#' scan ATAC-seq footprints infer factor occupancy genome wide
#' @description Aggregate ATAC-seq footprint for a bunch of motifs generated
#' over binding sites within the genome.
#' @param bamExp A vector of characters indicates the file names of experiment bams.
#' The bam file must be the one with shifted reads.
#' @param bamCtl A vector of characters indicates the file names of control bams.
#' The bam file must be the one with shifted reads.
#' @param indexExp,indexCtl The names of the index file of the 'BAM' file being processed;
#' This is given without the '.bai' extension.
#' @param bindingSitesList A object of \link[GenomicRanges:GRangesList-class]{GRangesList} indicates
#' candidate binding sites (eg. the output of fimo).
#' @param seqlev A vector of characters indicates the sequence levels.
#' @param proximal,distal numeric(1) or integer(1).
#' basepair for open region from binding sites (proximal) and extented region for background (distal)
#' of the binding region for aggregate ATAC-seq footprint.
#' @param gap numeric(1) or integer(1). basepair for gaps among binding sites,
#' proximal, and distal. default is 5L.
#' @param maximalBindingWidth numeric(1) or integer(1). Maximal binding sites width for
#' all the motifs. If setted, all motif binding sites will be
#' re-sized to this value.
#' @param cutoffLogFC,cutoffPValue numeric(1). Cutoff value for differential bindings.
#' @param correlatedFactorCutoff numeric(1). Cutoff value for correlated factors.
#' If the overlapping binding site within 100bp is more than cutoff, the TFs will be treated as correlated factors.
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust pnorm
#' @importFrom ChIPpeakAnno estLibSize reCenterPeaks
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignments summarizeOverlaps
#' @importFrom Biostrings matchPWM maxScore
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam
#' @import edgeR
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import IRanges
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @return a list.
#' It includes:
#' - bindingSites GRanges of binding site with hits of reads
#' - data a list with test result for each binding site
#' - results a data.frame with open score and enrichment score of motifs
#' @export
#' @author Jianhong Ou
#' @examples
#'bamfile <- system.file("extdata", "GL1.bam",
#' package="ATACseqQC")
#'bsl <- system.file("extdata", "jolma2013.motifs.bindingList.95.rds",
#' package="ATACseqQC")
#'bindingSitesList <- readRDS(bsl)
#'footprintsScanner(bamfile, seqlev="chr1", bindingSitesList=bindingSitesList)
footprintsScanner <- function(bamExp, bamCtl, indexExp=bamExp, indexCtl=bamCtl,
bindingSitesList, seqlev=paste0("chr", c(1:25, "X", "Y")),
proximal=40L, distal=proximal, gap=10L,
## compare signal vs. inputs, negative binomial test
## reads must be shifted. 5' end counts
## 2 steps:
## Step1: open region counts comparison
## Step2: binding region counts comparison
## if there is two group, exp vs input,
## open region = 50bp from binding site edge
## binding region = binding motif width
## if there is one one group, proximal (50bp) vs. distal (50bp) or auto
## distal is set to control
## output motif open score, motif enrichment score, pvalue, p-adjust,
## motifName, footprints curve data for downstream plot.
## open score = log2 fold change of open region
## enrichment score = log2 fold change of binding site
proximal <- as.integer(proximal)
distal <- as.integer(distal)
gap <- as.integer(gap)
stopifnot(proximal>10 && distal>10)
stop("bamExp is required.")
stop("bindingSitesList is required.")
mts <- lapply(bindingSitesList, function(bindingSites){
if(!is(bindingSites, "GRanges")){
stop("bindingSitesList must be a object of GRangesList")
stop("The length of elements in bindingSitesList must be greater than 1.")
bindingSites[seqnames(bindingSites) %in% seqlev]
mts <- mts[lengths(mts)>100]
stop("no enough bindingsites in given seqlev.")
mts.unlist <- unlist(GRangesList(mts), use.names = FALSE)
mts.unlist$motif <- rep(names(mts), lengths(mts))
names(mts.unlist) <-
paste0("pos", formatC(seq.int(length(mts.unlist)),
width = nchar(as.character(length(mts.unlist))),
flag = "0"))
seqlev <- intersect(seqlevels(mts.unlist), seqlev)
seqlevels(mts.unlist) <- seqlevels(mts.unlist)[seqlevels(mts.unlist) %in% seqlev]
seqinfo(mts.unlist) <- Seqinfo(seqlev, seqlengths = seqlengths(mts.unlist))
## set all binding sites width identical
maximalBindingWidth <- maximalBindingWidth[1]
mts.unlist <- reCenterPeaks(mts.unlist,
width = round(maximalBindingWidth))
mts.unlist.with.proximal <- mts.unlist.with.distal <- mts.unlist
mts.unlist.with.proximal.gap <- mts.unlist.with.distal.gap <- mts.unlist
start(mts.unlist.with.proximal) <- start(mts.unlist) - proximal - gap
end(mts.unlist.with.proximal) <- end(mts.unlist) + proximal + gap
start(mts.unlist.with.distal) <- start(mts.unlist) - proximal - 2*gap - distal
end(mts.unlist.with.distal) <- end(mts.unlist) + proximal + distal + 2*gap
start(mts.unlist.with.proximal.gap) <- start(mts.unlist) - gap
end(mts.unlist.with.proximal.gap) <- end(mts.unlist) + gap
start(mts.unlist.with.distal.gap) <- start(mts.unlist) - proximal - 2*gap
end(mts.unlist.with.distal.gap) <- end(mts.unlist) + proximal + 2*gap
## get total reads counts
bams <- data.frame(bamfiles = bamExp, index = indexExp, group="Exp", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bams <- rbind(bams,
data.frame(bamfiles = bamCtl, index = indexCtl, group="Ctl", stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
bams$libSize <- estLibSize(bamfiles = bams$bamfiles, index = bams$index)
bams$sample <- sub(".bam", "", make.names(basename(bams$bamfiles)))
## count reads by 5'ends
count5ends <- function(bam, index, chunk=100000, binding, pro, dis, pro.gap, dis.gap){
## check rowRanges order
stopifnot(all(distance(binding, pro)==0))
stopifnot(all(distance(pro, dis)==0))
bamfile <- BamFile(bam, index=index, yieldSize=chunk)
counts <- data.frame(bs=rep(0, length(binding)),
pro.gap=rep(0, length(pro.gap)),
pro=rep(0, length(pro)),
dis.gap=rep(0, length(dis.gap)),
dis=rep(0, length(dis)))
while (length(chunk0 <- readGAlignments(bamfile))) {
## keep 5' end only
chunk0 <- as(chunk0, "GRanges")
chunk0 <- promoters(chunk0, upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
## counts of binding sites
so.bs <- countOverlaps(binding, chunk0, ignore.strand=TRUE)
## counts of binding sites + gap
so.pro.gap <- countOverlaps(pro.gap, chunk0, ignore.strand=TRUE)
## counts of binding sites + proximal
so.pro <- countOverlaps(pro, chunk0, ignore.strand=TRUE)
## counts of binding sites + gap + proximal + gap
so.dis.gap <- countOverlaps(dis.gap, chunk0, ignore.strand=TRUE)
## counts of binding sites + proximal + distal
so.dis <- countOverlaps(dis, chunk0, ignore.strand=TRUE)
counts <- counts + data.frame(bs=so.bs,
counts$dis <- counts$dis - counts$dis.gap
counts$pro <- counts$pro - counts$pro.gap
counts$pro.gap <- NULL
counts$dis.gap <- NULL
rownames(counts) <- names(binding)
counts <- mapply(function(a, b) count5ends(bam=a, index=b, binding = mts.unlist,
bams$bamfiles, bams$index, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
names(counts) <- bams$sample
## filter 0 counts
keep <- lapply(counts, function(.ele) rowSums(.ele)>0)
keep <- do.call(cbind, keep)
keep <- rowSums(keep) > 0
counts <- lapply(counts, function(.ele) .ele[keep, , drop=FALSE])
mts.unlist <- mts.unlist[keep]
## normalize counts by width of count region
## normalize by width
wid <- width(mts.unlist)
names(wid) <- names(mts.unlist)
norm.counts <- lapply(counts, function(.ele){
round(.ele*max(c(wid, proximal, distal))/data.frame(bs=wid/2, pro=proximal, dis=distal))
## split the reads counts by samples
groupNames <- colnames(norm.counts[[1]])
norm.cnt <- lapply(groupNames, function(.ele) {
x <- do.call(cbind, lapply(norm.counts, `[`, i=.ele))
colnames(x) <- names(norm.counts)
names(norm.cnt) <- groupNames
## calculate the log2 fold change of open score and binding score
## open data == log2(proximal in exp) - log2(proximal in ctl)
## or log2(proximal) - log2(distal)
## binding data == log2(binding in exp) - log2(binding in ctl)
## or log2(proximal) - log2(binding) ## get positive value
## and get p value via edgeR
data <- list(openData = norm.cnt[["pro"]],
bindData = norm.cnt[["bs"]]) ## for binding site, the avoidence is enrichment, so need reverse.
grp <- bams$group
libSize <- bams$libSize
data <- list(openData = cbind(norm.cnt[["pro"]], norm.cnt[["dis"]]),
bindData = cbind(norm.cnt[["pro"]], norm.cnt[["bs"]]))
grp <- rep(c("Exp", "Ctl"), each=ncol(norm.cnt[["pro"]]))
libSize <- rep(bams$libSize, 2)
res <- lapply(data, DB, libSize=libSize, group=grp)
## reveser the enrichment for binding sites
res[["bindData"]]$logFC <- -1 * res[["bindData"]]$logFC
## split the reads counts by factor
res <- lapply(res, split, f=mts.unlist$motif)
correlationScore <- function(mts.unlist){
#if the binding site overlaps within 100bp more than half of the binding sites
ol <- findOverlaps(mts.unlist, maxgap = 100, drop.self = TRUE, drop.redundant = TRUE)
qh <- mts.unlist[queryHits(ol)]$motif
sh <- mts.unlist[subjectHits(ol)]$motif
keep <- qh!=sh
qh <- qh[keep]
sh <- sh[keep]
tab <- table(data.frame(query=qh, subject=sh))
tab2 <- table(mts.unlist$motif)
per <- apply(tab, 2, function(.ele) .ele/tab2[rownames(tab)])
per <- per[match(colnames(per), rownames(per)), ]
rownames(per) <- colnames(per)
per[is.na(per)] <- 0
cs <- correlationScore(mts.unlist)
correlatedFactors <- function(cs, cutoff=3/4){
#hc <- hclust(as.dist(cs), method = "average")
w <- which(cs>cutoff)
i <- w - nrow(cs)*floor(w/nrow(cs))
j <- ceiling(w/nrow(cs))
g <- split(c(rownames(cs)[i], colnames(cs)[j]), c(colnames(cs)[j], rownames(cs)[i]))
g <- g[rownames(cs)]
names(g) <- rownames(cs)
g <- mapply(c, g, names(g))
g <- unname(g)
g <- lapply(g, sort)
cf <- correlatedFactors(cs, cutoff = correlatedFactorCutoff)
## cutoff the values by logFC > log2(1.5) && FDR < 0.05
countTable <- function(x, fc=cutoffLogFC, pval=cutoffPValue, alternative=c("greater", "less", "both")){
alternative <- match.arg(alternative)
x <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(.ele){
.ele <- switch(alternative,
"greater"= table(.ele$logFC > fc & .ele$PValue < pval)[c("FALSE", "TRUE")],
"less" = table(.ele$logFC < -1*fc & .ele$PValue < pval)[c("FALSE", "TRUE")],
"both" = table(abs(.ele$logFC) > fc & .ele$PValue < pval)[c("FALSE", "TRUE")])
.ele[is.na(.ele)] <- 0
names(.ele) <- c("FALSE", "TRUE")
## get open or binding percentage and then Z-score
percent <- 100*x[, "TRUE"]/rowSums(x)
percent[is.infinite(percent)] <- 0
## need to remove the correlated factors?
## correlated factors,
per.clean <- sapply(cf, function(.ele){
Z <- (percent - mean(per.clean))/sd(per.clean)
Z[is.na(Z)] <- -Inf
## get p-value
pval <- pnorm(-Z) ## one side, over
cbind(score=percent, pval)
enrich.counts <- lapply(res, countTable, alternative="greater")
enrich.counts <- do.call(cbind, enrich.counts)
reduce.counts <- lapply(res, countTable, alternative="less")
reduce.counts <- do.call(cbind, reduce.counts)
alter.counts <- lapply(res, countTable, alternative="both")
alter.counts <- do.call(cbind, alter.counts)
colnames(enrich.counts) <- paste(rep(c("proximalSiteOpen", "bindingSiteEnrichment"),
colnames(enrich.counts), sep=".")
colnames(reduce.counts) <- paste(rep(c("proximalSiteClose", "bindingSiteReduction"),
colnames(reduce.counts), sep=".")
colnames(alter.counts) <- paste(rep(c("proximalSiteAlter", "bindingSiteAlter"),
colnames(alter.counts), sep=".")
stopifnot(identical(rownames(enrich.counts), rownames(reduce.counts)))
stopifnot(identical(rownames(enrich.counts), rownames(alter.counts)))
res.counts <- cbind(enrich.counts, reduce.counts, alter.counts)
#' helper function for preparing the binding list
#' @rdname footprintsScanner
#' @param pfms A list of Position frequency Matrix represented as a numeric matrix
#' with row names A, C, G and T.
#' @param genome An object of \link[BSgenome:BSgenome-class]{BSgenome}.
#' @param expSiteNum numeric(1). Expect number of predicted binding sites.
#' if predicted binding sites is more than this number, top expSiteNum binding
#' sites will be used.
#' @importFrom Biostrings matchPWM maxScore
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(MotifDb)
#' motifs <- query(MotifDb, c("Hsapiens"))
#' motifs <- as.list(motifs)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19)
#' #bindingSitesList <- prepareBindingSitesList(motifs, genome=Hsapiens)
prepareBindingSitesList <- function(pfms, genome,
seqlev=paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")),
mts <- lapply(pfms, function(pfm){
if(!all(round(colSums(pfm), digits=4)==1)){
stop("pfms must be list of Position frequency Matrix")
pwm <- motifStack::pfm2pwm(pfm)
min.score <- 95
mt <- matchPWM(pwm, genome, min.score = paste0(min.score, "%"),
with.score=TRUE, exclude=names(genome)[!names(genome) %in% seqlev])
while(length(mt)<expSiteNum && min.score>80){
min.score <- min.score - 5
mt <- matchPWM(pwm, genome, min.score = paste0(min.score, "%"),
with.score=TRUE, exclude=names(genome)[!names(genome) %in% seqlev])
if(length(mt)>expSiteNum){## subsample
mt$oid <- seq_along(mt)
mt <- mt[order(mt$score, decreasing = TRUE)]
mt <- mt[mt$score>=mt$score[expSiteNum]]
mt <- mt[order(mt$oid)]
mt$oid <- NULL
mt$string <- NULL
#' helper function for differential binding
#' @param counts count table
#' @param libSize library size
#' @param group group design
#' @param default.bcv a reasonable dispersion value
#' @return topTable
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
DB <- function(counts, libSize, group, default.bcv=0.3){
colnames(counts) <- make.names(colnames(counts), unique = TRUE)
d <- DGEList(counts = counts, lib.size = libSize,
group = factor(group, levels = c("Ctl", "Exp")))
d <- calcNormFactors(d, method = "RLE") ## normalization method
mm <- model.matrix(~group)
suppressWarnings(d <- estimateDisp(d, mm))
et <- exactTest(d, dispersion = default.bcv^2)
res <- et$table
res$FDR <- p.adjust(res$PValue, method = "BH")
f <- glmFit(d, mm)
lrt <- glmLRT(f, coef=2)
res <- topTags(lrt, n = nrow(lrt), sort.by="none")
res <- as.data.frame(res)
stopifnot(identical(rownames(counts), rownames(res)))
stopifnot(all(c("logFC", "FDR") %in% colnames(res)))
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