
Defines functions featureAlignedSignal

Documented in featureAlignedSignal

#' extract signals in given ranges
#' extract signals in the given feature ranges
#' @param cvglists List of \link[IRanges:AtomicList-class]{SimpleRleList} or
#' \link[IRanges:AtomicList-class]{RleList}
#' @param feature.gr An object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GRanges}
#' with identical width.
#' @param upstream,downstream Set the feature.gr to upstream and dwonstream
#' from the center of the feature.gr if they are set.
#' @param n.tile The number of tiles to generate for each element of
#' feature.gr, default is 100
#' @param ... Not used.
#' @return A list of matrix. In each matrix, each row record the signals for
#' corresponding feature. rownames of the matrix show the seqnames and
#' coordinates.
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @seealso See Also as \link{featureAlignedHeatmap},
#' \link{featureAlignedDistribution}
#' @keywords misc
#' @export
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics width start end strand `%in%`
#' @importFrom S4Vectors runLength runValue Rle
#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb seqnames seqlengths 
#' @examples
#'   cvglists <- list(A=RleList(chr1=Rle(sample.int(5000, 100), 
#'                                       sample.int(300, 100))), 
#'                    B=RleList(chr1=Rle(sample.int(5000, 100), 
#'                                       sample.int(300, 100))))
#'   feature.gr <- GRanges("chr1", IRanges(seq(1, 4900, 100), width=100))
#'   featureAlignedSignal(cvglists, feature.gr)
featureAlignedSignal <- function(cvglists, feature.gr, 
                                 upstream, downstream, 
                                 n.tile=100, ...){
  stopifnot(is(feature.gr, "GRanges"))
  grWidr <- unique(width(feature.gr))
  if(missing(upstream) || missing(downstream)){
      stop("The width of feature.gr is not identical.")
    if(!is.numeric(upstream) || !is.numeric(downstream)){
      stop("upstream and downstream must be integers")
    if(upstream<0 || downstream<0){
      stop("upstream and downstream must be not less than 0")
    upstream <- as.integer(upstream)
    downstream <- as.integer(downstream)
    if(length(grWidr)!=1 || any(grWidr!=1)){
      start(feature.gr) <- start(feature.gr)+floor(width(feature.gr)/2)
      width(feature.gr) <- 1
      warning("feature.gr is set to the center of feature.gr")
    feature.gr <- promoters(feature.gr, upstream = upstream,
                            downstream = downstream + 1)
    grWidr <- unique(width(feature.gr))
    warning("Some start position of the peaks are less than 1!",
            "They will be filtered.")
    feature.gr <- feature.gr[start(feature.gr)>0]
    stop("Length of feature.gr less than 2.")
  if(inherits(cvglists, c("SimpleRleList", "RleList", "CompressedRleList"))){
    cvglistsName <- substitute(deparse(cvglists))
    cvglists <- list(cvglists)
    names(cvglists) <- cvglistsName
  if(!is(cvglists, "list")){
    stop("cvglists must be a list of SimpleRleList or RleList")
  cls <- sapply(cvglists, inherits, 
                what = c("SimpleRleList", "RleList", "CompressedRleList"))
    stop("cvglists must be a list of SimpleRleList or RleList")
  seqLen <-  lapply(cvglists, function(.ele) 
    sapply(.ele, function(.e) sum(runLength(.e))))
  seqLen.keep <- table(unlist(sapply(seqLen, names)))==length(cvglists)
  seqLen <- seqLen[[1]][seqLen.keep]
  seqLen <- seqLen[!is.na(seqLen)]
    feature.gr.subset <- 
      feature.gr[seqnames(feature.gr) %in% names(seqLen)]
      warning("Some end position of the peaks are out of bound!",
              "They will be filtered.")
      feature.gr <- 
        feature.gr.subset[end(feature.gr.subset) <=
  #feature.gr.bck <- feature.gr
  n.tile <- round(n.tile)
  grL <- tile(feature.gr, n=n.tile)
  idx <- as.character(strand(feature.gr))=="-"
  if(sum(idx)>0) {
    grL.rev <- grL[idx]
    grL.rev.len <- lengths(grL.rev)
    grL.rev <- unlist(grL.rev, use.names = FALSE)
    grL.rev$oid <- rep(seq.int(length(grL[idx])), grL.rev.len)
    grL.rev <- rev(grL.rev)
    grL.rev.oid <- grL.rev$oid
    grL.rev$oid <- NULL
    grL.rev <- split(grL.rev, grL.rev.oid)
    grL[idx] <- as(grL.rev, "CompressedGRangesList")
    rm(grL.rev, grL.rev.len, grL.rev.oid)
  grL.len <- lengths(grL)
  grL <- unlist(grL)
  grL$oid <- rep(seq_along(feature.gr), grL.len)
  grL$nid <- unlist(lapply(grL.len, seq.int))
  grL.len <- length(grL)
  grL.s <- split(grL, as.character(seqnames(grL)))
  grL <- unlist(grL.s) ## make sure grL and grL.s keep the same order
  seqn <- names(grL.s)
  seql <- seqlengths(feature.gr)
  seql <- seql[seqn]
  seql.f <- range(feature.gr)
  seql.f <- seql.f[match(seqn, seqnames(seql.f))]
  seql[is.na(seql)] <- width(seql.f)[is.na(seql)] + 1
  trimChar <- function(x, width){
      len <- nchar(x)
      if(len <= width) return(x)
      return(paste0(strtrim(x, width=width), "..."))
  rowname.feature.gr <- paste0(as.character(seqnames(feature.gr)), ":",
                               start(feature.gr), "-",
  cov <- lapply(cvglists, function(.dat){
      .dat <- .dat[seqn[seqn %in% names(.dat)]]
          warning(paste(seqn[!seqn %in% names(.dat)], collapse=", "), 
                  ifelse(length(seqn[!seqn %in% names(.dat)])>1, " are", " is"), 
                  " not in cvglists. seqlevels of cvglist are ", 
                  trimChar(paste(names(.dat), collapse=", "), width=60))
          for(i in seqn[!seqn %in% names(.dat)]){
              .dat[[i]] <- Rle(0, seql[i])
      warn <- sapply(.dat, function(.ele){
          warning("cvglists contain NA values.")
      .dat <- sapply(.dat, function(.ele){
              warning("cvglists contain infinite values. ", 
                      "infinite value will be converted to NA.")
              runValue(.ele)[is.infinite(runValue(.ele))] <- NA
      .dat <- .dat[seqn]
      vw <- Views(as(.dat, "RleList"), grL.s)
      vm <- viewMeans(vw)
      vm <- unlist(vm)
      mm <- matrix(0, nrow=length(feature.gr), ncol=n.tile)
      mm[grL$oid+length(feature.gr)*(grL$nid-1)] <- vm
      rownames(mm) <- rowname.feature.gr
jianhong/ChIPpeakAnno documentation built on Jan. 4, 2025, 5:27 p.m.