#' Extract gene models from the GAF
#' This extracts a tab delimited file of all canonical exon gene models from the
#' TCGA gene annotation file or \acronym{GAF}. The canonical model is intended to be at
#' least a common starting point for a simplified definition of "the gene called
#' X", based on the union of all transcript. By default each model in the output
#' file (row) is uniquely identified by gene name.
#' This function is implemented using a unix system command and requires the
#' "grep" program, so this only works on linux/mac systems. [TODO - reimplement
#' in pure R.] The GAF version this works with is the version used for the
#' TCGA RNAseq expression data files. It is available for download at the NCI
#' uncompressed:
#' \href{https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/other/GAF/GAF.hg19.June2011.bundle/outputs/TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf}{TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf}
#' or gzipped:
#' \href{https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/other/GAF/GAF.hg19.June2011.bundle/outputs/TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf.gz}{TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf.gz}
#' @param gaf The full-path name of the GAF [REQ]
#' @param outFile The output filename. By default will be the same as the
#' GAF, with ".geneModels" appended (hence it will be created in the same
#' directory by default). This will not overwrite an existing file unless
#' \code{force = TRUE}.
#' @param force If the output file exists, setting this \code{TRUE} will allow
#' overwriting it. Doing so generates a warning.
#' @param uniqueGene By default this is \code{TRUE} and only one copy of every
#' gene will be kept. This makes the gene name a unique key. The GAF contains
#' additional versions of some genes which are skipped. See the GAF gene names
#' section below for more information.
#' @param skipUnknownGene By default this is \code{TRUE} and the unknown genes
#' (those whose names in the GAF are "?") are dropped. See the GAF gene names
#' section below for more information. Note that this setting is over-ridden
#' to \code{TRUE} with a warning if \code{uniqueGene= TRUE} as all these genes
#' have the same gene name ("?").
#' @return The main output is the GAF gene mode extract file, which is by
#' default just the genes with unique names. See
#' \href{https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/other/GAF/GAF_bundle_Feb2011/docs/GAF_v2_file_description.docx}{GAF_v2_file_description.docx}
#' However, this function will returns a list with some summary info about
#' the GAF and the generated geneModels file:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{$gaf} \tab The GAF filename used as a parameter (relative filename).\cr
#' \code{$gaf_real} \tab The absolute full path filename to the input GAF.\cr
#' \code{$gaf_md5} \tab The md5 checksum of the GAF, as a string.\cr
#' \code{$uniqueGene} \tab The \code{uniqueGene} parameter setting used.\cr
#' \code{$skipUnknownGene} \tab The \code{skipUnknownGene} parameter setting used.\cr
#' \code{$gaf_lines} \tab The number of lines in the GAF.\cr
#' \code{$gaf_models} \tab The number of models in the GAF. [Currently this
#' does not include unknown genes if \code{skipUnknownGene= TRUE}].\cr
#' \code{$gaf_models_unique} \tab The number of unique models in the GAF. Will
#' be \code{NA} if \code{uniqueGene= FALSE}.\cr
#' \code{$gaf_extract} \tab The output filename, based on the input GAF by default.\cr
#' \code{$gaf_extract_real} \tab The absolute full path filename of the output file.\cr
#' \code{$gaf_extract_md5} \tab The md5 checksum of the output file.\cr
#' }
#' @section GAF gene names:
#' Some genes in the GAF have multiple variants with the same name. These are
#' annotated like "1ofN", "2ofN", etc. By default only the "...1of" variant
#' is kept. Setting \code{uniqueGene= FALSE} will keep all variants. Gene name will
#' not then be a unique key.
#' Some genes in the GAF have no known name and are annotated as "?". Some of
#' these have multiple versions also. There are 32 such genes in the GAF. By
#' default non of these are kept. If \code{uniqueGene= FALSE} is set, these
#' will still be skipped unless \code{skipUnknownGene= FALSE} is also set.
#' There is no way to keep these genes while skipping the variants of the
#' named genes.
#' The gene "SLC35E2" is present twice, but without a numbered annotation. By
#' default, only the larger (encompassing) version of "SLC35E2" is kept.
#' If \code{uniqueGene= FALSE} is set, then both versions of this gene will be
#' kept, regardless of the \code{skipUnknownGene} setting.
#' @section Errors:
#' These errors are fatal and will terminate processing.
#' \describe{
#' \item{
#' \command{Unsafe character in GAF filename!}
#' }{
#' An invalid characters was passed as part of the GAF filename. This is
#' important as the filename is used in a system command as a parameter
#' and could be used for command injection.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{Can't find the specified GAF: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' The specified GAF doesn't seem to exist on the file system.
#' Probably have the name wrong or are using a relative name from the
#' wrong directory, but could also be that permissions are hiding it.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{Unsafe character in output geneModel filename!}
#' }{
#' An invalid characters was passed as part of the output filename. This
#' is important as the filename is used in a system command as a parameter
#' and could be used for command injection.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{Output file already exists; use force= TRUE to overwrite: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' The specified GAF gene extract output file already exists. You probably
#' don't want to overwrite it. However, you can set \code{force= TRUE}
#' to allow this. It will still generate a warning.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Warnings:
#' \describe{
#' \item{
#' \command{Forcing overwrite of output file: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' Just letting you know an existing file is actually being overwritten.
#' This won't happen unless explicitly allowed by setting \code{force=
#' TRUE}). Having a warning allows distinguishing between the cases where
#' an overwrite occurred vs those where one was allowed but did not occur.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{uniqueGene=TRUE sets skipUnknownGene=TRUE}
#' }{
#' You can't have unique gene names if you keep the genes without names. I
#' could just blow up, but I'm just going to assume that since you asked
#' for unique gene names, that's what you really want. That means I have
#' to ignore your request to keep the unknown genes. Not what you wanted?
#' That's why I'm warning you.
#' }
#' \item{
#' Various warnings from failed system commands
#' }{
#' System commands are used for several things in this function. If they
#' fail, error messages are returned as warnings.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Todo:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Add test for corner case - one exon gene}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract gene models to the default output file
#' stats <- extractGeneModels( 'path/to/GAF' )
#' # Same, with all defaults made explicit
#' stats <- extractGeneModels(
#' gaf= 'path/to/GAF', outFile= 'path/to/GAF.geneModels', force= FALSE,
#' uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= TRUE
#' )
#' # Extract gene models to gaf.genes in run directory
#' stats <- extractGeneModels( 'path/to/GAF', outFile= 'gaf.genes' )
#' # Overwrite outFile if it exists (here using the default name)
#' stats <- extractGeneModels( 'path/to/GAF', force= TRUE )
#' # Extract all gene models, including duplicates and unknowns.
#' stats <- extractGeneModels(
#' gaf= 'path/to/GAF', uniqueGene= FALSE, skipUnknownGene= FALSE
#' )
#' # Extract all gene models except unknown (includes duplicates)
#' stats <- extractGeneModels( gaf= 'path/to/GAF', uniqueGene= FALSE)
#' )
#' }
#' @export
extractGeneModels <- function( gaf,
outFile= paste0(gaf, ".geneModels"), force= FALSE,
uniqueGene= TRUE, skipUnknownGene= TRUE
) {
# Using filename as a parameter in a system command so need to be careful.
if (! is.safeFileName( gaf )) {
stop( "Unsafe character in GAF filename!" );
if (! file.exists(gaf)) {
stop( "Can\'t find the specified GAF: \"", gaf, "\"")
if (! is.safeFileName( outFile )) {
stop( "Unsafe character in output geneModel filename!" );
if (file.exists(outFile)) {
if (! force) {
stop( "Output file already exists; use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"", outFile, "\"")
} else {
warning( "Forcing overwrite of output file: \"", outFile, "\"");
if (uniqueGene && ! skipUnknownGene) {
warning(" uniqueGene=TRUE sets skipUnknownGene=TRUE")
info = list();
info$gaf = gaf;
info$gaf_real = normalizePath(gaf);
info$gaf_md5 = tools::md5sum(gaf);
info$uniqueGene = uniqueGene;
info$skipUnknownGene = skipUnknownGene;
# Get number of lines in original GAF
cmd = paste( c( "wc -l ", gaf ), collapse="" );
got = system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
info$gaf_lines = as.integer( sub( " .+", "", sub( "^[ ]+", "", got )));
geneModelsFile = outFile;
if (uniqueGene) {
geneModelsFile = tempfile( "TEMP_gafExtractGenome" );
# Load header line into output
cmd = paste(c("head -n1 ", gaf, " > ", geneModelsFile ), collapse="");
system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
dropUnknownGene = " | grep -v -E \"\t[?][|][0-9]\"";
if (! skipUnknownGene) {
dropUnknownGene = ""
# Extract gene models.
cmd = paste( c( "grep genome ", gaf,
" | grep calculated",
" | grep chr",
" >> ", geneModelsFile ),
collapse= "" );
system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
cmd = paste(c("wc -l ", geneModelsFile), collapse="");
got = system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
# Subtract one as has header in file
info$gaf_models = as.integer( sub( " .+", "", sub( "^[ ]+", "", got ))) - 1;
# If want truely unique models, need to ignore the 2of3, etc lines and the
# duplicate SLC35E2 gene. Will keep the [1 of x] and the larger (encompasing)
# version of SLC35E2.
info$gaf_models_unique = NA
if (uniqueGene) {
# As grep for what doesn not match, will keep header line automatically
cmd = paste(
c( "grep -v -E \"[02-9]of|1[0-9]of|SLC35E2.9906\" ", geneModelsFile, " > ", outFile ),
collapse="" );
system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
# Done with tempCalculate intermediate; calculate line count in out file
cmd = paste(c("wc -l ", outFile), collapse="");
got = system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
# Subtract one as has header in file
info$gaf_models_unique = as.integer( sub( " .+", "", sub( "^[ ]+", "", got ))) - 1;
info$gaf_extract= outFile;
info$gaf_extract_real= normalizePath(outFile);
info$gaf_extract_md5 = tools::md5sum(outFile);
return( info )
#' Extract transcript models from the GAF
#' This extracts a tab delimited file of all canonical transcript models from the
#' GAF. Each model in the output file (row) can be refereed to
#' uniquely by transcript name. This is much simpler than extracting genes
#' This function is implemented using a unix system command and requires the
#' "grep" program, so this only works on linux/mac systems. [TODO - reimplement
#' in pure R.] The GAF version this works with is the version used for the
#' TCGA RNAseq expression data files. It is available for download at the NCI
#' uncompressed:
#' \href{https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/other/GAF/GAF.hg19.June2011.bundle/outputs/TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf}{TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf}
#' or gzipped:
#' \href{https://tcga-data.nci.nih.gov/tcgafiles/ftp_auth/distro_ftpusers/anonymous/other/GAF/GAF.hg19.June2011.bundle/outputs/TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf.gz}{TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf.gz}
#' @param gaf The full-path name of the GAF [REQ]
#' @param outFile The output filename. By default will be the same as the
#' GAF, with ".transcriptModels" appended (hence it will be created in the same
#' directory by default). This will not overwrite an existing file unless
#' \code{force = TRUE}.
#' @param force If the output file exists, setting this \code{TRUE} will allow
#' overwriting it. Doing so generates a warning.
#' @return The number of transcripts in the output file (should be 73,707)
#' @section GAF transcript names:
#' Transcript names correspond to the UCSCgene.Dec2009 release. Transcript
#' names are unique.
#' @section Errors:
#' These errors are fatal and will terminate processing.
#' \describe{
#' \item{
#' \command{Unsafe character in GAF filename!}
#' }{
#' An invalid characters was passed as part of the GAF filename. This is
#' important as the filename is used in a system command as a parameter
#' and could be used for command injection.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{Can't find the specified GAF: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' The specified GAF doesn't seem to exist on the file system.
#' Probably have the name wrong or are using a relative name from the
#' wrong directory, but could also be that permissions are hiding it.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{Unsafe character in output transcriptModel filename!}
#' }{
#' An invalid characters was passed as part of the output filename. This
#' is important as the filename is used in a system command as a parameter
#' and could be used for command injection.
#' }
#' \item{
#' \command{Output file already exists; use force= TRUE to overwrite: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' The specified GAF transcript extract output file already exists. You
#' probably don't want to overwrite it. However, you can set \code{force=
#' TRUE} to allow this. It will still generate a warning.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Warnings:
#' \describe{
#' \item{
#' \command{Forcing overwrite of output file: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' Just letting you know an existing file is actually being overwritten.
#' This won't happen unless explicitly allowed by setting \code{force=
#' TRUE}). Having a warning allows distinguishing between the cases where
#' an overwrite occurred vs those where one was allowed but did not occur.
#' }
#' \item{
#' Various warnings from failed system commands
#' }{
#' System commands are used for several things in this function. If they
#' fail, error messages are returned as warnings.
#' }
#' }
#' @section Todo:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Add test for corner case - one exon transcript}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Extract transcripts to default output file
#' count <- extractTranscriptModels( 'path/to/GAF' )
#' # Same, with all defaults made explicit
#' count <- extractTranscriptModels(
#' gaf= 'path/to/GAF', outFile= 'path/to/GAF.transcriptModels', force= FALSE
#' )
#' # Extract transcripts to gaf.transcripts in run directory
#' count <- extractTranscriptModels( 'path/to/GAF', 'gaf.transcripts' )
#' # Overwrite outFile if it exists (here using the default name)
#' count <- extractTranscriptModels( 'path/to/GAF', force= TRUE )
#' }
#' @export
extractTranscriptModels <- function(
outFile= paste0(gaf, ".transcriptModels"),
force= FALSE
) {
# Using filename as a parameter in a system command so need to be careful.
if (! is.safeFileName( gaf )) {
stop( "Unsafe character in GAF filename!" );
if (! file.exists(gaf)) {
stop( "Can't find the specified GAF: \"", gaf, "\"")
if (! is.safeFileName( outFile )) {
stop( "Unsafe character in output transcriptModel filename!" );
if (file.exists(outFile)) {
if (! force) {
stop( "Output file already exists; use force= TRUE to overwrite: \"", outFile, "\"")
} else {
warning( "Forcing overwrite of output file: \"", outFile, "\"");
# Load header line into output
cmd = paste(c("head -n1 ", gaf, " > ", outFile ), collapse="");
system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
# Extract gene models.
cmd = paste( c( "grep transcript ", gaf,
" | grep UCSCgene.Dec2009.fa",
" | grep -v calculated",
" >> ", outFile ),
collapse= ""
system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
# Count returned lines
cmd = paste(c("wc -l ", outFile), collapse="");
cmdOut = system( cmd, intern=TRUE );
lineCount = as.integer( sub( " .+", "", sub( "^[ ]+", "", cmdOut )));
return(lineCount - 1);
#' Load a GAF models file into a per exon data frame.
#' @param file The file of models extracted from the GAF.
#' @return Returns a per-exon data frame of the models extracted from the GAF.
#' Most models (e.g. genes or transcripts) are composed of multiple exons with
#' each features-exon in separate row. For convenience, the table replicates a
#' lot of information that is the same for every exon in a model as a string,
#' i.e columns \code{gene}, \code{chr}, \code{strand}, \code{gstart}, and
#' \code{gend}).
#' The data frame contains the following columns
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' \code{gene} \tab Feature name - gene name, transcript id, etc.\cr
#' \code{chr} \tab Chromosome, as chr#, chr##, chrX, chrY, chrM, or chrM_rCRS
#' or possibly a contig name, like 'GL000228.1'.\cr
#' \code{strand} \tab Strand, as *, +, or -\cr
#' \code{gstart} \tab Genomic coordinate of first base of feature\cr
#' \code{gend} \tab Genomic coordinate of last base of feature\cr
#' \code{exon} \tab Exon number within feature\cr
#' \code{start} \tab Genomic coordinate of first base of exon\cr
#' \code{end} \tab Genomic coordinate of last base of exon\cr
#' \code{length} \tab length of the exon in bases\cr
#' }
#' @section Todo:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{change column named "gene" to "name"}
#' \item{add column "gafId"}
#' \item{consider an alias column with | separated names}
#' \item{change gstart and gend to mstart and mend}
#' }
#' @section Errors:
#' These errors are fatal and will terminate processing.
#' \describe{
#' \item{
#' \command{Can't find the specified GAF extract file: "\var{file}"}
#' }{
#' The specified GAF doesn't seem to exist on the file system.
#' Probably have the name wrong or are using a relative name from the
#' wrong directory, but could also be that permissions are hiding it.
#' }
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' extractGeneModels( 'TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf' )
#' gafGeneModelsFile <- 'TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf.geneModels'
#' geneExonsDF <- loadGafModels( gafTranscriptModelsFile )
#' extractTranscriptModels( 'TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf' )
#' gafTranscriptModelsFile <- 'TCGA.hg19.June2011.gaf.transcriptModels'
#' transcriptExonsDF <- loadGafModels( gafTranscriptModelsFile )
#' }
#' @export
loadGafModels <- function ( file ) {
if (! file.exists(file)) {
stop( "Can't find the specified GAF extract file: \"", file, "\"")
df <- read.delim( file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE );
id <- sub("[|].+$", "", df$FeatureID);
chr <- sub(":.+:[-+]", "", df$CompositeCoordinates);
exons <- sub( "^.+:", "", sub( ":[-+]$", "", df$CompositeCoordinates ));
gstart <- sub("-.+","", exons);
gend <- sub(".+[-]","", exons);
exons <- strsplit(exons,",")
strand <- sub("^.+:.+:","", df$CompositeCoordinates);
getStartsF <- function(x) {sub("-.+$", "", x )}
getEndsF <- function(x) {sub("^[^-]+-", "", x )}
getNumF <- function(x) {1:length(x)}
modelsMatrix <- do.call(
rbind, mapply( cbind,
id, chr, strand, gstart, gend,
lapply( exons, getNumF ),
lapply( exons, getStartsF ),
lapply( exons, getEndsF )
geneModels <- data.frame(
gene= modelsMatrix[,1],
chr= modelsMatrix[,2],
strand= modelsMatrix[,3],
gstart= as.integer(modelsMatrix[,4]),
gend= as.integer(modelsMatrix[,5]),
exon= as.integer(modelsMatrix[,6]),
start= as.integer(modelsMatrix[,7]),
end= as.integer(modelsMatrix[,8]),
stringsAsFactors= FALSE
geneModels$length <- as.integer(geneModels$end - geneModels$start + 1);
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