
Defines functions get_ssRleCov

Documented in get_ssRleCov

#' Get Rle coverage from a bedgraph file for a sample
#' Get RLe coverage from a bedgraph file for a sample
#' @param bedgraph A path to a bedGraph file
#' @param tag A character(1) vector, a name tag used to label the bedgraph file.
#'   It must match the tag specified in the metadata file used to setup the
#'   SQLite database
#' @param genome an object [BSgenome::BSgenome-class]. To make things easy, we
#'   suggest users creating a [BSgenome::BSgenome-class] instance from the
#'   reference genome used for read alignment. For details, see the
#'   documentation of [BSgenome::forgeBSgenomeDataPkg()].
#' @param sqlite_db A path to the SQLite database for InPAS, i.e. the output of
#'   [setup_sqlitedb()].
#' @param future.chunk.size The average number of elements per future
#'   ("chunk"). If Inf, then all elements are processed in a single future.
#'   If NULL, then argument future.scheduling = 1 is used by default. Users can
#'   set future.chunk.size = total number of elements/number of cores set for
#'   the backend. See the future.apply package for details. You may adjust
#'   this number based based on the available computing resource: CPUs and RAM.
#'   This parameter affects the time for converting coverage from bedgraph to Rle.
#' @param chr2exclude A character vector, NA or NULL, specifying chromosomes or
#'   scaffolds to be excluded for InPAS analysis. `chrM` and alternative scaffolds
#'   representing different haplotypes should be excluded.
#' @param outdir A character(1) vector, a path with write permission for storing
#'   InPAS analysis results. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
#' @return A data frame, as described below.
#'   \describe{
#'            \item{tag}{the sample tag}
#'            \item{chr}{chromosome name}
#'            \item{coverage_file}{path to Rle coverage files for each chromosome
#'             per sample tag}
#'           }
#' @importFrom dplyr as_tibble mutate filter arrange bind_rows group_by
#'   left_join summarise n bind_cols syms desc pull
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqlengths seqlevelsStyle mapSeqlevels
#' @import readr RSQLite S4Vectors GenomicRanges flock
#' @importFrom future.apply future_lapply
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
#' @examples
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   library(BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10)
#'   genome <- BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10
#'   bedgraphs <- system.file("extdata", c(
#'     "Baf3.extract.bedgraph",
#'     "UM15.extract.bedgraph"
#'   ),
#'   package = "InPAS"
#'   )
#'   tags <- c("Baf3", "UM15")
#'   metadata <- data.frame(
#'     tag = tags,
#'     condition = c("Baf3", "UM15"),
#'     bedgraph_file = bedgraphs
#'   )
#'   outdir <- tempdir()
#'   write.table(metadata,
#'     file = file.path(outdir, "metadata.txt"),
#'     sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE
#'   )
#'   sqlite_db <- setup_sqlitedb(
#'     metadata = file.path(
#'       outdir,
#'       "metadata.txt"
#'     ),
#'     outdir
#'   )
#'   addLockName()
#'   coverage_info <- get_ssRleCov(
#'     bedgraph = bedgraphs[1],
#'     tag = tags[1],
#'     genome = genome,
#'     sqlite_db = sqlite_db,
#'     outdir = outdir,
#'     chr2exclude = "chrM"
#'   )
#'   # check read coverage depth
#'   db_connect <- dbConnect(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = sqlite_db)
#'   dbReadTable(db_connect, "metadata")
#'   dbDisconnect(db_connect)
#' }
get_ssRleCov <- function(bedgraph,
                         genome = getInPASGenome(),
                         future.chunk.size = NULL,
                         outdir = getInPASOutputDirectory(),
                         chr2exclude = getChr2Exclude()) {
  if (!is(genome, "BSgenome")) {
    stop("genome,an object of BSgenome, required.")
  if (missing(tag) || missing(bedgraph)) {
    stop("tags and bedgraphs are required.")
  if (length(bedgraph) != 1 || length(tag) != 1) {
    stop("length of bedgraph must be 1")
  if (!file.exists(bedgraph)) {
    stop("bedgraph file does not exist")
  if (!is.character(outdir) || length(outdir) != 1) {
    stop("A writable output directory is required!")
  if (missing(sqlite_db) || !file.exists(sqlite_db)) {
    stop("The SQLite database for InPAS is required!")
  if (!is.null(chr2exclude) && !is.character(chr2exclude)) {
    stop("chr2Exclude must be NULL, or a character vector")
  lock_filename <- getLockName()
  if (!file.exists(lock_filename)) {
      "lock_filename must be an existing file.",
      "Please call addLockName() first!"
  seqnames.bedfile <-
      comment = "#",
      col_names = FALSE, skip = 0,
      col_types = cols(
        X1 = col_factor(),
        X2 = "-", X3 = "-", X4 = "-"
    ))[, 1]

  seqnames <- trim_seqnames(genome, chr2exclude)

  seqStyle <- seqlevelsStyle(genome)
  seqStyle.bed <- seqlevelsStyle(levels(seqnames.bedfile))

  if (any(seqStyle.bed != seqStyle)) {
    stop("seqlevelsStyle of genome is different from bedgraph file.")
  seqnames <- sort(intersect(levels(seqnames.bedfile), seqnames))
  if (length(seqnames) < 1) {
      "there is no intersect seqname in",
      bedgraph, "and the genome"

  ## save coverage file of each chr of a sample into a directory
  ## called "samplewise_RleCov"
  outdir <- file.path(outdir, "002.samplewise.RleCov", tag)
  if (!dir.exists(outdir)) {
    dir.create(outdir, recursive = TRUE)
  outdir <- normalizePath(outdir, mustWork = TRUE)

  seqLen <- get_seqLen(genome, chr2exclude)

  summaryFunction <- function(seqname) {
    seqL <- seqLen[seqname]

    ## apply some trick here by using "FALSE"
    lines2read <- Rle(c(FALSE, seqnames.bedfile == seqname))
    true <- which(runValue(lines2read))
    skip <- runLength(lines2read)[true - 1]
    skip[1] <- skip[1] - 1
    nrow <- runLength(lines2read)[true]

    dat <- read_tsv(bedgraph,
      comment = "#",
      col_names = FALSE,
      skip = skip[1],
      n_max = nrow[1],
      col_types = cols(
        X1 = "-", X2 = "i",
        X3 = "i", X4 = "d"

    if (length(true) > 1) { ## this should never happen for bedgraph files
      cul_skip <- skip[1] + nrow[1]
      for (i in 2:length(true)) {
        cul_skip <- cul_skip + skip[i]
        lines <-
            comment = "#",
            col_names = FALSE,
            skip = cul_skip,
            n_max = nrow[i],
            col_types = cols(
              X1 = "-", X2 = "i",
              X3 = "i", X4 = "d"
        dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat, lines)
        cul_skip <- cul_skip + nrow[i]
    ## convert bedgraph 0-based index to 1-based index for GRanges
    dat <- dat %>% dplyr::mutate(X2 = X2 + 1)

    ## convert uncovered regions as gaps
    ## This step can be avoided when generate bedgraph with bedtools:
    ## bedtools genomecov -bga -split -ibam  <coordinate-sorted BAM file>
    gaps <-
        dplyr::pull(dat, 1),
        dplyr::pull(dat, 2)
      start = 1, end = seqL
    if (nrow(gaps) > 0) {
      gaps <- dplyr::bind_cols(gaps[, 1:2],
        V4 = rep(0, nrow(gaps))
      colnames(gaps) <- colnames(dat)
      dat <- dplyr::bind_rows(dat, gaps)

    dat <- dat %>%
      dplyr::arrange(X2) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(width = X3 - X2 + 1)
    seqname_cov <- Rle(dplyr::pull(dat, 3), dplyr::pull(dat, width))

    filename <- file.path(
      paste(tag, seqname, "RleCov.RDS", sep = "_")
    saveRDS(seqname_cov, file = filename)
    cov_file <- list(
      seqname = seqname_cov,
      filename = filename,
      depth = sum(as.double(runLength(seqname_cov) *
    names(cov_file)[1] <- seqname

  ## get coverage
  cvg <- future_lapply(seqnames, summaryFunction,
    future.stdout = NA,
    future.chunk.size = future.chunk.size

  depth <- sum(sapply(cvg, function(.cov) {
  coverage_file <- sapply(cvg, function(.cov) {


  filename_df <- data.frame(
    tag = tag,
    chr = seqnames,
    coverage_file = coverage_file
  update_db <- function(lock_filename, sqlite_db, filename_df)
              file_lock <- flock::lock(lock_filename)
              db_conn <- dbConnect(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = sqlite_db)
              res <- dbSendStatement(
                      "UPDATE metadata SET depth = ",
                      depth, " WHERE tag = '",
                      tag, "';"
              ## remove existing record for the same "tag"
              res <- dbSendStatement(
                      "DELETE FROM sample_coverage WHERE tag = '",
                      tag, "';"
              res <- dbSendStatement(
                  "INSERT INTO
                       sample_coverage (tag, chr, coverage_file)
                       VALUES (:tag, :chr, :coverage_file);",
          error = function(e) {
          finally = {
      db_conn <- dbConnect(drv = RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = sqlite_db)
      metadata <- dbReadTable(db_conn, "metadata")
      fail <- metadata$depth[metadata$tag == tag] == 0
  fail <- TRUE
  while (fail) 
      fail <- update_db(lock_filename, sqlite_db, filename_df)
jianhong/InPAS documentation built on Jan. 3, 2025, 10:29 p.m.