setClassUnion("matrixOrNULL", c("matrix", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("listOrNULL", c("list", "NULL"))
result = "matrix",
extra = "data.frameOrNULL",
call = "call",
functions = "environment",#"list",
subsets = "listOrNULL",
structure = "listOrNULL",
weights = "listOrNULL",
alternative = "matrixOrNULL",
null = "matrixOrNULL",
directional = "logical",
legend = "list",
model = "character"
prototype = list(
extra = NULL,
subsets = NULL,
structure = NULL,
weights = NULL,
alternative = NULL,
null = NULL,
directional = FALSE
# Function "show" prints a "gt.object" object
setMethod("show", "gt.object", function(object)
if (!is.null(alias(object))) {
chars <- nchar(alias(object))
mp <- gt.options()$max.print
alias(object) <- ifelse(chars > mp,
paste(substr(alias(object),1,mp-3), "...", sep=""),
print(result(object), digits = 3)
setMethod("summary", "gt.object", function(object, ...)
cat("\"gt.object\" object from package globaltest\n\n")
cat(deparse(object@call), "\n\n")
df <- object@functions$df()
cat("Model:", object@model, "regression.\n")
cat("Degrees of freedom:", df[1], "total;", df[2], "null;", df[2], "+", df[3], "alternative.\n")
if ((!is.null(object@subsets)) || !is.null(object@weights))
cat("Tested:", length(object), "subsets.\n")
nperms = object@functions$nperms()
cat("Null distibution: ")
if (nperms[1]) {
cat(if(!nperms[2]) "all", nperms[1], if(nperms[2]) "random", "permutations.\n")
} else {
# Functions to extract relevant information from
# a gt.object object
setGeneric("result", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("result"))
setMethod("result", "gt.object",
function(object) {
if (is.null(object@extra))
data.frame(object@result, check.names=FALSE)
data.frame(object@extra, object@result, check.names=FALSE)
setGeneric(".result", function(object, ...) standardGeneric(".result"))
setMethod(".result", "gt.object",
setGeneric("extract", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("extract"))
setMethod("extract", "gt.object", function(object, ...) {
if (!is.null(object@structure$ancestors))
uit <- leafNodes(object, alpha=1)
uit <- object
if (uit@model == "multinomial") {
cols <- factor(uit@functions$positive(unlist(subsets(uit))), levels=seq_along(uit@legend$cov))
levels(cols) <- uit@legend$cov
} else {
cols <- factor(uit@functions$positive(unlist(subsets(uit))), levels=0:1)
levels(cols) <- rev(uit@legend$cov)
names(uit) <- uit@functions$cov.names(unlist(subsets(uit)))
if (is.null(uit@extra)) {
uit@extra <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(cols))
colnames(uit@extra) <- "direction"
} else
uit@extra$direction <- as.character(cols)
setMethod("weights", "gt.object", function(object) {
# base weights based on covariate variance
X <- object@functions$getX()
weights <- colSums(X*X)
if (object@model == "multinomial")
weights <- rowSums(matrix(weights, object@functions$df()[3]))
names(weights) <- object@functions$cov.names()
# find weights for specific weights and subsets chosen
if (length(object@subsets) > 0) {
weights <- lapply(object@subsets, function(set) weights[set])
if (length(object@weights) > 0)
if (is.list(weights)) {
weights <- lapply(as.list(1:length(weights)), function(i)
weights[[i]] * object@weights[[i]])
names(weights) <- names(object@weights)
} else
weights <- lapply(object@weights, function(wts) weights * wts)
# set the max weight to 1
if (is.list(weights))
weights <- lapply(weights, function(wts) wts / max(wts))
weights <- weights / max(weights)
# reduce a list of length 1 to a vector
if (is.list(weights) && length(weights) == 1)
weights <- weights[[1]]
setGeneric("subsets", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("subsets"))
setMethod("subsets", "gt.object", function(object, ...) {
setGeneric("p.value", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("p.value"))
setMethod("p.value", "gt.object",
function(object) {
out <- .result(object)[,1,drop=FALSE]
colnames(out) <- NULL
setGeneric("z.score", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("z.score"))
setMethod("z.score", "gt.object",
function(object) {
out <- .result(object)
colnames(out) <- NULL
(out[,2] - out[,3]) / out[,4]
setGeneric("size", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("size"))
setMethod("size", "gt.object",
function(object) {
# The subsetting methods for "gt.object"
setMethod("[", "gt.object",
function(x, i, j,...,drop)
if (all(i %in% names(x)) ||
all(i %in% 1:length(x)) ||
all(i %in% -1:-length(x)) ||
(is.logical(i) && (length(i) == length(x)))) {
x@extra <- x@extra[i, ,drop=FALSE]
if (!is.null(x@subsets)) x@subsets <- x@subsets[i]
if (!is.null(x@weights)) x@weights <- x@weights[i]
if (!is.null(x@structure)) {
selector <- 1:length(x)
names(selector) <- names(x)
sub <- names(selector[i])
if (length(sub) < length(x)) {
x@structure$ancestors <- x@structure$ancestors[sub]
x@structure$ancestors <- lapply(x@structure$ancestors, function(xx) intersect(xx, sub))
x@structure$ancestors <- x@structure$ancestors[sapply(x@structure$ancestors, length) > 0]
x@structure$offspring <- x@structure$offspring[sub]
x@structure$offspring <- lapply(x@structure$offspring, function(xx) intersect(xx, sub))
x@structure$offspring <- x@structure$offspring[sapply(x@structure$offspring, length) > 0]
x@result <- x@result[i, ,drop = FALSE]
} else {
stop("invalid index set", call. = FALSE)
setMethod("[[", "gt.object",
function(x, i, j,...,exact)
# The length method for "gt.object"
setMethod("length", "gt.object",
# The length method for "gt.object"
leafNodes <- function(object, alpha=0.05, type = c("focuslevel","inheritance")) {
if (is.null(object@structure$ancestors)) { # Infer from sets
sets <- object@subsets
ancestors <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
offspring <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(sets)) {
namei <- names(sets)[i]
for (j in 1:length(sets)) {
namej <- names(sets)[j]
if (i != j && length(sets[[i]]) <= length(sets[[j]]) && all(sets[[i]] %in% sets[[j]])) {
ancestors[[namei]] <- c(ancestors[[namei]], namej)
offspring[[namej]] <- c(offspring[[namej]], namei)
object@structure$ancestors <- as.list(ancestors)
object@structure$offspring <- as.list(offspring)
if (missing(type))
type <- c("focuslevel","inheritance")
type <- match.arg(type)
type <- type[type %in% names(object@extra)]
if (length(type) < 1)
stop("no focus level or inheritance p-values in object.")
if (length(type) > 1)
stop("both focus level and inheritance p-values in object. Please specify type.")
ps <- object@extra[[type]]
significant <- names(object)[ps <= alpha]
sign.anc <- unique(unlist(object@structure$ancestors[significant]))
leaves <- setdiff(significant, sign.anc)
# The names and alias methods for "gt.object"
# (applies to pathwaynames)
setMethod("names", "gt.object",
setMethod("names<-", "gt.object",
function(x, value)
rownames(x@result) <- value
if (!is.null(x@extra)) rownames(x@extra) <- value
if (!is.null(x@weights)) names(x@weights) <- value
if (!is.null(x@subsets)) names(x@subsets) <- value
setMethod("alias", "gt.object",
function(object) {
setGeneric("alias<-", function(x, value) standardGeneric("alias<-"))
setMethod("alias<-", "gt.object",
function(x, value) {
if (length(value) != length(x))
stop("alias has length ", length(value), " but object has length ", length(x))
extra <- x@extra
extra$alias <- value
x@extra <- as.data.frame(extra, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if (is.null(rownames(x@extra))) rownames(x@extra) <- names(x)
# A sort method for "gt.object"
setMethod("sort", matchSignature(signature(x = "gt.object"), sort),
function(x, decreasing = FALSE ) {
mch <- match(c("focuslevel", "inheritance"), names(x@extra))
if (any(!is.na(mch))) {
mch <- mch[!is.na(mch)][1]
adjp <- x@extra[[mch]]
ix <- order(adjp, p.value(x), -z.score(x), decreasing=decreasing)
} else
ix <- order(p.value(x), -z.score(x), decreasing=decreasing)
# Model.matrix extracts the model matrix (only if x=TRUE)
setMethod("model.matrix", matchSignature(signature(object = "gt.object"), model.matrix),
function(object, ... ) {
list(alternative = object@alternative, null = object@null)
# Multiple testing correction for "gt.object" object
setMethod("p.adjust", matchSignature(signature(p = "gt.object"), p.adjust),
function(p, method = p.adjust.methods, n = length(p)) {
method <- method[1]
method <- p.adjust.methods[grep(method, p.adjust.methods, ignore.case=TRUE)]
if(length(method)==(0)) # this is just to get a good error message
method <- match.arg(method)
if (is.null(p@extra))
p@extra <- data.frame(matrix(,length(p),0), row.names=names(p))
if (missing(n))
p@extra[[method]] <- p.adjust(p.value(p), method=method)
p@extra[[method]] <- p.adjust(p.value(p), method=method, n=n)
# Histogram method to visualize permutations
setGeneric("hist", function(x,...) standardGeneric("hist"))
setMethod("hist", "gt.object", function(x, ...) {
gt.hist <- function(x, breaks=20, main="", xlab = "Permutation test statistics", ...) {
if (length(x) > 1)
stop("length(object) > 1. Please reduce to a single test result")
if (is.null(x@weights))
weights <- rep(1, size(x))
weights <- x@weights[[1]]
if (is.null(x@subsets))
subset <- seq_len(size(x))
subset <- x@subsets[[1]]
recalculate <- x@functions$permutations(subset, weights)
Qs <- recalculate$permS
Q <- recalculate$S
nperm <- length(Qs)
hst <- hist(Qs, xlim = c(1.1 * min(0, Qs, Q), 1.1 * max(Qs, Q)), breaks = breaks,
main = main, xlab = xlab, ...)
h <- max(hst$counts)
arrows( Q, h/2, Q, 0 , lwd=2)
text( Q, h/2, 'Observed\ntest\nstatistic' , pos=3)
# No output
invisible(list(statistic = Q, histogram = hst))
# Graph plot for focus level and inheritance procedures
draw <- function(object, alpha=0.05, type = c("focuslevel","inheritance"), names=FALSE, sign.only = FALSE, interactive = FALSE) {
# check availablity of packages
requireNamespace("Rgraphviz") || stop("package \"Rgraphviz\" is not available.")
# find ancestors and offspring if missing
if (is.null(object@structure$ancestors)) { # Infer from sets
sets <- object@subsets
ancestors <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
offspring <- new.env(hash=TRUE)
for (i in 1:length(sets)) {
namei <- names(sets)[i]
for (j in 1:length(sets)) {
namej <- names(sets)[j]
if (i != j && length(sets[[i]]) <= length(sets[[j]]) && all(sets[[i]] %in% sets[[j]])) {
ancestors[[namei]] <- c(ancestors[[namei]], namej)
offspring[[namej]] <- c(offspring[[namej]], namei)
object@structure$ancestors <- as.list(ancestors)
object@structure$offspring <- as.list(offspring)
# find type if missing
if (missing(type))
type <- c("focuslevel","inheritance")
type <- match.arg(type)
type <- type[type %in% names(object@extra)]
if (length(type) < 1)
stop("no focus level or inheritance p-values in object.")
if (length(type) > 1)
stop("both focus level and inheritance p-values in object. Please specify type.")
ps <- object@extra[[type]]
significant <- names(object)[ps <= alpha]
parents <- ancestors2parents(object@structure$ancestors)
# make the graph object
graph <- as.matrix(sapply(names(object), function(node) names(object) %in% parents[[node]]))
rownames(graph) <- colnames(graph) <- names(object)
if (sign.only) {
graph <- graph[significant, significant, drop=FALSE]
if (length(significant)==0)
stop("no significant nodes to plot.")
graph <- as(graph, "graphNEL")
nodes <- Rgraphviz::buildNodeList(graph)
edges <- Rgraphviz::buildEdgeList(graph)
nAttrs <- list()
eAttrs <- list()
# color significant nodes
if (!sign.only) {
signode <- sapply(nodes, Rgraphviz::name) %in% significant
names(signode) <- names(nodes)
sigedge <- (sapply(edges, Rgraphviz::from) %in% significant) &
(sapply(edges, Rgraphviz::to) %in% significant)
names(sigedge) <- names(edges)
nodecolor <- ifelse(signode, "black", "#BBBBBB")
nAttrs$color <- nodecolor
nAttrs$fontcolor <- nodecolor
edgecolor <- ifelse(sigedge, "black", "#BBBBBB")
eAttrs$color <- edgecolor
# if no names, give the plot numbers in order
# this requires plotting the graph twice
if (!names) {
nAttrs$label <- 1:length(names(nodes))
names(nAttrs$label) <- names(nodes)
pg <- Rgraphviz::agopen(graph, name="pg", nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs = eAttrs)
x <- Rgraphviz::getNodeXY(pg)$x
y <- Rgraphviz::getNodeXY(pg)$y
ordering <- sort.list(order(-y, x))
nAttrs$label <- ordering
names(nAttrs$label) <- names(nodes)
Rgraphviz::plot(graph, attrs = list(node=list(shape="rectangle")), nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs = eAttrs)
} else
Rgraphviz::plot(graph, attrs = list(node=list(shape="rectangle")), nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs = eAttrs)
# Make the plot interactive if asked
if (interactive) {
cat("Click in the plot to see name and alias. Press escape to return.\n")
repeat {
p <- locator(n = 1)
if (is.null(p))
pg <- Rgraphviz::plot(graph, attrs = list(node=list(shape="rectangle")), nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs = eAttrs)
x <- Rgraphviz::getNodeXY(pg)$x
y <- Rgraphviz::getNodeXY(pg)$y
distance <- abs(p$x - x) + abs(p$y - y)
idx <- which.min(distance)
legend("topleft", legend = paste(nAttrs$label[idx], names(object)[idx], alias(object)[idx]), bg = "white", box.lty=0)
# return a legend if the plot has numbers
if (!names) {
legend <- cbind(name=names(object), alias=alias(object))[sort.list(ordering),]
legend <- data.frame(legend, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else
legend <- NULL
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