome,
#'       sqlite_db = sqlite_db,
#'       outdir = outdir,
#'       chr2exclude = "chrM"
#'     )
#'   }
#'   data4CPsitesSearch <- setup_CPsSearch(sqlite_db,
#'     genome,
#'     chr.utr3 = utr3[["chr6"]],
#'     seqname = "chr6",
#'     background = "10K",
#'     TxDb = TxDb,
#'     hugeData = TRUE,
#'     outdir = outdir
#'   )
#' }
setup_CPsSearch <- function(sqlite_db,
                            genome = getInPASGenome(),
                            background = c(
                              "1K", "5K", "10K", "50K"
                            TxDb = getInPASTxDb(),
                            hugeData = TRUE,
                            outdir = getInPASOutputDirectory(),
                            silence = FALSE,
                            minZ = 2,
                            cutStart = 10,
                            MINSIZE = 10,
                            coverage_threshold = 5) {
  gcCompensation <- NA
  mappabilityCompensation <- NA
  fft.sm.power <- 20

  if (!is.character(outdir) || length(outdir) != 1) {
    stop("An explicit output directory is required")
  } else {
    outdir_total <- file.path(outdir, "004.TotalCov.out")
    if (!dir.exists(outdir_total)) {
        recursive = TRUE,
        showWarnings = FALSE
    outdir_total <- normalizePath(outdir_total)

    outdir_utr3 <- file.path(outdir, "005.UTR3TotalCov.out")
    if (!dir.exists(outdir_utr3)) {
        recursive = TRUE,
        showWarnings = FALSE
    outdir_utr3 <- normalizePath(outdir_utr3)

  if (missing(chr.utr3)) {
    stop("chr.utr3 are required.")
  if (!is(chr.utr3, "GRanges") ||
    !all(chr.utr3$feature %in% c("utr3", "next.exon.gap", "CDS"))) {
      "utr3 must be one element of the output of function of ",
  if (!is(genome, "BSgenome")) {
    stop("genome must be an object of BSgenome.")

  if (seqlevelsStyle(chr.utr3) != seqlevelsStyle(genome)) {
    stop("The seqlevelsStyle of utr3 must be same as genome")
  if (missing(sqlite_db) || length(sqlite_db) != 1 ||
    !file.exists(sqlite_db)) {
    stop("sqlite_db, a path to the SQLite database is required!")
  lock_filename <- getLockName()
  if (!file.exists(lock_filename)) {
      "lock_filename must be an existing file.",
      "Please call addLockName() first!"

  background <- match.arg(
    arg = background,
    choices = c(
      "1K", "5K", "10K", "50K"
  introns <- GRanges()
  if (background != "same_as_long_coverage_threshold") {
    if (missing(TxDb) || !is(TxDb, "TxDb")) {
      stop("TxDb is missing when you want local background")
    if (!seqname %in% seqlevels(TxDb)) {
      stop("seqname", seqname, "is not included in TxDb")
    seqlevels(TxDb) <- seqname
    introns <- unlist(intronsByTranscript(TxDb, use.names = TRUE)) %>%
      plyranges::disjoin_ranges() ## strand-unaware
    exons <- exons(TxDb) %>% plyranges::disjoin_ranges()

    intron_exons <- disjoin(c(exons, introns))
    ol.exons <- findOverlaps(exons, intron_exons)

    ## pure intronic regions
    introns <- intron_exons[-unique(subjectHits(ol.exons))]

  chr.utr3 <- chr.utr3[chr.utr3$feature != "CDS"]
  if (length(chr.utr3) == 0) {

  if (!silence) {
      "coverage per sample per chromosome start at ",
      date(), ".\n"
  ## assemble coverage data into chromosome-oriented list of Rle objects
  chr.cov <- assemble_allCov(
    sqlite_db = sqlite_db,
    seqname = seqname,
    outdir = outdir,
    genome = genome
  if (!silence) {
      "coverage per sample per chromosome done at ",
      date(), ".\n"

  ## calculate coverage weight
  file_lock <- flock::lock(lock_filename)
  db_conn <- dbConnect(
    drv = RSQLite::SQLite(),
    dbname = sqlite_db
  metadata <- dbReadTable(db_conn, "metadata")

  depth.weight <- get_depthWeight(
    metadata = metadata,
    hugeData = hugeData

  if (!silence) message("total coverage start at ", date(), ".\n")
  ## get collapsed coverage per condition per chromosome
  chr.totalCov <- get_totalCov(
    outdir = outdir_total,
    sqlite_db = sqlite_db,
    chr.cov = chr.cov,
    seqname = seqname,
    metadata = metadata,
    hugeData = hugeData
  if (!silence) message("total coverage done at ", date(), ".\n")

  ## calculate background
  z2s <- get_zScoreCutoff(
    background = background,
    chr.introns = introns,
    chr.totalCov = chr.totalCov,
    chr.utr3 = chr.utr3,
    seqname = seqname,
    z = minZ
  if (!silence) message("backgroud around 3utr done at ", date(), ".\n")

  ## get UTR3 total coverage
  chr.cov <- get_UTR3TotalCov(
    chr.utr3 = chr.utr3,
    chr.totalCov = chr.totalCov,
    gcCompensation = gcCompensation,
    mappabilityCompensation =
    FFT = FFT,
    fft.sm.power = fft.sm.power
  if (!silence) message("utr3 TotalCov done at ", date(), ".\n")

  chr.cov <- chr.cov[sapply(chr.cov, mean) > 0]
  if (length(chr.cov) == 0) {
  utr3.utr <- chr.utr3[chr.utr3$feature == "utr3"]
  utr3.gap <- chr.utr3[chr.utr3$feature == "next.exon.gap"]
  co <- countOverlaps(utr3.gap, utr3.utr,
    maxgap = 1,
    ignore.strand = TRUE
  utr3.gap <- utr3.gap[co > 1]
  chr.utr3$conn_next_utr3 <-
    chr.utr3$transcript %in% utr3.gap$transcript

  ## remove utr3 Granges without coverage
  chr.utr3 <- chr.utr3[names(chr.utr3) %in% names(chr.cov)]
  if (length(chr.utr3) == 0) {

  chr.utr3 <- split(chr.utr3, chr.utr3$transcript)
  conn_next_utr3 <- sapply(chr.utr3, function(.UTR) {

  merge_chrCov <- function(.UTR) {
    .UTR <- .UTR[order(start(.UTR))]
    chr.utr3TotalCov <- chr.cov[names(.UTR)]
    chr.utr3TotalCov <-
      mapply(function(.covList, .start, .end, .property) {
        # set names for each position
        .posList <- .start:.end

        # if not a matrix
        if (length(dim(.covList)) == 0 && !is.null(.covList)) {
          .covList <- t(.covList)
        rownames(.covList) <- paste(.property, .posList, sep = "_SEP_")
      }, chr.utr3TotalCov, start(.UTR), end(.UTR),

    chr.utr3TotalCov <- do.call(rbind, chr.utr3TotalCov)
    ## reverse the negative strand
    if (as.character(strand(.UTR))[1] == "-") {
      chr.utr3TotalCov <-
        chr.utr3TotalCov[rev(rownames(chr.utr3TotalCov)), ,
          drop = FALSE

    # if the range of "cutstart" is (0, 1), percentage;
    # otherwise, absolute bases
    if (!is.na(cutStart)) {
      if (cutStart < 1) {
        cutStart <- floor(length(chr.utr3TotalCov) * cutStart)
      if (cutStart > 0) {
        chr.utr3TotalCov <- chr.utr3TotalCov[-(1:cutStart), ,
          drop = FALSE

  chr.cov.merge <- lapply(chr.utr3, merge_chrCov)
  if (!silence) message("chromsome ", seqname, " coverage merged.\n")

  ## filter UTR3 based on coverage of the first 100 bases
  coverage_quality <- sapply(chr.cov.merge, function(.ele) {
    if (nrow(.ele[grepl("utr3_SEP_", rownames(.ele)), ,
      drop = FALSE
    ]) > MINSIZE) {
      any(colMeans(.ele[1:min(nrow(.ele), 100), ,
        drop = FALSE
      ]) > coverage_threshold)
    } else {

  chr.cov.merge <- chr.cov.merge[coverage_quality]
  conn_next_utr3 <- conn_next_utr3[coverage_quality]
  chr.utr3 <- chr.utr3[coverage_quality]

  if (!silence) {
      "Preparation for CPsite search done at ",
      date(), ".\n"

  if (length(chr.cov.merge) > 0 && length(chr.utr3) > 0) {
    CPsSearch_data <- list(
      background = background,
      z2s = z2s,
      depth.weight = depth.weight,
      chr.cov.merge = chr.cov.merge,
      conn_next_utr3 = conn_next_utr3,
      chr.utr3 = chr.utr3
    tmpfile <- file.path(
      paste(seqname, "data4CPsSearch.RDS",
        sep = "_"
    saveRDS(CPsSearch_data, file = tmpfile)

        file_lock <- flock::lock(lock_filename)
        db_conn <- dbConnect(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = sqlite_db)
        res <- dbSendStatement(
          paste0("DELETE FROM utr3_total_coverage
                                      WHERE chr = '", seqname, "';")
        ## insert into database the per-chromosome utr3_total_coverage
        res <- dbSendStatement(
          paste0("INSERT INTO
                           utr3_total_coverage (chr, coverage_file)
                           VALUES ('", seqname, "',", "'", tmpfile, "');")
      error = function(e) {
      finally = {
  } else {
jianhong/InPAS documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 10:29 p.m.