Man pages for jianhong/ATACseqTFEA
Transcription Factor Enrichment Analysis for ATAC-seq

ATACseqTFEA-packageTranscription Factor Enrichment Analysis for ATAC-seq
calWeightsCalculate the weights for binding score
count5endsPrepare counts matrix for enrichment analysis
countsNormalizationNormalize counts by width of count region
DBscoreDifferential binding analysis
doTFEATranscription factor enrichment analysis
ESvolcanoplotPlot enrichment score for one transcription factor
eventsFilterFilter the RangedSummarizedExperiment objects
expandBindingSitesPrepare the genomic ranges for proximal and distal regions...
extdataData in extdata
getWeightedBindingScoreCalculate the weighted binding score
importFimoBindingSitesPrepare binding site by fimo results
plotESPlot enrichment score for one transcription factor
prepareBindingSitesPrepare binding site for TFEA
reduceByPercentageReduce by percentage of overlaps of GRanges object
TFEATranscription factor enrichment analysis
TFEAresults-classClass '"TFEAresults"'
TFEAresults-methodsThe methods for TFEAresults-class
jianhong/ATACseqTFEA documentation built on Jan. 4, 2025, 12:21 a.m.