# to avoid R CMD check errors we set them as NULL
Cols <- Rows <- number <- gene <- geneset <- Count <- Value <- x <- y <- NULL
#' MIGSAres plots
#' \code{genesHeatmap} plots a heatmap with the number of experiments in which
#' each gene contributed to enrich each gene set.
#' \code{genesBarplot} generates a barplot of the number of gene sets in which
#' each gene contributed to enrich. Each gene set counts 1 regardless if it was
#' enriched in many experiments. x-axis each gene, y-axis number of gene sets
#' in which it contributed to enrich.
#' \code{migsaHeatmap} plots the enrichment heatmap of the MIGSAres object.
#' Additionally, given the categories sets list, for each set of categories, it
#' is shown the number of experiments that make up each category (#exps), the
#' number of gene sets enriched by at least one experiment (>= 1), and the
#' number of gene sets enriched by at least 25, 50, 75, and 100%.
#' \code{geneSetBarplot} generates a barplot of the number of experiments in
#' which each gene set was enriched. x-axis each gene set, y-axis times it was
#' enriched (0 to #experiments).
#' @param migsaRes MIGSAres object.
#' @param categories list. List of character vectors, each vector must have the
#' same length as the number of experiments (ncol(migsaRes)-3). It will plot
#' for each category/column a color representing its category.
#' @param categLabels logical. Indicates if labels should be plotted for each
#' category.
#' @param colPal vector. Character vector of two colors, first value will
#' represent FALSE/1 on heatmap, and second value TRUE/0.
#' @param enrFilter numeric. Keep gene sets enriched in at least enrFilter
#' experiments.
#' @param gsFilter numeric. Keep genes enriched in at least gsFilter gene sets.
#' @param expFilter numeric. Keep experiments which enriched at least expFilter
#' gene sets.
#' @param col.dist character. Distance algorithm to be used in columns, passed
#' to vegdist function. If migsaRes has cutoff then default is jaccard, else,
#' default is euclidean.
#' @param row.dist character. Distance algorithm to be used in rows, passed to
#' vegdist function. If migsaRes has cutoff then default is jaccard, else,
#' default is euclidean.
#' @param remove0Rows logical. Whether remove gene sets that are not enriched in
#' any experiment.
#' @param breaks numeric. If migsaRes does not have cutoff then break P-values
#' in breaks intervals.
#' @param dendrogram character. Wheter to plot "row", "col", "none" or "both"
#' dendrograms.
#' @param layout matrix. The layout used for heatmaps.
#' @param ... not in use.
#' @return In heatmap functions: A list returned by heatmap.2 function
#' (plotted data). In other functions: A ggplot object used as graphic.
#' @docType methods
#' @name MIGSAres-plots
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @seealso \code{\link{setEnrCutoff}}
#' @examples
#' data(migsaRes)
#' ## For this example lets work with the first 50 results
#' migsaRes <- migsaRes[1:50, ]
#' #### genesHeatmap
#' ## First lets set a cutoff of 0.1
#' migsaResWCoff <- setEnrCutoff(migsaRes, 0.1)
#' ## Lets check what genes contributed to enrich the highest number of gene
#' ## sets (in more than one gene set).
#' genesHeatmap(migsaResWCoff, gsFilter = 1)
#' ## Moreover we can keep gene sets which where enriched in more than
#' ## enrFilter experiments. To do this, we can use the enrFilter parameter.
#' #### genesBarplot
#' ## Lets set a cutoff of 0.01
#' migsaResWCoff <- setEnrCutoff(migsaRes, 0.01)
#' ## Lets check what genes contributed to enrich the highest number of gene
#' ## sets (in more than one gene set).
#' genesBarplot(migsaResWCoff, gsFilter = 1)
#' ## Moreover we can keep gene sets which where enriched in more than
#' ## enrFilter experiments. To do this, we can use the enrFilter parameter.
#' #### migsaHeatmap
#' ## Lets set a cutoff of 0.1
#' migsaResWCoff <- setEnrCutoff(migsaRes, 0.1)
#' ## Lets visually check enriched gene sets shared between experiments.
#' migsaHeatmap(migsaResWCoff)
#' #### geneSetBarplot
#' ## Lets set a cutoff of 0.1
#' migsaResWCoff <- setEnrCutoff(migsaRes, 0.1)
#' ## Lets check in how many experiments each gene set was enriched (in more
#' ## than one experiment).
#' geneSetBarplot(migsaResWCoff, enrFilter = 1)
setGeneric(name = "MIGSAres-plots", def = function(migsaRes) {
#' @name genesHeatmap
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases genesHeatmap,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod genesHeatmap
setGeneric(name = "genesHeatmap", def = function(migsaRes, ...) {
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases genesHeatmap,MIGSAres-method
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @include MIGSAres-genesManipulation.R
#' @include MIGSAres-setEnrCutoff.R
f = "genesHeatmap",
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
definition = function(migsaRes, enrFilter = 0, gsFilter = 0,
colPal = c("white", "red"), col.dist = NA, row.dist = NA, layout = NA,
dendrogram = "row") {
stopifnot(dendrogram %in% c("none", "row", "col", "both"))
## todo: agregar funcionalidad a dendrogram
## todo: ver que el dendrograma no pega bien con las celdas
stopifnot(length(colPal) == 2)
# we must have a cutoff for this function
migsaRes <- setDefaultEnrCutoff(migsaRes)
# keep gene sets enriched in more than enrFilter experiments
actRes <- migsaRes[rowSums(migsaRes[, -(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE) >
enrFilter, ]
plotGenes <- genesInSets(actRes)
# keep genes enriched in more than gsFilter gene sets
plotGenes <- plotGenes[, colSums(plotGenes > 0) > gsFilter]
plotGenes <- plotGenes[rowSums(plotGenes) > 0, ]
if (is.na(col.dist)) {
col.dist <- "jaccard"
if (is.na(row.dist)) {
row.dist <- "jaccard"
plotInfo <- melt(plotGenes)
colnames(plotInfo) <- c("geneset", "gene", "Count")
ddc.s <- suppressWarnings(
vegdist(t(plotGenes), col.dist, na.rm = TRUE)
ddc.s[is.na(ddc.s)] <- 0
hc.s <- hclust(ddc.s, method = "average")
colInd <- hc.s$order
# jaccard clustering per row (gene set)
ddr.s <- suppressWarnings(
vegdist(plotGenes, row.dist, na.rm = TRUE)
ddr.s[is.na(ddr.s)] <- 0
hr.s <- hclust(ddr.s, method = "average")
rowInd <- hr.s$order
# reordering the plot by distances
plotInfo$gene <- factor(as.character(plotInfo$gene),
levels = colnames(plotGenes)[colInd]
plotInfo$geneset <- factor(as.character(plotInfo$geneset),
levels = rownames(plotGenes)[rowInd]
p_heatm <- ggplot(plotInfo, aes(gene, geneset))
p_heatm <- p_heatm + geom_tile(aes(fill = Count))
p_heatm <- p_heatm + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)
p_heatm <- p_heatm + scale_y_discrete(breaks = NULL)
p_heatm <- p_heatm + scale_fill_gradient(
low = colPal[[2]],
high = colPal[[1]]
p_heatm <- p_heatm + theme(
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.key.size = unit(8, "points"),
legend.text = element_text(size = unit(8, "points")),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)
p_heatm <- p_heatm + guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 2))
allPlots <- list()
# now the x dendro
if (dendrogram %in% c("col", "both")) {
p_x_dendro <- ggdendrogram(hr.s, labels = FALSE)
p_x_dendro <- p_x_dendro + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)
p_x_dendro <- p_x_dendro + theme(
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
p_x_dendro <- p_x_dendro + coord_flip()
p_x_dendro <- p_x_dendro + scale_y_continuous(
expand = c(0.005, 0),
trans = "reverse"
p_x_dendro <- p_x_dendro + scale_x_continuous(
expand =
c(1 / nrow(plotGenes) / 2, 0)
allPlots <- list(p_x_dendro)
# now the y dendro
if (dendrogram %in% c("row", "both")) {
p_y_dendro <- ggdendrogram(hc.s, labels = FALSE)
p_y_dendro <- p_y_dendro + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.005, 0))
p_y_dendro <- p_y_dendro + scale_x_continuous(
expand =
c(1 / ncol(plotGenes) / 2, 0)
p_y_dendro <- p_y_dendro + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)
p_y_dendro <- p_y_dendro + theme(
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
allPlots[[length(allPlots) + 1]] <- p_y_dendro
allPlots[[length(allPlots) + 1]] <- p_heatm
if (is.na(layout)) {
if (dendrogram == "none") {
layout <- matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = 1) # heatmap
} else if (dendrogram == "col") {
layout <- cbind(
matrix(c(rep(1, 182), rep(0, 18)), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
matrix(c(rep(2, 8 * 100)), ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)
} else if (dendrogram == "row") {
layout <- c(
rep(1, 2),
rep(2, 8)
) # heatmap
layout <- matrix(layout, nrow = 10, ncol = 1)
} else if (dendrogram == "both") {
layout <- rbind(
matrix(c(rep(0, 2 * 10), rep(2, 8 * 10)), ncol = 10),
matrix(c(rep(1, 182), rep(0, 18)), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE),
matrix(c(rep(3, 8 * 100)), ncol = 8, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
stop("bad dendrogram option provided.")
multiplot(plotlist = allPlots, layout = layout)
res <- list(
plot = allPlots, plotLayout = layout, rowInd = rowInd,
colInd = colInd, data = plotGenes[rowInd, colInd], rowDendrogram = hr.s,
colDendrogram = hc.s
#' @name genesBarplot
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases genesBarplot,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod genesBarplot
setGeneric(name = "genesBarplot", def = function(migsaRes, ...) {
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases genesBarplot,MIGSAres-method
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_bar ggplot
#' @include MIGSAres-genesManipulation.R
#' @include MIGSAres-setEnrCutoff.R
f = "genesBarplot",
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
definition = function(migsaRes, enrFilter = 0, gsFilter = 0) {
# we must have a cutoff for this function
migsaRes <- setDefaultEnrCutoff(migsaRes)
# keep gene sets enriched in more than enrFilter experiments
actRes <- migsaRes[rowSums(migsaRes[, -(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE) >
enrFilter, ]
plotGenes <- genesInSets(actRes)
# keep genes enriched in more than gsFilter gene sets
plotGenes <- plotGenes[, colSums(plotGenes > 0) > gsFilter]
# count 1 disregard if the gene enriched in more than 1 experiment
plotGenes <- data.frame(
id = colnames(plotGenes),
number = colSums(plotGenes > 0)
## todo: add symbol to plotGenes
# plotGenes$symbol <- entrez2symbol(plotGenes$id);
# reordering bars
plotGenes$id <- factor(plotGenes$id,
levels = plotGenes$id[order(plotGenes$number,
decreasing = TRUE
plotGenes <- plotGenes[order(plotGenes$number, decreasing = TRUE), ]
p <- ggplot(plotGenes)
p <- p + geom_bar(aes(id, y = number), stat = "identity")
#' @name migsaHeatmap
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases migsaHeatmap,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod migsaHeatmap
setGeneric(name = "migsaHeatmap", def = function(migsaRes, ...) {
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases migsaHeatmap,MIGSAres-method
#' @importFrom ggdendro ggdendrogram
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes element_blank element_text geom_text geom_tile ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 guide_legend guides scale_fill_gradient scale_fill_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_y_discrete
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme unit xlab ylab coord_flip
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram hclust
#' @importFrom vegan vegdist
#' @include MIGSAmultiplot.R
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @include MIGSAres-setEnrCutoff.R
f = "migsaHeatmap",
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
definition = function(migsaRes, enrFilter = 0, expFilter = 0, categories = list(),
categLabels = TRUE, colPal = c("white", "red"), col.dist = NA, row.dist = NA,
layout = NA, remove0Rows = TRUE, breaks = NA) {
stopifnot(length(colPal) == 2)
stopifnot(all(unlist(lapply(categories, length)) == ncol(migsaRes) - 3))
cOff <- enrCutoff(migsaRes)
if (is.na(cOff)) {
plotMigsaRes <- as.matrix(migsaRes[, -(1:3)])
rownames(plotMigsaRes) <- migsaRes$id
if (!is.na(breaks)) {
limits <- seq(0, 1, length.out = breaks + 1)
limits[length(limits)] <- 1.1
limits <- cbind(
limits[1:(length(limits) - 1)],
aux <- plotMigsaRes
aux[!is.na(aux)] <- unlist(lapply(aux, function(x) {
limits[which(limits[, 1] <= x & x < limits[, 2]), 1]
plotMigsaRes <- aux
} else {
if (remove0Rows) {
migsaRes <- migsaRes[rowSums(migsaRes[, -(1:3)],
na.rm = TRUE
) > 0, ]
# terms filtering by enrFilter and expFilter
keepRows <- which(rowSums(migsaRes[, -(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE) >=
keepCols <- which(colSums(migsaRes[, -(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE) >=
migsaRes <- migsaRes[keepRows, c(1:3, 3 + keepCols)]
"In migsaHeatmap, after filtering, dim=",
plotMigsaRes <- as.matrix(migsaRes[, -(1:3)])
rownames(plotMigsaRes) <- migsaRes$id
res <- migsaHeatmap(plotMigsaRes,
categories = categories,
categLabels = categLabels, colPal = colPal, col.dist = col.dist,
row.dist = row.dist, layout = layout
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases migsaHeatmap,matrix-method
#' @importFrom ggdendro ggdendrogram
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes element_blank element_text geom_text geom_tile ggplot
#' @importFrom ggplot2 guide_legend guides scale_fill_gradient scale_fill_manual
#' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_x_continuous scale_y_continuous scale_y_discrete
#' @importFrom ggplot2 theme unit xlab ylab coord_flip
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram hclust
#' @importFrom vegan vegdist
#' @include MIGSAmultiplot.R
#' @include MIGSAres.R
#' @include MIGSAres-setEnrCutoff.R
f = "migsaHeatmap",
signature = c("matrix"),
definition = function(migsaRes, categories = list(), categLabels = TRUE,
colPal = c("white", "red"), col.dist = NA, row.dist = NA, layout = NA) {
stopifnot(length(colPal) == 2)
stopifnot(all(unlist(lapply(categories, length)) == ncol(migsaRes)))
stopifnot((!is.null(rownames(migsaRes))) &
plotInfo <- melt(migsaRes)
colnames(plotInfo) <- c("Rows", "Cols", "Value")
isNumeric <- is.numeric(migsaRes[1, 1])
if (is.na(col.dist)) {
col.dist <- ifelse(isNumeric, "euclidean", "jaccard")
if (is.na(row.dist)) {
row.dist <- ifelse(isNumeric, "euclidean", "jaccard")
# jaccard clustering per col
ddc.s <- suppressWarnings(vegdist(t(migsaRes), col.dist, na.rm = TRUE))
ddc.s[is.na(ddc.s)] <- 0
hc.s <- hclust(ddc.s, method = "average")
colInd <- hc.s$order
# jaccard clustering per row
ddr.s <- suppressWarnings(vegdist(migsaRes, row.dist, na.rm = TRUE))
ddr.s[is.na(ddr.s)] <- 0
hr.s <- hclust(ddr.s, method = "average")
rowInd <- hr.s$order
# reordering the plot by distances
plotInfo$Cols <- factor(plotInfo$Cols,
levels = colnames(migsaRes)[colInd]
plotInfo$Rows <- factor(plotInfo$Rows,
levels = rownames(migsaRes)[rowInd]
p_heatm <- ggplot(plotInfo, aes(Cols, Rows))
p_heatm <- p_heatm + geom_tile(aes(fill = Value))
p_heatm <- p_heatm + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)
p_heatm <- p_heatm + scale_y_discrete(breaks = NULL)
if (isNumeric) {
p_heatm <- p_heatm + scale_fill_gradient(
low = colPal[[2]],
high = colPal[[1]]
} else {
p_heatm <- p_heatm + scale_fill_manual(values = colPal)
p_heatm <- p_heatm + theme(
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.key.size = unit(8, "points"),
legend.text = element_text(size = unit(8, "points")),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)
p_heatm <- p_heatm + guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 2))
# now the dendro
p_dendro <- ggdendrogram(hc.s, labels = TRUE)
p_dendro <- p_dendro + scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.005, 0))
p_dendro <- p_dendro + scale_x_continuous(
expand =
c(1 / (ncol(migsaRes) - 3) / 2, 0)
p_dendro <- p_dendro + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)
p_dendro <- p_dendro + theme(
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm")
if (is.null(names(categories)) && length(categories) > 0) {
names(categories) <- seq_along(categories)
# now each category plot
categPlots <- lapply(names(categories), function(actCategName) {
actCategory <- categories[[actCategName]]
# get category overlap degree
categOverlap <- do.call(
rbind, lapply(unique(actCategory), function(actCateg) {
# actCateg <- unique(actCategory)[[1]];
actCategIdxs <- which(actCategory == actCateg)
categRes <- migsaRes[, actCategIdxs, drop = FALSE]
categRowSums <- rowSums(categRes, na.rm = !FALSE)
nEnr <- unlist(lapply(
c(1, c(.25, .5, .75, 1) * ncol(categRes)),
function(i) {
sum(categRowSums >= i)
nAnalyzed <- nEnr[[1]]
nEnr <- nEnr[-1]
nEnr <- paste(nEnr, " (", round((nEnr / nEnr[[1]]) * 100), "%)",
sep = ""
res <- c(length(actCategIdxs), nAnalyzed, nEnr)
rownames(categOverlap) <- unique(actCategory)
colnames(categOverlap) <- c(
"#exps", ">= 1", "> 25%", "> 50%", "> 75%", ">= 100%"
print.noquote(paste0("Category: ", actCategName))
actCategory <- actCategory[colInd]
actCategory <- data.frame(
x = factor(1:length(actCategory)),
y = factor(1), cat = actCategory
p_actCat <- ggplot(actCategory, aes(x, y))
p_actCat <- p_actCat + geom_tile(aes(fill = cat))
if (categLabels) {
p_actCat <- p_actCat + geom_text(aes(label = cat))
p_actCat <- p_actCat + xlab(NULL) + ylab(NULL)
p_actCat <- p_actCat + scale_y_discrete(breaks = NULL)
p_actCat <- p_actCat + theme(
legend.position = "none",
plot.margin = unit(c(0, 0, 0, 0), "mm"),
axis.title.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank()
p_actCat <- p_actCat + guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow = 1))
n <- length(levels(actCategory$cat))
actColors <- hcl(h = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1), l = 65, c = 100)[1:n]
p_actCat <- p_actCat +
scale_fill_manual(values = actColors, drop = FALSE)
allPlots <- list()
allPlots[[1]] <- p_dendro
allPlots[seq_len(length(categPlots)) + 1] <- categPlots
allPlots[[length(allPlots) + 1]] <- p_heatm
if (is.na(layout)) {
layout <- c(
rep(1, 10),
rep(2:(length(categPlots) + 1),
each = floor(10 / length(categPlots))
rep(length(allPlots), 80)
) # heatmap
layout <- c(rep(1, 100 - length(layout)), layout)
layout <- matrix(layout, nrow = 100, ncol = 1)
multiplot(plotlist = allPlots, layout = layout)
res <- list(
plot = allPlots, plotLayout = layout, rowInd = rowInd,
colInd = colInd, data = migsaRes[rowInd, colInd],
rowDendrogram = hr.s, colDendrogram = hc.s
#' @name geneSetBarplot
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases geneSetBarplot,MIGSAres-method
#' @exportMethod geneSetBarplot
setGeneric(name = "geneSetBarplot", def = function(migsaRes, ...) {
#' @rdname MIGSAres-plots
#' @aliases geneSetBarplot,MIGSAres-method
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes geom_bar ggplot
#' @include MIGSAres-setEnrCutoff.R
f = "geneSetBarplot",
signature = c("MIGSAres"),
definition = function(migsaRes, enrFilter = 0) {
# we must have a cutoff for this function
migsaRes <- setDefaultEnrCutoff(migsaRes)
# keep gene sets enriched in more than enrFilter experiments
actRes <- migsaRes[rowSums(migsaRes[, -(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE) >
enrFilter, ]
plotRes <- data.frame(actRes[, 1:3],
number = rowSums(actRes[, -(1:3)], na.rm = TRUE)
# reordering bars
plotRes$id <- factor(plotRes$id,
levels = plotRes$id[order(plotRes$number,
decreasing = TRUE
plotRes <- plotRes[order(plotRes$number, decreasing = TRUE), ]
p <- ggplot(plotRes)
p <- p + geom_bar(aes(id, y = number), stat = "identity")
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