#' FR tests to compare two flow cytometry samples
#' Perform FR tests to compare cell populations across two flow cytometry samples.
#' The FR statistics are estimated based on a downsampling scheme designed to optimize runtime as well as
#' precision and accuracy of the statistics. The downsampling scheme samples from the pooled data of
#' events across a single cell population comparison. The events in the sample maintain the same cell
#' population membership ratio as the events in the pooled data (\emph{proportional}) or include an
#' equal number of events from the two cell populations in the comparison.
#' @param XX1 a flow cytometry sample of cell populations, organized in a matrix or a data.frame of events (rows)
#' by features (columns) where cell populaiton memberships are indexed in the last column by
#' a variable named id.
#' @param XX2 a flow cytometry sample of cell populations, organized in a matrix or a data.frame of events (rows)
#' by features (columns) where cell populaiton memberships are indexed in the last column by
#' a variable named id.
#' @param sampleMethod downsampling method, options include \emph{equalSize} or \emph{proportional}. Both methods
#' sample events without replacement from the combined events in a single cell population pair
#' comparison. Using \emph{equalSize}, each sample includes an equal number of events from the
#' two cell populations being compared. Using \emph{proportional}, the ratio of the event
#' membership is same as the ratio of event membershiop prior to sampling.
#' (default: \emph{proportional})
#' @param sampleSize specifies \emph{S},the number of events to be included in each sample. For \emph{equalSize} sampling
#' , S/2 is sampled from each population. For \emph{proportional} sampling, the ratio of event membership
#' is the same as the ratio of event membership prior to sampling.
#' @param i dummy variable to initialize parallel computing (\pkg{doParallel}).
#' @return wmat a list of matrices containing sample FR statistics for each XX1 by XX2 population comparisons.
#' @return runsmat a list of matrices containing sample runs for each XX1 by XX2 population comparisons.
#' @return mumat a list of matrices containing sample expected number of runs for each XX1 by XX2 population comparisons.
#' @return sigma2mat a list of matrices containing sample estimated variance of runs for each XX1 by XX2 population comparisons.
#' @return pNormat a list of matrices containing sample one-sided p-value associated with the FR statistics of
#' XX1 by XX2 population comparisons under the asymptotic normality assumption of the FR statistic.
#' @name getFRmat
#' @author Chiaowen Joyce Hsiao \email{joyce.hsiao1@@gmail.com}
#' @export
getFRmat <- function(XX1,XX2,sampleMethod,sampleSize,i=NULL) {
XX1 <- as.data.frame(XX1)
XX2 <- as.data.frame(XX2)
XX1.list <-split(XX1,f=XX1$id)
XX2.list <-split(XX2,f=XX2$id)
lvl1 <- length(XX1.list)
lvl2 <- length(XX2.list)
F1 <- dim(XX1.list[[1]])[2]-1
F2 <- dim(XX2.list[[1]])[2]-1
XX1.list <- lapply(XX1.list,function(xx) {
xx <- xx[,1:F1]
XX2.list <- lapply(XX2.list,function(xx) {
xx <- xx[,1:F2]
wmat <- matrix(NA,lvl1,lvl2)
mumat <- wmat
sigma2mat <- wmat
runsmat <- wmat
pNormat <- wmat
# set up index array
sps <- length(unique(XX1$id))
ref.groups <- sort(unique(XX2$id))
temp <- matrix(ref.groups,ncol=length(ref.groups),nrow=sps,byrow=T)
iiTest <- data.frame(sp=sort(unique(XX1$id)),temp)
testPops <- as.numeric(as.character(iiTest[,1]))
for (jj in seq_along(testPops)) {
refPops <- iiTest[jj, c(2:ncol(iiTest)) ]
for (kk in seq_along(refPops)) {
j <- testPops[jj]
k <- as.numeric(as.character( refPops )[kk])
iirow <- which(rownames(wmat)==j)
iicol <- which(colnames(wmat)==k)
xx1 <- XX1.list[[iirow]]
xx2 <- XX2.list[[iicol]]
if (sampleMethod=="equalSize") {
groupSize <- sampleSize/2
if (nrow(xx1) > groupSize) {
iisam1 <- sample(nrow(xx1),groupSize)
} else {
iisam1 <- sample(nrow(xx1),groupSize,replace=TRUE)
if (nrow(xx2) > groupSize) {
iisam2 <- sample(nrow(xx2),groupSize)
} else {
# iisam2 <- c(1:nrow(xx2))
iisam2 <- sample(nrow(xx2),groupSize,replace=TRUE)
mat1 <- xx1[iisam1,]
mat2 <- xx2[iisam2,]
} else if (sampleMethod=="proportional") {
prop_temp <- round(nrow(xx1)/(nrow(xx1)+nrow(xx2)),2)
if (prop_temp==1) {prop_take=0.99}
if (prop_temp<1) {prop_take=prop_temp}
n1 <- sampleSize*prop_take
n2 <- sampleSize-n1
iisam1 <- sample(nrow(xx1),n1,replace=TRUE)
iisam2 <- sample(nrow(xx2),n2,replace=TRUE)
mat1 <- xx1[iisam1,]
mat2 <- xx2[iisam2,]
} else if (sampleMethod=="none") {
mat1 <- xx1
mat2 <- xx2
} else {
message("warning: sampling method unspecified")
temp <- getFR(mat1,mat2)
wmat[iirow,iicol] <- temp$ww
mumat[iirow,iicol] <- temp$mu
sigma2mat[iirow,iicol] <- temp$sigma2
runsmat[iirow,iicol] <- temp$runs
pNormat[iirow,iicol] <- temp$pNorm
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